In the Twilight Echo’s Guild Master room, the more than a dozen Twilight Echo executives standing in the entire lobby were silent for a long time because of the information from the Forest Silk Hall.

“Forest Silk Hall actually gave up? How is this possible?”

“What exactly did Zero Wing’s people do?”

In the current situation of development, there is no spirit slowly recovers for a while.

Forest Silk Hall, they want to use their Twilight Echo to kill the chicken to warn the monkey, so as to stabilize the rule of Storm Empire and further develop externally. It can be said that Twilight Echo’s will not be let go.

Originally, they were still discussing how to safely withdraw from Storm Empire and how to defend against Forest Silk Hall’s attacks in the future, but after discussing for a long time, they all had nothing but despair, because the gap between the two parties was too big, Forest Silk Hall only needs to take out a small portion of Strength to make Twilight Echo vanish from God’s Domain.

Even with the help of Zero Wing’s, they don’t think they can deal with Forest Silk Hall. After all, Zero Wing is only a First-Rate Guild now.

But now Forest Silk Hall has given up dealing with Twilight Echo because of Zero Wing’s.

This makes it impossible for them to understand how Zero Wing does it?



I thought about all the probabilities, but none of them were reliable and possible, but Zero Wing did it.

At this time, Vast Sea, who is the Guild Master, also has an incredible look towards side Aqua Rose, with surprise and emotion in his eyes.

Before Violet Cloud said in front of Owl Life that Zero Wing wanted to protect the Twilight Echo, he just regarded it as Zero Wing’s statement to Forest Silk Hall. Owl Life paid attention to this, but it was not true. People think that Zero Wing has the ability to keep their Twilight Echo, but now it seems that this sentence is really true.

Overlord of dignified Storm Empire!

Although I don’t know what method Zero Wing used to stop Forest Silk Hall, it is proof of its strength to stop it.

At the beginning, Aqua Rose left Twilight Echo and went to a new Guild not worth mentioning in a small Kingdom. Many people did not joke about Aqua Rose in secret. I feel that Aqua Rose is really stupid. It will not be dismissed from Honorary Elder’s position, give up a great future, and have a great opportunity to show off.

Twilight Echo is the veteran First-Rate Guild. It has been developed for decades and is not comparable to the little Guild without background.

Who would have thought that Zero Wing, where Aqua Rose is located, could develop to where it is now?

Not only is the Overlord of Star-Moon Kingdom, it also has First-Rate Guild’s strength, and even now it has saved Twilight Echo, making Super Organizations like Forest Silk Hall abandon their original plan and let him do this Twilight Echo’s Guild Master can’t even see how powerful the current Zero Wing is.

If this news reaches Guild Elder’s ears, I’m afraid those who laughed at Old Guy and the major groups will regret it. After all, they did not contribute much to the dismissal of Aqua Rose Guild Honorary Elder. Because of this incident and the status of Zero Wing’s, Aqua Rose will definitely increase its influence in Twilight Echo’s. In the future, the entire Twilight Echo will depend on Aqua Rose’s face to act and it is not impossible.

Vast Sea not only came up with this idea in the lobby, but the Guild executives also thought of it. Each and everyone saw Aqua Rose’s expressions all become completely different.

At this moment, Aqua Rose was also shocked besides joy. Didn’t expect Shi Feng to really stop Forest Silk Hall.

Later, Violet Cloud announced the message sent by Shi Feng to Twilight Echo. As long as Twilight Echo withdrew from Storm Empire, Forest Silk Hall would not make any more moves, and then took people away from Twilight Echo. , Return to Star-Moon Kingdom. As for Aqua Rose in Twilight Echo, there are still some things. I plan to stay and wait until it is resolved before going back.

Twilight Echo’s executives are also looking forward to Aqua Rose staying first.

Although Twilight Echo wants to leave Storm Empire for development in other Kingdoms, and then face other Kingdom Overlords, if you can hold a thigh like Zero Wing, it will be easier to gain a foothold in other Kingdoms A lot.

And this matter of Forest Silk Hall also quickly spread to the ears of many Super Organizations in God’s Domain. After all, Forest Silk Hall is one of the Super Organizations, even if it just gives up to deal with Twilight Echo. Little things, I will pay more attention to it.

Beastman Empire, Red Flame Fort.

“This Forest Silk Hall really doesn’t know what it is to be foolish, but because of Zero Wing, it gave up a better and stable Storm Empire. Did Zero Wing give any great benefits?” Standing in Vice- Jing Yang in Guild Master’s office looked at the news that had just arrived and couldn’t help but said strangely.

Forest Silk Hall has been developing very rapidly recently. It can be said that Guild, which can also be ranked Top-10 among many newly emerging Super Organizations, makes many original half-Super Guilds feel Threatened.

Now because of Zero Wing’s face, I have abandoned the original plan, which is really surprising.

“Yes, it can make Forest Silk Hall change its plan. This Zero Wing really has several points of means. No wonder it dares to refuse my cooperation.” Xuanwu Chisha faintly smiled, as if all beings were fascinated by it.

“A trifling Zero Wing. The Vice-Guild Master looks at them too much. Although I don’t know what benefit Zero Wing gave Forest Silk Hall to settle this matter, White River City’s situation is not. It’s so easy to deal with, let’s not say that the few Great Influences are all eyeing the fat of White River City Auction House. Only Zero Wing itself has a bunch of problems.” Jing Yang said with a sneer, “recently Star Ring but no Using less funds to block Zero Wing, and even offering three times the price to dig out Zero Wing’s executives and core members, and at the same time use low prices to snatch the player’s commissioned Quest, Zero Wing’s funds are becoming more and more problematic, and it takes less than a month. Time, I’m afraid that Zero Wing will not attack itself.”

Guild’s growing and growing has its advantages and disadvantages. When there are few people, it costs less and the funding problem can be solved easily, but there are more people. , More and more spending, funding can be difficult to solve, let alone being blocked by consortium, the funding problem is even more troublesome.

So Zero Wing Guild seems to have become very powerful, but its weaknesses have also become more.

Previously, Zero Wing was small, and Guild didn’t even have a decent headquarters. Guild couldn’t cultivate a large number of experts. Simply cost nothing, so the resistance of major consortiums changed. It doesn’t make much sense. After all, this little money is easy to get, but it’s different now. I don’t know if we took over the original Ouroboros’ headquarters. The scale of development is even bigger than the original Ouroboros. The monthly cost is more than 10%. Times or even dozens of times.

This is also the reason why the major First-Rate Guilds are very afraid of the major Super Organizations. Not only is the strength of the steamroll, but also the economics can be casually killed. On the contrary, those Peak Adventure Groups are not afraid.

In the White River City of Star-Moon Kingdom, Shi Feng asked Fire Dance and the others to go to the dungeon team after returning to collect Epic Level materials as much as possible to prepare for the subsequent auction arena.

“It’s time to deal with the Elemental Core in hand.”

Shi Feng took a look at the Elemental Core of inventory, slightly smiled, and then found a place to use Demon Mask to re-disguise , Through White River City’s Teleportation Hall, spend four gold and thirty silver directly to the distant Illusion Sea.

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