Beastman Empire, on the vast plain not far from the Beastman Royal City, because there is no Beastman going there, it can be said to be the safest place outside the Beastman Royal City Regional Dungeon. Almost all Great Influences are located here Campsite for the player to restore and rest, so that they can enter the Beastman Royal City for land clearing.

Although this is not a town, it is not as prosperous as any fortress in the Beastman Empire. The number of players that usually gather is as many as a million, and the entire plain is full.

In this plain camp full of tents, a large area of ​​the land is occupied by a new force, but none of the Great Influences present dare to say anything, because this force is not other Power, and the Star Ring Guild, which currently makes all major Super-Guild fearful of three points.

As a 100-man walks towards the camp where Star Ring is located, the attention of all the players in the room is instantly drawn.

Because everyone in this 100-man rides a black war bear with a body size of more than three meters. The grandiose is very majestic, and the level of these players is above Level 67. Each and everyone exudes iron Blood. Qi Qi is not a Common player at all, just like an orderly army. The worst equipment on his body is Adamantite Rank of Level 65. This is the Top Grade equipment in the mind of expert players.

Moreover, everyone feels that the gap with these players is not solely from Basic Attribute, but also from Life Level.

The middle-aged strong man headed by the middle-aged man made many experts present feel breathless. The oppression is particularly strong, like a Great Desolate ferocious beast standing in front of him, and if he changes slightly, Will be torn into eight pieces.

“Guild Master, he is who? How do I feel that he looks familiar, but can’t remember who it is?” Purple Eye, resting in the Galactic Alliance camp, looked at the strong man entering the Star Ring camp , Couldn’t help asking.

“Of course you are familiar. He destroyed a Kingdom man in God’s Domain West Continent. You may not be familiar with the name Startling Wind. I think you should have heard of the title Mad Beast.” Past Galactic looked at this strong man with dreadful eyes, “didn’t expect Star Ring to invite this lunatic from the West Continent, I am afraid this Zero Wing will be dangerous.”

“Is he the Mad Beast?” Purple Eye couldn’t help being surprised.

As for the name of Mad Beast, the players developed in God’s Domain East Continent may not be very clear, or even know, after all, the two continents are rare, but as the senior level of First-Rate Guild’s, they will know some Things on the Western Continent.

Among them, Mad Beast disturbed the influential figure of the West Continent. With just an Adventure Group, it destroyed a Kingdom ruled by the Super Organization, making all the Super Organizations helpless lunatics.

At this time, Past Galactic did not solely discover Mad Beast, and many Great Influence executives also recognized Mad Beast.

“Star Ring is Star Ring. Even Mad Beast can invite you. It’s no wonder that all major Super Organizations are afraid of Star Ring by three points. Zero Wing previously let Star Ring lose a person that big, even It’s almost becoming a joke in the Super Organization. It’s dead now.”

“I don’t know what Mad Beast is going to do with Star-Moon Kingdom this time, I hope it’s not too cruel, or else Our days are going to be difficult.”

Everyone discussed the appearance of Mad Beast spiritedly for a while.

In the Star Ring camp, with the arrival of Mad Beast and the others, Xuanyuan Three Kill, the fourth Vice-Guild Master of Star Ring, also took the initiative to welcome it.

“Brother Startling Wind, long time no see, it’s really good that you are willing to come over this time.” Xuanyuan Three Kill looked at the imposing manner Mad Beast Startling Wind, and couldn’t help feeling a little sigh.

He and Mad Beast Startling Wind are old acquaintances, it can be said that they debuted at the same time, but at that time he was standing behind Super-Guild Mundane World Illusory Dragon, and Mad Beast was no one to rely on, singles Alone.

Now the name Mad Beast resounds in the West Continent of God’s Domain, becoming the second Vice-Guild Master of Star Ring, and he is only the fourth Vice-Guild Master of Star Ring.

“I understand that Master Guild wants to completely get rid of Zero Wing. Since I’m here, then Zero Wing’s Doomsday will be here too.” Startling Wind said flatly, “But I will kill you all the way, look at that Zero Wing is also only this. Four Demons of Ghost Shadow was defeated by Zero Wing before. It seems that Four Demons of Ghost Shadow has also fallen.”

“Brother Startling Wind, that Zero Wing is not at all so far. Sending out the real experts in Guild, and in the hands of Zero Wing there are War Puppet and Infernal War Chariot. It would be very troublesome to fight.” Xuanyuan Three Kill explained.

“Zero Wing’s really expert and War Puppet? This is quite interesting, I would like to have a while, I don’t know if it is their swordsmanship or my swordsmanship!” Startling Wind licked the corner of the lips, there was a flash of interest in his eyes, “Since they don’t want to come out now, we will force them to come out. I heard that Zero Wing has a Silver Wing Small Town in the Beastman Empire. I will take someone there for a while. That Silver Wing Small Town is all right.”

Immediately, Startling Wind took his men and horses and rode the war bear directly to the direction of Silver Wing Small Town.

In the central area of ​​Starfall Secret Realm, Shi Feng looked at the Lord of Meteoric Fire sleeping in the lava not far away, and was silent for a long time.

“How can it be improved so much?” Shi Feng looked at the attribute column of Lord of Meteoric Fire, with a headache.

Lord of Meteoric Fire itself is much better than Common’s Legendary monster, and now it has become an Ancient Demon. Not to mention the current 100-man team of Peak experts, even if it’s a Tier 3 profession. When the 100-man comes over, there will be a big question mark if he can win.

After all, Ancient Demon is really amazing. Life Level is comparable to ancient ominous beasts. In the ancient God’s Domain, it exists like Overlord.

On the former life Great Influence to deal with the Ancient Demon-level BOSS, they didn’t dare to find the same level Ancient Demon. They all used the Level 100 Tier 3 team to deal with the Level 90 Legendary Ancient Demon, even Only if it is higher than twenty levels can you dare to do it. This is the terrifying of Ancient Demon.

Before relying on luck and relying on the Quest setting, he managed to kill the Flame Demon King whose Strength was deprived. Now facing the Lord of Meteoric Fire whose Strength is in the Peak state, a thousand-member expert group of the same level is here. All are given.

“No!” Shi Feng looked at the sleeping Lord of Meteoric Fire. The golden divine symbol flashed all over his body. The divine symbol flowed into the body of the Lord of Meteoric Fire, the Lord he had already seen. of Meteoric Fire is completely different, and the power emanating from Lord of Meteoric Fire is slightly enhanced, “Is he in evolution?”

Boss evolution has not happened in God’s Domain. It’s just rarely that’s all. It’s usually caused by something triggered. It’s just that evolution is not an easy task. It takes time to evolve. It’s normal to evolve in two weeks. Of course, it may be completed in two or three days. .

“Quick! Everyone gathers quickly!” Shi Feng took a look and quickly shouted.

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