Shi Feng’s indifferent words in the reception hall continued to echo, and Myriad Manifestation’s was getting ugly, and even a little frightened. This made the guards of Forest Silk Hall stunned for a while.

What is the Guild Master Myriad Manifestation and the others?

That is the person standing at the peak of Storm Empire. It only takes one sentence to easily determine the life and death of Storm Empire’s Big Guilds in Storm Empire. Their strength is also an absolute Peak Expert, and they can be Lead Forest Silk Hall to become an Overlord of God’s Domain!

But now…

At this time, the members of the guards of Forest Silk Hall are not surprised, even Fire Dance and the others are surprised. It is clear that Myriad Manifestation was taken like that before After getting off, I was calm and calm, but now I am afraid because of Shi Feng’s words.

How can this kind of thing not surprise people?

“What do you want?” Myriad Manifestation looked towards Shi Feng somewhat dreaded.

If Shi Feng was regarded as an expert of the Control of Domain before, then Shi Feng said that he was the opener of Thunder Axe City and also had a thunder axe crystal, Shi Feng became The monster that can truly shake the Forest Silk Hall.

Thunder Axe City is currently unknown to everyone. Even in their Forest Silk Hall, only the Guild executives and the experts who have been dispatched know the power of Thunder Axe City.

According to their understanding, Thunder Axe City has been opened for more than ten days, and it took only eight or nine days for the major Super Organizations to discover Thunder Axe City.

The thought that Shi Feng can send a large number of players into Thunder Axe City anytime, anywhere with the help of thunder axe crystal, as well as the status of opening Thunder Axe City, which makes people feel chills.

The competition for the auction arena is mainly based on Epic Level resources, supplemented by expert.

The amazing battle strength that Shi Feng and the others have shown before, if this abundant Epic Level resources are added, the threat is not so big, especially the first Auction House now. Battle.

The senior executives of Thunder Abyss and Blue Qilin and the others Guild also looked at Shi Feng with horror at this time.

Originally, their Forest Silk Hall was happy to finally send two or three hundred experts to Thunder Axe City, but it turned out that Shi Feng opened Thunder Axe City…

“Forest Silk Hall is so powerful, what can we do with trifling Zero Wing?” Shi Feng laughed and said indifferently, “We came here to ask Twilight Echo whether Twilight Echo can safely withdraw from Storm Empire, Guild Master Myriad Manifestation, you can 10 Don’t think too much about million.”

“Okay, I think it’s for your Zero Wing’s face. Twilight Echo’s things end here. As long as Twilight Echo leaves Storm Empire, our Forest Silk Hall will not deal with Twilight Echo.” Myriad Manifestation show white eyes Shi Feng, gritted his teeth and agreed.

In the face of a Zero Wing who started Thunder Axe City early, and the existence of experts such as Fire Dance, even in the current Forest Silk Hall, he is not sure that he can completely defend Storm City. After all, Thunder Axe The Epic Level resources contained in City are too terrifying.

If the Auction House in Storm City is taken away, the impact on their Forest Silk Hall will be too great, and even if Zero Wing cannot take away the Forest Silk Hall, it will also affect their Forest Silk Hall. Plans to seize Auction House from other cities.

As the Leader of a Guild, he was naturally impossible because he dealt with the trivial matter of Twilight Echo and ruined the future development plan of Forest Silk Hall, and he faintly felt that Zero Wing’s card might not stop there, of course This is just his guess. After all, being able to open Thunder Axe City is amazing enough, and he really can’t think of anything more powerful than this.

And the members of the guards of Forest Silk Hall heard Myriad Manifestation say so, each and everyone mouth was big, and I couldn’t believe that this sentence would come out of Myriad Manifestation.

“Who are you in this Black Flame?”

Everyone was full of curiosity about Shi Feng. Just a few words made Guild Master Myriad Manifestation compromise. , If this kind of thing is spread to Storm Empire, I am afraid that no one will believe it.

Know that the dignified half-Super Guild Nine Heavens Pavillion has been kicked out of Storm Empire, how can a Guild in Kingdom make Guild Master Myriad Manifestation yield?

“Guild Master Myriad Manifestation is really enlightened. If there is nothing to do, then we will leave first.” Shi Feng slightly smiled, then got up and took Fire Dance and the others out of the messy reception room .

As for the competition for Storm City Auction House, Shi Feng never thought about it from the very beginning, but just threatened Myriad Manifestation.

Now White River City’s has a lot of things. With Zero Wing’s existing expertise and resources, they can only compete for one place, but Myriad Manifestation doesn’t know it.

Thunder Axe City is very rich in Epic Level resources, but the current Thunder Axe City has only been opened for more than ten days. Currently, the number of players gathered in the past is too small to give full play to the real effects of Thunder Axe City. And Myriad Manifestation places too much emphasis on the identity of the opener, and I don’t know that even with the 2-Star Blacksmith Workshop, the Epic Level resources currently collected from Thunder Axe City are not as good as the daily gains of the dungeon team under Guild.

If Myriad Manifestation knew about this, he would definitely vomit three liters of blood, and I would have to fight with them Zero Wing to the end.

As Shi Feng took the Fire Dance out of the gate of the reception room, the Forest Silk Hall member guarding the gate also gave way at the sign of Myriad Manifestation, letting Shi Feng and the others Leave.

Until Shi Feng and the others completely left Guild’s Mansion, Blue Qilin and the others turned their attention to Guild Master Myriad Manifestation.

“Guild Master, do we really care about Twilight Echo?” Blue Qilin asked, “When the time comes, this matter will definitely spread throughout the Storm Empire.”

“Put it all over. Anyway, this matter can’t be kept today anyway.” Myriad Manifestation pressed his temple and said very annoyed, “I really didn’t expect that Thunder Axe City, which caused a sensation in the major Super Organizations, would be unexpected. It was started by Zero Wing. I am afraid that there will be trouble in God’s Domain in the next period of time. From now on, please prepare yourself.”

“Yes!” Blue Qilin nodded, also I understand the meaning very well.

I thought that the first Auction House battle was just a game of their Super Organization. Now suddenly there is a Zero Wing, which will definitely disrupt the original plans of the major Super Organizations.

I’m afraid no one would have thought that the current situation of God’s Domain will be changed by Zero Wing.

With Shi Feng and the others leaving Storm City, even if Forest Silk Hall doesn’t want to, but Storm Empire’s Great Influence has infiltrated into Forest Silk Hall. There is a lot of information about Forest Silk Hall’s abandonment of Twilight Echo’s It was soon passed into the ears of the Great Influence of Storm Empire.

“What? Forest Silk Hall gave up dealing with Twilight Echo? How is this possible?”

“Who are you in Zero Wing?”

For a while The entire Storm Empire was a sensation because of this incident.

Dignified Forest Silk Hall unexpectedly announced that it would give up targeting Twilight Echo because of the Guild’s face of Zero Wing. Each and everyone is full of curiosity about the Guild of Zero Wing.

And this matter quickly spread to Chaotic Wind City where Twilight Echo is currently located.

“What are you talking about? Forest Silk Hall. Because Zero Wing has given up dealing with us, all the troops dealing with us have already withdrawn?” Vast Sea was immediately stunned on the spot when he heard the information coming from his hands. Can’t believe this is true.

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