
Ling Jingxuan blinked while looking at the black translucent screen.

She didn’t expect Shi Feng to be so simply.

“Really an interesting person.” Ling Jingxuan smiled and shook the head, “Forget it, refuse and refuse, but it’s a pity Stone Forest Small Town.”

Immediately Ling Jingxuan forwarded the answer given by Shi Feng directly to Abandoned Wave.

The information is concise, that is, Zero Wing rejected the conditions.

Just after Ling Jingxuan finished sending the message, Cleric, an oval-faced woman in her early twenties, came over and said: “Sister Astray, we have found a hidden path leading to the Ruins core area, but The gatekeeper is a Level 60 Peak High Lord. The Group Leader said that he would like to ask you to discuss countermeasures.”

If Shi Feng is here, he will definitely find this female Cleric wearing a Level 45 Cleric Dark Gold The armor set is the light of the forgotten. It is a six pieces set that only has a chance of dropping in the wild High Lord above Level 50, but at this time it is worn on a Level 41 Cleric.

“Okay, I will go now.” Ling Jingxuan nodded with a smile, and then followed the female Cleric into the depths of the Ruins.


The Zero Wing Member in Stone Forest Small Town is a crazy rush, and the people of the Big Guilds, Black Water and Heavenly Burial, are hiding in Tibet. They suffered heavy casualties. Only when the three Legions of Myriad God Temple were stuck in a corner that was easy to defend and difficult to attack, the loss was minimized, but it was only a matter of time before they were completely destroyed.

“Brother One Wave, what do you say about Black Flame?” Singular Burial couldn’t help but anxiously asked as there were fewer and fewer Guild Members.

Small Town is now completely shrouded by Magic Barrier. They can only get in but not out. No matter what they use, they have a way for Magic Barrier. In this way, he has cultivated 50,000 The elites are all gone.

After receiving the news, Abandoned Wave froze for a while before responding: “He refused.”

“Is Black Flame crazy?” Singular Burial listened After arriving, he was also taken aback.

They have tried Evil Energy personally. It is not a place where players can stay for a long time. If the monster invades Stone Forest Small Town, Stone Forest Small Town will definitely become a waste town.

Stone Forest Small Town is the heart of Zero Wing Guild, how can it be said to give up and give up?

“This Black Flame is really ruthless. In order to deal with the remnants of us who are willing to abandon a major town, I really underestimated him before.” Myriad World Unmatched secretly said, “To myself So ruthless, it seems we didn’t lose injustice this time.”

“Rough?” Abandoned Wave said with a smile, “Since he is so desperate, then I will fulfill him!”


The outcome of this battle is determined.

Stone Forest Small Town is impossible.

And he returned to the Black Water Guild with the defeated soldiers. It’s not a good thing to wait for him. It’s worth to him to drag Stone Forest Small Town to the funeral before he died.

And Zero Wing does not have Stone Forest Small Town, the development speed will definitely drop sharply, maybe he will have some chance.

The reason why Ling Jingxuan was allowed to talk was just to perfuse Myriad God Temple and Heavenly Burial.

He is the one who most expects Zero Wing to refuse.

Didn’t expect Zero Wing is so stupid.

Then Abandoned Wave immediately contacted the bandaged man.

“You can act now. Put all the monsters in. You can destroy it as much as you can. As for the original agreement, it is still valid!”

“This is yours That said, I will accept Stone Forest Small Town unceremoniously.”

When the bandage man heard Abandoned Wave, there was a trace of excitement in his eyes. It seemed like a few days. The ferocious beast without prey suddenly saw a little lamb.

Immediately, the bandaged man began to command the remaining monsters to rush into Stone Forest Small Town, including the three Legendary monsters that had been afraid to approach.

“Guild Master, it’s not good, the three Legendary monsters on my side are crazy and rush to Small Town!” Midsummer Allure looked at the Legendary monster who no longer contained her, and reported while blocking her. .

However, the Evil Blood Earth Dragon at this time is not the same as before. After being completely unrestricted, the Basic Attribute has been directly increased by 15%. The most important point is that the intelligence is not confused, even if the attribute is better than Midsummer. Allure could barely stop two, and couldn’t do anything about the other one.

As a Tier 4 Legendary monster, the Movement Speed ​​is very fast, but in more than ten seconds, it ran directly to the city wall of Stone Forest Small Town.


With the angry roar, the Evil Blood Earth Dragon, which is a hundred meters tall, destroyed the city wall of Small Town with one claw.

As for the Level 65 guards of Stone Forest Small Town, they were useless in front of Evil Blood Earth Dragon, and they rushed directly into Stone Forest Small Town. For players who wanted to block halfway, the iron tail flicked, instantly The entire terrain of Small Town has changed, and dozens of players were killed on the spot.

When the Zero Wing Member in Small Town saw this, he was immediately sluggish.

The Level 40 Guardian Knight with nearly 30,000 HP cannot stop the Common blow of Evil Blood Earth Dragon after turning on Protection Blessing…

And it appears in Evil Blood Earth Dragon After Stone Forest Small Town, a gray mist emanated from the body of Evil Blood Earth Dragon, slowly spreading all around, and then the ground where the gray mist passed became dry, as if Evil Blood Earth Dragon Devour brought everything to life.

“hahaha, this time we Black Water will win!”

“Guild Master powerful!”

The emergence of Evil Blood Earth Dragon makes Black Water everyone Both cheering excitedly get up.

Today’s Zero Wing has all its cards. Although there are a lot of players, it hasn’t competed with the existence of Legendary monster, and can only watch Small Town being destroyed at will.

“Tier 4’s Legendary monster is indeed powerful, but it’s a pity this Stone Forest Small Town.” Singular Burial secretly sighed.

I have not at all observed the Legendary monster up close before, but after experiencing it personally, I clearly understand that the terrifying of Tier 4 monster is definitely not something that current players can deal with.


“Aqua, tell everyone, now use City Return Scroll to leave Stone Forest Small Town.” Shi Feng looked at Evil Blood Earth Dragon on slaughter all sides, yes Aqua Rose on the side said a word and rushed directly to the top of the Obelisk.

Magic Barrier will not have any isolation or hindrance to oneself, so everyone in Zero Wing’s can use the City Return Scroll to leave at any time if they want to leave, unlike others who can only be trapped in Stone Forest Small Town.

“Leave now?” Aqua Rose was puzzled, but think about it, no one can clean up the Evil Blood Earth Dragon now, and staying is also die in vain. It’s better to go back to the city, anyway. The existence of Evil Energy made Stone Forest Small Town also finished.

Then Aqua Rose began to inform Zero Wing everyone to evacuate Stone Forest Small Town.

“hahaha, I withdrew, it seems that Black Flame is also scared.” Abandoned Wave looked at the Zero Wing Member who each and everyone left, and his mood was indescribable, although he did not get Stone Forest Small Town, but Zero Wing is gone.

It can only be said that this battle is evenly divided, and no one takes advantage.

Seeing that Evil Blood Earth Dragon rushed to the bottom of the Obelisk, the target had been locked on the only Zero Wing Member Shi Feng in Stone Forest Small Town, and he couldn’t help but roar.

At this time, Shi Feng, standing at the top of the Obelisk, pulled out the Holy Sword Thunder Slaying from his waist and slammed at the huge Mana Crystal.


The huge Mana Crystal suddenly divided into two, and then one after another black mist emerged from the Mana Crystal, gradually forming a phantom.

This phantom is a young man wearing a blood-colored robe with scattered hair on his shoulders. He looks very strange and is the sealed Awakener.

Lancelot (Awakener), High Elf, Level? ? ? , HP? ? ? ? ? ?

“It’s no wonder that I haven’t died for so long after being sealed, it turned out to be High Elf.” After seeing the information of the strange young man, Shi Feng was suddenly stunned.

As the Elf family, they have the lifespan that mortals look up to. They are not comparable to other Common races at all, and they are born to be the darling of Magic Element. Magic in their hands seems to have given life to them.

If the current Lancelot is not Soul Body, as long as you move your finger, I am afraid the entire Stone Forest Small Town will be flying ash annihilation.

But even in this way, Lancelot is not to be trifled with, because he can be attached to an NPC, and every time the seal is lifted, he will become stronger, and the possessed NPC also It will become more difficult to deal with.

If possible, Shi Feng really does not want to lift the seal and release Lancelot.

But in order to completely solve Black Water and those monsters, you can take a risk.

PS: Thank you Jiang Di for his 100,000 reward! God? Don’t understand 50000 rewards! During November, the monthly ticket is very strong. It will be changed three times a day, and the reward will be supplemented. If it is not completed, it will be supplemented after November.

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