The people around here are about to suffer. The black-winged bats are already flying towards Yang Xuan, and they will be seen soon. Yang Xuan is in the sand dunes at the moment.

I have already felt that such a voice has appeared. Do I have to wait for this situation? Even if Wu Yazi didn't attack Yang Xuan, he didn't want to listen to his arrangement anymore.

After all, why should he be at the mercy of others with such an ability? Yang Xuan alone can eradicate all these black-winged bat beasts.

Yazi didn't know what he was waiting for, Yang Xuan didn't want to wait any longer, this kind of feeling was uncomfortable.

How could he not know about this situation, but if the situation arises today, it should be done quickly, and there should be no further delay.

"Okay, don't hesitate anymore, I don't want to waste this time anymore, but these black-winged bat beasts really look like this, so what do you think, don't you really have no decision? I just made it clear that I really don't want to go on like this."

After hearing what Yang Xuan said, Wu Yazi also understood that he was really anxious when he saw him, but what's the use of being anxious at this moment? They haven't solved these problems yet.

What should I do if there is a situation? How could he not be anxious now? Toothless was also very worried.

"I said brother, don't be so anxious, okay, wait a little longer, I'll see what's going on with these black-winged bat beasts, and then we'll decide that even if we want to launch an attack, it's not too late, wait a little longer Let's see what the problem is in a few minutes, and then we will go out and eliminate them, so it will be okay."

"I know you are so anxious and anxious, but in our current situation, if we really go out, we don't know much about the outside world, and we don't know how much power this black-winged bat beast has. We don’t want to see this happen.”

Chapter 1991 Hiding in a Dark Corner

If there is no good solution at this moment, Wu Yazi will not act rashly. He knows these reasons in his heart. If there is really any change, then the situation will change.

How could Wu Yazi not be worried now? Faced with this problem, he has been thinking that the Black Winged Bat Beast originally lived in the deep mountains and old forests, especially dark places.

Today, all the black-winged bats suddenly flew out and appeared in the air. Yazi had already confirmed that these black-winged bats were coming for Yang Xuan. The eyes of several black-winged bats were not as good as expected.

But their sense of smell is very sensitive, they flew here from where they are because they smelled Yang Xuan's breath, this place is far, far away.

At this moment, the Black Winged Bat Beast just wanted to get the power from Yang Xuan, otherwise it would not be possible to dispatch all of them, this time the sky has become so dark.

It would be a very good decision if all these black-winged bats could be wiped out at this time. Toothless also thought that once the black-winged bats were wiped out, the nearby villagers would be safe.

Yang Xuan didn't need to worry in his heart, Yazi also thought about this kind of thing in his heart and wanted to discuss it with Yang Xuan, after all his abilities were limited.

But Yang Xuan's power is endless, and Wu Yazi has already felt that this power is really too strong, otherwise it would be impossible to bring the Black Winged Bat Beast here.

Chen Mo looked at everything in front of him. They were hiding in the sand dunes at the moment, and they couldn't see the black-winged bat beast in the sky. Chen Mo was anxious.

But if Wu Yazi has such a plan, it seems that he should attack. These black-winged bat beasts have not flown over the sand dunes, how should they attack?

Have they been waiting here? Chen Mo was very anxious, he couldn't wait any longer, he just wanted to get rid of these guys as soon as possible, and then leave here.

The black-winged bat beast is so evil, it seems to be very capable, how could Chen Mo not be worried? These black-winged bat beasts introduced me to the village, I am afraid that the common people will die in their hands.

These guys, they drank human blood and ate human flesh. At that time, the whole village was turned into a pair of bones. Chen Mo was particularly anxious. He looked at Toothless right now, his eyes full of worry.

"Then do you have any good solution? Should we leave the sand dunes and start attacking now, or are we waiting for the black-winged bat beast? Although they can't see such a long distance and don't know that we are hiding in the sand dunes, they are at the moment Still in the air and not leaving, it proves that this place is still dangerous, and it is also a very scary thing'々."

"¨If this problem is not resolved as soon as possible, the consequences will be more serious. When will it be a waste to wait like this? If these black-winged bat beasts really change their direction, they will directly enter (of Li's) The village, start hurting the people around here, when the time comes, the common people will have no ability to resist, and they will die tragically at the hands of the black-winged bat beast."

"That's not the result we want to see. I just don't think it works. Let's go out. It's no problem to eliminate the black-winged bat beast with our ability. I don't know what you are worried about. He has There is nothing to worry about, this situation is imminent, and we cannot hesitate any longer.".

Chapter 1992 The situation is more urgent

Yang Xuan has never faced this situation in such a hurry as today, he just thinks that he really doesn't want to wait for such a thing, why wait until now?

And he has the ability to resist all this, he doesn't want to waste time at all, it is impossible for him to listen to Toothless's arrangement now.

After Yang Xuan finished speaking, he had already come out from the sand dunes. He looked at the densely packed black-winged bat beasts in the sky, and Yang Xuan had no fear at all.

Facing this situation, he has already been prepared for a long time. At this moment, he has activated his super power to fight against these black-winged bat beasts in the air, even though they are powerful with human blood.

But Yang Xuan didn't care so much at all. If he felt scared, he wouldn't be able to come out with 050 at all. Yang Xuan had already wiped out some of the black-winged bat beasts. At this moment, these black-winged bat beasts exploded in the air and instantly turned into a wisp of green smoke. ,flew away.

There were still a lot of black-winged bat beasts hovering in the air, and Yang Xuan had a great time fighting. When Yazi saw Yang Xuan coming out, he also joined the battle.

He didn't expect that Yang Xuan didn't discuss with him at all, he just came out and started fighting with the Black-winged Bat Beast. edge close.

(ccad) Because there are too many black-winged bat beasts, they can only resist slowly, but they are not in a hurry now, Yazi already knows it.

It seems that waiting does not have any effect at all, Yang Xuan is right to do so, Wu Yazi did not expect that he is really so strong, some of the black-winged bat beasts have already been eradicated by Yang Xuan.

"I said, bro, you surprised me too much. You couldn't hold back right after you finished speaking and came out, but this black-winged bat beast has been wiped out by you a lot. It seems that you are really Too strong, I didn't expect you to be so capable, maybe I was worried too much just now."

"I have a lot of worries. I am afraid that we are in danger and I am afraid of what will happen. That's why I am like this. If I can think of this matter earlier, I am afraid that I will attack earlier, but we still have to be cautious. These black people Winged Bats are not that simple."

"It's better to make sure, and then change the routine. Now these black-winged bat beasts are still hovering in the air, and they really shouldn't be underestimated."

While Yang Xuan was attacking, he finally calmed down after hearing what Wu Yazi said. He finally knew about this matter, and he should have thought so long ago.

Otherwise, when will it be a head? Yang Xuan doesn't want to worry so much at all, and doesn't want to have too many worries. Since these black-winged bat beasts have already appeared, it will be fine after they are eliminated.

Although Yang Xuan knows in his heart that these black-winged bat beasts are indeed emerging in endlessly, and batch after batch of non-stop appearances, but no matter how many black-winged bat beasts there are here today, they will all be eradicated, and there will be no future troubles .

He knew in his heart that if he couldn't solve this problem, wouldn't he be wasting his ability at this moment? I want to see these black-winged bat beasts in the air attacking non-stop.

Since some of them can breathe fire and some can spray venom, they are really too strong, but Yang Xuan has already used his ability to surround himself.

Chapter 1993 Constantly Spraying Venom

Toothless would not be harmed either, they just kept attacking inside this protective layer, and when the flames and venom reached the vicinity of Yang Xuan, they had already evaporated in the air.

In an instant, some of these black-winged bat beasts also disappeared in the air, and they made a particularly piercing roar in the air. These guys really have some abilities. No matter what the situation is, they can't leave here alive today.

After all, he has gone all out, but at this moment he also feels that the might of these black-winged bat beasts has been resisted once they get close to them.

It seems that Yang Xuan has already made up his mind, and has protected the two of them in the middle. They will not suffer any harm, and will not be harmed by fire or poison.

It seems that there is no need to worry so much about this matter. Wu Yazi finally felt at ease. Facing this problem, he knew clearly. It seemed that he had thought too much. Some things really don't need to be so complicated.

It's all relatively simple, so how could he not understand the situation behind it? As long as he understands this truth, he doesn't have to worry so much.

After Wu Yazi and Yang Xuan wiped out more than half of the black-winged bat beasts, they started to attack in another direction. These black-winged bat beasts were scurrying around in the air, already panicking.

These black-winged bat beasts are terribly frightening, but they are still resisting Yang Xuan's attack, and Wu Yazi can see this situation.

These black-winged bat beasts are really much less courageous than they looked just now. It may be that Yang Xuan wiped them out. After worshiping them, they can see that Yang Xuan's ability is so powerful.

And they won't hurt Yang Xuan a single bit. How could these black-winged bat beasts not be timid? They just want to escape at this moment, and there is no chance.

Yang Xuan has already blocked the entire section of the road. The black-winged bat beasts can only fly away in their original positions in the air, which is impossible at all. Moreover, when they flew away, they bumped into Yang Xuan's barrier, bang Bang straight.

Wu Yazi had never seen such a situation before, it was really enjoyable, he did not expect that Yang Xuan's ability was really so strong, and his spells were so high.

····Ask for flowers 0···

If I knew this was the case, I should have believed what he said. If I had come out to resist these black-winged bat beasts earlier, I wouldn't be here now, but at least it didn't pose any threat or cause any harm.

The black-winged bat beasts did not harm the nearby villagers either. Seeing that they were already unable to fly with their wings, Yang Xuan wiped out so many black-winged bat beasts.


Toothless is really very happy, the worries in his heart are gone at this moment.

"Although you have eliminated so many of these guys, they are still running forward and increasing. I didn't expect them to be able to achieve such a strength. We should be more cautious. , but let’s fight now, no matter what these black-winged bat beasts will surely die today, you are not afraid.”

"I can't be cowardly or timid now. I know this situation well in my heart. If this is the case, we don't have to worry about anything, as long as we go all out to reach such a level."

Toothless is also doing his best for three.

Chapter 1994 I have tried my best

He also won't change easily, and he also knows how a capable and toothless Yang Xuan can ignore him today, but he feels that he doesn't seem to be able to display his abilities.

Yang Xuan alone could have wiped out so many black-winged bat beasts. Seeing the gas appear in the sky and dissipate in the air, a part of the black-winged bat beasts evaporated "050" in the air.

In such a situation, Wu Yazi has never seen him. Through such understanding and observation, he already understands what kind of situation Yang Xuan is. He is really a master. Could it be that he is a god?

Anyway, he was amazing, Wu Yazi didn't know how to describe Yang Xuan's ability, he had never seen such a situation before, he was really dumbfounded, the worries in Wu Yazi's heart were gone.

He also knew that Yang Xuan had this ability so he didn't need to think too complicated. These black-winged bat beasts were sure to die. Yang Xuan was not joking, nor was he exaggerating.

Yang Xuan didn't care about so much at all, just make a breakthrough in such a situation.

Besides, it is impossible to keep these black-winged bat beasts anymore. Their current situation is really complicated. The number of black-winged bat beasts keeps increasing in the sky. Yang Xuan did not expect such a situation to happen.

But no matter how many black-winged bats there are, as long as they come out, Yang Xuan will let them all die here today, and they will evaporate instantly in the air. These black-winged bats are really menacing, but Yang Xuan will not be afraid .

He just wanted to leave here after dealing with these black-winged bat beasts. As long as this place can be peaceful, Yang Xuan will have no regrets in his heart.

Faced with such a thing, if he didn't have such ability, how could he do this? Is he going to die? It is simply impossible for Yang Xuan to have confidence in this.

He was able to take the initiative to attack, and he couldn't wait until now. At this moment, he could finally have a big fight with the black-winged bat beasts. These black-winged bat beasts are really powerful.

But they are also a little timid in the sky at the moment, and they are no longer as confident as they flew just now. The sky looks messy, and they are also fleeing everywhere. It is impossible for them to leave here...

There was no way out, the whole air was surrounded by Yang Xuan, these black-winged bat beasts could not escape at all just in a circle in the middle.

"Don't worry, haven't I told you? If I didn't have this ability, I wouldn't do it. Besides, I am a relatively down-to-earth person to do things. If it is a problem or something that I am not sure about, I will It is also impossible to deal with it, just like facing a huge scene like the Black Winged Bat Beast now."

"These guys are very powerful. If I don't have this confidence, how can I let myself die in vain? I can't do it like this now. I will think of other ways. Now that the current situation has appeared, 0.3 , I also know how I should feel that all this is nothing to worry about at all, that's it."

"Although it looks complicated, the Black Winged Bat Beasts seem to be in a mess. They don't know where to fly, but they can only be surrounded by me. They are going to die here. At this moment They're so smart they've already felt the situation."

Chapter 1995 Vaporized in the Air

After Wu Yazi heard what Yang Xuan said, he was very happy. After all, at least it would not be dangerous to be with him. I didn't expect this young man to have such abilities.

Yazi's special accident, at least it's safe now, and the black-winged bat beast has died a lot, so don't worry, this situation will end soon.

Wu Yazi looked at all these lights constantly appearing in the sky, Yang Xuan's ability kept flying out through these barriers, he didn't need to do other things, he just needed to stand inside.

The abilities outside were continuously displayed, and these black-winged bat beasts had been smashed to pieces by Yang Xuan's light, and they had already evaporated 22% in the air. It was really too powerful.

Wu Yazi was very excited when he thought about it, he didn't expect such a powerful master to appear, that is Yang Xuan in front of him, he really surprised himself, his ability is unparalleled.

Seeing the scene in front of him now, Yang Xuan was about to end all of this, and his heart finally calmed down. Looking at the situation in the sky, these black-winged bat beasts disappeared one after another, and the air seemed to be filled with poisonous gas. .

But these gases will evaporate at any time, Yang Xuan no longer has to worry about these things, he can finally calm down a little bit at this moment.

After all, he also felt that Yazi had a lot of worries at the beginning, and Yang Xuan didn't want to act rashly, but when you think about these black-winged bat beasts still flying in the air, Yang Xuan didn't want to hesitate anymore.

He launched an attack directly, this matter can finally be decided, Yang Xuan is not so worried, he looks at all this in front of him clearly, turned his head to look at Wu Yazi and said.

"The danger is around them, they are already approaching, look at them now, they don't even have any ability to attack us, they just want to leave here quickly, but it's too late, the one who told them to enter the encirclement It's too late for a moment, and they must die today."

"You don't have to think about anything, and you don't have to worry so much. Wait for another half an hour. Basically, this battle is about to end. Once the Black Winged Bat Beast is dead, I feel relieved, and I can leave here Otherwise, when I was in the air just now, I didn't expect these evil guys to come running towards me."

"This time let them want to **** my ability, they will pay the price of their lives instead, this group of guys just wiped out the world for them and it will stop, but there may be other situations, this is not We can think of things, for the time being here is a stable 050. "

Yang Xuan watched these black-winged bats die in his hands, and there were only the last few left. It became more and more enjoyable. Looking at the situation in front of him, Yang Xuan began to slowly become particularly clear. up.

It is no longer as cloudy as before, and the sky is no longer as dark as before, and finally light is revealed.

The last few remaining black-winged bat beasts have been wiped out by Yang Xuan, and everything in front of them can finally see the light.

Yang Xuan didn't have to worry, sitting on the ground with Wu Yazi and the others, they looked at the situation here, they didn't expect that it looked so scary just now, like a hell.

Chapter 1996 has begun to retreat

The monsters here have been eliminated, there will be no more danger, Yang Xuan also wanted to say a few more words to Wu Yazi, and he left here.

He sat on the ground chatting with Wu Yazi and his mood became much better. Yang Xuan explained some things to Wu Yazi, and he was about to retreat.

Yang Xuan just passed by this place, he didn't expect to encounter such danger, the black-winged bat beast has been wiped out, so there is no need for Yang Xuan to stay here anymore.

After Yang Xuan left here, he didn't have any worries anymore, everything has been restored, the normal Yang Xuan won't worry anymore, as long as there is no danger here, he can go to other places without any worries.

He hasn't thought about where Yang Xuan is going this time, after all, the reincarnation world is always different, and in this way, Yang Xuan keeps shuttling through the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower.

There are no other reincarnations in the True Soul Reincarnation Tower, only him. As for where to fly, Yang Xuan doesn't think so much. Once the True Soul Reincarnation Tower stops, Yang Xuan can enter another world.

Yang Xuan is very at ease, he doesn't think so much at all, after all he will solve any situation he encounters, how could he worry about those boring things, this time Yang Xuan sits in the True Reincarnation Tower to see what's going on , this time it doesn't matter where you go.

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