Liu Zheng was filled with sorrow.

He seems to be approachable and approachable on weekdays, and he is extremely hardworking, doing all the dirty work.

Usually there is no shelf at all.

But these are all disguises.

His original purpose.

It was because of the favor of Liu Xiaoxiao's brother-in-law, and then married Liu Xiaoxiao.

Become the next generation leader of this survivor base.

Later, the man from the Bronze Gate came.

He intends to sacrifice this base of more than 800 survivors.

Become a member of the Bronze Gate.

after all.

The Bronze Gate organization is even stronger, and it is the overlord of one party.

But the calculations came and went, and in the end it was all in vain.


He did not betray.

Then he is the husband of a ghost-level aptitude ghost master.

Maybe there is still a chance to **** ghosts and gods.

But it's too late now.

He knew that even if he apologized and admitted his mistake.

Liu Xiaoxiao will not forgive herself either.

"It turns out that the clown is actually me!"

this moment.

Liu Zheng understood.

The best is around, but he made the wrong choice.

"Liu Zheng! You are more miserable than everyone else!"

"I will make you suffer the most terrifying torment!"

"Baby spirit, do it!"

Liu Xiaoxiao's murderous intent boiled over.

Then, Yang Xuan said helplessly again.

"Don't call me Yingling, my code name will be Zero from now on."

"Just call me Zero!"

This life.

Yang Xuan died before he was born, so he has no name yet.

Nor does he intend to reveal his name.

So I gave myself a code name Zero.

"I see!"

Liu Xiaoxiao nodded.

Said I understand.

Immediately afterwards, Yang Xuan stretched out his hand again.

Although Liu Zheng knew that he was no match.

It is already certain death.

But, naturally, he wouldn't just wait to die.

He wants to struggle.

Ever since.

He activated his supernatural rules to reverse the orientation of the floors.

But the next second.

Space seemed to stand still.


Rules unfold!

Wraith Domain!

The whole building has entered into a strange state.

Time, space, this moment seems to have lost its meaning in the ghost realm.


next second.

Liu Zheng exploded.

Immediately afterwards, Li Gui revived.

But the ghosts didn't even have time to devour Liu Zheng.

Yang Xuan directly crushed the ghost.

And turned it into the purest energy and inhaled it into the body.

And Liu Zheng, in the state of soul, was deprived alone.

"Liu Zheng, my host wants you to suffer even more terrifying torture."

"So, I can think of it."

"It is to let you experience the betrayal and torture of life after life in the endless cycle of reincarnation."

"Seed of the mind!"

"Eternal Nightmare Endless Reincarnation!"

Yang Xuan grabbed at the void.

Soon, a shrinking ball appeared in his palm.

Observe carefully.

You will find that this sphere is actually a shrunken blue star.

With the power of the mind, it was impossible for Yang Xuan to imitate a blue star.

But I can't stand it.

Before Yang Xuan traveled, he had read enough novels, film and television dramas.

After achieving supernatural powers, he even got ghost domain, supernatural rules.

The power of the mind has also been improved to a certain extent.

With the help of the palm ghost domain skill.

He can develop an attack method alone.

That is to separate a part of the power of the mind and inject some plot into this part of the mind.

Then combine with the ghost domain.

Then throw the enemy in.

It can make the enemy suffer endless reincarnation.

"He will endure endless betrayal!"

"In my ghost domain, he will suffer a reincarnation betrayal every minute!"

"This kind of betrayal lasted until I took the initiative to let him go."

"After each reincarnation, he will awaken all the memories."

"However, with my protection, his spirit will not collapse."

"This kind of pain is ten thousand times more painful than being burned endlessly by a will-o'-the-wisp."

Yang Xuan explained to Liu Xiaoxiao.

He believed that such a punishment.

Liu Xiaoxiao should be satisfied.

"Endless betrayal, this is okay!"

Liu Xiaoxiao nodded.

Then the violent and spiritual aura around him gradually became restrained.

The whole building.

It also recovered in an instant.

Pay five people.

It is also at this time that body control is restored.

Because Yang Xuan didn't pay five of them.

When his ghost domain unfolds, the space will become extremely viscous, and everyone's reactions will be extremely slow.

But their minds were not frozen.

So, the conversation between Yang Xuan and Liu Xiaoxiao.

They can all be heard.

They also saw what Yang Xuan did.

Regardless of the punishment for the Bronze Gate team.

Still the verdict on Liu Zheng.

In the eyes of those who pay the fifth class, they are no different from the devil.

In their impression.

This is a terrifying ghost.

"Sister, brother-in-law, your children, personally avenged you!"

"You guys should be gratified if you know about it!"

Liu Xiaoxiao didn't cry this time.

But obviously, she got her revenge and fell into confusion.

That's right!

Basically anyone with a hatred.

After revenge, they are not particularly happy, but confused.

After losing the goal, I don't know what to do.

Yang Xuan did not wake up the confused Liu Xiaoxiao.

Because he just got energy.

Therefore, he will continue to test his talent.

"One-key tracking: Reincarnator Wang Shan!"

"Consume 100 points of spiritual energy, and the tracking is successful!"

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