After the electric sword light passed by, Morning Shine and Wind Demon, who were far apart, saw this scene almost instinctively and retreated at full speed. They did not dare to approach Shi Feng for half a step, staring at imposing. The manner is turbulent like Shi Feng of Great Desolate ferocious beast.

“Couldn’t he be that Old Monster disguised?” Wind Demon looked at Shi Feng’s with amazement.

Except for Morning Shine, who is half a step away from Control of Domain, the explosion of their three demons is unstoppable, and their attribute strength is definitely Tier 4 level.

But facing Shi Feng’s sword, their Strength could not be resisted.

He can’t imagine how strong Shi Feng’s Strength is now.

Compared with Shi Feng’s Strength, Shi Feng’s temperament is the most terrifying. It doesn’t look like a young man at all. Before Shi Feng’s sword, if they were not far away, he felt that the imposing manner suddenly Ascending Shi Feng, he instinctively turned on his life-saving skill. I am afraid that the sword just killed all of them.

And Sword Demon and Heart Demon are right in their arms.

Because Skill is in use.

In God’s Domain, if a player is using a skill, there will be a short interval before using other skills. The stronger the skill, the longer the interval.

Obviously, Shi Feng has grasped this point and has been waiting for this moment to come, like a swordsman, silently, until the enemy reveals his weakness and gives Fatal Strike.

Although Sword Demon and Heart Demon are aware of Shi Feng’s mutation, they have not had time to deal with this right sword in the use of Skill…




The three of them don’t even have one weakness. Normally, young people will not tolerate after having a strong Strength. They are like the sun. They can’t wait to show all the Strength to the world, but Shi Feng But not. He is a veteran who has experienced wind and rain for decades. He will never use his hole cards until the last moment, and every hole card will be used in the right place.

At this time, not only Wind Demon thought so, but even Yuan Tiexin, who was fighting in the distance, couldn’t help but think so.

Shi Feng’s trump cards are one after another. Even the Old Guy who has seen countless winds and waves like him can’t see through Shi Feng. On the contrary, the more you observe, the more dense the fog on Shi Feng’s body becomes. It’s not like a youngster like Purple Jade at all, there is no hiding in the straight back and forth.

Now, Sword Demon, the most powerful direct warfare among the Three Demons, and Heart Demon, the strongest long-range attack, have been killed. With Wind Demon and Morning Shine alone, Shi Feng has been unable to suppress Shi Feng, and it is only a matter of time before they are killed. problem.

As long as Morning Shine and Heart Demon die and no one can command the Star Ring, the situation can lead to them.

“Black Flame, you are very good, I really didn’t expect you to be so strong.” Morning Shine looked at Shi Feng who was about to move on, suddenly said with a sneer, “But even if you are strong , I can’t stop Stone Forest City from being destroyed today!”

“Morning Shine, don’t you mean to…” Wind Demon heard it, and suddenly a look of horror appeared on his face.

This time they came to Bottomless Abyss and actually had two preparations. One was to snatch Stone Forest City and the other was to destroy Stone Forest City.

Just destroying Stone Forest City is the next choice after all, and the price is very high, less than the most back-up section that will not be used as a last resort.

Because of this method, no one wants to leave alive.

Not waiting for Wind Demon to stop it, Morning Shine has taken out a very dark seed from inventory.

Although this seed is only the size of a finger, the coercion it exudes is terrifying, even Tier 4 Legendary’s Flame Battle Elephant is far behind.

The emergence of solely this seed, Common Tier 2 player within a radius of 10 yards will probably kneel to the ground because of the terrifying force, and this seed has the force of terrifying, The haunting Dark Qi is also very rich, not comparable to the Dark Qi in Bottomless Abyss.

The appearance of Dark Seed gave Yuan Tiexin and the others present a very bad premonition.

At their level, the five senses have reached their limits, and Sixth Sense is exceptionally sharp. Because of this, they can escape each and everyone life and death crisis in God’s Domain adventure. At this time they watched Dark Seed, the warning from the brain is stronger than ever, and it is enough to explain the terrifying of this Dark Seed.

Just when Yuan Tiexin and the others wanted to stop Morning Shine, who had fallen into madness, Morning Shine not saying anything further threw Dark Seed to the ground.

The moment Dark Seed touched the ground, Dark Seed frantically absorbed the Power of Darkness all around, and in a blink of an eye it began to grow rapidly, turning into a towering tree with flowers and fruits.

As the pitch-black fruit that is full of hills falls on the ground and slowly cracks, a breath of death and destruction spreads, and the terrifying imposing manner is even frantically attacking Stone Forest City Defensive Magic Array’s three-headed Flame Battle Elephant couldn’t help but tremble, and the players within a thousand yards of each other became extremely heavy.

At this moment, it seems that the entire space has become a little solidified.

From the dark fruit, I saw a demon with three corners burning with emerald flames, full of pitch-black scales, and sheep’s head and snake tail.

Be more accurate. This is no longer a devil, but a Great Devil above the devil!

Moorfinz (Marquis), living creature, Great Devil, Level 8 and Level 7, HP 640 million.

“Black Flame! Are you not good at fighting? Now I will let you fight enough!” Morning Shine looked at the Great Devil emerging from the dark fruits and couldn’t help laughing.

Dark Seed is the most back-up section of the Star Ring Guard fortress. It is more appropriate to use perish together than Guard, because Dark Seed will summon Great Devil after use, and summon Great Devil Devil is different from the general Great Devil, but has the official title of Great Devil. The strength is not comparable to the general Great Devil.

And this Great Devil is still out of control, and will continue to kill players, thereby opening the Devil’s Gate and allowing the devil army to enter God’s Domain. It can be said to be a kind of disaster.

Originally, he didn’t intend to use this thing, but Shi Feng has disrupted his original plan and made him a big failure in Star Ring, so he can’t control it either. That many, he wants to let Shi Feng see with his own eyes the destruction of the city he built by himself, and let Zero Wing fall into the abyss of ten thousand zhang.

At this moment, Yuan Tiexin looked at Moorfinz who appeared, his face was indescribably gloomy.

The demon living creature is different from the Common monster system, but there is also a bloodline. The bloodline determines the title. The more noble the bloodline, the higher the title, and the more noble the bloodline, the stronger the strength. .

According to the information found by their Heavenly Secret Pavilion, the general Viscount-level demon is comparable to the ancient seed, but at this time the demon is Marquis, which is two levels higher than Viscount. Waiting for strength simply cannot imagine.

As everyone in Stone Forest City looked at the mighty Great Devil Moorfinz, they couldn’t help despairing.

Tier 4 Legendary monster was originally an invincible existence of the current player, but now there has been a presence that is almost Invincible in Tier 4 monster. It can be said that Tier 5 NPC is not available now, no What can one do with Moorfinz in front of him.

“Dark Seed?” Shi Feng glanced at Morning Shine who was in madness, shook the head and said, “Morning Shine Vice-Guild Master, I said before, you shouldn’t come here, since If you don’t want it, then just stay!”

Speaking of Shi Feng, he took out the Book of Darkness from inventory, and turned his eyes to Moorfinz floating in midair to start the Divine Grace Bestowed by the Heaven Chant curse Text.

Devil Ruler!

Suddenly, the dark chains directly trapped Great Devil Moorfinz. Moorfinz was shocked and wanted to struggle desperately, but facing the genuine Book of Darkness, even Great Devil could not resist.

I saw Great Devil Moorfinz after struggling for a while, his eyes suddenly became distracted, he had obviously lost his will, and he flew to Shi Feng’s direction after slapped his wings twice, standing respectfully. Behind Shi Feng’s.

At this moment, the whole audience became dead silent!

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