Reincarnation Immortal Path

Chapter 404 Can inheritance be true?

This is the legendary... way to create the world? How powerful! How amazing! It actually created everything from nothing!

Is this the magical power of a true immortal?

The pupils of Ye Xing's two guardians shrank, and their eyes were full of shock. They were both from wealthy families, and they could tell the truth from the truth.

This scene of reopening the world is by no means an illusion, even mortals like them can sense the Taoist charm in it!

As the saying goes, return to nature and simplicity!

The real avenue is life and death, something that everyone can feel at a glance, but it is difficult to explore it in a lifetime.

The scene of the reshaping of heaven and earth and the remaking of the world in front of us is orderly, not intense, not gentle, but logical...

It's natural!

Everyone was shocked by this scene and couldn't take their eyes away, observing every change. It was not until the world was reshaped that they were down to earth and standing in a small village. It was as if they had just woken up. Everything was so memorable.

What do you mean by the method of creating the world? Do these two fellow Taoists know each other?

A ragged real man from the Cangwu tribe woke up. He didn't care that his clothes were torn by the lizard demon. He walked up to the two guardians, his eyes were extremely burning, and he wanted to know the answer!

The Ye family has a heavenly king sitting in charge, and it has reached its peak. Since he knows the inside story of the top method, he will not be stingy about telling it!

Another real person spoke and stepped forward faintly. He was impatient and felt the big secret.

If it were the outside world, it would be impossible to force the people of the Night Clan to reveal their secrets, but this is the place where immortals become immortals, and they will do anything they can!

There is no way they would allow themselves to have information they don’t know!

Bold! Retreat immediately! You are not someone you can offend, Miss!

Ye Yu shouted angrily.

Back off immediately!

Many Dao Domain Spirit Guards looked solemn, drew their weapons, and stood in front of Ye Xing. They were still loyal to Ye Family and had inertia.

Ye Xing is a core member of the Ye family. He has a very high status and is very likely to become the heir and hold the power of the Ye family. They should be loyal to him.


The two guardians looked at the real people who spoke and frowned.

Although there are many real people present, there are not a few who are on their side. They can refuse to tell the inside story. These real people are a little too reckless and want to threaten the Ye family?

Even if it could have been informed, it is no longer possible now. How could the Ye family wait for someone to threaten them!

Forget it, tell them. If you want to pass the trial, at least in the first few stages, you can't coax, as long as they don't regret it!

At this moment, Ye Xing spoke up.

Her face was ugly, and she felt like she was enveloped in a deathly aura that was suffocating her. She no longer wanted to waste her energy on a bunch of trash.

The male protector was silent for a moment, but he obeyed the order and spoke: You have just found a way to kill me and threatened my Night Clan. It is really unimaginable. Thank you to the eldest lady for your kindness. If the eldest lady did not want to pursue it, even if the cultivation level is sealed here, I can’t cast my clan’s magic, but it’s still easy to kill you!”

What nonsense are you talking about? You all know how dangerous this place is. Do you think you can stop talking if you want to? And the eldest lady of the Ye clan? Haha, it doesn't even matter if a son of god comes here. This is the inheritance place of the true immortal. The name of the Night Clan doesn't work either! The Cangwu Clan real person crossed his arms and squinted at Ye Xing, his eyes filled with contempt.

The current Night Clan, like them, only controls the power of blood and cannot increase their combat power at all. Do they still think that they are the master of the Tao Domain and a branch of the God Clan?

You know, this is an opportunity to become an immortal. So what if the gods come? If you don't have the power, how can you make them give in just because of your reputation?


Quite the opposite!

As long as you want to become an immortal, you must be hostile to the Night Clan and kill them quickly!

As their talents evolve step by step, the Night Clan may be able to regain its invincible power!

This is the inheritance of the God Clan. In the Taiwu Dao Realm, no family power can compare with the Night Clan!

The biggest threat to this opportunity is not the trial itself, but the competitors!

Although the real person of the Cangwu Clan does not believe that the Night Clan can replicate his own inheritance, he still has murderous intentions and wants to kill the Night Clan monks to prevent the Night Clan from becoming a threat in subsequent trials!

However, he only thought about it and did not dare to take action directly. He was still hesitating, so he died unfortunately.

A shadow-like figure pierced his heart with a sword from behind. The violent energy and blood directly shattered his heart, making him freeze and lose his strength. Then, the latter kicked him down and pulled out The murder weapon.

The Cangwu Clan real person fell heavily to the ground, vomiting blood, and looked disgraced. He struggled to get up, but his blood energy could not be condensed, so he fell down again, unable to get up. He looked like a dog, without any real person's manners.

Who are you... why...

The real person from the Cangwu tribe kept vomiting blood and couldn't believe that he didn't notice the sneak attack.

He is now a mortal, his heart has been penetrated, and he is certain to die!

The despair in his heart at this moment is unspeakable!

Your Highness cannot be insulted. I will help you be careful with your words.

The person behind her said this, revealing an extremely ordinary woman who could not attract any attention regardless of her appearance and temperament.

……you you you!

The real person from the Cangwu clan was furious and pointed at her, his fingers trembling, and he suddenly spit out another mouthful of blood in anger, unable to say a complete sentence.

Lou Zong!

Damn it, it's hurt in the heart!

Several people rushed forward and took away the Cangwu Tower Sect. After checking, one of them had red eyes and a ferocious expression and roared at the ordinary female cultivator: You guys from the Night Clan, are you really so overbearing and actually killed a real person from our clan? ? Do you think that all the real people here are weak and can be bullied?

Yes, that's too tyrannical. This is a trial full of dangers. To kill someone even if they don't agree with each other. Do you think you're still in the Tao realm? Many real people frowned. They didn't want to see the Ye Clan becoming the dominant family.

He talks too much nonsense and offends His Highness, so we can only kill him so that he can stop talking. The ordinary female cultivator said calmly.

Your Highness?

Everyone was shocked and finally noticed the difference in this title.

There are various names in the spiritual world, and each family is different.

The Night Clan is a branch of the God Clan, the master of the Taiwu Dao Domain!

But the core members of the family are simply called young ladies and young masters, and they do not call themselves saints, sons, saints, etc. like some forces.

But after all, the Night Clan is a branch of the God Clan and is equivalent to a royal family. The heir's title is still close to the dynasty and is called His Highness.

This Ye Xing is actually the next generation head of the Ye Clan, the next generation head of the Taiwu Dao Domain?

If you put it this way, it seems that killing the Cangwu Tower Sect is not so unacceptable?

Don't tell others that they think so.

Even the people of the Cangwu clan looked ugly and couldn't say a word.

The identity of the heir of the Night Clan is too noble, and the Night Clan monks present will defend him to the death. It is really not appropriate to continue to expand the conflict!

Fortunately, Ye Xing didn't want to pursue the matter further. The female monk on the side spoke to ease the atmosphere. She said: As we all know, both the saints and the gods practice the fourth level of spiritual magic and are expected to master the fifth level of spiritual magic...

The so-called method of creating heaven and earth is a spell that can only be used by fifth-level spiritual monks. It can create the world and has the power to create heaven and earth. It is the pinnacle of all kinds of magical powers. Secret realms and caves in the spiritual world are all without exception. It was developed through this method, there is no natural conception.”

We are very surprised. Although we have never seen the real creation of the world, the scene just now is very similar to the description in the clan's classics! Even if the secret realm here is not the inheritance of true immortals, it at least has the inheritance of transformation gods!

But she quickly shook her head and said: It's a pity that there are only a few heavenly kings in the entire dynasty of fifth-level spiritual monks. At least I haven't heard of an heir in the master's family, unless the master's family deliberately hides the news of the Son of God...

Can you understand the difficulty? No one from the protoss with complete inheritance can master the fifth level spiritual method, let alone others? Even if there is a true immortal or a heavenly king's inheritance, without talent and ability, they can't practice it in front of us!

Everyone's expressions changed. They were indeed extremely talented, but they could still clearly sense their own limits.

They have exhausted all their efforts in practicing the three-level spiritual method and are not even sure of achieving Nascent Soul.

Practicing the five-fold spiritual method on your own?

Don’t even think about it!

At the height of the fourth and fifth levels of spiritual law, ordinary means are no longer able to interfere. It can be said that it is uniquely blessed and came into being!

Even with countless years of experience from the Saints and Gods, they can only barely cultivate fourth-level spiritual monks.

The five-level spiritual method really depends on the sky, and it is difficult to control it with human power!

Haha... Isn't it true that the inheritance of true immortals can even out the gap in talent? You can't pass the trial and get nothing, right?

Someone laughed dryly.

Ye Yu sneered: Hasn't that true immortal already conveyed his will? As long as he takes the path of becoming an immortal again, he can inherit his power and become an immortal!

All the geniuses were silent.

They have basically reached the golden elixir realm, have a promising future, and are quite confident in their own abilities.

But that was in the three-acre area of ​​Taiwu Dao Domain. Outside of Taiwu Dao Domain, there are countless top families and first-class families in the world, and there are countless invincible geniuses. In fact, none of them dare to say that they can sweep the Taiwu Dao Domain. , not to mention the entire spiritual world.

The road to immortality, just these three words, they have seen a long road with mountains of corpses and seas of blood. Only the strongest in an era can achieve immortality. How can the road to immortality for such a character be simple? Even though they were in the era of the Immortal Dynasty, they had no confidence.

Immortals are above all gods.

The incarnation of the dynasty cannot enter the realm of true immortals, which is enough to show that the era of the corpse immortal king is still above the immortal dynasty!

I don't know what era this true immortal came from. If he wants to use the method of creating the world, he must at least be at the Nascent Soul realm. He can use the method of creating the world to create a complete world. If he doesn't become a god, he must be close to it!

What's more, the world created here can even allow us to observe the ceremony. This kind of control is probably difficult for even the King of Heaven to achieve!

Night Star sighed.

So, isn't it possible that the inheritance of the True Immortal here is true?

Although I can feel the difficulty, I still want to give it a try.

Indeed, this is an opportunity to become an immortal. If there is a little leakage between our fingers, we will be allowed to step into the Nascent Soul. This is not bad!

Many people said.

It was still difficult for everyone to give up the temptation of becoming an immortal.


Everyone's emotions were quite high, but the faces of the Cangwu monks were ugly, and they were very murderous when they saw their own master who had lost his breath.

In the land where the Immortal Dao is inherited, why can't the Cangwu Clan soar to the top? Is it just based on the countless inheritances that the Ye family has mastered?

His Cangwu clan has long been able to break through some of the essence of the trial, and he has the confidence to change his fate against the odds!


But withered bones in the grave!

A dilapidated small village, deep in the mountains and wild forests.

After the world was reshaped, Gu Luosheng and others appeared in the dilapidated village. Looking around, there was no one around.

The second level begins!

Gu Luosheng's left hand felt itchy, and another lotus mark appeared, completely corresponding to his right hand, with three circles and a lotus platform, and the mark was dim.

It's three levels and one lotus platform again. Isn't it the same as before, with a fifth stage on top of the fourth stage?

Jin Ci took a deep breath, his scalp numb.

He and his apprentice worked together to barely kill the fourth-stage monster.

In the fifth stage, there is simply no room for intervention, and there is a terrifying feeling of death if you try!

The second level is bound to be more difficult than the first level. How are they going to get through this level? Then use the power of hidden light?

It is mentioned on the stone tablet that the human race evolves slowly. This is the era of the demon race, and we will not let us pass easily!

In the first level, we need to fight against monsters as mortals, evolve ourselves by swallowing demon blood, and defeat powerful enemies with one thousandth of the power. The second level cannot be simpler than the first level. There will inevitably be something that can A monster that possesses spiritual energy.”

Everyone, before the battle begins, let's first understand the environment. What happened here and whether there are any supplies left behind are very important. Although the battle will not last long, the consumption of energy and blood is not small. You should already feel hungry. It would be great if we could find some supplies!”

After Gu Luosheng finished speaking, he walked towards the thatched house.

Jin Ci, Chang Tianle, Qing Qiong and other real people paid full attention, grasped their weapons, and followed closely.

This is an extremely ordinary small village. If there is anything unusual, there are only some blood stains and some scattered dishes and chopsticks.

The doors of every house are open, and just by looking at them, you can tell that everyone here has fled, and they didn't even have time to take their belongings with them.

Some houses simply collapsed and were crushed by the huge force.

In addition, Gu Luosheng found that every household had a sacrificial altar, with yellow talismans and various bells posted everywhere, and there were traces of formations.

This formation is extremely primitive, and compared to the purification rituals of the first life, its effectiveness is extremely poor. The only advantage is that there is no threshold, even mortals can use it, and essentially does not require the participation of extraordinary powers.

The monk who revives the spiritual roots can only increase the effect, just like the formation requires the control of the formation master.

It may or may not exist, it's just that the effect is much worse, not that it cannot be established at all.

Exorcist enchantment?

Gu Luosheng pondered.

Could it be that this level is not a monster, but an evil thing like a ghost?

At this moment, he looked out the window. Jin Ci and others also looked at each other with concentration. Their weapons were tightly clenched, and they all heard the movement!

There is something!

I saw a few sounds in a wooden house outside the window, and a man in linen appeared. He looked carefully and saw Gu Luosheng and his party. He was overjoyed and shouted: Master Yinguang, you are finally back, we have been waiting for you. It’s so painful!” (End of Chapter)

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