Yang Xuan will ask in a moment, let's listen to what Qu Zifu has to say, after all, this young man's eyes seem to be full of fright, which may be really frightening to him.

Chapter 2073 Worry about the danger

But how enthusiastic he is, he will remind himself not to get close to the seaside and leave here.

After Qu Zifu heard this person speak, he looked at Yang Xuan, he didn't know why the other person came here, after all, no one appeared in their place.

Qu Zifu is left alone, and he is used to living here, he doesn't want to go to other places at all, the temperature here is relatively high.

But Qu Zifu will not go near the sea, the closer to the sea the temperature is higher, he will live under the coconut trees and the woods behind.

He was alone there, and he built a small house for living. He felt that he was living well, although the sea seemed dangerous. It seemed that he had seen a creature once, and then he was scared away.

From now on, he will not get close to the seaside, but he is more cautious every time he comes here, but he hasn't come here in the past two days.

I just played in the coconut tree at the back. Qu Zifu is not very old, and he is free here every day.

But in the past, he liked to pick up shells at the beach, and he also liked to play with these small creatures, but suddenly some strange creatures appeared, and Qu Zifu felt scared~.

"Of course I feel scared. Didn't I come here to remind you? Just now I saw someone lying here not far away. I thought I was wrong, because no one came here in our place. The temperature here is relatively high, but people have landed here in the past, just passed by here temporarily - and left."

"But you are lying down and resting here. Do you like it here? The temperature is so high, can you adapt? But I don't know what this creature looks like. You should stay away, because this The Orchid Sea Territory of this place has such a name, and this name is still very evil."

"But there was nothing here before. Later, some unknown creatures appeared, which were particularly large and frightening. I didn't dare to approach them anymore. That's why I wanted to leave here just now. You still don't come with me. huh? Get out of here."

After hearing Qu Zifu's words, Yang Xuan also understood, it seems that this is the situation, he is quite timid, he just wants to tell himself to leave this dangerous place, this place is called Youlan Sea Territory.

····Ask for flowers 0···

Yang Xuan was quite terrified when he heard that, such a sea area is really strange, but Yang Xuan didn't care so much at all, he just wanted to see what the unknown creatures in this sea looked like.


For me, I still think it is very easy to ride, but Qu Zifu looks so worried.

Yang Xuan is not afraid of anything, he wants to hear what is going on before making a decision, and Yang Xuan is indeed not very familiar with this place, where is the Orchid Sea Territory?

Why is it called this name? Is there anything to say about such a sea area? Or Qu Zifu didn't understand at all.

But he lived well here, didn't he get hurt? Yang Xuan was also thinking, since he was not harmed, it proved that everything was quite stable.

There is no need to worry at all, as long as he is clear in his heart, Yang Xuan also hopes to solve the problem here, let's see what the situation is three.

Chapter 2074 Unidentified Creature Appears

Why is Qu Zifu able to live here? If this place is dangerous, there are really some evil creatures in the Youlan sea area, but how is Qu Zifu doing well? Yang Xuan will study it later.

Qu Zifu saw Yang Xuan all the time and didn't know what happened to him, why he was still sitting on the beach and didn't leave at all, could it be that he was really not worried?

Qu Zifu said "150" because he felt that this matter was already dangerous to him. Could it be that he was not afraid at all? He kept seeing Yang Xuan and never left.

He just hoped that he could leave as soon as possible, so that he would not have to worry about anything here. Even though life might not be able to hurt him now, it was better to be careful.

If you wait until the unknown creature gets hurt, it may be too late to run away, and it's still not a crime to be bitten, Qu Zifu thinks so, and he knows it in his heart.

"If you are passing by here, leave as soon as possible. If you are not passing by or want to see the environment here, you can go to the coconut grove and a small forest behind. They are very beautiful inside, and I also A small house was built there."

"If you don't dislike you, you can live here, but you still don't want the creatures by the sea. You don't know when they will hurt you, but you don't have to worry too much. I just feel a little scared. When I see unknown creatures, I Just run away, I don’t know exactly what these creatures look like.”

Yang Xuan was thinking about it after hearing Qu Zifu's words, it seems that what he said proved that he was very worried, the reason why he reminded himself.

It was because he was afraid of danger, but Yang Xuan found it particularly interesting. What does this unknown creature look like?

Yang Xuan always wants to take a look, but if Qu Zifu is so worried, then leave here for a while, and since there are coconut groves and some other plants behind, this place is quite beautiful.

If Yang Xuan didn't feel that the air here is relatively fresh, and the smell of sea water is also quite pleasant.

It is impossible for him to lie here, he did not expect such a situation in the Orchid Sea.

Yang Xuan also had some thoughts in his heart, but the situation at this moment appeared today...

He knows what he should do, and what he said is also credible. There is no need for him to lie. Why would a young man lie.

Yang Xuan looked at him still so worried and anxious, his eyes were full of doubts looking at himself, maybe he thought why Yang Xuan didn't leave.

However, Yang Xuan also thought about leaving here for a while, to see when he came here to observe what kind of creatures there are in the Orchid Sea Territory.

He wanted to see everything, otherwise he didn't know what the situation was, he just felt that this matter happened today, and he knew what he should do.

Yang Xuan is actually like this, the more curious he is, the more he wants to think about it, but the young man in front of him looks so worried about 0.3.

Yang Xuan didn't want him to worry so much about his own affairs, so now Yang Xuan didn't need to be so stubborn, just slowly search for any situation in the Orchid Sea.

It's not like leaving here right away, and what the other party said is reasonable, go sit in the coconut grove behind for a while, the scenery is more beautiful, Yang Xuan's heart is still relatively calm.

Chapter 2075 Go Behind the Coconut Grove

Qu Zifu was full of surprise, what happened to Yang Xuan in front of him?

Who the **** was he, and why wasn't he afraid?

The creatures in the orchid sea area are very scary, Qu Zifu didn't see what they looked like, but looked at the creatures from a distance.

And the dark skin is particularly frightening, Qu Zifu just told Yang Xuan to leave here as soon as possible.

When Qu Zifu thought about what happened that day, 22 still felt very scared and had lingering fears. After all, it was all good here.

Suddenly, unknown creatures appeared in the Orchid Sea area, and they kept floating on the sea surface, and they ran out at once, Qu Zifu was frightened and quickly backed away.

As for what Qu Zifu looked like, he really didn't see it too clearly. He just told Yang Xuan about it. After all, this unknown creature appeared now.

What's going on in this Orchid sea area, I don't understand at all that Qu Zifu just hopes that Yang Xuan can leave here, so they don't want to stay here.

After all, such a situation sounds rather worrying, and I am a little scared in my heart, just thinking that this is the case.

If such a decision cannot be changed, Yang Xuan will be in danger when the time comes, and Qu Zifu does not know his identity.

But if there is danger here, don't approach it, it's better to leave this Youlan sea area, and the back is very safe, Qu Zifu also understands.

No matter who Yang Xuan is, after all he has come here, he must be reminded. Thinking about it in the morning, I still feel a little worried.

"At that time, I just felt scared and kept running forward, but these creatures seem to have a habit. I observed from a distance that they can only stay on the shore for an hour before the creatures will return to the water. Maybe these creatures are afraid of the heat. Sunshine cannot be separated from water, that’s the reason.”

"Everything I say is true. I just don't want you to be hurt. After all, you don't know all this at all."

When Qu Zifu was talking, he felt a special fear in his heart. Now he followed Yang Xuan and left in the Orchid Sea.

After all, there are other places nearby, so there is no need for them to be at the seaside. Qu Zifu knew in his heart that it would be better to leave here first.

Otherwise, if something really happens, what should we do then? He just told Yang Xuan about the characteristics and habits of these unknown creatures. These guys are afraid of heat.

They can't live without water for too long, so Yang Xuan and Qu Zifu are safe as long as they are farther away from the sea.

But you can't get close to the sea, let alone go into the sea. The Orchid Sea is so dangerous, it's better not to approach it easily. If there is no special matter, try to stay as far away as possible.

Qu Zifu didn't know that unknown creatures suddenly appeared, could they eat people? Anyway, Qu Zifu was very scared when he saw it.

He was really terrified in his heart, thinking about it now, he felt that he never wanted to be near the beach again, but just now he also wondered why Yang Xuan was lying on the beach.

Nothing came out of the Youlan sea area, and no unknown creatures came out. Can you know why? Qu Zifu thought it was really weird, but now he didn't think about it so much.

Chapter 2076

Yang Xuan and Qu Zifu have already left here, now Yang Xuan is walking forward slowly, after leaving the beach, Qu Zifu is not so worried, and Yang Xuan doesn't think so much.

After all, since the young man had already given himself such a reminder, Yang Xuan didn't have to do this, and he knew in his heart that no matter what the reason was, he had to figure it out first before deciding to approach.

Yang Xuan also thought that if there were some unknown creatures in the Orchid Sea Area, Yang Xuan would always want to inquire about them, and Yang Xuan didn't quite know why Qu Zifu lived here.

Is there really no one else here? He actually lives in this place by himself, knowing that there are unknown creatures appearing in the Orchid Sea, and he is still living here, is he so courageous?

But seeing that look, when he was describing these scenes just now, he seemed extremely worried. How could he not be afraid?

But why did Qu Zifu stay here? Yang Xuan didn't know the reason, but he didn't study so much now, and walked slowly, passing through the coconut grove.

When passing by this coconut grove, it was really lovely and beautiful, and although Yang Xuan had seen these trees before, he didn't have the same feeling as now.

I don't know why there is such a feeling, Yang Xuan feels that no matter what the situation is, he has an idea in his heart, but he won't think too much about it.

After all, such a thing happened, Yang Xuan was also thinking about it, and he didn't know what the problem was. Qu Zifu just felt an unknown creature running out of the sea, and kept running towards the shore.

Qu Zifu didn't see it clearly, but such a creature can't live on land for too long, so it shouldn't be too dangerous.

Yang Xuan was thinking this way at the moment, but he hadn't seen it before, so he couldn't be sure. He just felt that Qu Zifu's appearance was very frightening, but he still didn't leave here.

Can't you live somewhere else? Can't you find a safe place to live? What do you have to do in this dangerous place?

"Okay, don't worry so much, haven't we left the seaside now? What else is there to be afraid of? It seems that there are not so many dangers near the Orchid Sea, but you clearly know that there are dangers in the Orchid Sea , but you still want to live here, so why are you'?"

"¨The people have already left here, why don't you go? But now we have returned to your house, did you build this house yourself? You still want to be so close to the sea, don't you really Are you not afraid? But when I heard you just now, I felt that you were very scared, very terrified. "

"Why do you still live here now (De Li's)? Why don't you leave? You can have other choices, why do you still do this, I just can't figure it out."

After Qu Zifu returned to the house for Yang Xuan, he did it and poured a glass of water for Yang Xuan. After hearing what he said, he didn't know why he didn't have this answer either.

He just doesn't want to leave here. Although there is danger in the Orchid Sea, he still doesn't want to leave. Besides, he has lived here for so long.

Chapter 2077 Ready to leave the beach

There are no dangerous unknown creatures in this place, they are just wandering near the water surface, it is impossible to run to this place, Qu Zifu has nothing to worry about.

Because it has been more than ten days since he discovered the unknown creature, and there is still no danger up to now, so he can't live well now.

Besides, he never found it again, it was just that one time, but Qu Zifu was also worried, he just felt that no matter what the situation was, it would not be so scary here now.

Although he has some worries, he doesn't want to leave here temporarily. Everyone else has already left. Qu Zifu just wants to stay here. Maybe there are many memories and nostalgia here.

And he just likes the environment here, likes the air here, even though it is hotter 150, he is used to it.

Besides, it was very cool in the woods, not so hot at all, Qu Zifu didn't have too many thoughts in his heart.

Although Yang Xuan felt a little strange in his heart, after all, he didn't know much about everything here when he came to the Orchid Sea Territory, so for him, he knew it well.

No matter what the situation is, as long as he can change things, he will naturally make it very clear, that is, he feels that such a problem has arisen.

Then Yang Xuan also knew what he should do, and came to the Youlan sea area, whether it was for reincarnation or not, Qu Zifu is living so well here now.

And although he looked a little worried, but he still didn't want to leave here, Yang Xuan felt that he had some thoughts in his heart.

If Qu Zifu really felt that this place was dangerous, and being so scared made him feel terrified, could he leave here at all?

Besides, if you go any further, you will leave the Orchid Sea and enter another environment, which is even cooler than this place, but Yang Xuan feels that the woods are quite cool.

The temperature is much lower than that at the seaside just now. No wonder Qu Zifu likes the environment here. The air here is also relatively fresh, and the feeling of singing birds and flowers is really a good place.

Moreover, there is a beach and a seaside, which is really good, but Yang Xuan also doesn't (ccad) understand why Qu Zifu did this, and he doesn't know why he has such an idea.

Although this place has beautiful mountains and clear waters, if fog really appears in the Orchid Sea area, Qu Zifu really won't stay here, Yang Xuan is also a little puzzled.

"This place looks dangerous today, and unknown creatures often appear. How many times have you seen it? Is it only that one time, or did you misread it? Is it a creature in the sea? Is it a sea lion, or a fur seal? It’s possible, maybe it’s not an unknown creature, I just think you shouldn’t always scare yourself.”

"I won't leave the Orchid Sea for the next two days. I'll be with you to see if there is such a situation, and to see if there are any unknown creatures in the water. If so, we can find a solution."

"After all, you haven't left here yet. This place is the environment you live in. If it's dangerous here, how will you live in the future."

After Yang Xuan took a sip of water, he looked up at Qu Zifu without any thoughts in his mind. Yang Xuan is a relatively normal person, and he doesn't feel afraid of anything he encounters.

Chapter 2078 Got an Answer

Yang Xuan will definitely take a good look at the unknown creatures in the Youlan Sea Area in the next two days. What is going on, Yang Xuan wants to give Qu Zifu an answer to save him from worrying so much.

After all, Yang Xuan also knew what Qu Zifu was thinking, and if he wanted to leave here, he would have already left here, with other people.

He is the only one left here, which proves that he doesn't want to leave at all, Yang Xuan also knows this truth in his heart, he just thinks that he doesn't want to leave~.

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