This time, Yang Xuan succeeded.

One hundred psionic energy is obviously the energy obtained after devouring the ghost.

This is exactly as Yang Xuan expected.


Immediately afterwards.

A map appeared in his mind.

There are two more points on the map.

One point is where Yang Xuan is.

Another point is the location of Wang Shan.

"found it!"

"It's still quite far from me."

"Fortunately, the situation in this world is similar to the Blue Star before I first crossed."

"I can understand the map more or less!"

"Looking at the location on the map, he's probably on the Hawkeye Country!"

"I just don't know if I reincarnated there or ran away there."

"It's not easy to go to the concrete that is so far away."

"After all, there are very few means of transportation now."

"However, the general survivor base does not have transportation, but the Bronze Gate may have it."

Yang Xuan already had an idea in his mind.

He glanced at Liu Xiaoxiao who was still sad and confused.

Decided to give her some time.

Because Yang Xuan still has a lot of energy.

He must continue to use his other abilities.

"One-click full level: Wraith Ghost Realm!"

Yang Xuan's two talents are very powerful.

Since in this world, there are no martial arts cheats that can be strengthened.

Yang Xuan thought that the objects that could be strengthened were the supernatural rules that came with supernatural powers.

And in fact.

This is exactly what Yang Xuan thought.

"Consuming 5,000 points of psionic energy, Wraith Ghost Realm has been successfully upgraded."

Wraith ghost domain evolution.

Ghost country on earth!

The ghost domain evolved into a ghost country.

Although it's just a word change.

However, Yang Xuan clearly felt that his power had changed greatly.

one of them.

It is my own ghost domain, no, it is the scope of the ghost country, covering a radius of ten miles in one fell swoop!

For a country.

A radius of ten miles is actually very small.

But for Yang Xuan, this is already very strong.

Turning a radius of ten miles into his own ghost country, this is simply something other ghost masters dare not even think about.

at the same time.

The endless spiritual breath is also transmitted from the void.

A large amount of energy poured into Yang Xuan's body one after another.

His phantom has gradually become solid from the unusually illusory before.

At the same time, there are still traces of red threads gushing out from all directions in the void.

Then on Yang Xuan's body, it turned into a blood-red robe.

The blood-clothed ghost emperor!

This is Yang Xuan advanced.

From ghost king to ghost emperor.

Yang Xuan's changes were naturally noticed by Paying Wu and the others.

Not to mention those ghost masters.

Even ordinary people know what the **** red dress represents.


Ghost Emperor!

The apex of ghosts in this world.

Every ghost emperor is a supreme existence.

Two hundred spiritual recovery since.

Countless ghosts appeared in the whole world.

But there will never be more than a thousand ghost emperors.

Moreover, every ghost emperor is an existence that dominates one side and makes humans dare not set foot at all.

Even on the human side.

There are also ghost masters at the level of ghost emperors.

But it can't stand it, the human ghost emperor level ghost master can't use the ghost emperor ability too many times.

But those ghost emperors who have no one to control.

It is to use one's own power unscrupulously.


Unless there are great interests involved.

Otherwise, even a ghost master of the ghost emperor level.

It is not easy to set foot in the domain of those wild ghost emperors.

As for Yang Xuan, he has his own strength.

You can also use the energy of the Ghost Emperor unscrupulously.

When he uses it, it will not cause any harm to Liu Xiaoxiao.

To some extent, Yang Xuan is not only a perfect supernatural being.

Liu Xiaoxiao is also a perfect ghost master!

But all of this is rooted in Yang Xuan.

"This this…"

"The blood-clothed ghost emperor!"

"Xiaoxiao really has a great chance to become the blood-clothed ghost emperor!"

"The most important thing is that this ghost emperor has self-awareness."

"Could it be said that the idea of ​​the Bronze Gate is true, allowing one's own spiritual transformation and then maintaining one's own consciousness is the most perfect direction of evolution."

"However, this ghost emperor has become like this since he was not born."

"Could it be that if you want to become a ghost, you must meet such conditions?"

Paying five thought a lot in his heart.

Not just him.

The same goes for other ghost masters.

"Liu Xiaoxiao, we should go!"

After the upgrade.

Yang Xuan felt his strength.

Even with a single thought, he can instantly transfer between his own ghost kingdom on the ground.


His ghost domain on the ground is to let his own power block the space.

Let the space become extremely balanced, so that people in the space cannot move.

····Ask for flowers··········

But now, he has gained the supernatural power of space transfer.

Under this supernatural power, he can shuttle back and forth unscrupulously in his own ghost country on the ground.

You can also take people to shuttle.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

In order to test their powers.

Yang Xuan thought about it.

There are more than 800 people in the survivor base, including Liu Xiaoxiao, Fu Qianwu and others.

In an instant, it appeared in a village fifteen kilometers away.

Within the ghost country.

Yang Xuan can clearly perceive all the information in the country.

The village he brought everyone to was the base of another new village.

Qingquan Village.

Two hundred survivors lay across a huge square, cooking and sharing meals.

In the dark night.

Everyone is not going back to their houses to sleep now.

Instead, they huddled together, lit a bonfire, and waited for the dawn.

Two hundred years of supernatural recovery.

Everyone knows that being alone at night is the most vulnerable to ghost attacks.

Although there are also ghost masters among them.

But the strongest ghost master is just a ghost general level.

So you can count on it, but it is not absolutely safe.

This is just a small survivor base.

In this small town, it is also difficult to survive.

But just now.

Everyone is eating their food.

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