“Great Dragon!”

Shi Feng looked at the huge body in front of him in disbelief. Even if the distance was more than a hundred yards at this time, the oppression exuded was still like a mountain, too heavy. People are a little out of breath, can’t even move, and can only stand still and watch.




It’s totally indescribable.

Bronze Dragon King, Dragon Race, Tier 5, Level? ? ? Level, HP? ? ? ? ? ?

At this time, Shi Feng has no doubt that the Bronze Great Dragon in front of him will turn into fly ash as long as he breathes a little, and even Tier 5 profession is nothing in front of the Bronze Dragon King in front of him.

The Life Level of the Great Dragon Clan is extremely high, as long as adults can reach the Tier 5 level, and any Tier 5 Great Dragon is an Invincible existence in Tier 5, even in the age of the gods, Great Dragon Clan is also Peak Race, so God and Demon are very afraid.

And in the Great Dragon there is also the Dragon King. The bloodline is much stronger than the Common Great Dragon. Even if it is only Tier 5, it can compete with Tier 6 Spiritual God.

If those Tier 5 professions of Human race meet the Dragon King of Tier 5, it can be said that there is no chance to escape. Players of Tier 6 God Level can only detour if they encounter it. Direct confrontation is not an opponent at all. .

But the only thing that makes Shi Feng grateful is that the Bronze Dragon King is locked in the Magic Array at this time, completely isolated from the outside world, unable to get out of the Magic Barrier at all, otherwise he would even escape the chance No, the Bronze Dragon King can return to the city for free with just one wave of his paw.

“Is this the final test?”

After Shi Feng watched Wrath’s Bronze Dragon King in Magic Barrier, his eyes turned to all around, except for being imprisoned in the entire great hall In addition to the Bronze Dragon King, there is also a Magic Array. The center of this Magic Array stores a bright treasure box.

This treasure box may feel nothing to many players, but Shi Feng, who is familiar with God’s Domain, can see that the material of this treasure box is Seven Luminaries Crystal Stone.

Seven Luminaries Crystal Stone is an extremely precious item in God’s Domain for both NPC and player, and it is also one of the main reasons why major consortiums are stationed in God’s Domain.

In the entire great hall, apart from the two Magic Arrays, there is no other existence. It is completely different from the previous great hall. The previous great hall not only has Guard BOSS, but also a large number of monsters. , And there is no mobs here, it’s surprisingly silent.

At this time, Shi Feng wanted to lean over and take a closer look, but the powerful pressure made Shi Feng impossible to move even a little bit.

After the anger of the Bronze Dragon King lasted more than ten seconds, the Bronze Dragon King gradually calmed down, and the terrifying coercion began to weaken, which made Shi Feng become able to act.

However, Shi Feng only relaxed, and the Bronze Dragon King imprisoned in Magic Array suddenly spoke.

“Tiny Human! You can come here, it means you have some abilities. According to the rules set by those gods and Demons, I can give you three choices.” Bronze Dragon King looked at Shi Feng slowly said, “The first choice is to accept my test of you. If you pass, you can get the treasures left by Gods and Demons. The second choice is to accept the pledge of Gods and Demons, and you can also get Gods and Demons to stay. The third is to sign a contract with me. Although you get the treasure, you can get my protection, so that you have a Strength that surpasses Human, you can think about it.”

Bronze Dragon King Although it was in dragon language, Shi Feng couldn’t understand it at all, but he didn’t know why he could clearly understand what Bronze Dragon King said.

“Is there a choice?” Shi Feng was slightly surprised. He didn’t expect Ancient God Maze to have such a choice in the last great hall. He had never heard of it before.

According to his understanding of Ancient God’s Secret Key, there was never any choice but to defeat Guard BOSS, but now there are three choices.

The first choice is undoubtedly the normal process. If the player is confident of his own strength, choosing this is definitely the best.

The second option does not require any risk to get treasure. For many players, I am afraid they will not say anything further. After all, it is the great hall of Ancient God Maze, and the item obtained is definitely not In general, Shi Feng is very clear about one thing, that is, there is no such thing as a free lunch, Gods and Demons pledged that this thing may be unknown to the current players, but Shi Feng knows very well.

Gods and Demons Pledge is also called Gods and Demons Contract, but every Contract is willing and rewarding.

Also in other words player must abide by the conditions set by Gods and Demons, or the results will be very miserable. Many players in the former life have set a contract with Gods and Demons, because they have not reached the contract. I was forced to delete my account and play again, so the second option looks good, but the risk is actually quite high.

As for the third option, it’s just that the object of the contract becomes the Bronze Dragon King, which is no different from Gods and Demons Contract, but the Dragon King’s protection is very important to the player.

Any protection is of great significance to the player, especially the protection of Bronze Dragon King, the effect is probably much stronger than that of bloodline.

Because protecting this thing in God’s Domain is not easy to get and use.

Only those who are extremely powerful can use it, so that the person being protected can get a strong Strength, but this strength is not for no reason, this is a part of the protector who separates himself from Strength. It means to reduce your own strength and give it to others to use. Therefore, even Tier 6 Spiritual God must be cautious and will never give it lightly.

“Can I ask about the conditions of the Gods and Demons pledge?” Shi Feng thought for a while and asked.

“I can’t answer this, only after you choose to sign the Gods and Demons pledge, this is the condition I set with Gods and Demons at the beginning.” Bronze Dragon King said very differently, “Human I don’t have much patience. You only have ten minutes to think about it.”

“Don’t tell me?” Shi Feng understood it when he heard it.

Since the pledge can get treasure for no reason, the conditions required for the player must be very harsh. It only depends on the degree of harshness and whether the player can accept it, without saying that it is impossible for the player to judge the two. It’s serious, and it also makes the Bronze Dragon King more fair, otherwise each and everyone will choose Gods and Demons and the oath will not choose the Bronze Dragon King protection.

“Human, have you decided which one to choose?” After waiting for ten minutes, Bronze Dragon King stared at Shi Feng solemnly asked.

“In that case, I will choose the first one!” Shi Feng took a deep breath and responded.

Whether it is the Gods and Demons pledge or the Bronze Dragon King contract, there is no difference between the two. It is a risky choice for the player. In case it cannot be completed, the final result is One, delete the account and replay it, but he dares not dare to do this.

“What? The first one?” Bronze Dragon King couldn’t help but almost didn’t react, “Do you really want to choose the first one?”

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