Reincarnation Immortal Path

Chapter 403: Corpse Immortal Miao King

In the era of the ancient method, various physical constitutions were not manifested, and the golden elixir did not have the power at this time. It was necessary to temper the state of mind and raise the state of mind to a higher level before using the golden elixir to mobilize the power of heaven and earth, which was difficult.

Where is it like today, where you are so uniquely blessed that you can activate the aura of heaven and earth in a small area just by building a foundation!

This was after the spiritual roots appeared.

Before spiritual roots appear.

Artistic conception is the only way to practice, otherwise you will not be able to control the golden elixir at all, and it will be difficult to achieve the great road!

Gu Luosheng himself has an understanding of artistic conception, and his talent is extremely good. He has accumulated it for many lives, and he finally achieved a breakthrough under tremendous pressure. The quality of his soul power soared, and with the blessing of his will, he became one with his qi and blood!

At this moment, every move he makes is Taoism.

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth that was originally extremely difficult to mobilize finally fluctuated and gradually gathered into a formation!

It was said that it was late, but soon, the state of mind broke through, and the formation was formed in an instant. Gu Luosheng suddenly raised his sword, blessing his soul, and pointed his finger in the air.

The first kill-killing sword technique!

The world seemed to darken, and the blade in Gu Luosheng's hand was suddenly covered in cracks, almost shattering into pieces.

An ethereal aura that is different from blood winds around the blade. This aura is both strange and familiar, making people sigh!

This is...the spiritual energy of heaven and earth! It actually attracted the spiritual energy of heaven and earth!

What is the background of this person! We now have no spiritual roots, are physically powerless, have weak spiritual consciousness, and do not have talismans or array disks to support us. Why does he forcefully set up an array to attract the spiritual energy of heaven and earth!


Many Jindan practitioners present saw the trick and looked horrified.

The source of spiritual practice is the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

The source of spiritual magic, natural formation.

The beginning of the human race's use of spiritual energy basically originated from naturally born formations. Only by extracting runes from natural formations can spiritual methods be established, refining spiritual energy, compressing spiritual power, and imparting various miraculous effects!

What this hidden light does is obviously tracing back to its origin and inferring the natural formation, so it can also arouse the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in this world!

But how is this possible!

As Jindan monks, they have extraordinary self-discipline and can do things that ordinary people cannot do. They have also tried to directly induce the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

But what's the result?


Their current spiritual consciousness is not as good as that of mortals. Even the lowest level of mortal talent can only have half a meter of spiritual consciousness after awakening their spiritual roots. However, their spiritual consciousness cannot be separated from the body, let alone capturing spiritual energy, just sensing spiritual energy. impossible!

Like them, this hidden light cannot leave the body with its spiritual consciousness. How can it activate the power of heaven and earth and create such power?

Even looking from a distance, they seemed to be looking at real monks, and the reason contained in their minds could reach directly to their souls!


They saw the great darkness!


One chop! Break the black sky!

The ancient Luosheng has accumulated enough, and it is easy to innovate simple methods such as the demon-slaying sword technique. With one strike, the will is instilled and resonates with the world. There is only a flash of darkness, as if the night is split open, and suddenly shines brightly. The arm, the straight knife , the head of the lizard demon exploded together, and were completely destroyed by the violent spiritual energy, showing the violence of the spiritual energy!

When you have spiritual roots, your spirit is as gentle and gentle as a sweet wife!

When there is no spiritual root, the spiritual energy is like a man-eating tiger!

Just like when a low-level monk goes to a high-level spiritual land, he will be directly assimilated and decomposed by the high-level spiritual energy. The spiritual energy itself is not a gentle thing. It is just that humans in the spiritual world have a complete spiritual root system, and the spiritual energy cannot be harmed during the Qi training period. !

After killing the fifth-level lizard demon with one sword, Gu Luosheng fell to his knees directly, his blood draining from his body, his black hair turned white, and his body was almost rotten.

This knife drained the spirit and blood at the same time!

And the violent spiritual energy not only destroyed his right arm, but actually ravaged the whole body, destroying the body into a honeycomb.

At this moment, he is just a withered bone in the grave, not far from death!

Fortunately, at the next moment, the power of the seal emerged, covering his whole body. The white light directly reshaped his body, recreating every drop of blood and every piece of flesh. Not only did he wash away the lead, he was reborn!

He is already young and has been reshaped like this, but the recovery from injuries is not obvious.

If it were Jin Ci and others, it would be a second life. This is a huge opportunity that can change one's life with the naked eye!

We win! The gap between the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and the blood energy is really huge. This lizard monster is far behind!

Go and see what's going on with Hidden Light. I felt like I was going to die of old age just now!

It's not a big problem. He will use the power of the mark to recover from his injuries. Twenty-four strokes are enough to completely return to his peak state. It's no wonder that the knife just now showed the will of death. It must be a killing knife that was instilled with all the power!

Everyone quickly stepped forward to congratulate Gu Luosheng for successfully killing the fifth-level lizard demon.

Gu Luosheng recovered to his full state in the white light. As soon as he stood up, he found that the mark on his right hand was itching. The fallen corpse turned into a huge white light and poured into the palm of his hand, lighting up the fourth lotus platform. After the white light gathered, it gradually filled the palm of his hand. imprint.

Gu Luosheng had a clear understanding in his heart...

Unlike all previous stages, the fifth stage is similar to a showdown where all participants will be rewarded according to their contribution.

He killed the five-stage lizard demon alone, thus completely lighting up the lotus platform and occupying all the rewards.

Different from the previous three stages, the fourth stage can evolve freely, and what talents can be evolved depends entirely on the monk's own ability.

However, the more evolutionary energy you get, the longer the evolution time can last, which still has many advantages.

If people like Jin Ci did not participate in the decisive battle, they would have lost the opportunity to evolve freely in the fourth stage, and I am afraid it will be difficult after that.

Killing the five-stage lizard demon can be called the first trial. This is by no means the end. They will start the second trial soon, and there may be a third and fourth trial until the final goal is achieved and the seal is achieved. Until the soul is gone.

Hey, what is that? A stone tablet?

Suddenly someone shouted, and everyone quickly looked over, and sure enough they saw a two-meter-high stone monument appearing under the building at some point.

This stone tablet appeared very suddenly, and it was full of words. Everyone frowned, but they could only step forward and take a look.

Gu Luosheng was the first to walk to the stone tablet, and then he showed an inexplicable expression...

It's not that there's anything wrong with what's written above, but that the writing itself is unusually familiar, far removed from the writing in the spiritual world.

Chinese? But it's not simplified Chinese characters, not even traditional Chinese characters. It's another kind of writing that has the same origin but is different...

Gu Luosheng didn't know these characters very well. He could barely read the traditional characters and had a rough idea of ​​the meaning. The characters on this stone tablet were even less familiar, and the meanings were difficult to understand. He could only recognize that they had the same origin as Chinese characters.

However, when the stone tablet was placed, it had power in itself. Gu Luosheng still understood it. He matched these words with the simplified Chinese characters one by one and found that only the writing method had changed, but the meaning structure was still the same, so they must be the same words.

The following words are written on the stone tablet:

Amidst the ruins, we are lingering, and the impact of ancient humans' attacks on each other remains to this day, which is regrettable.

Compared to all species, human beings evolve slowly. Even if they take the lead and start the starry sky era, they will still go back to the old path and self-destruct. From then on, human beings will lose their civilization and turn into beasts to survive.

My name is 'Miu', and I am revered as a king. I lead the human race through all the obstacles, and want to return to the top. However, this era is the era of the demon clan, and the human race does not have the same strength. For the survival of the human race, I decided to restart immortality. Technology may have a 10% chance of success, or it may not even have a 10% chance of success, but it can still leave a fire... May civilization reappear, and may humanity survive forever!

Wang... King?

When everyone read out this title, at this moment, the color of the world changed, and he was infinitely stalwart. Bathed in the immortal light, the figure who was already standing at the end of the road and became a true immortal appeared in front of everyone. There is a sense of doom, and it seems that as long as it exists here, the world will end.

Everyone looked horrified and wanted to retreat, but they seemed to be in an infinite void with no feet on the ground and nowhere to escape. Countless chains were seen across the sky, blocking everything, locking this immortal in the ancient era. Eliminate his law, suppress his power, and bury his avenue forever in history.

Even if everyone reads his name and sees his body, there is no backlash. He just feels like he is personally attending a myth and witnessing history!

Everyone is enlightened.

This unexpected world is the tomb of the Corpse Immortal King Miao. This immortal is dead and has completely fallen!

The essence of this world is a inheritance. If anyone can follow King Mu's path of becoming an immortal again, he can inherit his power and become an immortal!

Everyone is silent, everyone is fanatical, everyone is crazy!

True Immortal Heritage!

It turns out to be the inheritance of a true immortal, and you can become an immortal in the end!

Jin Ci's expression was distorted. Although he suppressed his voice, anyone could hear that his voice was trembling with ecstasy.

All the monks present were like this. At this moment when they saw the possibility of becoming an immortal, it was too difficult to keep their emotions stable.

Even if Gu Luosheng knew it was fake and impossible, his heartbeat would speed up due to the teasing and his imagination would wander!

For monks who try their best to live for a thousand years at most, the temptation of immortality is too great.

This is the end of practice, the return of everything. Only by realizing immortality can we relax and sit back and watch the clouds roll and relax.

It seems that this world comes from the power of the Corpse Immortal...

Gu Luosheng quickly got rid of the temptation and pondered in his heart.

According to the Eternal Night Remnant Soul, the Corpse Immortal took his soul and wanted to absorb his soul to complete the resurrection. However, a woman entered the Qianye Forbidden Land and sealed his soul, interrupting the Corpse Immortal's resurrection and causing the Corpse Immortal to resurrect. The immortal is only half-resurrected physically.

There is actually a problem with this process, and that is why the soul of Eternal Night was not absorbed immediately after entering the Qianye Forbidden Land.

Even if the Corpse Immortal only has a corpse, his power is far greater than that of the transformed god. What is the reason that allows Yong Ye to wait for the seal of the latecomer?

Another true immortal's seal on King Mao? Or is it that the transformed god has the power to resist being devoured?

There is too little information.

Hard to say...

What does this stone tablet mean? A self-narration of a person who became an immortal? But it seems to be just a short paragraph. What about the follow-up? What should we do?

Someone asked, very confused.

According to the stone tablet, what we have to do is actually very clear, and that is to follow this true immortal's path to immortality again!

Jin Ci walked to the stone monument and cautiously stretched out his hand, wanting to touch the stone monument, but he didn't dare to touch it for fear of something unexpected happening.

It's true that we can take the road to immortality again, but how and where are we going?

It may have something to do with restarting the immortality technology. This immortal mentioned that he was going to take a gamble and restart this immortality technology, and the chance seemed extremely low, less than 10%. However, this immortal obviously succeeded. After all, he was already True immortal, standing at the end of the road.

A true immortal. I never thought that I, Fahe, would get to see a true immortal. I will die without regrets!

Many people discussed that although this place was dangerous, it was indeed a great opportunity if it involved immortals. Even if they were greedy for life and afraid of death, they could not help but feel excited when facing this trial, and they had the idea of ​​trying it out.

The hierarchies in the spiritual world are too solid. It is as difficult as climbing to the sky to go further. Death is not necessarily terrible in the face of the opportunity to go further.

I didn't take the initiative to risk my life before, because I didn't know the opportunity, and I was just trying to protect myself temporarily.

But now that they know that there is a possibility of becoming an immortal, most of the monks are unwilling to be ordinary, and their eyes are burning with flames!

As for whether it might be false...

The level of this place far exceeds that of Nascent Soul, and at least reaches the level of Transformation God. What right do they have to question it?

Only move forward!

Only strengthen yourself!

There is no way they would commit suicide directly to destroy someone's plan, that would be too stupid!

Master Jin Ci finally made up his mind and touched the stone tablet. At this moment, he bounced away like an electric shock and his eyes widened: This is...

It seems that even if you want to ask for help from others, it is not that simple. A voice sounded. Jin Ci looked up in shock, but saw Gu Luosheng standing beside him, holding down the stone tablet.

Gu Luosheng retracted his hand and swept across the open space not far away, with an incomprehensible expression: Are we in a different space from the others? They seem to be close, but in fact they never intersect. It seems that it is absolutely impossible to take shortcuts.

What do you mean? Master Qingqiong's face darkened, and she quickly stepped forward to hold down the stone tablet. As a result, the space in front of her eyes suddenly shattered, and all the monks on the side were replaced, turning into another group of people. She glanced at it, and there were handsome young men and little girls. , there are cool fairies, strong men, and old people.

Many of them are like thunder, they are the top geniuses in the Taiwu Dao realm, big shots!

She even saw her fellow monks, and immediately let go of her hand, wanting to go forward to talk, but the next moment, she returned to the stone tablet, and the people she saw changed back to Gu Luosheng, Jin Ci and others.

The spaces overlap?

Master Qingqiong reacted immediately, and her expression sank.

Her initial strategy was to use the power of these big figures to survive the trial.

But according to the current situation, if we really do this, everyone will die!

These external aids are all fake. They seem to be close at hand, but in fact they are simply impossible to achieve!

This is a trial, designed to recreate the road to becoming an immortal. Have the true immortals ever faced what we have just experienced? The rapidly evolving lizard monsters, and the slowly evolving humans? Then, what will happen next? What do you mean by restarting longevity technology?

Gu Luosheng on the side seemed to be talking to himself, and seemed to be describing something.

As the words fall.

There is no chance for anyone to breathe, the scenery of the world is changing, the earth, wind, water and fire are intertwined, and the whole world is reshaped!

Just like the beginning of chaos, a world is being born, being created from scratch!

Gu Luosheng looked at all this with shock, and his pupils seemed to be shining!

He had a vague understanding that this was not a false scene, but a reality that contained truth and was actually happening!

The world is being opened up again! (End of chapter)

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