Chapter 1728 Excited

He was just waiting for when the Tower of Reincarnation would open and then left here, and he had a lot of thoughts in his mind.

I just feel that the current situation is still relatively complicated, so whether these people here can follow me into the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower to reincarnate is unknown.

Yang Xuan doesn't know the answer yet, because there is no one now. Yang Xuan just passed the news on to a few friends, and let them go around the Aegean Sea to find out the news.

Let them tell their elves about this matter 040, and they can participate voluntarily. Once the True Reincarnation Tower is opened, Yang Xuan can take them out of here and enter a new world.

It depends on whether they are willing to do this, Yang Xuan looked at Liu Fengmian at the moment, although he didn't speak, he knew in his heart that no matter what, if these situations really happened.

It depends on whether these elves have such a choice, do they have such desire and ambition? Because going to other worlds also requires courage and determination.

If he was timid, he wouldn't dare to go to other worlds, and he didn't have such a thought, so Yang Xuan knew in his heart, he wouldn't think too much, and his heart was very peaceful.

Liu Fengmian was rather excited. After all, he knew in his heart that he usually had friends to play with him, but he rested alone at night.

He felt very boring, although he was not afraid, but felt quite lonely, Yang Xuan appeared at this moment, Liu Fengmian didn't know what he meant.

Do you have this idea to go home with yourself? And if he came to the Aegean Sea and really lived there for a long time, then Liu Fengmian wanted to keep Yang Xuan at home.

But he didn't say that now, let's make plans after he goes back, after all, I don't know if Yang Xuan has this idea, go home with me to look at these shells, taste (ccac) these fresh seafood.

In fact, there are quite a lot of seafood here, but they sometimes don't eat it, and the elves living here eat very little seafood.

But I didn't expect that there would be a place like the Aegean Sea here, and there could be such creatures. They were also happy to taste such delicious food.

"I just want to collect the shells I like, and I can eat meat and make some handicrafts. This is the most satisfying thing for me, because the Aegean Sea is very deep, and people have never been to us. Even the elves dare not go into the sea, our abilities are limited after all."

"So we never take this risk. Maybe if we take this risk, it's better to stay here. If we enter the Aegean Sea, we won't be able to get out at that time, and the spells are not strong enough. Is this step beyond redemption? So people here will never want to enter the Aegean Sea."

"Just take a walk around the beach outside here and pick up those creatures. This is what we like to do most. Anyway, some elves can't come here, but the people we live near here, we like This Aegean Sea, I like everything here.”

After Liu Fengmian said this, his eyes were full of light, looking at Yang Xuan, he was also very eager for him to go home with him, and hoped that he would agree.

Chapter 1729 Unreasonable

But Liu Fengmian is waiting for the answer, let's see what he has to say, and Liu Fengmian doesn't want to force all this to be voluntary, if Yang Xuan came to this Aegean Sea just to see these shells, he has already seen them.

If he wanted to see the handicrafts, he had to go home with him, or he had other plans for coming to the Immortal Flower Realm at this moment.

Moreover, it is also possible that the purpose of going to other people is to find relatives and friends, Liu Fengmian is just waiting for Yang Xuan's answer.

After all, there are many things happening in this fairy flower world, and how could Liu Fengmian know that Yang Xuan came to this fairy flower world through the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower, and how could he know so much? It is even more unclear that Yang Xuan can lead people into the reincarnation world.

The reason why Liu Fengmian said this was that he hoped that Yang Xuan could visit his house, after all, the seashells were already full, colorful and special-beautiful.

Liu Fengmian will cook the shells when he goes back, and then he will make handicrafts after eating the meat. Let's see if Yang Xuan is interested in this.

How could Liu Fengmian have some thoughts in his heart? I just feel that Yang Xuan is silent now, what does he mean? But the expression on his face was very calm.

Liu Fengmian kept looking at him, his eyes full of longing, hoping that he would come home as a guest, Liu Fengmian was boring by himself, he thought it would be good to have another friend, anyway, Yang Xuan in front of him was capable.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to enter the Lingxian Flower Realm, so he didn't have to worry about eating. Practitioners like them can live without eating, but there are some delicious dishes that they want to taste.

He wanted to cook these shells for Yang Xuan today, let him taste the delicious taste of these shells, and let him see the handicrafts he made.

After hearing what Liu Fengmian said, Yang Xuan looked at him with longing eyes, how could Yang Xuan refuse, since he came here with nothing to do.

He doesn't care at all whether he can find some precious things, it doesn't matter, even if there is nothing, and no one follows him into his true soul reincarnation tower, and reincarnates into other worlds.

····Ask for flowers 0··

Yang Xuan didn't care so much, what was important to him was that his mood became better. When he came to this Aegean Sea, the experience here was really kind.

This is the most comforting thing for Yang Xuan, it is much more comfortable than entering that evil world and seeing those terrifying monsters.

"How can I refuse when you say that? I just listened to you quietly without saying a word. I can only answer after you have finished speaking. Since you are so sincere in inviting me to your house as a guest, I will definitely agree. , let's go home with the shells now."


"I just think you made these shells really beautiful, so I'm curious, and these shells look the same shape, it must be very beautiful for you to make handicrafts with these things, and it must be very beautiful when you put them together It's strange, I just feel very curious, and the more I think about it, the more anxious I feel."

"Want to see your handicrafts, or want to see you make these shell handicrafts yourself, is it as popular as you said? And I am also very curious." 2.

Chapter 1730 Nothing to repay

"After all, I have come to the Fairy Flower Realm. I don't know much about some things, so I am really surprised that there is a place here where you can exchange things."

After hearing what Yang Xuan said at this moment, Liu Fengmian was excited and jumping up and down. After all, he hasn't been a guest at home for a long time.

He just thought that if Yang Xuan came home as a guest with him in "043", would he stay at his home tonight? Planning to prepare a sumptuous meal for him, after all Liu Fengmian's life alone is boring.

Although there are many things in the Aegean Sea, he can't come here every day and talk to the sea, and friends, they will go back after picking these creatures here and playing.

Although we often meet each other, Liu Fengmian still lives alone, he finds it boring, but there is no way, now that Yang Xuan has come to this spirit fairy flower world.

There must be something wrong, Liu Fengmian won't ask so many questions, after all he just thinks that Yang Xuan has this plan, so he doesn't want to ask the bottom line, he just wants to invite Yang Xuan to come home as a guest.

Liu Fengmian saw that Yang Xuan had walked back slowly with him. After all, they had already made so many things in the Aegean Sea, and they had already collected all the shells.

They were about to go back, Liu Fengmian also hoped that Yang Xuan could go back with him, but since he agreed, he didn't have to worry so much.

Liu Fengmian watched as he walked, he was also very happy, he had an extra friend today.

And I don't know what Yang Xuan came to him for, but Liu Fengmian doesn't think so much now, he will naturally say what he wants to do.

Liu Fengmian didn't have any thoughts in his heart, he just felt that no matter what happened between these situations, then he would definitely do everything well, and for the past two days he was thinking in his heart that it would be great if he could have more friends.

I didn't expect Yang Xuan to come here, but he didn't know how he came here, and he knew it more or less in his heart.

But he doesn't want to know too many things at the moment, but let's talk about what Yang Xuan has to say after returning home, let's talk slowly anyway...

If Yang Xuan has no place to go, he can stay at home, anyway, Liu Fengmian is alone.

"It's really good for everyone to exchange their favorite things with each other. In this way, everyone can live a more fulfilling life. Then I understand. Otherwise, if I live in this fairy flower world for a long time, I will feel boring and boring. It is also a good life to find something you like and find something to do for yourself.”

"Otherwise, no matter how beautiful the place is, living in a beautiful place will not be interesting after a long time. In fact, I can understand your feelings, so let's go first. I want to see how delicious these shells are, and how delicious they are. Handicrafts, how beautiful are they 0.2."

After saying this, Liu Fengmian's Yang Xuan had already walked back, he was very excited and happy when he finished speaking, after all you thought about these problems.

And if someone shared these things with himself, he would have nothing to worry about, because he felt that if these situations really happened, how could he not know the danger behind them.

Chapter 1731 Cranky

But Liu Fengmian was not too clear about the danger. Yang Xuan didn't look like a bad guy so he didn't worry about it. He just thought in his heart that if all the situations could be stabilized, then he would be relatively calm.

How could you worry about those other things? He thought in his heart that these problems were already in front of him, and it was up to him how to deal with them. Anyway, Liu Fengmian would not think about it.

He is a 22-year-old man who is relatively calm when he encounters anything like this, and he feels that he can handle everything well.

Besides, nothing happened in this fairy flower world.

These elves are all living relatively normal lives, so how could there be other situations? He pondered in his heart, if what Yang Xuan said was true, it seemed that there would be new changes in all of this.

Liu Fengmian didn't have any worries in his heart anymore, he thought in his heart that since these things had already appeared in front of him, he should face them well.

It's fine to deal with it normally, and there is really no problem if you think too much, and there is no way to do it, so how could he not know the situation behind it?

Sometimes he is clear in his heart, and sometimes he feels confused in his heart, but Liu Fengmian thinks about a lot of things, and he never thinks for himself.

Just thinking of some good times with friends, but they each have their own things.

It is impossible for the people who accompany me every day to understand and not think too much, as long as I live well, everyone in this Aegean Sea must live.

Yang Xuan was also very excited. After all, everyone was so enthusiastic after coming here, which made him feel a sense of imagination.

Yang Xuan suddenly thought in his heart that he didn't want to leave the Immortal Flower Realm, but there was no other way. If the True Reincarnation Tower came, he would have to leave the Immortal Flower Realm.

Yang Xuan also knew that this was his task, so he thought in his heart that if he thought about it so much, it really wouldn't make any sense. He studied a lot of problems here.

He also thought about many things. If one day he entered a world that he liked, he would not want to leave, but he tried many times.

He had to leave, because the world of reincarnation was like this, once everything came and the Tower of True Reincarnation was opened, he had to leave.

"Seeing you so happy and optimistic, my heart is also excited with you, and your shells are very delicious when you think about them. They are delicious things. It is okay to go home with you as a guest. Anyway, I'm not in a hurry to settle things slowly when I come to this Fairy Flower Realm."

047 "I have already told you some things. I am from another world. Why I came here is to start a reincarnation path through the Tower of Reincarnation. If the elves here meet the conditions, all of them can Follow me into the Tower of Reincarnation and start a new journey."

"Entering a new world and starting to live a new life is also very good, so I met a few friends, and they have already conveyed the news for me. At this moment, many people don't know, so once everyone knows the news They will all come to the Tower of Reincarnation."

Chapter 1732 Helpless

After Liu Fengmian heard Yang Xuan's words while walking, he knew in his heart that Yang Xuan's identity was such that he already knew a little bit about it just now.

Although Liu Fengmian was not very clear, he still understood some truths.

After all, how could Liu Fengmian understand so much about such a complicated situation and such a rare event.

He thought in his heart that no matter what he said, he still believed in Yang Xuan's words today, and he could just listen to what he said.

Liu Fengmian is still so young, and he doesn't meet the conditions now. Yang Xuan said that he can't change this kind of thing, and it's impossible for him to enter the True Reincarnation Tower. No one knows what it's like.

Liu Fengmian wouldn't be thinking wildly in his mind anymore, he just felt that if the situation was really stable, he still hoped that everything could be resolved reasonably.

How could he think about those boring things anymore? Liu Fengmian lives freely in this spirit fairy flower world, he waits and doesn't want to go.

So at this moment, he also understood that Yang Xuan wanted to bring other people into the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower to reincarnate in the world, and change his own destiny.

Liu Fengmian thought it was amazing, but someone could do it if they wanted to. Liu Fengmian didn't want to, he just knew that he didn't meet the conditions.

Besides, he was not willing to leave the fairy flower world, nor was he willing to leave this partner, so he could only live here.

After Yang Xuan came to the fairy flower world this time, he was actually surprised, and every time the True Reincarnation Tower took him into the world, it was different.

Yang Xuan thought in his heart that through such a method, then this world is so beautiful, it seems that there are very few people who leave here, and there are not many people who want to go to other worlds to experience a different situation.

Yang Xuan also thought in his heart to let nature take its course, he would not force it, if someone followed him out of here, Yang Xuan would take him with him.

If there is no one, Yang Xuan will complete his mission by leaving the fairy flower world alone, so he doesn't have to worry so much.

He just thought in his heart that if the problem really arises, he will deal with it in various ways. He will not make himself so difficult, and he does not want to make it difficult for these elves in the fairy flower world.

"¨They just need to trust me, so I don't think about these things so much for the time being, let's go home with you to see your handicrafts, and I feel very anxious in my heart, I actually like making friends very much, but, I belong to such an identity'¨."

"Every time I go to a world where I may leave at any time, I feel that I should stop thinking about other things, and stop thinking about calling my friends. After all, if such a problem arises, it will make me feel unimaginable. And even if (Li Hao) has made some friends, they will eventually separate and never see each other again."

"I think it's too cruel, it's better not to befriend anyone, so the world I went to was relatively evil, but I also met some people."

After hearing these words, Liu Fengmian understood that Yang Xuan entered into other worlds through such a true soul reincarnation tower, and brought these reincarnations a different kind of reincarnation place to carry out a new life.

Chapter 1733 Limited Abilities

But he is different for each world, and he doesn't want to make friends, but he still knows a lot of friends, especially in this fairy flower world.

These people are so kind, as long as they meet Yang Xuan, they will become friends, this kind of thing will not be avoided, Liu Fengmian is also sure.

Just looking at Yang Xuan's appearance, he didn't need to be so entangled, he just let it be, then when he met a friend, how could he not make friends.

One day they broke up, this is a normal world, there is no banquet that lasts forever, Liu Fengmian also knows what Yang Xuan is thinking, so there are not too many worries.

As long as he understands these things, how can he be thinking about those things, and he is thinking in his heart that if some problems arise, he actually doesn't know what to do with 080.

Then there is no need to think too complicated about all this, let him know in his heart that he is just thinking about the situation in his heart, if it is really stable, he will not let himself think too much.

Liu Fengmian is like this, his (ccac) heart has always been relatively calm, so how could he worry about other things? So at this moment, he knew in his heart, so how could he not know the situation behind it.

Once some situation arises, Liu Fengmian will make these things easier. Anyway, he has already lived such a life, and Lingxianhuajie is such a good place, he is not willing to leave.

Yang Xuan and Liu Fengmian have already walked to a manor in front, this place is really big, and Yang Xuan also feels that this place is quite close to the fairy flower world.

No wonder Liu Fengmian came here to pick up these shells every day, the other friends probably didn't come, because their homes are far away and they arrived so close to this place.

He likes the scenery here, so he plays in the Aegean Sea for a while every day, picking up shells and likes his handicrafts. Yang Xuanyi saw this yard.

Well, even though it is a small manor, it has already been built very beautifully, and Yang Xuan thought in his heart that he had already understood the situation when he talked to him just now, so it is fine if he can understand it.

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