Following Shi Feng’s order, Melancholic Smile and Nether Orchid in Dark Night Empire also acted, and announced the acquisition of Dark Night Empire at a high price in the name of Zero Wing Guild on the official forum of Dark Night Empire. Unique materials, while selling commonly used commodities at low prices.

As soon as this information came out, it immediately caused a stir in the entire Dark Night Empire, and each and everyone felt incredible.

“It’s crazy! It’s crazy!”

“No way! Zero Wing, is this going to fight Star Ring?”

In Dark Night Empire In, everyone has already known the name of Zero Wing, after all, before that, Zero Wing helped Hundred Flowers Palace block Star Ring’s footsteps.

After the arena auction, Star Ring’s crackdown on Zero Wing is not a secret, as long as you inquire about the news.

But Star Ring only announced in Star-Moon Kingdom that it would deal with Zero Wing. Zero Wing went to Dark Night Empire to do such a thing. It was clearly aimed at Star Ring.

And such an explosive news spread to the ears of the Great Influence of Dark Night Empire at the speed of light, and for a while, I felt incredible for Zero Wing’s actions.

“What the hell did the Zero Wing Guild think? Don’t they know that Star Ring has already got the Auction House of Dark Night City?” The first Vice-Guild Master Red Heart of Hundred Flowers Palace looked at his hand The news that Zhong just got can’t help being speechless.

You must know that Star Ring has acquired the Auction House of Dark Night City, which can be said to stabilize the position of Dark Night Empire Overlord, even the two major half-Super Guild War Spirit Uprise and Dark Night Empire The Crimson Emperor dare not play like this.

Furthermore, Star Ring also has two Auction Houses. In addition to the original strong capital, the financial strength is unimaginable, let alone the enemy of Star Ring in the Dark Night Empire, which Star Ring has been operating for a long time. .

“I heard that Zero Wing, because of the suppression of Star Ring, now the entire Guild has become panicked with human’s heart. It may be that Zero Wing wants to use this method to condense the human’s heart and imposing manner.” Said Cleansing Trick.

In her opinion, Zero Wing can only do this. After all, a Guild’s cohesion and an imposing manner are very important. If the human’s heart is broken, Guild will be over.

“But you can’t play like that. This is to announce to the world that Zero Wing will officially start a war with Star Ring. When the time comes, if you lose, Zero Wing’s results will only be worse.” Red Heart slowly said , “Furthermore, fighting economic warfare like this is very expensive for Guild’s. This is not in the wild battlefield. It is the financial and resources between Guilds. The war item is useless.”

Cleansing Trick couldn’t help being silent.

Everything as Red Heart said, this economic war of attrition is fatal to Guild’s strike, no war item is useful, and this kind of battle will fail, no better than in the wild battlefield, where Guild loses The last few times I could bear it, but this economic wasting battle was defeated, and there was a crisis of Guild’s dissolution, and the final result was a great loss whether it was a loss or a loss.

In Dark Night Empire, apart from Hundred Flowers Palace, when they were puzzled by Zero Wing’s behavior, Dark Night Empire’s War Spirit Uprise was also talking about Zero Wing’s.

“Zero Wing is a big game now.” Mu Cheng could not help but sigh slightly as he watched the discussion on the official website.

“grandfather, Zero Wing said that there is a gold mountain like Zero Wing City. In addition, I got the White River City’s Auction House. The financial resources are also quite amazing. I am afraid it is not for Star Ring. Okay.” Mu Lingsha said strangely.

Other Guilds may not know the value of Zero Wing City’s, but War Spirit Uprise as a Super Organization knows it very well.

Because Zero Wing City is in Witch’s Grave, let’s not talk about the large amount of entrance fees charged every day. The fees charged exclusively for sending to the Other World Gate every day are quite amazing. You must know the treasure in Other World Gate. But there are many, and Level speed is also faster. Now players from the Star-Moon Kingdom are not exclusively used, even players from the surrounding countries have gradually started to level up.

This income is no less than White River City’s Auction House.

“You look down on Star Ring too much. Don’t forget that Star Ring controls the Auction House of Dark Night City and is also the economic lifeline of the entire Dark Night City.” Mu Cheng shook his head and said, “The player can Not being able to enter the Auction House is a one-sentence matter for Star Ring. You must know that Star Ring has three Auction Houses. It doesn’t matter if the income of one Auction House is greatly reduced. In addition, the difference in strength between the two is obvious at a glance. Influence is more as different as heaven and earth. Do you think people will sell things to Zero Wing for a little profit?”

Zero Wing is not a Super Organization after all, let alone the background behind him There is a huge gap in NPCAuction House solely. Star Ring dares to openly challenge Zero Wing in White River City, because Zero Wing only has one NPCAuction House. If Zero Wing dared to ban players from being sold to Star Ring Item, this is self-explanatory. The act of breaking his arms, Star Ring is happy to see here, but Star Ring is different.

This is the gap between the two backgrounds!

Zero Wing feels that what Star Ring can do can also be done by Zero Wing. Simply stupid, it will only die worse!

“Then let’s remind Zero Wing now.” Mu Lingsha said.

“It’s too late.” Mu Cheng sighed, “What was announced in the name of Guild, now whether it is Dark Night Empire or Star-Moon Kingdom, I’m afraid all players will know. If you stop at this time, Zero Wing’s face is not only to lose light, Guild’s human’s heart may also be astigmatized.”

On the other side, the Dark Night City, Star Ring residence.

“Guild Master, now the entire Dark Night Empire is talking about Zero Wing’s declaration of war on us, shall we take further action?” Morning Net, standing in front of Lu Xingluo, asked quietly.

“Of course, immediately let the wind go. If anyone dares to sell the special materials of Dark Night Empire to Zero Wing, from now on, don’t even think about stepping into the Auction House of Dark Night City!” Lu Xingluo said with a smile, “I want to see how Zero Wing can continue playing.”

“Yes!” Morning Net bowed and left.


Dark Night City is full of traffic on the bustling commercial streets. Even if it is gradually entering the night, the streets are still crowded. As the Imperial Capital of Dark Night Empire, major Adventures People from Group and Guild’s gather here, and you can see expert players with Level 64 at a glance, and there are no fewer experts wearing Level 60 Adamantite Rank equipment. This is simply unimaginable in other NPC cities.

The reason why the Great Influence of Dark Night Empire will send people to stay in Dark Night City is not only because it is the Imperial Capital of Dark Night Empire, the talent Converging Ground, but more importantly because of the various Kingdom and Empire’s merchant players are also mainly gathered in Dark Night City, allowing Dark Night City to have the best and most resources in the entire Dark Night Empire.

It can be said that as long as there is something good in Dark Night Empire, then there must be something in Dark Night City, and other NPC cities do not have it, and there are also in Dark Night City, and these things are gathered in Dark Night City In the Auction House.

Many players found treasures from Dark Night City, and they became famous overnight or became rich.

Because of the ban on Star Ring, no one of Candlelight Trading Company on the commercial street hurried to go. There are even very few players who are willing to step in. I am afraid of being given by the people of Star Ring. Misunderstanding, I can no longer set foot in the Auction House in Dark Night City.

Melancholic Smile and Nether Orchid in Candlelight Trading Company were also dumbfounded.

Obviously they have been receiving materials at a price 30% higher than the market price, and even selling basic goods at a price 30% lower than the market price, but after more than an hour, few people have entered Candlelight Trading. Company.

“Guild Master, what should we do now? Star Ring is banned. Now the players who come to our Candlelight Trading Company come to buy goods at low prices, so we are just losing money, and simply cannot affect it. To Star Ring.” Melancholic Smile contacted Shi Feng and said anxiously.

“Has the Star Ring imposed a ban?” Shi Feng smiled suddenly, “This speed is really fast!”

“Guild Master, we are constantly losing money, you still Have time to laugh.” Melancholic Smile looked at Shi Feng’s expression very speechless.

“Since the Star Ring has been banned, then we can start.” Shi Feng said with a smile, “Let’s launch Stamina Potion and Stamina gemstone. Anyone who wants to buy Stamina Potion must Use Dark Night Empire’s unique materials to trade. As for Stamina gemstone, we will bid. If you want to be eligible for bidding, you must sell us the unique materials of 1gold coins at market price. I hope that when the time comes Star Ring can speak for itself.”

“I’ll do it now!” Melancholic Smile couldn’t help laughing when he heard it.

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