The expression when Abandoned Wave gave the order was full of helplessness, but this also made everyone who resisted Zero Wing’s sighed in relief.

This battle simply can’t be called is a battle, just a one-sided teasing.

Basic Attribute is not comparable, even Perception is interfered, even if they are more crowded, it is meaningless.

“Guild Master, they started to retreat to the north, are we still chasing?” Aqua Rose looked at the retreating Black Water and Heavenly Burial, unable to help sighed in relief.

This battle is really not easy, too hair-raising, it is definitely the first time since she played Virtual Game.

If Shi Feng hadn’t been prepared for it, he played out his hole cards against Black Water again and again, plus let Fire Dance go to unblock the map early, the final result of this war would definitely lead to Black Water.

Even now that the Zero Wing Guild dispatched so many Elites, with the assistance of Magic Tower and the Obelisk, they managed to kill more than 20,000 people in Black Water and Heavenly Burial, and they lost themselves There are also more than three thousand people, which shows how strong the background of Black Water and Heavenly Burial is.

Moreover, Legion, the three cores of Myriad God Temple, intervened in this battle.

If it is not for home court advantage, it is not always true who wins and loses.

“Then chase, kill as many as you can kill.” Shi Feng without the slightest hesitation said.

This battle allowed Shi Feng to fully understand the power of Black Water.

It was only a short time before he really entered God’s Domain. Because of such battle strength and background, if he gave the Black Water Guild for a while, he doubted whether he could hold the Stone Forest Small Town.

So we have to take advantage of this opportunity to give Black Water Guild and Heavenly Burial Guild a ruthless one, and destroy the main force of Black Water and Heavenly Burial, so that they can rest in peace for a while Come down, let him have more time to prepare to build a city.

The city built is not comparable to Small Town. Not only does it cost a lot, the Defense of Primary Stage is definitely not as good as Stone Forest Small Town. The most important point is that Magic Tower’s design creation is also used three times, and there is still The next two times, one of them will be given to the town of origin. If you want to defend a city with a Magic Tower, it is simply a dream.

After everyone listened to Shi Feng’s order, each and everyone rushed to the scattered Black Water members and Heavenly Burial members without the slightest hesitation.

Because this is a good chance to earn Guild Point.

Zero Wing’s Guild Many systems and benefits require Guild Point to reach a certain level, and Guild Player wants to be promoted also needs Guild Point, especially after Stone Forest Small Town is out of Fighting Arena, the importance of Guild Point Not to mention.

It’s just that the usual way to accumulate points is to do Quest, or use good equipment and items to redeem Guild Points, but the daily exchange amount is capped, so there are very few ways to get points.

Only in Guild Wars, you can obtain Guild Points for a Supreme limit. How can everyone not be positive?

“Damn Zero Wing! We are all about to withdraw, and we are still chasing after them!” Singular Burial could not help but yelled.

Among the remaining players, most of them are from Heavenly Burial.

Black Water Guild has already been consumed almost, even if it is killed some of them, there is not much difference, but they are different from Heavenly Burial.

Although the speed of the chase at death is slower than the battle between the two armies, the base of the player is there, and several 100-Mans are killed every minute.

These are not Guild’s Common players. You can have as much as you want. They are all carefully selected by each and everyone. Guild’s main Elite Elite. The serious damage to Guild’s main Elite Elite will greatly affect the development of Guild, and even cause Guild’s development has stagnated.

But no matter how the Singular Burial roared back, the members of the Heavenly Burial Guild were killed in batches, and the 50,000 elite army directly lost more than half…

It’s in Zero When Wing’s member continued to slaughter the members of Black Water and Heavenly Burial, Shi Feng suddenly received a very familiar ID communication request.

“Astray Faint Trace?” Shi Feng’s gaze condensed after seeing the name, “Why would she contact me? What is the intersection between us It shouldn’t be?”

Astray Faint Trace is a rather mysterious female expert in the former life. Everyone knows nothing except her name and record. It was praised as a myth in Free player by many Free players at that time.

Even the major Super-Guilds are constantly poaching Astray Faint Trace, offering sky-high prices for each and everyone, but Astray Faint Trace doesn’t care about it at all. It has always been alone, and Super-Guilds are too. Surprisingly, I didn’t bother with Astray Faint Trace.

The reason why Astray Faint Trace is touted as a myth is because Astray Faint Trace created the record of each and everyone higher rank challenge, Tier 3 vs. Tier 4, Tier 4 vs. Tier 5, which is the most powerful One battle is Tier 5 vs. Tier 6 God Level expert.

Tier 6 God Level is a huge dividing line. Any expert that can reach this level has reached Peak in almost every aspect, but Astray Faint Trace, which is Tier 5, has achieved Tier 5. Direct defeated the Tier 6 God Level expert and then won the first place in the expert Wind and Clouds List with a gorgeous record.

When everyone thought that this Goddess-like character would perform miracles in God’s Domain, suddenly vanish was in everyone’s field of vision, and it also caused various speculations about God’s Domain at that time.

People like Shi Feng didn’t expect to find him on the initiative.

Immediately, Shi Feng chose to accept the communication.

“Hello, I am Astray Faint Trace, you can also call me Ling Jingxuan, I am the representative of the Black Water Consortium.” Ling Jingxuan’s voice is as clear and sweet as the jade bead. Let life not show any hostility.

After Shi Feng heard this self-introduction, he casually said not at all, but his heart had already rolled up the waves.

A figure known as a myth is actually the representative of the famous Black Water Consortium.

At this time, Shi Feng understood why the major Super-Guild did not impose sanctions on the rejection of Astray Faint Trace. With such a hard background, the major Super-Guild certainly would not do anything wrong. Good thing.

“Miss Jingxuan is looking for me at this time. Wouldn’t it be the people who missed Black Water?” Shi Feng asked with a smile.

As a representative of the Black Water Consortium, Ling Jingxuan will naturally care about the development of Black Water Guild’s. If the Black Water Guild’s Elites are dead, the Black Water Guild will probably be short of clothing and food for a long time. In a resource crisis.

“You are right, this is good for you and me.” Ling Jingxuan didn’t mean to conceal at all, just chuckled, as if this matter was not important at all.

“Miss Jingxuan, I understand your kindness. If there is nothing wrong, I will hang up.” Shi Feng didn’t care, and said he would hang up the communication.

“If you continue to force Abandoned Wave now, when the time comes Abandoned Wave may be perish together with you, when the time comes, no one will want to get Stone Forest Small Town.” Ling Jingxuan’s reaction to Shi Feng’s , I was slightly surprised, but all this seemed to be similar to the information introduced, and then explained, “I’m not alarmist, you should know that Abandoned Wave can control the monster army. Now the monster army has not entered Small Town because it is afraid. The monster army’s Evil Energy will pollute Small Town and make the player unable to survive in Small Town. If you kill Black Water to the last one, maybe he will grit his teeth and put the monster army into Stone Forest Small Town, when the time comes But no one can work well.”

“Evil Energy?” Shi Feng really seemed to have such a thing in his mind.

Any place that is contaminated by Evil God Temple’s Evil Energy, players cannot live for a long time. After a long time, they will be infected by Evil Energy. The consequences are very serious. Because of this, Evil God Temple will become Human race public enemy.

“This kind of Evil Energy cannot be eliminated. If you agree to release the Black Water Guild, I can guarantee it. Abandoned Wave will not let the monster army enter Stone Forest Small Town for half a step. I don’t know Guild. Master Black Flame, what is your decision?” Ling Jingxuan asked Shi Feng with a poker face on the screen with a smile.

Black Water has been hit hard now. Even if it is not completely wiped out, it is impossible to cause any trouble to Zero Wing Guild in a short time. Unless Zero Wing Guild is crazy, Stone Forest Small Town will be abandoned.

In her opinion, Shi Feng is not at all other choices.

Stone Forest Small Town is after all an important source of income for Zero Wing Guild. Without Stone Forest Small Town, Zero Wing’s arm was cut off.

“Many thanks Miss Jingxuan, your reminder, if it’s okay, I’ll hang up.” Shi Feng responded formulaically, and hung up the communication without waiting for Ling Jingxuan to say anything.

PS: Thank God? Don’t understand 50000 rewards! Three watch tomorrow! By the way, the old cat asks for a guaranteed monthly pass for next month. The monthly pass is awesome. It will be changed every day for 11 or 7 days!

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