Everyone who enters this kind of world is reincarnated, right? Don't worry about it for the time being, so many problems will be solved.

Wu Xiaofeng looked at Yang Xuan, and felt very at ease. After all, he had already thought about such an opportunity, whether it was real or not, he wanted to try it, and it was so amazing.

He is already in the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower at this moment, do you still have doubts? Wu Xiaofeng felt that there was no meaning anymore, so there was nothing to doubt.

This kind of opportunity is really very good, not everyone has it, besides, Yang Xuan has already said that he meets the requirements, and the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower can also bring him to the reincarnation world, so why do he hesitate?

Wu Xiaofeng also just wanted to change himself as soon as possible. After all, he knew in his heart that Yang Xuan couldn't stay here all the time. Once he left him, he would become a helpless person again.

He really didn't want to face such a situation again, he knew in his heart that at this moment, he had already seen all this clearly, although he was a little anxious in his heart.

But he also knows how he should decide these things. If he figured it out, he might not have any troubles. If he couldn't figure it out, he would feel really helpless in his heart, but for him.

He already knew how to face such a situation, as long as he could come back to life, as long as he could change his temporary fate.

Even if he came back later, he didn't think it mattered, he just hoped that Yang Xuan would not think too much, and had already agreed to his conditions.

"Don't worry so much. I told you that I won't doubt anymore. Everything you do is based on thinking. I know very well in my heart that I won't think about those boring things anymore. Since this When an opportunity comes, I just accept it, why do I have to think so much?"

"Why do you still have to think about those useless things? You have to wait in this place. When such a danger comes, it's better to fight hard and feel a new life. This is what I should choose."

"I already have this idea, we can go now, you can figure it out, anyway, I don't know what it is, as long as you decide, I will approve it."

Wu Xiaofeng felt that the Tower of Reincarnation seems to be getting faster and faster. Such a situation has never happened before. He now feels like he is flying, as if he has become a fairy. This feeling is really too much. Cool.

Wu Xiaofeng was also happy, no matter what, even if he couldn't survive this moment, he didn't think it mattered.

Chapter 2068 Looking forward to a better future

Being able to have such an experience and situation is the happiest thing for him. He doesn't worry so much at all, he just feels that the more it looks like that kind of problem.

The more he made himself feel a little doubtful in his heart, but some things happened, and he didn't want to change so much anymore. There was always a solution to the problem.

But if some things can't be decided in this way, he just hopes that everything can be as perfect as before, and nothing will happen again, this is what he wants~.

Wu Xiaofeng wants to live a good life, and he doesn't think so much about other things. After all, he lives a very sad life in this world. He can live until now because of his own trust.

Otherwise, he didn't know how many times he seemed to have died. For such a way of life, Wu Xiaofeng felt that life was really worse than death, and he didn't know why it was so difficult.

But Wu Xiaofeng is really brave, even in the face of this kind of pressure, he still persists until now, he doesn't want to let him die here at all, he understands in his heart.

No matter what the reason is, as long as I can have such a kind of perseverance, as long as I can persevere well, I will definitely overcome the difficulties and see the sunshine.

Just like now, if you meet Yang Xuan like this, you will have a new opportunity to change your destiny after entering the reincarnation world, even if you come back here after the end of your life in the reincarnation world.

Wu Xiaofeng will also be braver than before, and may learn a lot in another world, Wu Xiaofeng knows in his heart that this is all possible.

Since Yang Xuan said that he still has nothing to doubt, he already understood what was going on in his heart, and either he didn't understand these reasons, or he thought that this problem had arisen before.

He knows what he should do and what he should do, and he feels that all this is in a good mood, and he doesn't have to think about those useless things anymore.

Yang Xuan is so powerful, what else is there to worry about? Wu Xiaofeng felt very at ease.

Yang Xuan felt relieved looking at Wu Xiaofeng, he had already made such a decision today, which is really good, and Yang Xuan saved himself from having to tell him so much.

····Ask for flowers 0···

At that time, he still suspects that all of this will no longer exist at this moment. Yang Xuan just hopes that he can understand it, and then take him into the world of reincarnation, and all this will be over.

"If you really think so, that's great. All of this is considered non-existent, so the worries just now will no longer exist. Even if everything has come to a successful conclusion, I'm very happy in my heart. , if this is the case, then there is no need to worry so much about anything, I just think this happened before."


"We just know what to do. There is no need to worry so much about some things, and there is no need to worry so much. I also understand these reasons, but the more things like this really make me feel particularly happy in my heart, I will It’s really good to think that your destiny can be changed and you can live again.”

"Don't worry, we will arrive at the reincarnation world after flying for half an hour. I'm not sure what the place I sent you to this time will be like." Three.

Chapter 2069 Control Your Life

"But as long as you enter a new world, it's different. Entering a new environment, you can control everything yourself."

Wu Xiaofeng looked at Yang Xuan quietly, he didn't worry so much at all, he already knew in his heart, how could he still worry so much, and he wouldn't let himself think wildly, facing such a situation.

He already knew what he should do at "150", but he felt that the more such a problem was, the more helpless he felt.

But he knew in his heart that no matter what the situation was, as long as he could decide things, he really didn't need to think too much, and he was still in a good mood.

At least he didn't have to worry about these things, and he didn't have to worry about these boring questions. Wu Xiaofeng knew better how he should face such a situation.

And Wu Xiaofeng was quite happy in his heart, at least he didn't have to think about it anymore, and he didn't have to face such a situation and think too complicatedly, he just felt that if something really happened.

Wu Xiaofeng just followed what Yang Xuan said, and everything would definitely change. He was very excited at the moment, feeling that the speed of the True Reincarnation Tower was getting faster and faster.

It seemed that he was about to enter the world of reincarnation, and he was still a little uneasy, but he was no longer so afraid, and he believed that all this was true.

Yang Xuan already understood Wu Xiaofeng's situation in his heart, and it was okay, at least he accepted these things now, and he would no longer doubt, let alone worry so much.

Yang Xuan finally breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, Wu Xiaofeng is also a poor man, he encountered such a desperate situation at a young age, living alone like a vagrant.

Even though he was an adult, it was not easy for him to live all these years. This time, Yang Xuan also hoped that the Tumu True Spirit Reincarnation Pagoda could bring him a new reincarnation world, the best world.

But Yang Xuan is not sure, but everything is controlled by the True Reincarnation Tower, and Yang Xuan can't control too much.

"But don't worry, you won't have any other changes. If you really end up in this world by the way, you will come back here. Maybe it's just to give you a chance, give you a process, and you can endure this well A kind of test, you don't have to worry about anything in the future..."

"Any dangers and blows are nothing to you. This is how people live. Don't think about it so much. You will soon arrive in the reincarnation world."

"This is a new beginning for you. In fact, I am quite happy for you. After all, you are qualified to enter the Tower of True Soul Reincarnation. The process of changing the reincarnation world, otherwise, it would be nothing at all. If you don’t have this chance, don’t think about it so much, it will be here soon.”

When Yang Xuan finished speaking, the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower had already entered the reincarnation world. This world is extremely beautiful, full of flowers and full of particularly attractive sunlight.

This kind of sunshine seems to be particularly fresh and different, and he feels at ease in this reincarnation world. He is watching Wu Xiaofeng walk forward slowly at this moment.

I have already told him how to live here, don’t worry, just do everything as I tell him, and he can leave the moment his life ends.

Chapter 2070 Entering the Reincarnation World

At that time, Wu Xiaofeng will return to his original world, so there is no need to worry about all this, let him experience a new life in this new world.

At this moment, Yang Xuan saw that Wu Xiaofeng had slowly disappeared, everything was arranged, and Yang Xuan felt at ease.

This time, Yang Xuan controlled the True Soul Reincarnation Tower and has left the reincarnation world to travel freely. Yang Xuan is not in a hurry at the moment, after all, he let go, and entered a new reincarnation world alone, Yang Xuan was very happy in his heart.

It seems that this time the ability has improved a lot, and the true spirit value has reached a certain amount again. Yang Xuan feels very happy, he is not using others.

He just thinks that everyone has their own needs, these 22 people can enter the reincarnation world through such an ability, and Yang Xuan can also get what he wants.

This time Yang Xuan could be regarded as gaining a lot of abilities again, but he was thinking about his mission, just like this, before the True Reincarnation Tower appeared, he had to keep choosing a target and a new direction.

But at this moment, his mind is relatively calm. Faced with such a situation, he knows what he should do and how he should make decisions, but he just feels that something has happened.

He knew in his heart that he didn't need to worry so much at all. Facing such a situation, how could he not know how to make a decision?

Yang Xuan saw that the air in front of him was quite good, there was a sea here, and Yang Xuan wanted to sit by the sea for a while, but he hadn't come to such an environment for a long time.

After all, the world is different in every turn.

Yang Xuan also felt exhausted, this time he had to take a good rest.

"It seems that this time I really need to take a good rest, take a good rest and then make a decision. After all, I just sent someone away to enter a new world. This is also a good thing. After all, for every reincarnation world, as long as If some people go in, they will change so much that they won't be able to think too much about things anymore."

"All of this has no meaning anymore. It is impossible to make too many decisions after thinking too much. Let's see who will meet next time? After all, the situation in each place is different. If you enter a In the village, all the people here meet the conditions, and all of them will be sent to the True Reincarnation Tower."

"Entering into the world of reincarnation to start a new journey, in this way, my ability will be improved a lot. Thinking about it, it is more enjoyable, but I will also get some different things. It seems that this time I am lucky, but next time I don’t know what happened once, I don’t think so much.”

150 "It's really nice to be by the sea. I haven't lived in this place for a long time. I stayed here for two days, and there is a small house in the back. It's really nice."

Yang Xuan didn't have any thoughts in his mind at the moment, he just felt that since this situation had already appeared, he felt that everything was quite stable now.

Through the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower and the transformation from the future, so many people can enter the reincarnation world and start a new journey, Yang Xuan is also very happy in his heart.

After all, the problem is still quite stable now, Yang Xuan also feels particularly relaxed in his heart, no longer always facing the dangerous state like before, feeling a little helpless.

Chapter 2071 Changing Many Views

But this time he knew in his heart that it seemed that he should change his mind, it was impossible to be like before, if there were really too many changes.

He also knew how he should decide all these things, but some things happened, and Yang Xuan also knew how he should face such a situation.

For him, he felt very relaxed, but if some things really couldn't be solved, then he would think of other ways, after all, Yang Xuan knew it in his heart.

Yang Xuan was lying on the beach at the moment. He had never felt so relaxed like today. He knew in his heart how he should decide all of this, but he felt that something had happened.

He was able to control all the problems and deal with all the crises well, so Yang Xuan didn't have any worries in his heart, and everything was relatively stable now.

Yang Xuan began to transfer freely, and it was really good for him to start a new development. Once this kind of choice appeared again, the Tower of Reincarnation appeared again.

Yang Xuan started to leave here again, but this time it seemed quite calm, without any change. When Yang Xuan was lying on the beach, he seemed to hear footsteps.

But Yang Xuan didn't open his eyes at all, this person was slowly approaching, Yang Xuan had already felt it, and was walking towards him.

Yang Xuan also thought that this place is quite remote, since there are still people showing up, it seems that there are people living here, maybe there is only one person living in that small house.

Yang Xuan ignored so much, if the other party wants to get close, it is not some evil monster.

Yang Xuan didn't care so much, he just felt that there was nothing too much for him now, everything was relatively normal, and he didn't have too many worries.

He just felt that he knew this truth in his heart, and faced with such a situation, he also knew what he should do, and he knew better how he should make a decision.

At this moment, Yang Xuan already felt that this person was approaching him, and he squatted down and kept looking at him. In fact, Yang Xuan closed his eyes and pretended that he was asleep, to see what this person wanted to do.

"Brother, where are you from? Are you asleep? Why do I look at you as if you are a little weird? There are some things happening in this place, and there are some monsters in the water. You have to be careful. It seems to be a creature in the water, I just think that if you want to rest here, you can go back a bit'々."

"¨¨And there is a creature here that often runs on the beach. It looks scary. It's better for you to stay away. Did you hear what I said?"

The person speaking is Qu Zifu. He has lived here for a long time, but this place is relatively remote and the climate is relatively hot.

Few people appeared at all, but in this water, a kind of aquatic creature appeared inexplicably, it looked weird, and (De Li's) was particularly aggressive.

Qu Zifu saw it once. Fortunately, he ran faster. The creature left the water and could only stay on the beach for less than an hour before returning.

It would be no danger not to be here at ordinary times, but Qu Zifu didn't dare to come here later, he just saw someone lying here from a distance.

He felt a little worried, so he came to have a look, after all, this place is very remote.

Chapter 2072 The climate is very hot

And because of the relatively high temperature, people here have already left here. Qu Zifu didn't want to leave here. Later, he built a small house not far from here and lived here.

After Yang Xuan heard these words, he had to open his eyes. He could no longer pretend to be asleep. After all, the person who spoke was thinking of himself, and he was very happy.

Unexpectedly, there is really a human being appearing here, who is Qu Zifu? Yang Xuan didn't quite understand, the moment he opened his eyes, a handsome face came into view.

Yang Xuan carefully looked at this person, who was not very old. It seemed that he was lucky this time. If he meets the conditions, he can enter a new reincarnation world in the game.

Yang Xuan also thought about this matter and started to do it slowly. He looked at this young man and felt very strange. Since he reminded himself, why does he still appear here? How come there are some strange creatures on this beach.

Yang Xuan was also quite surprised, but he didn't quite understand the situation, and he would only know it after he figured it out.

After all, he looked at this person so that although he looked very simple in his clothes, he was at least clean.

"Little brother, thank you for your reminder. I don't know what this place is. I just (ccad) think that the air in this place is better, and it still feels very gentle, but the sun is more abundant. I just lay down. I felt like I was going to melt in the sun on the beach, but you reminded me to remember that there are some creatures in it."

"Is it an animal on the bottom of the sea? Is it really that scary? Have you ever seen these things? Could it hurt you? How many people still live in this place? Since you know this place is dangerous."

"Why do you keep getting close? I just think it's interesting that you look like this. You still remind me when you're young. At the same time, this place is dangerous, but it's also very scary for you to appear. I see you You look scared too, aren't you afraid that I will hurt you if I am a bad person?"

Yang Xuan felt that the sea looked quite calm, how could there be some strange creatures? Moreover, Qu Zifu seemed to be very scared when he spoke, Yang Xuan was also surprised, it seems that he was very worried.

But Yang Xuan clearly knew that he was approaching here, maybe it was to remind himself to let him leave here, but Yang Xuan was not worried at all.

But Qu Zifu didn't understand his abilities, so Yang Xuan also felt that Qu Zifu could appear here, so could it be that he lives here.

Faced with such a situation, Yang Xuan knew in his heart that no matter what it was, as long as it could be controlled well, as long as it could be understood, there would be no need to worry so much.

After all, Yang Xuan knew what he should do and how he should make a decision. Facing such a situation, he could only make himself more relaxed, there was no other way.

But Yang Xuan needs to understand the situation here before making a decision. Why is this sea dangerous? What is this place?

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