Bronze Dragon King looked down at Shi Feng, his eyes flashed with surprise, as if he had seen a certain Variation Type, and he couldn’t help but confirm to Shi Feng again.

“Yes, I choose to accept the Dragon King test.” Shi Feng nodded.

“You Human is really a Variation Type. Since the establishment of this maze, thousands of advertisers have come here, but none of them chose to accept my test, because they all know to accept What is the result of the test? You should not be foolish to think that I will let you pass the test!” Bronze Dragon King whispered, “But since you have made your choice, then according to the rules set by Gods and Demons, you As long as you can survive for three days, even if you pass the test, start now!”

Speaking of Bronze Dragon King chanting, Spell, the body of Bronze Dragon King began to turn into countless light particles. Passing directly through the Magic Barrier set by Gods and Demons, after passing through the Magic Barrier, these light particles condense into Humanoid in front of Shi Feng’s.

Only a moment, a middle-aged heroic man wearing a Bronze armor appeared in front of Shi Feng’s.

This tall and mighty heroic man is different from Common Human. The golden divine symbol is printed on his face and body, which seems to be some kind of shackles, and his amber eyes are full of death and silence. destruction, there is no trace of human emotion at all.

“transform into human?!” Shi Feng looked at the heroic man in front of him, and couldn’t help but feel a little shocked in his eyes.

In God’s Domain, only a few, or legendary monsters, can do it, because this is not only a symbol of having an extremely powerful Strength, but also a symbol of terrifying intelligence.

Intelligence doesn’t feel much to the current players. It’s nothing more than a higher level of combat, but with the development of time, everyone will know that this is not only a question of high level of combat. , Simply is the real monster, the monster that makes the player feel completely desperate.

On the former life, there have been many incidents in which Kingdom and Empire were turned upside down by the transform into human monster, and some of them were destroyed.

And the transform into human monster that did this thing was only at Tier 4 Legendary level. At that time, many players had already been promoted to Tier 4 profession by experts, but they gathered the power of major Super Organizations. Being completely wiped out by this transform into human monster, no one can stop this transform into human monster and completely wipe out Kingdom.

As for the other blocked transform into human monsters, they are all because transform into human monsters are only Tier 3. In this way, they are still a group of Tier 4 experts, using a bunch of items to do their best. .

Because of this, the player really realizes the high-intelligence terrifying, which surpasses the combat level of Human, completely surpasses mastering Domain Monster player, and even more than one level.

“Human, according to the regulations of Gods and Demons, you can rest assured that I will not do my best to deal with you, and you still have 300 chances, all you need to do is in my hands Survive for three days.” The Bronze Dragon King looked at Shi Feng and said with a smile, “If you have no problems, then we will start killing each other!”

I heard Bronze Dragon King say this, Shi Feng’s face was slightly dark, and an unprecedented chill suddenly spread all over his body, making people tremble. Almost instinctively, he opened the void shield, and the nerves throughout his body were alert to the limit.

Although I knew the test is not simple for a long time, I didn’t expect the test to be so difficult.

The test conditions mentioned by Bronze Dragon King are simply too simple for players who don’t know the situation. They just survive three days in front of a Level Level 70 Tier 3 monster, and there are three hundred. Second chance, not to mention Peak expert, even Common expert player can do it easily.

But Shi Feng is very clear about what kind of test this simply can’t be called is just a one-sided play of abuse and killing.

When Shi Feng turned on the Void Shield, the Bronze Dragon King, who was 30 yards away, was already standing in front of Shi Feng’s. I don’t know when there was a dragon in his hand. The scale long sword stabbed on the void shield.

“What a great footwork!” Shi Feng was surprised when he looked at the long sword pierced on the shield.

Obviously he has been staring at the Bronze Dragon King intensively, and the Perception Domain of five senses has not relaxed a bit, but Bronze Dragon King still escaped his all senses and came to him, as if It is teleport, but he knows very well that this is not a low-level Magic and Skill, but a mobile footwork that goes beyond common sense. There is no Cooldown Period. You can use it whenever you want. There are no restrictions…

And the Bronze Dragon King was just one blow, and the Void Shield instantly suffered more than 400,000 damage points. In other words, it only takes seven hits to hit the Shatter Void Shield.

Shi Feng didn’t dare to have any reservations about this, even if he backed out, he would directly use Sword-Light Phantom.

The ten sword light accurately blocked the Bronze Dragon King under the control of Shi Feng’s, in order to increase the distance.

Although Bronze Dragon King is only Tier 3 High Lord of Level 70, it still maintains Humanoid, and the attribute is much weaker, but the real attribute definitely has the same level of Peak High Lord, which is better than him. It is much higher. Direct confrontation has no chance at all, and can only find a way to spread the distance and delay the time.

“Nice attack, as a mortal, I can reach this level.” Bronze Dragon King faced Shi Feng’s attack, neither fast nor slow praised.

Seeing that the ten sword lights are about to hit the Bronze Dragon King, the Broadsword in the hands of the Bronze Dragon King will be shattered when the ten sword lights are less than twenty centimeters away from the Bronze Dragon King. .

The brilliant sword light swayed by the Bronze Dragon King is as intoxicating as the moonlight. Even Shi Feng can’t help being attracted. In the next second, the Bronze Dragon King does not know when it will appear. Shi Feng’s turned sideways, silently, and at the same time, the dragon scale Broadsword didn’t know when the dragon scale Broadsword slashed on the void shield again.

After a successful blow, Shi Feng instinctively used Sword Path, and his response was obviously slower.

While I thought that the powerful Sword Path could force the Bronze Dragon King back, the Bronze Dragon King did not retreat and advances. The dragon scale Broadsword in his hand seems to be suddenly vanish, making Sword Path’s attack deflect from the whole body. Open, the void shield is constantly shattering.

“Is this the power of transform into human monster?” Shi Feng looked at the shattering void shield with surprise in his heart.

He used his Swordsmanship to suppress the enemy, but now he is completely suppressed by the Bronze Dragon King’s Swordsmanship.

The Chop speed of the Bronze Dragon King is so fast that his naked eye can’t detect it at all, and there is no even breathing space. You can barely feel the Chop of the Bronze Dragon King.

One sword…Two swords…Three swords…

After counting the swords, the void shield was completely shattered, and Shi Feng could only use his own feeling to meet the Bronze Dragon. King only.


Shi Feng clenched the teeth, knowing that he couldn’t resist it, and then used his strongest Combat Technique Sword Light Samsara.

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