When the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower stopped, Yang Xuan couldn't enter the Hopeless Space this time. This place is really special.

I also didn't expect that this kind of incident that happened this time turned out to be someone who appeared in the Hopeless Space. Yang Xuan wanted to take a look, and then decide whether to stay or not.

Yang Xuan saw the situation here while walking, this place is also relatively desolate, but Yang Xuan has not quite figured out what is going on.

When Yang Xuan was approaching, a particularly high mountain peak appeared not far away, but Yang Xuan just felt that this place was relatively steep.

Every scene in this place is rather weird. I wonder why there is no one here? Yang Xuan heard small footsteps appearing from behind.

Is there really someone? When he turned his head, he saw a figure walking over in blue clothes. The blue clothes were also exquisite in workmanship.

"Who are you? How did you come here? Are you lost in this way? But do you know that this is a hopeless space? There are some monsters appearing in this place, and this place is also relatively evil. People here Living here is helpless, there is nowhere to go, so we stay here."

"¨Otherwise, we would have left a long time ago, but you look weird like this, what exactly do you want to do? If you lose your way here, I advise you to leave, otherwise once the evil demon here When the beast appears, then (of Li’s) you won’t be able to resist, we’re all used to it.”

"I also know how to resist monsters. We can chant some spells, but you are not from here. Just like teaching you to chant spells, you can't be effective. Monsters are still a threat to you."

The person who spoke was Yi Yuntian. He has lived here for a long time. Although he is young, he already has a certain ability and can still resist monsters.

Chapter 1997 has entered the space

But the monsters are also very powerful. They can't kill the monsters, but they can resist them. As long as the monsters don't let themselves get hurt, they are already very content.

Moreover, the monsters here look very terrifying. The name of this monster is Lingyun Bird Beast, but it is very ferocious. Dangerous.

At that time, the situation was critical, but the monsters were relatively powerful, and they couldn't be wiped out. Although some of them stayed here, as long as there were a few, they would be too much for them. Yi Yuntian was a little worried.

He just didn't know why Yang Xuan came to the Hopeless Space. This place seems to be relatively remote and insidious. Isn't 050 afraid of him?

After Yi Yuntian thought of this, he kept looking at Yang Xuan. He had already walked to Yang Xuan's side. He didn't know the identity of the other party, and he looked like an ordinary human being.

But is he incapable? Otherwise, how could he have the courage? Maybe he is capable.

Yi Yuntian just told himself not to think so much, just advised Yang Xuan to leave here as soon as possible, and not to stay longer, danger is everywhere.

After Yang Xuan heard these words, there was no threat to him at all, but he also found it quite strange. It seems that there are really monsters in this place?

He is not afraid of this young man, is he afraid of himself? The people in their place can spell, the more Yang Xuan thinks about it, the more weird it becomes.

Could it be that some evil things really happened in this place, otherwise the aura of this place would not feel so terrifying.

Even if Yang Xuan wasn't afraid, the aura here was indeed different. He didn't expect that the Hopeless Space was such a dangerous place. After all, Yang Xuan didn't care so much at all, and it didn't matter to him. , he looked at the blue-clothed boy in front of him and said.

"Little brother, thank you for your reminder. I don't know why I came here, but although this place (ccad) is a bit scary, it's not that dangerous. You said I haven't seen this kind of monster before. I also find it very strange, and at the same time, I am very curious, do you want to see which monster lives here?"

"Which part of this hopeless space? When will it appear? Or will it appear in the middle of the night? I don't think it is possible for these monsters to come out during the day, but since you can resist the monsters, it proves that your place is Everyone has spells, otherwise it would be impossible to look so calm."

"Although you may have no way to leave, there are always ways to leave if you want to leave. It is because you can resist the attacks of monsters and these monsters that you have not thought of various ways to leave this hopeless space. , maybe you are used to living here."

Yi Yuntian felt strange, who is this person in front of him? Why is he like this? Why do you say that? Does he like these monsters?

This monster is so terrifying, why does he insist on looking at its appearance? There is really no need for it. Yi Yuntian just wants to persuade him to leave this place no matter who he is. Danger exists at any time.

Chapter 1998 You must say the spell

But the place where monsters and beasts live is relatively remote, and they live in a particularly dark corner. This hopeless space is originally such a terrifying place.

But the place chosen by these monsters is also very scary, besides, Yang Xuan doesn't know the situation here at all, so why should he be so stubborn?

The more Yi Yuntian thought about it, the more worried he became. He didn't want the young man in front of him to enter the hopeless space and lose his life just like that. It's better to stay away from this place of right and wrong.

It's not that Yi Yuntian and the others have no way to leave here, they just don't want to leave the Hopeless Space, this is the place where they have lived for a long time.

They have stayed here since they were born, how could they leave because of the danger here, besides, even though the monsters look hateful.

But if they have the ability to fight against monsters, they won't be so worried, and things will be more stable, but why is Yang Xuan so stubborn? Does he want to die?

Yang Xuan quietly looked at the person in front of him, he knew in his heart that Yang Xuan didn't care about all of this, and it didn't matter if he entered the Hopeless Space through the True Soul Reincarnation Tower.

How could Yang Xuan worry so much? No matter what dangers are here, as long as Yang Xuan wants to solve them, all dangers can be eradicated.

Whether it's a monster or something more terrifying, Yang Xuan doesn't care so much, but Yi Yuntian does seem very worried.

Yang Xuan could understand his mood, and it was for his own sake. Otherwise, the blue-clothed boy in front of him would not be in this state. Of course, Yang Xuan understood and knew what the other party was thinking.

But Yang Xuan would not change his decision like this, and came to the Hopeless Space to try the True Reincarnation Tower to bring him here, how could he just leave like this.

He just felt that since the situation had arisen, he knew what he should do, understood these reasons better, and some things were not as he thought, and everything was more complicated.

But as long as there is nothing complicated to solve, there are dangers everywhere, so why be so afraid.

····Ask for flowers 0···

"But for me, I also know that it doesn't matter. I also want to see that I have come here, and I want to see what this monster looks like. I still feel a little curious, but don't look at me like that. Don't worry, I won't destroy everything about myself."

"There won't be any accidents. Do you think I'm dreaming, or that I'll be eaten by monsters? But don't think too much. I'm not afraid now. What are you afraid of? As long as you As long as you can resist the attack of monsters, don't think about me."


Of course Yi Yuntian was worried about this matter, Yang Xuan would not have any ability, but there are several such powerful monsters, can he really resist?

Why did he look so calm and indifferent? The more Yi Yuntian thought about it, the more he felt a little terrified. He just hoped that Yang Xuan could understand this situation. Crisis is everywhere.

If you don't want to die, leave the Hopeless Space as soon as possible. Besides, there is nothing to miss in this place, and I don't know why he insists on staying here.

Chapter 1999 No Nostalgia

How could Yi Yuntian have no idea in his heart, he was thinking about this matter in his heart, and he was still quite entangled in his heart, he wished to use his ability to send the other party away now.

But he knew in his heart that the young man in front of him was capable, otherwise he wouldn't be able to talk like that, and he wouldn't be able to look indifferent.

But danger is danger, and the monster "Zero Five Zero" is a monster, how could it disappear? It won't change because of who he is, the more Yi Yuntian thinks about it, the more he feels unimaginable.

He really didn't want such an accident to happen here, and hoped that everything would go smoothly, let alone too many unexpected situations appearing in front of him, and he didn't know what to do in his heart.

The person in front of him said what he said, he was so calm, it seemed that he had made up his mind and didn't want to leave here, what should he do?

Yi Yuntian was also thinking about what to say, and he had already said it, as long as he was persuaded, he would feel at ease. As for how he decides, it is his own business.

Yi Yuntian can only do this, he feels that he has already dealt with what needs to be done, and said what needs to be said, if the other party really doesn't care so much, he has to make his own choice.

Yang Xuan didn't think too much at all, he was just like this, besides, he possessed super abilities.

How could he be afraid of these monsters? Yi Yuntian seemed terribly worried, but what he was worried about was not himself, but Yang Xuan's safety.

Yang Xuan could see these things in his heart, but some situations unexpectedly appeared. He had already followed the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower to this hopeless space, and there was always a purpose.

Yang Xuan has already understood this truth. Every time I send myself to another world, it is a new journey.

It is to open a new world, how could Yang Xuan want to change all of this, he knows in his heart that no matter where he goes or what world he goes to, he will not change easily, and there will not be too many situations of.

Besides, he will not be timid or afraid of these risks. He just feels that the situation must be resolved, so he doesn't have to worry so much anymore, let alone have too many worries.

For him, how could he not know the question of greeting, Yang Xuan saw everything here, just entered the hopeless space, and was blocked by Yi Yuntian...

It seems that he is really afraid of these monsters. Although they can resist, they are still very scared

Yang Xuan also thought, if he could solve these safety hazards for them, would there be no monsters here? If they can't go to the Tower of Reincarnation with themselves to reincarnate.

They can live in this hopeless space, isn't that great? Yang Xuan had a lot of things on his mind, he didn't want too many situations to arise, he just wanted to go according to his own ideas.

Besides, he has also considered this issue at 0.3. If the people living in this hopeless space meet the conditions, they can enter the True Soul Reincarnation Tower, reincarnate to another world, and experience a new experience.

"Now that I'm able to come to this hopeless space, I don't feel horrible or scared, although the situation in this place is indeed a strange atmosphere, which makes people feel a little shuddering.".

Chapter 2000 The spell doesn't work anymore

Yang Xuan did not expect that this place turned out to be a hopeless space. This time, the place where the True Reincarnation Tower stopped turned out to be such a kind of space world.

Yang Xuan thought it was quite strange, but since Yi Yuntian in front of him said so, it seems that even this place is dangerous.

But where did the spirit cloud birds and beasts appearing in this place come from? They can live in the hopeless space and face the attacks of Lingyun birds and beasts, isn't there any harm?

Can spells alone explain all this? Yang Xuan still has some ideas in his heart.

But after all, he has just entered the Hopeless Space, and he is quite clear about everything here. Since he has this ability, it seems that these guys 22 still have some skills, but Yang Xuan thinks that if he can eliminate them.

Is it true that people living here don't have to worry so much? Sometimes Yang Xuan felt that the situation was not as complicated as he thought, and they were not afraid at all.

"I didn't worry so much at all. I just felt that these situations had arisen. I knew the truth in my heart. I didn't need to think about it so much. Don't keep thinking too complicated. What is the situation in this hopeless space? You Also tell me, where is this monster, I would like to take a look."

"You said just now that you all have a very powerful weapon, so you have to chant spells. Zhou Yu can make Lingyun birds and beasts stay away from you and won't hurt you, but if there are people, he can't chant spells. , Lingyun birds and beasts suddenly appeared, so how could it be possible to resist the attacks of these guys?"

Although Yang Xuan was not worried, there was nothing Yi Yuntian and the others could do in the face of this situation. They could only rely on chanting spells to keep Lingyun birds and beasts away from them.

Let the Lingyun birds and beasts not hurt themselves, but the people here still don't have the ability to eradicate all the Lingyun birds and beasts.

Yang Xuan was rather anxious in his heart, all this happened unexpectedly, he knew what he should do, this has come to the hopeless space, no matter what happens here.

Yang Xuan didn't want to see them enter the point of eternal doom, and besides, it was useless for them to use this method to look at the spirit clouds, birds and beasts in detail.

One day, if the spirit cloud birds and beasts become stronger, the spells they recite will no longer be effective. Wouldn't they really be in danger by then?

How could Yang Xuan not consider this situation? Facing these problems, he could already see it, he kept looking at Yi Yuntian.

Just wanted to go with him to find where the spirit cloud birds and beasts went down. Yang Xuan still found it strange. It seemed that this time there was something else to do, and it was different coming here at 050.

"Does this Lingyun bird and beast live in a remote place? How big is this hopeless space? I don't know much now. I'm just afraid that you will be hurt. In such a situation, I want to help you resist danger. Don't do this Look at me, don't worry, since I want to do this, I must be capable."

"I will definitely help you out of danger. I have entered the Hopeless Space. I just feel that there is danger here, so I want to deal with it."

What should be said Yang Xuan has already said so much, I just hope he can understand that this situation must be resolved now.

Chapter 2001 Solving These Crisis

It is impossible to wait any longer, no matter whether the Lingyun birds and beasts do them any harm, but is there really such a situation in this hopeless space?

Yang Xuan was also wondering where the Lingyun birds and beasts were, why didn't Yi Yuntian say it? Does he really look so calm and unafraid?

Faced with this situation, if it is impossible not to be afraid, Yang Xuan also understands that this Lingyun bird and beast is such an evil guy, if it keeps multiplying here.

There are more and more Lingyun birds and beasts, then the entire Hopeless Space will be occupied by Lingyun birds and beasts, and the people here will be induced to survive.

Didn't they realize the seriousness of this matter? Is it true that they have no way to destroy Lingyun Birds and Beasts?

There are so many things in Yang Xuan's mind, he just wants to enter this hopeless space and he will not have other problems with equipment, now that the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower is opened.

He has already been sent to the Hopeless Space, so he needs to understand the situation here, and then see if these people can meet the conditions to go to the reincarnation world with him. This is what he wants to do.

Once they enter the world of reincarnation with themselves, they will start a new journey and start a new life, and they will not return to their own world until the moment their life disappears.

Everything there is over, but Yang Xuan is not in a hurry to say so much, if there is any danger in this hopeless space, Yang Xuan will solve it for them first, and discuss this issue with them later.

After all, Yang Xuan knew in his heart that danger was everywhere, let's see what these Lingyun birds and beasts look like this time, just hearing what Yi Yuntian said, it is impossible to imagine.

Yang Xuan has never seen a monster like Lingyun Bird and Beast. Yang Xuan has to understand what is going on before he can make a judgment, but he will not be afraid. If it has no ability, he will not say so, nor will he Will easily promise.

Yi Yuntian was a little scared, he didn't know what Yang Xuan was going to do, did he want to find Lingyun birds and beasts? But Yi Yuntian felt that Lingyun Birds and Beasts finally stopped coming out.

They hid in a particularly remote place. That place was so evil that no one dared to go there. It was in the most remote corner of the hopeless space.

It's far away from them, and the Lingyun birds and beasts won't come down. If they enter here to harm them, why should they bother the Lingyun birds and beasts?

"¨¨I don't know what you mean by that, but even if you want to help us, don't act rashly, the spirit cloud birds and beasts are far away from us, they will not enter the place where people live, they are now in a A particularly evil place is relatively remote, and that place is particularly dark without sunlight."

"They won't come out under any circumstances. They are also worried that we will cast spells. Once (Li Hao) has cast spells, their lives will be worse than death. And once they are in danger, we only need to cast spells. , the Lingyun birds and beasts will flee wildly, no matter what happens again."

"It is because we people who live in the hopeless space can chant spells, so the spirit clouds, birds and beasts will hide there and will not come out. As long as they can live here, it will be a change for them, but we don't want to be with them either. What conflict do they have.".

Chapter 2002 A Dark and Damp Corner

"As long as they don't come in here and invade our lives and hurt us, that's fine."

After Yang Xuan heard these words at this moment, he felt that this situation meant that Yi Yuntian and the others were too timid, otherwise they would not have said such things. It seems that they are also afraid of Lingyun birds and beasts.

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