Stone Forest City’s private house bidding at first went crazy. There was no such thing as Common player thought. There were not many people fighting. On the contrary, each and everyone was like robbing Chinese cabbage. Two eyes were blood red, who was with me. I’ll fight hard with anyone.

The atmosphere in the entire venue is extremely high and boiling.

“cracking a joke! It’s just renting for one month. Someone can shout 50,000 credit points, are these people crazy?” Cleric, a Level 56 female sitting on the side of Tiantong, said in a speechless voice.

In her opinion, the private house in Stone Forest City is indeed good. It is very convenient to enter and exit Bottomless Abyss, which undoubtedly saves a lot of time to go back. Let Stamina and mental power get a reply earlier, which will speed up indirectly. Level up speed, but the increase is very limited. The level up speed mainly depends on the player’s own level.

Previously, the price of 30,000 credit points was already very high in her opinion. There are definitely not many players that can afford to rent, but now each and everyone is crazy, with more than 100 bidders. -Man, some people have been overtaken by other people’s quotations before they come. The rich are more than one.

In the blink of an eye, it has risen to 50,000 credit points a month…

“No, these people understand the true role of Stone Forest City’s private residence.” Tiantong shook the head said, “Compared with the accelerated level up speed of private houses, the time saved on the return journey is the most important. With this time, you can do more training in Stone Forest City. I heard that there is magic power in Stone Forest City. The richness is far superior to God and Demon Fighting Arena. Staying in it alone can make your mind and body react faster. If you can train in it for a long time, the speed will be improved much faster than the outside world.”

All levels and equipment in God’s Domain are all imaginary, and only their own strength is the root of everything.

For a real expert, nothing is more important than improving her combat level. It is precisely because of this that she wants to rent a private house in Stone Forest City.

At this point Tiantong explained, the bidding price had risen to sixty-five thousand, which made the Common players present sigh.

“70,000!” Tiantong said.

“80,000!” Soon a Level 68 Ranger not saying anything further offered a higher price.

“Two hundred thousand! I want this first house!” At this time, a Berserker with Level 69 loudly shouted.

As the Level 69 Berserker spoke, all of the time was full of exclamations.

“200,000? Renting a set villa in the city is enough!”

“Dark Night Empire Berserker Ranked 2nd 16th non-Yu are here? “

“No, I heard that Fei Yu defeated the two Peak Experts of the First-Rate Guild Blood Jade Family before, and now he is ranked 23rd on the Berserker list. I heard that both The Super Organization is wooing him and has issued a contract with a sky-high price.”

“It seems that the first private residence in Stone Forest City is going to be no longer.”

The players on the scene looked at Feiyu who was so energetic and could not help secretly marveling, especially the Common player. They couldn’t understand at all. They just rented a private residence in Stone Forest City for one month. Big experts like Xiang Feiyu are willing to spend 200,000 credit. points, simply crazy.

But just before the host’s Iron Hammer knocked for the first time, a sound once again returned to the entire venue.

“Four hundred thousand credit points! Our Qingkong Adventure Group wants it, I hope everyone can give you face!” A Guardian Knight who reached Level 70 suddenly said.

For a while, everyone on the scene turned their attention to the Level 70 Guardian Knight, each and everyone’s mouth opened wide, and I couldn’t believe it was true.

“No way! The Group Leader of Aozora Adventure Group, is Ninth Heaven also here?”

In Dark Night Empire, Aozora Adventure Group is ranked Top-5 Peak Adventure Group, among which Group Leader Ninth Heaven is one of the top ten Guardian Knights known as Dark Night Empire. According to rumors, it is not inferior to the Peak expert in Super Organization. One person just raised the Azure Adventure Group to Empire Top-5. The Adventure Group attracted the Star Ring Elder to come to win, and it is an absolute influential figure in the entire Dark Night Empire.

“Ninth Heaven is empty, here is a bidding auction, it depends on money to speak.” At this time, a strong Assassin of Level 70 stood up and said, “Our Adventure Group is not talking nonsense, half a million! “

“Five hundred and fifty thousand!”

“Six hundred thousand!”

“Six hundred and fifty thousand!”

Both parties Asking for each other for a while, letting no one else, so that the whole audience became silent.

“As for? Isn’t it just a private residence?”

“Yes! This is the first one, and there will be no more after that?”

“Do these two Adventure Groups make an unpleasant bidding?”

Everyone is totally incomprehensible, just renting a private house in Stone Forest City, not only attracts the two Peak Adventure Groups of Dark Night Empire Competition, the prices offered are also higher than one…

This is just the first private house bidding, and there are obviously many more after that. The two Peak Adventure Groups can be allowed to come, not at all Need to do this step.

“How could this be?” Tiantong looked at her with a deep face.

Originally, she sold the treasure, plus some prepared by herself, and got 300,000 credit points. She wanted to rent a private house in Stone Forest City without any problems. You can even rent her There is no problem in mentioning rise to Level 100, but now I don’t even have the qualification to bid…

At this time, each and everyone on the side of Tiantong was shocked.

In the end, the first private house was photographed by Ninth Heaven of the Blue Sky Adventure Group for a price of 860,000 yuan, which caused a sensation in the audience.

When everyone thought that Qingkong Adventure Group and Fenglang Adventure Group only offered such a high price for a gimmick, then everyone could bid happily.

“Five hundred thousand!”

“Five hundred thousand and fifty thousand!”

The auction for the second private house started, and the price started from 500,000 In the end, it was sold for 930,000 yuan…

The third private house was sold for 880,000 yuan, and the fourth was sold for 890,000 yuan. All of these private houses were bought by Group Leaders of the major Adventure Groups. , There is no chance purchased by Common player at all.

Until the beginning of the auction for the 11th private residence, the Guild Members who had been sitting in the VIP boxes finally made their move.

“1 million !”

“1.2 million !”


With each Big Guild’s move, there is no In the case of Adventure Group, the lowest transaction price is 1.5 million.

“Crazy! These people must be trustees!” The female Cleric sitting on the side of Tiantong couldn’t help saying, “Yes, it must be the trustee!”

Although the female Cleric said so , But Tiantong didn’t think so at all, even many expert players on the scene didn’t think so.

Because the players each and everyone who bid for the price are all characters with faces in Dark Night Empire, even if Zero Wing has a face, it is impossible to get so many influential figures to snatch it up.

Seeing the high-level competition among the Big Guilds, many players in the room understand why the two adventure groups, Qingkong and Fenglang, frantically snatched the first private residence in Stone Forest City. This is simply the secret of the Big Guilds. Let one let these Peak Adventure Group, but let too much, ten places are enough for the Peak Adventure Group of Dark Night Empire to be divided.

“From the very beginning, are we free players not eligible to bid for the private house in Stone Forest City?” Tiantong looked at the private house in Stone Forest City that each and everyone sold and couldn’t help saying with a bitter smile.

At this time, it is not only the Candlelight Trading Company of Dark Night City, but also the Candlelight Trading Company of the major kingdoms and the Empire. The same scene was staged, which caused a sensation in the major kingdoms and the Empire. .

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