Melancholic Smile is not an adventurous player, but a Lifestyle Player, but the value of Stamina Potion and Stamina gemstone is clear.

Because the exchange price of Stamina Potion in the Zero Wing Guild is getting higher day by day, even Common Elite members are not eligible for redemption. Only after entering Guild for a long time, Guild contributed a lot and was promoted to High Grade Elite Only the Guild Member is eligible for redemption, and only one bottle can be redeemed every three days, so the Stamina Potion provided every day in Guild will be redeemed.

It can be seen how important it is for Stamina Potion to exchange for the current expert player.

But she doesn’t understand. After all, the player’s level is high now, and it is generally not level up in Kingdom and Empire. Everyone and everyone ran to Neutral Map level up. Where are the opportunities? Not to mention, Level speed is also faster, which is the main reason why Zero Wing City is so popular with Star-Moon Kingdom player.

This is also a fair place for God’s Domain. If you want to be comfortable, you will gain little, and if you dare to take risks, you will gain a lot.

The members of their Zero Wing Guild can improve so fast after reaching Level 50, and the weapon equipment is so good, largely because of Stamina Potion.

As for the Stamina gemstone, it is even more remarkable. Although it is not as powerful as the Stamina Potion, it is permanently effective, and the more the effect, the better. It can be used for a lifetime. It is definitely the Great Influence that takes the lead The treasure of the machine.

Melancholic Smile then asked Candlelight Trading Company to open the counter selling Stamina Potion. At the same time, a counter was set up next to Stamina Potion. One after another Stamina gemstone was placed on it. The bidding price of Stamina gemstone was marked on it. qualifications.

Although there are very few players in Candlelight Trading Company at this time, after Candlelight Trading Company opened a new counter, it still attracted some players’ attention.

“Look, where is a new counter opened!”

“New product launch?”

These Free players are not Dark Night Empire players. Players who only occasionally come to Dark Night City to buy and sell items do not care about the ban under Star Ring. After all, they are no longer developing Dark Night Empire, and the Auction House in Dark Night City cannot buy things. You can go to other players. Empire’s Auction House purchase, for them, not at all much influence.

Now Candlelight Trading Company sells goods far below the market price, so they will naturally not miss the price.

“hmph, do you think it’s useful to launch new products? In the realm of our Star Ring, dare our Star Ring be an enemy, simply overestimate one’s capabilities!” A Star Ring Assassin who pretended to be a Free player looked towards The newly opened counter has a trace of contempt on his face.

Their Star Ring is very wealthy. In fact, even if you don’t use Auction House’s Strength, with their Star Ring trading company’s own Strength, Candlelight Trading Company can’t get a foothold in Dark Night City, let alone now. Their Star Ring got the Auction House of Dark Night City. No one can shake the economy of Dark Night City, even Super-Guild.

In his opinion, the senior management asked him to monitor the Candlelight Trading Company, which is simply unnecessary.

Give the Dark Night Empire ten courage to each Great Influence, and they won’t be troubled with Star Ring for a little profit.

And the Free player alone wants to influence the market of Dark Night City and the economy of their Star Ring. It is simply a idiot. After all, many precious materials of Dark Night Empire require a certain amount of strength to obtain. Free It is too difficult for the player to obtain. Generally, the major Adventure Groups provide precious raw materials for the Big Guild.

Assassin from Star Ring thought so, cry out in surprise suddenly came out in his ear.

“Damn! Stamina Potion! There is Stamina Potion here!”

As the cry out in surprise sounded, the entire lobby of the Candlelight Trading Company was quiet, almost present All the players turned their eyes to the Stamina Potion counter, with a trace of madness in their eyes, and ran away directly.

In less than ten seconds, the players in the lobby gathered in front of the Stamina Potion counter.

“It’s really Stamina Potion!”

“No way! Does Zero Wing even sell this stuff?”

“Damn! It’s only allowed Use Dark Night Empire’s unique materials to redeem!”

The Free player present looked at Stamina Potion on the counter, each and everyone’s breathing became a little bit rapid.

“Boss, I want ten bottles of this Stamina Potion!”

“I want twenty bottles!”

“Boss, how many Stamina Potion do you have here, I want as much!”

After a short stare blankly, hundreds of Free players on the field went crazy. If the counter hadn’t been protected by System rules, they would all have to grab it.

This scene is dumbfounded even on Melancholic Smile on the 2nd floor.

It feels like just a Stamina Potion, is it so crazy?

At the time when Stamina Potion was sold in Star-Moon Kingdom, although everyone was surprised, it was not so crazy. Each and everyone seemed to have seen peerless treasure. Whoever grabs it will buy it. Life.

If Shi Feng is here and seeing this scene, he would definitely not care about it, because Melancholic Smile doesn’t know what a full man is, but he doesn’t know what a hungry man is, especially for an Empire.

Compared to Kingdom, Empire not only has more resources, but also has more intense competition. It is too difficult to be expert, and only a bunch of people can grab it, not Kingdom player can go. imagination.

In God’s Domain, Stamina’s Potion and Item can be restored, but there are very few, and there is no free player at all. At the beginning, Shi Feng would not sell Stamina Potion if it was not for the promotion of Candlelight Trading Company.

When leveling up in Kingdom and Empire, players still have no feelings about Stamina problems, but as more and more players go to Neutral Map level up, they understand Stamina hidden How important is attribute.

Not only can you have a higher survival rate in Neutral Map, but you can also run where more players can’t go.

Such an expert chance is extremely rare. The players developed in Empire are of course crazy, and you have to know a map that has not been land cleared and a map that has been land cleared, the difference between the two Opportunities are completely different. It is not impossible to become an expert or get rich overnight. After all, there are too many players who get opportunities to get rich.

Otherwise, Great Influence will not be busy with land clearing various Neutral Maps.

In the lobby of the Candlelight Trading Company, when the players were crazy about Stamina Potion, some players glanced at the counter beside them and caused another exclamation.

“Stamina gemstone!”

“Is there any such thing in God’s Domain?”

“If I have three or four of this thing, I will In God’s Domain, I’m afraid you can have everything you need to worry about!”

“No, I will buy it even if my family is bankrupt!”

Everyone looked at the counter one after another crystal clear And near-transparent Stamina gemstone, the eyes almost stared out, and the blood red eyes are enough to eat people. As for the bidding qualifications and the reserve price of one hundred gold, they have completely ignored them. Each and everyone started to contact themselves. ‘S friends.

Stamina Potion may be important, but compared to Stamina gemstone, Stamina Potion is simply one hair from nine oxen. After all, Stamina Potion is not always available, but with Stamina gemstone In the future, the Neutral Map will be your own back garden. When the time comes, what opportunities are there?

At the same time, the news that Candlelight Trading Company sells Stamina gemstone also spread like wildfire, and it spread all over the Dark Night City immediately. Not to mention, there are also various items on the official website of Dark Night Empire. talk.

“Zero Wing is not crazy, right! You can even sell such a baby?”

“It seems that Zero Wing is really going to fight Star Ring, but here it is. It’s cheaper for us. As long as we have enough Stamina gemstone, land clearing Neutral Map will not worry about it in the future.”

For the appearance of Stamina gemstone, it caused a sensation in the entire Dark Night Empire, especially The major Adventure Groups have sent people to Candlelight Trading Company, and they are about to win the Stamina gemstone. Others may be afraid that they will not be able to enter the Auction House in Dark Night City, but they don’t care about these Adventure Groups, because they can go to other Auction Houses, nothing more than Troublesome.

But if you get the Stamina gemstone, it will be a step ahead of other forces to get the advantage of land clearing Neutral Map. Naturally, you can’t let go of such an extremely rare chance.

As for the Big Guilds of Dark Night Empire, they are also quietly sending people to the Candlelight Trading Company at this time. After all, this is the major event to seize the Neutral Map in the future. Even Star Ring cannot stop them. Besides, they still sent people quietly, even if Star Ring wanted to check, it was difficult to find.

In less than an hour, the Candlelight Trading Company, which had few people, suddenly became overcrowded. It was more crowded than the Auction House in Dark Night City.

Because this auction of Stamina gemstone is mainly based on the unique materials of Dark Night Empire, followed by gold coins, the price of the unique materials of the entire Dark Night City is directly doubled, and each Big The unique materials obtained by Guild and Adventure Group were not sold at all, and the entire Dark Night City market was messed up.

The sale of the Stamina gemstone by Zero Wing, like the wings, has passed into the ears of the senior Super Organization executives who are busy with land clearing.

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