Star-Moon Kingdom, Star Moon City.

At this time, I saw batch after batch of player teams popping up in the Teleportation Hall. Each and everyone Level is at least 60 Fifth Level or above expert, and the equipment Common on the body is also Level 60 Mithril. The above was only transmitted in the Star Moon City Teleportation Hall, and soon each and everyone walked to the Kingdom Teleportation Array on the other side, and soon vanish was in the eyes of everyone, batch after batch.

If you look closely at these player teams, you will find that these player teams are actually major Adventure Groups, many of which are well-known Adventure Groups.

The spectacular scene made the players each and everyone in the Star Moon City Teleportation Hall stunned. They didn’t know what happened. There would be so many Adventure Groups coming from other Kingdom and Empire to Star. -Moon Kingdom.

While the players in Star Moon City were full of curiosity about this, in the VIP box on the top floor of a High Grade restaurant in Teleportation Hall, there was a man who reached Level 67 quietly watching this. Everything, his eyes are full of envy and emotion.

If a Star Moon City player sees this man at this time, I am afraid they will be shocked.

Because this man is no one else, it is the Guild Master Past Galactic of Star Moon City like the King-like Galactic Alliance.

“This time the Zero Wing general trend has been achieved. In the future, the major Super Organizations want to economically suppress Zero Wing in the Star-Moon Kingdom. I am afraid it is already impossible.” Sitting high in the Teleportation Hall restaurant The Past Galactic child in the movie looked at the team that each and everyone was sent away, very envious.

The news that Shi Feng defeated the allied forces of the major Super Organizations has not yet spread to Star-Moon Kingdom, but as First-Rate Guild’s Galactic Alliance, it is also the subsidiary Guild of Heavenly Secret Pavilion, in Super Organization’s At the same time that the coalition forces were defeated, he already knew the news.

For such a result, it can be said that he completely exceeded his expectations.

didn’t expect Zero Wing so I can hold it!

Zero Wing guarded Stone Forest City, that is, guarded a diamond Mine. Guild’s funding problems will no longer be a problem in the future, and it can definitely support the development of Zero Wing at its current scale. The only weakness in Star-Moon Kingdom is gone. If the major Super Organizations want to use Zero Wing, it is definitely difficult and difficult, and it is thankless. I am afraid that few Super Organizations will do so. .

And this kind of thing is what they have been pursuing for the First-Rate Guild, but now a new Guild established in God’s Domain can do it.

And no one would have thought that Star Ring blocked Zero Wing, and Zero Wing immediately fought back. The most important point is that the fight was so fierce, it can be said to completely abolish Undead Ancient Country. Fortress…

“Guild Master, even so, Zero Wing has to face more problems. Before, Star Ring could not care much about Zero Wing, but now Stone Forest City is stuck there. This is the enemy of life and death for Star Ring, and this time Zero Wing provokes too many Super Organizations, I am afraid that there will be no good life in the future.” Purple Eye slowly said on the side.

To refute this Past Galactic not at all.

In his opinion, this time Zero Wing backhanded down the Star Ring’s fortress is doing a very good job. After all, the two sides have already torn their faces. It is not bad for the new and old hatred, but Zero Wing finally killed the army of the major Super Organizations, which is definitely a big failure.

Perhaps the major Super Organizations now have no choice but to take Stone Forest City and Zero Wing, but God Level’s Regional Dungeon does not sole the small piece of the Forest of the Dead, and there are more expansive Heaven and Earth, which are needed A place where a strong expert can help.

What’s more, the quantity and quality of the expert of Super Organization is not what Zero Wing can imagine. When the time comes Zero Wing’s member runs out of the Forest of the Dead, it will die miserably.

When the Great Influences in Star-Moon Kingdom were discussing this spiritedly, the Adventure Group gathered at the gate of Zero Wing Residence was also overcrowded, and it was impossible to even pass through the Zero Wing Residence normally.

This made Aqua Rose, who organized the recruitment, looked at it for a moment.

Expert, she has never seen it before, but it is definitely the first time that so many experts have come to join Zero Wing.

It is roughly estimated that there are tens of thousands of people…

Moreover, there are half-step micro and even micro-experts among these experts. This kind of thing was never done before. imagination.

Be aware that the half-step micro experts are at least Group Leader-level figures in the core team when placed in the First-Rate Guild. Not to mention the micro experts, which are definitely in the First-Rate Guild. The core high-level, the real big expert.

Like she is just a micro.

But now these people come to join Zero Wing, each and everyone starts with Elite member at most…

“Guild Master, what kind of Magic did you use?” Aqua Rose Excitedly contacted Shi Feng, “Solely now we have more than 300 well-known Adventure Groups in Guild’s, and there are also more than 20 Peak-level Adventure Groups. According to rough statistics, there are currently more than 200 half-step micro experts who want to Join, there are more than 15 micro experts……”

At present, there are no 15 micro experts in the total of Zero Wing, so the number of micro experts in the First-Rate Guild of Zero Wing is very difficult to deal With, now if these experts are added, the battle strength of the micro expert will be overturned.

Those Common First-Rate Guilds can no longer be compared with their Zero Wings. I am afraid that only a few Peak-level old First-Rate Guilds can be approached.

“Are there more than two hundred half-step micro experts and 15 or more micro experts? It seems that the effect of this battle is not bad.” Shi Feng faintly smiled, not at all surprised.

After all, his fighting intent is extraordinary, not because he defeated the coalition forces of the major Super Organizations, but Stone Forest City defended it.

Because as long as there are massive gold coins and resources continuously provided by Stone Forest City, Super Organization will be very troublesome to deal with such forces, and money and resources are the basis of Super Organization.

Now that Zero Wing has such a foundation, the probability of becoming a Super Organization in God’s Domain in the future is extremely high, and it has shown that it can compete with the Super Organization. Naturally, there are many experts who want to join. After all, it is from the merits of the dragon. Zero Wing lacks people in all aspects. In the future, the probability of the high-level hybrid Zero Wing is also very large. These half-step micro and micro experts will naturally rush to join.

“In addition, there are some Peak Adventure Groups willing to join us in Zero Wing, when the time comes to fight our Zero Wing’s enemies together in Bottomless Abyss.” Aqua Rose said hesitantly, “It’s just that they want Stone Forest City The adventurer resident.”

Peak-level Adventure Group is very expert, and there are even micro expert oversees. Some of the Peak Adventure Groups can make Super Organization feel jealous.

And this time their Zero Wing provokes a lot of Super Organizations, and they are destined to be troubled in Bottomless Abyss in the future. With their Zero Wing family alone, I am afraid it will be difficult to find other places in Bottomless Abyss in the future. Based, after all, the Forest of the Dead in Bottomless Abyss is only a small part.

“They want to directly ask for the adventurer site to be impossible. Of course, if they are willing to buy it, it is not impossible. A five-ten thousand gold or equivalent Mana Crystal is also fine.” Shi Feng shook the head said.

Adventurer resident equivalent to Guild’s temporary resident, allows members of Adventure Group to enter and exit Stone Forest City quickly and freely, but this adventurer resident cannot be produced infinitely, but has a limited number.

Because the adventurer resident is a unique building in Guild Town to reach Guild City, there are only ten places in Basic Grade City, and one less place is used. Unless Guild City is promoted, this place will increase.

“Five ten thousand gold?” Aqua Rose couldn’t help but startled, “This price……”

Five ten thousand gold can be purchased in an Empire’s Imperial Capital A very good plot of land, for an adventurer station in Guild city, I am afraid that no Adventure Group will agree to it.

“Yes, five ten thousand gold, if they are not willing to buy, we will not force it.” Shi Feng is very affirmed.

“I understand, and then I will contact them.” Aqua Rose saw that Shi Feng’s heart had been resolved, so she could only nodded and agree. As for the question of finding a helper in the wild, she could only slowly Looking for chance.

After contacting Aqua Rose, Shi Feng also went directly to City Lord Mansion in Stone Forest City, preparing to officially open Stone Forest City.

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