Berserk鈥檚 Thunder Strength wanders through the empty ground, and the entire ground is more like being hit by a meteorite.

A Heavenly Pit with a radius of more than 200 yards was presented in front of everyone. In the Heavenly Pit are various weapon equipment scattered with player drops. There are thousands of pieces, and each The worst equipment is the Adamantite Rank of Level 65. With so many Top Grade weapon equipment, even the Super Organization will be jealous.

But when everyone saw this scene, all they had in their hearts were horror and fear.

There are thousands of experts, and these experts are not Common experts, and quite a few are micro-level experts. In the First-Rate Guild, they are all Peak experts that can be counted on one’s fingers. Now it’s so easy to kill, and there is not even a trace of resistance to Strength…

“Why is this?!”

Yuan Tiexin standing on the city wall looks With this scene, my heart is full of incredible.

Star Ring has an Epic Level Defense orb, which is more precious than Zero Wing’s Mobile Defensive Magic Array. The ultimate endurance can reach Tier 4. As long as it is turned on, it is considered a Magic Tower. All attacks can be resisted.

It is precisely because of this that Morning Shine dared to appear in Stone Forest City less than a thousand yards away.

The only disadvantage is that it is troublesome to supplement magic power. It takes a long time to supplement with Mana Crystal after one use.

But even so, Star Ring relied on this Defense orb to smash War Spirit Uprise, preventing War Spirit Uprise from successfully taking down the fortress of Undead Ancient Country, and instead lost a lot of manpower.

But this Defense orb, which was regarded by Star Ring as Defense supreme treasure, was destroyed in an instant, and even the ability to resist it could not be achieved. It was destroyed in an instant, killing Star Ring thousands of experts, Heavy damage to the three-headed Legendary Level monster……

“How much strength does this Black Flame hide?” Sheng Wuji in the distance was also stunned at this moment, unable to help looking towards Magic Mirror standing on the city wall Shi Feng on.

Before Shi Feng Execution Heavenly Demon Group’s Strength was terrifying enough, but compared with the present, it is simply insignificant.

If Shi Feng used this move before, I am afraid that their Horned Dragon group and Heavenly Demon Group are alone and don’t even want to leave alive, and they will be turned into fly ash in an instant.

The Morning Shine, which was originally turned into fly ash on Flame Battle Elephant, suddenly condensed into an entity again. Seeing this dilapidated scene, the eyes were panicked and angry.

“Black! Flame! I want you to die!” Morning Shine two eyes Reddens, looking at Shi Feng, he almost spit out each word.

He is the Vice-Guild Master of Star Ring. Star Ring equips him with an ancient Reborn Scroll, which allows him to have a second life without any death penalty.

But the ancient Reborn Scroll is extremely precious. He also gave one after jumping to the Star Ring. It is almost impossible to get one.

But these are not the most important.

Thousands of expert deaths are the deadliest!

These experts are not any cat and dog in Guild. The Tower of Trial can only reach the fifth floor Common Expert. They are all carefully selected experts. The last time they are the Tower of Trial The expert on the seventh floor.

Not to mention that in order to snatch Stone Forest City this time, Guild Master Lu Xingluo also gave him the power to call a large number of micro experts, micro experts! Everyone is the hard work of Guild.

Because of Shi Feng’s move, more than two hundred people have been killed…

Such a large loss, this has not happened since the establishment of Star Ring, but it is so The thing happened to him, and the reason for all this is because of Shi Feng!

After Morning Shine issued the order, the three Flame Battle Elephant roared and slammed directly into the Defensive Magic Array in Stone Forest City. The remaining nearly a thousand Star Ring members all took out their own The hole card went directly to Stone Forest City.

For a time, Magic and roar became the main theme of the Forest of the Dead.

Although the three-headed Flame Battle Elephant is in a state of severe damage, it is still a Legendary monster. It can exert the power of Tier 4 and cause a lot of energy consumption on the Defensive Magic Array, and the fully armed Star Ring member each and everyone You can also play the strength of Tier 3, and the attack of nearly a thousand people is not a small impact on Defensive Magic Array.

Just a wave of attacks caused the Defensive Magic Array in Stone Forest City to shake violently, and there was a faint feeling that it could not be supported.

And everyone in Stone Forest City also launched a counterattack, each and everyone cast Magic on the city wall, or use Miniature Ballista and Defensive Turret, etc., even Magic Tower also launched a crazy attack on Star Ring .

However, the members of Star Ring are all experts. Apart from the troublesome attacks on Magic Tower, they can easily dodge other attacks. However, the interval between Magic Tower attacks is very long, and there is only one. Far less than Defensive Turret and Arrow Tower.

As for the NPC guards in the city, they only attack by remote means such as Magic, and they cannot take advantage of close proximity. Because there are three Legendary monsters outside, the NPC guards are only dead end when they go out. It鈥檚 better to be on the city wall. On attack.

The only people who can go out are Shi Feng and other Peak experts of Heavenly Secret Pavilion and Heavenly Secret Pavilion to get more than a dozen Tier 3 Summoned Beasts, because the battle at this level seems small, but Common Experts and micro experts are just cannon fodder.

“Dead! Die! Black Flame, die for me!”

Morning Shine unreservedly drank Berserk Potion, turned on the burst mode, and led people to Shi Feng, and more It’s Morning Shine, even the three Old Monsters who followed Morning Shine, and these three Old Monsters are Shi Feng’s acquaintances, Sword Demon, Wind Demon, and Heart Demon in Four Demons of Ghost Shadow.

The combination of these three Control of Domain experts is not comparable to the Heavenly Demon Group and the Horned Dragon group. In Berserk Potion and burst mode, Strength has Tier 4 power, each and everyone can be in In a short time to compete with the Tier 4 Legendary monster of the same level, the three teamed up to even if Gods block, kill the Gods, the devil blocks the devil.

Faced with the combined offensive of the four, even Shi Feng who turned on the Power of Heavenly Dragon was at a disadvantage, and his HP continued to drop.

Of course, the Power of Heavenly Dragon opened by Shi Feng is ultimately overbearing. The improvement of Strength attribute is not comparable to the Common Berserk Skill. In addition, Shi Feng uses meet force with force in every move, which makes The HP of the Morning Shine four is also a drop, and Shi Feng has lost how much HP due to Power of Heavenly Dragon鈥檚 superior Defense not at all.

As time goes by on the battlefield, the battle situation is getting more and more intense. Personal Skill Magic is no longer enough. Each and everyone uses magic scroll and various auxiliary items.

Heart Demon was crazy about Shi Feng. When he saw Shi Feng’s HP fell in half, he took out a crystal stone not saying anything further and poured it directly into the Magic he was using. Tier 2 Magic are all promoted to Tier 3 Magic, and with the explosive promotion, even Tier 4 Legendary monster can’t stop it.

More than 30 Magic guns pierced Shi Feng from all directions. Each Magic gun has Tier 4 power, and more than 30 Magic guns are in Heart Demon鈥檚 Under the control, he has his own will, like a flexible fish, flying towards Shi Feng.

And the Sword Demon on the side did not show weakness. The Broadsword in his hand suddenly ray of light soared, and it hit Shi Feng with a cut, completely blocking Shi Feng’s retreat.

“Come well!”

At this time, Shi Feng also felt the threat of death, and his life-saving skills were all used up, he could not help but turn on Sword Blade Liberate. The breath skyrocketed, and it was a sword against the Magic Spear and Chop of Light in all directions.

Thunderlight Chop!

A sword glow of azure bloomed, and everything it passed was turned into a black line, as if the Heaven and Earth were divided into two, more than 30 Magic Spears and Chop of Light were crushed , The strong sword glow then passed by Sword Demon and Heart Demon who were too late to dodge, and their HP instantly returned to zero.

And in this brief moment, everyone present was taken aback.

A human enemy, Star Ring Guild鈥檚 four major experts, three of which are monster-level experts, each of which is a headache for Super Organization, but the final result is an instant kill by Shi Feng. Two people, force the four experts!

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