After the enhancement of Starfall Secret Realm, the number of Lava Giants in the High Lord Rank also increased sharply. Even the Lava Giants in the inner zone made the Zero Wing people feel like they were endless farming.

Eight days in a row!

Shi Feng took the Zero Wing crowd and constantly farmed the High Lord Rank Lava Giant in the inner area, and only then cleared most of it.

But I have to say that Starfall Secret Realm is indeed level up treasure land, even if the Zero Wing everyone’s previous Level was already Level 66, it is now generally up to Level 4, each and everyone has reached Level 70, both The speed of Level 1 is definitely an expert of all major Super Organizations.

While Shi Feng was originally as high as Level 72, he has now risen to two levels deep, reaching Level 74.

However, compared to the level that everyone has improved, the attributes that everyone has improved are the most. In God’s Domain, every Fifth Level is raised by a small level, and every tenth level is raised by a large level. Fire Dance and the others wear Epic Equipment and Lesser Legendary Item will increase with the level, and the attribute will also increase. Now each and everyone has become Level 70, and the attribute has also taken a leap compared to before.

If they are now allowed to deal with the experts during the White River City battle, it will definitely be much easier than before, especially Fire Dance, Gentle Snow, Zhao Yueru, and Cola.

In eight days, everyone also collected ten forgotten armor sets of cloth armor, nine sets of extinct armor sets of leather armor, eight sets of earth vein armor sets of plate armor, and other Mithril Rank and There are more than 900 pieces of Mysterious-Iron Rank Equipment, which is much more than the harvest of the farm Hell Level dungeon team every day.

At this time in the deserted valley, I saw the Zero Wing crowd besieging a Peak High Lord Giant Lava Beast that is seven or eight meters tall. The Giant Lava Beast roars wildly, and the HP is in The Zero Wing attack continued to drop, Fire Dance took the opportunity to go around behind Giant Lava Beast, a Shadow Killing move took away the last trace of Giant Lava Beast HP, the whole action is like floating clouds and flowing water, which is amazing.

As this Level 74 Giant Lava Beast turned into a pile of pieces, everyone’s experience bar also rose a little.

“This Giant Lava Beast is really hard to deal with.”

Turtledove took a look at his HP bar, it has dropped below one third, and the Defense has been weakened by 85%.

Defense is weakened by 85%. Even if you use a shield to resist a blow from Giant Lava Beast, your HP will lose more than 70,000. However, Giant Lava Beast is huge and has a large attack range. No attack is required. Skill allows the player to avoid unavoidable but hard resistance.

If it weren’t for the three major MTs to fight alternately, just relying on one MT could not resist.

“It’s really difficult. Its lava shield has reduced the damage of our Magic System by half. Fortunately, our equipment is good. If we are replaced by the second-tier team in Guild, I am afraid they are not opponents. “Aqua Rose glanced at the dead Giant Lava Beast, deeply impressed.

Giant Lava Beast has a full 100 million HP, plus the battle restore is 2% restore every five seconds, which is twice as high as other monsters. If the team does not output enough, it will be helpless by Giant Lava Beast. , And only their equipment team with a large number of Epic Weapon equipment can handle it.

Although Giant Lava Beast is difficult to deal with, everyone has some surprises after it is killed.

Only one Giant Lava Beast was killed, and more than ten items were dropped, much more than the Lava Giant drops that were killed before.

“Guild Master, how is it? Did you drop the armor set?” Blackie looked at Shi Feng who sorted out the drops and asked expectantly.

I have been killing the Lava Giant of the High Lord Rank before, and now I have killed a Giant Lava Beast.

“There is no armor set, but a good thing is missing, so please take a look.” Shi Feng smiled and put the things from Appraisal in the group chat.

Giant Lava Beast drops only have three pieces of equipment, all of which are Level 70 Adamantite Rank equipment. Although there are also attributes that reduce Stamina consumption, they are still worse than armor sets.

But there is a Skill Book in the Items of these drops, called Super Recovery Technique.

Super Recovery Technique, super Magic, can instantly restore 40% of Stamina to players within 30 yards, and within an hour, Stamina restore speed will be increased by 200%, Basic Attribute will be increased by 15%, and Cooldown Period will be twelve. Hours. (Limited to the Cleric profession)

“This Skill is too awesome!” Blackie’s eyes straightened when he saw it.

Not only can it restore Stamina, but it can also improve the player attribute. It is not an exaggeration to call it a team Divine Skill.

“With this Skill Book alone, a 100-man in Neutral Map may not have to worry about Stamina.” Aqua Rose also stunned.

Currently produced resistance equipment, there are many High Grade unique Potion and other items, many materials are only available in Neutral Map, so each Great Influence desperately wants to land clearing Neutral Map, in order to collect These materials are in preparation for the first kill of the ultra-large dungeon team above Neutral Map Level 70.

As long as you can win the first kill of these ultra-large dungeon team above Level 70, you can not only greatly increase Guild’s popularity and get Top Grade equipment, but you can also get Small Town construction orders. These construction orders are Allowing Small Town to be built on this Neutral Map is equivalent to seizing control of a Neutral Map.

If you want to know that a Neutral Map around Kingdom and Empire is that many, it is difficult for Guild to control the resources of a Neutral Map.

“Then let Violet Cloud learn this Skill Book first.” Shi Feng said.

Everyone agrees with this. Super Recovery Technique is a Magic Skill that only Cleric can learn. Violet Cloud is Guild’s No. 1 Cleric, and Violet Cloud has been following the main team, or else The Neutral Map team is indeed the most suitable person.

After studying Violet Cloud, Shi Feng asked everyone to raise the level of Farm Lava Giant, and at the same time let Fire Dance lead the Assassin team to disperse to find other Giant Lava Beasts, maybe they could get a few more Super Recovery Technique, after all, this Skill Book is too important for a team.

Melancholic Smile suddenly got in touch when everyone at Zero Wing was farming Lava Giant and the level was steadily increasing.

“What happened?” Shi Feng asked Melancholic Smile whose expression was very anxious.

“Guild Master, Star Ring suddenly captured the Beast Blood Fortress of the Beastman Empire not long ago, and then our members in the major Neutral Maps were attacked, especially when we were in the inner area of ​​the Beastman Empire. The member of the event had very serious casualties. I originally asked War Spirit Uprise for support to fight against these people in Star Ring. However, War Spirit Uprise also faced the same situation. It can be said that the Neutral Map of Dark Night Empire is all comprehensive. The war is on.” Melancholic Smile reports.

“It’s no wonder that Star Ring didn’t respond before. It turned out to have been planning this secretly.” Shi Feng couldn’t help but suddenly.

I have to say that such actions of Star Ring have hit Zero Wing very difficult to deal with.

Zero Wing is already deeply ingrained in Star-Moon Kingdom. It is already difficult to use Zero Wing in Star-Moon Kingdom. Generally speaking, we can only start from the economy to suppress Zero Wing’s development, but in Zero Wing After restoring the Common membership of Heavenly Secret Commerce, I want to be hardened economically, and there will be no significant results.

That’s why Star Ring plans to come hard. It secretly gains a foothold in Beastman Empire and can send a large number of experts to Beastman Empire. With the advantage of the number of expert players, Zero Wing can’t mix in the Neutral Map at all.

After all, the situation of Star Ring is no better than before. Star Ring has stabilized the position of Dark Night Empire Overlord. It is difficult to shake other forces. You can send a large number of expert expeditions with peace of mind and have a firm foothold in Beastman Empire. Point, don’t worry about level improvement and development issues, unlike in Star-Moon Kingdom, there is no foothold, the more you fight, the more disadvantages you get.

Even if Zero Wing has War Puppet and Infernal War Chariot, but these things are only suitable for large-scale battles. In the huge Neutral Map, with Zero Wing’s existing War Puppet and Infernal War Chariot, they are basically Little effect.

“Guild Master, what should we do now?” Melancholic Smile asked.

“Let everyone shrink the scope of activities first. It really doesn’t work. Just pay more Mana Crystal and let Guild Member level up in the Other World Gate. As for the Neutral Map, let’s put it first.” Shi Feng After thinking for a while, he said, “When I finish Quest here, I will go back and make other arrangements.”

“I understand.” Melancholic Smile nodded, and I can only do this at present.

After that, Shi Feng hung up the communication and immediately ordered everyone to gather and go directly to the location of the Lord of Meteoric Fire. As for the level up and farm equipment, the current situation no longer allows it.

The Central Zone of Starfall Secret Realm is a lava Hell. There are only a few sporadic boulders standing in the lava, which can barely allow the twenty-thirty people to stand, and in the lava, you can see a whole body covered by lava The formed giant lying in it, with a stature of more than fifty meters, is like a big mountain, exuding terrifying pressure, and the lava living creatures all around dare not get close to half a minute.

“Guild Master, are we really going to deal with this BOSS?” Blackie looked at the lava giant, full of said with a bitter smile.

Don’t solely Blackie think so, Gentle Snow, Aqua Rose and the others present also think so.

Because the lava giant in front of me is no longer strong enough to describe it, it is simply not something the current player can fight against.

Lord of Meteoric Fire (son of Flame King), Elemental Life, Ancient Demon, Legendary Level, Level Level 75, HP 580 million.

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