After coming to the Lingxian Flower Realm, this place is really quiet, so I never felt any noise, even though Yang Xuan has been here for less than a day, he also understands it in his heart.

Originally, this place was a particularly beautiful fairyland, so Yang Xuan entered the Aegean Sea, but he didn't expect this place to be so special that he felt a little lingering, and Yang Xuan also felt this way.

I feel that appearing in every place in this fairy flower world makes me feel very happy, and I don't want to leave every place, but Yang Xuan also knows it.

Once the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower is opened, he will take the people here to leave here, but it depends on whether they agree or not. Yang Xuan also understands that all this can be changed through reincarnation.

If you can't pass the reincarnation, then it doesn't matter. Yang Xuan won't have so many. He also knows in his heart that he has already seen it very thoroughly in the face of such a situation.

How could he keep pondering these questions in his mind? Yang Xuan also thought about going to another world to reincarnate sometimes.

Sometimes he has nothing to gain, but he thinks it doesn't matter, as long as he thinks clearly and sees through everything, he doesn't care so much about other things.

And this time, although he didn't gain much in this spirit fairy flower world, and he hasn't gained anything until now, he is also thinking in his heart not to worry.

This time the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower was opened here, and he had been safely sent to the fairy flower world, so he didn't have too many worries in his heart. He felt that all this was relatively normal.

Thinking too much will only make him more troubled, so his mood has always been relatively calm. Only in this way can he achieve such a result.

Liu Fengmian has picked up a lot of shells, and now his small bucket is almost full, once the small bucket is full, he will leave here, and he feels very happy to see Yang Xuan again.

At this moment, Yang Xuan was squatting next to him and listening to what he said quietly. Liu Fengmian felt that he was very polite, and he didn't know who he was, but he came to this Aegean Sea and knew them as friends.

Liu Fengmian didn't think too much, after all, there were so many friends in their Fairy Flower Realm, so it didn't matter.

Liu Fengmian was also thinking about the other party in his heart, since being able to come to this spirit fairy flower world, it proves that he has this ability, so what else to worry about?

"¨Because there are quite a lot of rules in our place, everyone dare not break the rules. Once they break the rules, they will be punished. We don't want such a situation to happen, so everyone is relatively quiet. We The reason why I came to this Aegean Sea to look for shells'¨."

"Anyway, I decided to make some handicrafts, because the people living here like me to make these (got Zhao) things, I can use these shells to exchange for what I want, so as long as they have what I can Exchange them, that's why I pick up shells."

After Yang Xuan heard these words, he really understood that Liu Fengmian is really smarter, he can use the fruits of his labor to make something in exchange for medicine.

Isn't that great? And if you want to get some abilities, you can get what you want.

Chapter 1723 Exchange Ability

Then it is really meaningful to achieve such an exchange effect through these handicrafts he made, and Yang Xuan sounds promising.

I didn't expect him to be able to survive in this way at such a young age. It's really not easy. After all, not everyone can be as good as Liu Fengmian thinks, because some people want to get something for nothing.

What he was thinking was rather evil, Liu Fengmian would not think so, Yang Xuan was also studying in his mind, these elves that might live here.

They are all so pure and simple, and it is really the best way to obtain the gains they want through their own labor results.

Yang Xuan researched in his heart because he didn't want to think so much. If some things happened before, his heart really is that 027 has no idea, Yang Xuan just came to every reincarnation world.

By opening the Tower of Reincarnation in this way, everyone who leaves here, as long as there are conditions, as long as they meet the standards of the Tower of Reincarnation.

They can completely enter into other worlds to reincarnate, as long as they like, as long as they agree, that's fine, and there is no need to worry about other things so much.

So Yang Xuan also understood in his heart, but he felt that these problems were in front of him, and it depended on how he dealt with them, how could he worry so much.

He thought in his (ccac) mind that no matter what, the matter has reached such a point, so stop thinking about it.

Liu Fengmian looked at Yang Xuan, his small bucket was about to be full, but he saw how beautiful the shells here are, so he wanted to pick up some more today, and he wanted to fill this small bucket full.

Then he can not only eat delicious food when he takes it home, but also make a lot of handicrafts, which makes him feel very excited when he thinks about it. He really gained so much today, and he doesn’t know why.

It might be that the appearance of Yang Xuan in front of him brought him good luck, Liu Fengmian was thinking in his heart, anyway, Liu Fengmian, who has a lot of friends, also wanted to have more friends, and the appearance of Yang Xuan made him feel happy.

Then he didn't think too much, Liu Fengmian didn't want to think about his origin, because he didn't think it was necessary, as long as the other party was kind.

Because Liu Fengmian does these things every day, he feels that every day is very fulfilling and very happy. He likes making these handicrafts.

"I think doing these things is helpful to me, and not only can I live a fulfilling life every day, but at the same time, I can exchange these shells for some abilities. As long as they are willing, we will reach this deal, anyway It's that simple what I do every day."

"These shells can be used to eat meat, and the remaining shells can be used to make many beautiful handicrafts. It's as simple as that. Now that you know it, it's actually not a big deal. Don't be curious."

"Because every time I come to a place, I feel that it is very strange. Once I live for a long time, I feel that it is ordinary, and there is nothing too much, and I don't think it is as fresh as it was at the beginning."

As Liu Fengmian said, he could already smell the smell of these shells. They are very delicious and delicious. The quality of the meat is very trustworthy. They, the elves in the flower world, also eat meat. Every place is different.

Chapter 1724 Breaking Through the Barrier

Being able to eat these seafood is the best thing. He feels very happy. Liu Fengmian and the others really did not expect such an Aegean Sea to appear in this fairy flower world.

There is such a water area, they will bathe and play here, and they can get a lot of creatures, and they can also pick up these shells and some things in the water.

I can enjoy delicious food, and I can also make some favorite gadgets. I am very happy. Liu Fengmian said this to Yang Xuan this time, hoping that he will not understand what he is doing.

Besides, getting some abilities is what Liu Fengmian wants to do the most. He is also thinking about all the problems in his heart at the moment. If it really happened, how could he not know the situation behind it?

Liu Fengmian was relatively calm in his heart, because Yang Xuan always surprised him, when Liu Fengmian saw him for the first time, he felt that he had a different feeling.

Not only is he so handsome, but he also looks imposing and extraordinary, and he looks like a master at first glance, otherwise, how could he appear in this fairy flower world.

Liu Fengmian understood through such things, because their spirit fairy flower world has an enchantment, and ordinary people cannot break through the enchantment to enter here, or was he invited by others? Anyway, Liu Fengmian doesn't think about it so much, he thinks it's meaningless.

After Yang Xuan heard these words, he also understood the situation of his original thoughts. It seems that he is really interesting, and his life is quite happy.

Getting some shells in this way every day, not only can you eat fresh meat, but you can also make your favorite handicrafts, and exchange the abilities he wants here. These things are really a particularly good idea.

It turns out that life is the same in every place, and Yang Xuan also understands that the Aegean Sea in front of him is so vast and endless, so he did not expect such a scene to appear.

Yang Xuan also felt that it was clear, it seems that Liu Fengmian and the others have lived here for a long time and they don't care about it. They saw all this and felt that they never had any thoughts.

Anyway, Yang Xuan had some thoughts in his heart, but sometimes things happened that he didn't think about, the simple ones were really more complicated.

····Ask for flowers 0··

Although there is nothing to gain from coming to the fairy flower world this time, when Yang Xuan is not in a hurry to explore slowly, he will always get these things he wants, and once he brings the people here into the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower after reincarnation , Yang Xuan will naturally raise his level.


"Listening to what you said just now, I also feel very happy, so I feel very honored to know you, but you just said that it is good to use such a thing to exchange some abilities, because people are Is it voluntary? The people who live here are also very interesting.”

"Seeing you live so happily is really a good enjoyment. Are you going to go back now? I think you have filled this small bucket with these shells, and it feels like you can't fit them in, but Today's shells look really beautiful, and the colors are really strange."

"Under the sunlight, these shells are shining, and once you make these things into handicrafts, they must be very beautiful." 2.

Chapter 1725 Excited

Yang Xuan appeared in the Aegean Sea at this moment, he felt quite strange, why is it so magical to be reincarnated in every part of this world this time?

After all, this is the world of flowers, which is particularly beautiful and magical. Yang Xuan is actually very happy in his heart, but he knows in his heart that once the True Reincarnation Tower is opened, he will leave here.

He has already seen the "zero three three" thing very thoroughly, because every time he goes to a world, it is such a result that he comes to the reincarnation world.

Regardless of whether they are elementary or intermediate, as long as they see the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower, Yang Xuan understands that he will take himself away, take the reincarnation here, and leave, it depends on whether they have this idea.

So Yang Xuan is also clear that there is no need to force at all, and there will naturally be new gains in every place he goes, and it doesn't matter if they don't want to leave this Aegean Sea with him.

Yang Xuan would leave here alone through the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower, and he would normally gain some abilities. Besides, sometimes the situation is rather strange, and Yang Xuan doesn't know how long he can stay in this fairy flower world.

He doesn't think too much, he just thinks that if all these things will be heard, maybe it will change a lot, if not, then he will think of other ways by himself.

Anyway, it would be the best change for them if they could take some more elves to leave this fairy flower world and reincarnate in other worlds, but he met Liu Fengmian, so he hasn't talked about these topics yet.

Liu Fengmian's making these shells is really beautiful, and he can also make these things into a kind of exquisite handicraft. It is really a very rare thing. In this fairy flower world, there is such a kind of handcraft.

"I suddenly feel very curious now. I really want to see this handicraft you made. After all, it is quite special to see such a situation in this fairy flower world."

"I really didn't expect that after coming to this fairy flower world, every place is quite special, so this Aegean Sea really looks very beautiful, very vast, the sea water keeps rolling, I didn't expect such a view here...”

"It's really unbelievable, but all of this is real. The Aegean Sea in front of me appeared in this fairy flower world. I didn't expect that I came to this fairy flower world. It's really true. I feel happy, after all, every scene here attracts me.”

Now that Liu Fengmian heard what Yang Xuan said, he will call it a day and finish today's task. The shells have been collected, and today's shells are particularly bright in color.

Liu Fengmian didn't know why he looked so special today? He has been in this Aegean sea area for a long time, and he comes here to pick up shells every day, but today he harvested the most, and the colors are particularly bright.

For Liu 0.2 Fengmian, he felt that it was very strange. He had never seen shells with so many colors, and today was really the first time.

He also did not expect such a side to appear, after living in the fairy flower world for so long.

And I come to this Aegean Sea every day to collect these shells and other things to make some handicrafts, but today is the most harvested.

Chapter 1726 Collected

He turned his head and saw Yang Xuan, he was about to finish his task for today, the shells would fill the small bucket, and he couldn't put it down.

Liu Fengmian knew in his heart that he was going to leave the Aegean Sea soon and go home, after all, the bucket was already full of these shells.

He wants to take these shells home and cook them to eat meat, and then the shells can be used as his favorite handicraft, using these colorful shells to make many models.

Moreover, if he carves the shape he likes on the board and takes it outside to exchange, the things he wants are also very popular, anyway, Liu Fengmian won't worry so much in his heart.

He just felt that Yang Xuan's appearance surprised him, but he didn't ask so many questions. After all, he would naturally say what the other party had to say, and he also felt that he was also interested in these shells.

Liu Fengmian pondered in his heart, let him see if he is interested in it later, let him go home and have a look at the handicrafts he made.

Yang Xuan saw that Liu Fengmian had stood up, which proved that he had finished picking up these shells. His small bucket was already full and could not be filled anymore. If he filled it again, all of them would be taken out.

And these shells are really fresh, some are slowly opening, some are tightly backed, but Yang Xuan knows in his heart that these shells will not escape a stage in the end.

It's going to be eaten into the stomach, but Yang Xuan shouldn't improve like this, let alone be glass-hearted, he just thinks that it doesn't matter.

Naturally, he had other ideas when he came to the Fairy Flower Realm. It is also a strange phenomenon for him to appear in the Fairy Flower Realm at this moment, but Yang Xuan really did not expect that the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower would bring him like this this time. in an environment.

In fact, he likes this place. He feels that if he allows himself to live forever in this fairy flower world, he is willing to do so, but he understands that this cannot be done at all. Yang Xuan does not belong to every world.

He only belongs to his own real world, but through the Tower of Reincarnation, he can constantly change and change his situation, otherwise he will not be able to return to his own world normally.

"What you said is also correct. The Aegean Sea in front of you is indeed a place with different reactions, and in this sea of ​​flowers, there should not be such beaches and seas, but this place has such A scene like this has appeared, and this Aegean Sea area is also relatively rare."

"Since it appeared in this flower world, it really makes people feel a little hard to figure out, but sometimes if you think about it clearly, there is nothing to figure out, because everything appears in some special circumstances."

"Just like in this 033 Lingxian flower world, there is such a scene with such an Aegean sea area, and there is such a kind of shell in front of it, the color is so special, it is really too rare, no wonder you I like it, it is also very good to be able to make some handicrafts in exchange for the ability you want."

Yang Xuan doesn't have too many worries now when he thinks of this, no, after all he always thinks about some things, and he always scolds in his heart, thinking too much about many problems will only make him more troubled, so why bother? What about these.

When will he return to his own world, then let’s talk about it at that time, he will not let himself think about these boring things now.

Chapter 1727 Sincere Invitation

Anyway, being able to experience each world is a different kind of feeling, and it also makes me feel very happy. Yang Xuan also enjoys it very much, because he is used to constantly shuttling in the True Reincarnation Tower.

Continuously entering the world of reincarnation, Yang Xuan will not be as repulsive as before, it is also the best opportunity for him, and it is also a kind of ability to exercise.

He won't be struggling like before, wanting to return to his own world as soon as possible, but he can't control the Tower of Rebirth.

You can only let the real soul reincarnation tower open, fly around with the real soul reincarnation tower, and wander around in every reincarnation world.

Moreover, Yang Xuan has already experienced the primary world, and now every world he comes to is an intermediate world, when he turns on the energy again, when he gets full level with one key, he will be in the advanced world.

At that time, Yang Xuan didn't dare to imagine what kind of state it would be. He was just thinking about it in his heart. It seemed that he had thought too much, and there was no need to think too long-term.

When will he be able to upgrade slowly? After reaching such a point, he will naturally start to raise the world.

After hearing what Yang Xuan said, Liu Fengmian understood from his excited look, it seems that he wanted to see the handicrafts he made, Liu Fengmian was also thinking in his heart, if he likes it, he will take him home to have a look , he is more comfortable living alone.

So the friends here are all his good friends, and they usually come here to collect these shells and collect some creatures here, but today there are quite few people, and Liu Fengmian doesn't know where to go.

But he is also used to it. Sometimes they will do some farm work at home, and they will do some work. Liu Fengmian is more comfortable by himself, and he can do whatever he wants to do according to his mood.

Today he came to the Aegean Sea to collect shells, which is normal, so he will go home in a while, and after lunch, he will start to get his beloved shells and start making some handicrafts.

"Brother Yang, if you like it, then you can go home with me. Anyway, there are so many shells, I can't finish them all by myself. You just have to taste these shells in the Aegean Sea with me. It's very delicious, and it's very delicious, if you don't mind it, come to my house as a guest, and I invite you'¨."

"¨Although you are an unfamiliar face, you have already introduced who you are. I don't want to find out your origin, because in this Aegean Sea, as long as people who can enter here are relatively special and capable , and as long as it is not an evil monster."

"I won't think too much about other things. What do you think? If you agree, let's go back now. My shells have been collected. There are still many creatures in this Aegean Sea. (Good Zhao ) and there’s so much more, I just don’t think I can finish it.”

After hearing these words, Yang Xuan was quite happy. If this is the case, then there is no need to worry about it. It is also okay to go home with Liu Fengmian as a guest. Anyway, Yang Xuan has nothing to do.

He just felt that there is no rush to find something when he came to this spirit fairy flower world. If there is something to gain, it is still a good thing. If there is no gain, Yang Xuan will let nature take its course.

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