The City Lord Mansion of Stone Forest City is different from the Zero Wing City that was built directly. It is not a castle, it is exactly like a spacious courtyard, surrounded by heavy stone walls, and the simple and heavy iron gates are completely closed on both sides. Keep the Tier 2 NPC guards guarding two teams, even the expert player, don’t even want to step in.

As Shi Feng walked to the two iron gates, the guarded Tier 2 NPC guards opened the iron gates directly and stood quietly on both sides, respectfully welcoming Shi Feng to enter.

“Sure enough, the City Lord Mansion Defense here is much stronger.” Shi Feng glanced at the water curtain formed inside the gate, and was sighed.

The Barrier!

This thing is not available in Zero Wing City.

In God’s Domain, there is a huge gap between towns and cities, and even the ways of capturing the two are completely different. For example, to capture the town of Guild, you only need to snatch the Town Token in Guild Encampment, but it is After Guild city, it must capture the City Lord Mansion.

The two seem to be similar, but they are actually as different as heaven and earth.

One is Defensive Magic Array. Generally, Guild Encampment’s Defense requires Guild to get it. High Grade Defensive Magic Array is extremely difficult to obtain, but City Lord Mansion is made of natural Defensive Magic. Array, and the strength of the Defensive Magic Array is stronger than the Defensive Magic Array outside the city, but the driving magic power is weaker, and it cannot last as long as the Defensive Magic Array in the city.

No matter how the Guild Encampment in the second town is rebuilt, it will not affect the town itself, but the rebuilding of the City Lord Mansion can affect the entire city.

Because the City Lord Mansion is the core of the entire city, the stronger the City Lord Mansion, the stronger the entire city will follow.

However, it is not easy to improve City Lord Mansion. It not only requires a lot of money, but also requires various super Rare resources and treasures.

Because of this, the development speed of Guild city has been very slow. Unlike the Guild town, it only needs enough visibility, money and a large number of players.

Generally promoted cities in God’s Domain are stronger than directly built cities, not to mention those promoted with golden tokens.

The barrier is the best proof.

After going to the former life Shi Feng to develop a city into an Intermediate Grade city, the barrier was finally created, but now it’s straightforward to get promoted. The gap is really big.

Although the barrier is not like the Defensive Magic Array, it can resist attacks from the outside, but its usefulness is no less than the Defensive Magic Array, because the barrier can block the invisible attacks and block City Lord Mansion’s connection with the outside world.

If there is a player in the City Lord Mansion who cannot contact the outside world at all without permission, it can be used to deal with the spies in Guild to a large extent, so that these spies cannot be the first Time to deliver the message.

Therefore, many important Guild’s meetings will be held in the City Lord Mansion. To a certain extent, it can prevent the rapid disclosure of information and will not be targeted and attacked by the enemy immediately.

Now that there is a barrier, it can be regarded as a more confidential place for Zero Wing. There is no need for future actions to fortify everywhere, so many big plans cannot be implemented.

After that, Shi Feng walked into the City Lord Mansion. The entire city wall was covered with garden grass, Birds, Speech, Flowers, Fragrances, which gave people a way that they could be easily captured. It was totally different. It was Zero Wing City’s City Lord Mansion that was so heavily guarded.

Shi Feng is already quite familiar with this.

Although Stone Forest City was promoted, Stone Forest City was finally promoted to a city. If the internal development of City Lord Mansion to the existing level of Zero Wing City City Lord Mansion requires a lot of investment Funds and resources are good, which is why the major Super Organizations wanted to attack when Stone Forest City was first promoted.

After all, I have only been promoted, and City Lord Mansion has not developed at all. It is the easiest time to be captured.

If it develops to the point where it becomes a self-contained world, then even the Tier 5 profession will have to sigh.

Although he defeated the major Super Organizations and defended Stone Forest City this time, it is not clear whether he can defend Stone Forest City in the future, so he must upgrade Stone Forest City as soon as possible.

Originally, Heavenly Secret Pavilion meant to allow Stone Forest City to open for two or three days, so that sufficient defense arrangements can be made, but Heavenly Secret Pavilion is not clear. At this time, Shi Feng simply waited. Sorry.

Because whether it is the current Silver Wing Small Town, the development of Guild itself, or even the development of Stone Forest City, this requires a lot of gold coins and resources, but Zero Wing has always been with Star Ring For consumption, the gold coins and resources on hand are extremely short.

Even if this time he obtained a lot of Top Grade weapon equipment from the major Super Organizations, it is nothing compared to the amount of weapon Equipment requirements in Guild Warehouse, and he is also impossible to go. sell.

For the current plan, the only way to start Stone Forest City is as soon as possible.

Then Shi Feng walked into a three-story house in the courtyard. In the house stood an NPCElderly. This NPCElderly was the Administrator of the entire City Lord Mansion. The level was very low, only level 10. But it is in an Invincible state, and no player can cause damage.

“City Lord, what can I do for you?” City Lord Mansion Steward looked at Shi Feng who was walking by, and asked with a smile on his face.

“I want to unblock Stone Forest City.” Shi Feng said directly.

After Stone Forest City is promoted, the entire city is under lockdown. Players without permission cannot enter at all without breaking the Defensive Magic Array and city wall. If you want other players to enter, you must Unblock.

“The subordinates will do it, but after the blockade is lifted, how much do you plan to charge for the entrance fee?” City Lord Mansion Steward slowly said, “The existing scale of Stone Forest City requires Only 40copper coins can be collected.”

“The lowest 40copper coins?” Shi Feng could not help laughing, “Then the highest?”

He finally transferred Stone Forest Small Town to Stone Forest Small Town. Bottomless Abyss, promoted from Small Town to city, is naturally impossible according to the lowest standard.

“At present, you can collect up to three silver coins. If you want to increase it, you need to further improve the city.” City Lord Mansion Steward calculated it and replied in a low voice.

“Then set it to three silver coins.” Shi Feng said without the slightest hesitation.

The entrance fee in God’s Domain is not set by the player how they want. There are upper and lower limits, and the upper and lower limits are determined according to the geographical location and the degree of development of the city. At the beginning, the lower limit of Zero Wing City was 30copper coins, while the current Stone Forest City would require 40copper coins.

In order to attract players, Zero Wing City was originally set to 30copper coins, and as more and more players poured in, the entrance fee has gradually increased to 80copper coins.

However, the situation in Stone Forest City is different. It is located on the 1st floor of Bottomless Abyss. It is also destined that the number of players who can come here will not be many. Naturally, it cannot be set low. After all, Stone Forest City is now Bottomless Abyss. The only rest place in Bottomless Abyss, unlike Zero Wing City, is a necessity in Bottomless Abyss.

“Yes, I will do it now.” City Lord Mansion Steward bowed and left.

I saw City Lord Mansion Steward leave for less than five minutes, and the entire Stone Forest City also sent a regional System announcement, announcing that the entire Stone Forest City was lifted and officially opened to the outside world.

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