Although Yue Qiushui had just met him once, he felt that he was very honest, since he had told him what he had said.

He also told himself what kind of thing this True Reincarnation Tower is, and at the same time told him the purpose, so Yue Qiushui didn't have to worry.

He also felt very happy when he saw Yang Xuan, and felt very excited when he met such a friend.

If one day Yang Xuan left here, Yue Qiushui felt a little reluctant, but he knew in his heart that Yang Xuan had said at the very beginning that he did not belong to this world.

He will leave here eventually, so of course Yang Xuan understands such a problem in his heart, but he just thinks that if the situation is really stable, how could he not know the risks behind it.

If you really understand these principles, you don't have to worry so much, and Yang Xuan is also thinking about it in his heart.

If some things can really be handled, it will make me feel a little tangled in my heart. Anyway, Yang Xuan will not think about those messy things anymore, which makes me feel particularly uncomfortable.

And Yang Xuan also understood that it was really a bit of a surprise to come to this spirit fairy flower world. After all, after Yang Xuan passed the reincarnation this time, he passed the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower.

After coming out of that devil's hell, he came directly to such a beautiful fairyland, and he felt happy in his heart.

So Yang Xuan thinks it's really good to be bright, but some people don't like to realize life to him for too long.

It didn't make any sense, and Yang Xuan was able to understand these principles, he just felt that people's ideas are different.

Anyway, Yang Xuan wanted to convey his origin to everyone here, so that everyone in the fairy flower world would know why he came here.

Let them choose how to decide their own life. If they want to experience a different world with themselves, then they can meet the conditions and follow them into the Tower of Reincarnation.

If they don't meet the conditions, then it's meaningless to think too much. Yang Xuan also knows that they can all know their own thoughts.

····Ask for flowers 0··

Yang Xuan doesn't have to worry so much, because Yang Xuan is also a person who doesn't want to have too many fluctuations and hopes to live here.

They can think about what kind of life they should choose, whether they should go or stay, and Yang Xuan doesn't want to give them too many opinions.


"Every place looks like a colorful life. After a long time, I feel that everything is so normal, so I want to see other worlds. In fact, this is not a desire, nor is it greedy, because people It’s all like that, but you have this mentality now.”

"It's really not easy. I know in my heart that there is no need to worry so much about all of this. I just think that if the situation is really manageable, it's really no big deal. Everything will work normally. I think It's so much that it doesn't really make any sense anymore."

After Yang Xuan finished speaking, he looked up at the sky, the sky in the fairy flower world was extraordinarily beautiful, and it was different from what he saw in other worlds.

Chapter 1705 Overwhelmed

The last time Yang Xuan entered that world through the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower, it was not only evil, but also looked extremely terrifying, but now the fairy flower world in front of him is full of warm pictures, full of colorful lights, and it is really extraordinarily dazzling.

Such a place, if it was Yang Xuan's situation, he would not be willing to leave here, but these people living here.

"Zero Zero Three" They all have their own ideas. If they feel a little impatient, no matter how beautiful this fairy flower world is, they will look a little self-righteous.

They would naturally want to enter the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower with themselves to reincarnate. Anyway, Yang Xuan didn't lie to them, they could reach a deal with him.

Once their lives in the world are terminated, they will return to the fairy flower world again. Yang Xuan has already said so directly.

Yue Qiushui should understand, but he felt that it was impossible for Yue Qiushui to enter the fairy flower world with him. His conditions did not allow it, so Yang Xuan didn't think so much.

After all, Yang Xuan said these words so directly, if Yue Qiushui disagrees, he will look for the next target, to see who is the first one who agrees to enter the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower.

After all, Yang Xuan knew all of this in his heart, after coming to this fairy flower world, every place is different, so how could Yang Xuan worry so much.

Moreover, the people here are all casual, and Yang Xuan knew in his heart that if they wanted to follow him out of the fairy flower world, they could enter other worlds as well.

If they don't want to follow him out of the Fairy Flower Realm, they can reincarnate through the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower, they are fully qualified to stay here, Yang Xuan will not force anything at all.

Besides, there are so many people here that some of them don't meet the requirements at all. Yang Xuan is also sure that he doesn't have too many thoughts at all. Everything in this spirit fairy flower world is easy to deal with and let nature take its course.

If one day when the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower opened, Yang Xuan didn't gain anything, and didn't take his own people away from the unreincarnated human beings.

"Okay, let's not understand the matter. There are many people in this fairy flower world, so as long as they want to, they can choose to do so. As long as the True Reincarnation Tower meets their conditions, they can enter the invisible world Yes, I won't give them too much comfort and no pressure...”

"So since this thing has already happened, I came to this Fairy Flower Realm, and I just hope they can understand that I don't want to do so much at all when I come this time, because I don't think it's interesting, even if I leave empty-handed this time. If I return, I won't have any loss, and I won't be in any situation."

"I just think that everyone should cherish such an opportunity, because not every time I will come to this Lingxianhua 0.2 world, and there is only this chance to enter each world. I am afraid that when I leave here, there will be no more. Now is the chance, something like this will never happen again.”

After Yue Qiushui heard Yang Xuan's words, he had many thoughts in his mind. After all, he felt that Yang Xuan's words were very attractive, so it's actually quite good to enter the True Reincarnation Tower and enter other worlds.

Chapter 1706 Thinking Before and After

This kind of reincarnation is also good, Yue Qiushui really didn't have this idea, and he didn't meet the conditions anymore, he was thinking about the situation no matter what.

Yang Xuan said so clearly, so there is no need to worry, but I just think that if such a problem can really be reconsidered, then there is no need to worry so much.

Naturally, it is enough for Yang Xuan to have a decision in his heart. As long as Yue Qiushui knows his origin, he will not have any worries.

Otherwise, I always wondered in my heart, what should I do if things really change, how should I make a decision? Ye 22 is really helpless, so he also understands these things in his heart.

It's just that if the problem really arises, he doesn't want to worry too much anymore. He feels that things always have a new ending, if it really can happen.

He also doesn't want to deal with too many things, and doesn't want to have too many disputes. Yang Xuan can solve the problem, so how could Yue Qiushui think so much?

He just felt that Yang Xuan was really amazing. He was able to keep reincarnating in many worlds and changing the fate of others. Thinking about it, one of the rare talents is Yang Xuan.

Now that Yang Xuan thinks about this, he won't think too much about it. After chatting with Yue Qiushui for so long, Yang Xuan also knows that he will leave here soon after chatting with her.

Yang Xuan still has to walk around, and opportunities are not easy in this fairy flower world. Yang Xuan's favorite is that this world is a beautiful world, and Yang Xuan knew it in his heart when he came to this fairy flower world.

Compared with any other world, I feel more happy and more at ease. Then the other world is dark and looks gloomy. Only this fairy flower world is a different one, full of beautiful scenery and full of fantasy. The world is gone.

Yang Xuan would also think of many things in his mind at this moment, so this time he knew that he had made it clear to Yue Qiushui, and he no longer had any worries in his heart.

"I just hope that you can understand that if you really want to do this, you have to think carefully about these things. I really don't want any more problems. I think this fairy flower world is quite normal, so As long as you are clear in your heart, I won't tell you so much now."

"I'm going to leave here in a while. There are other places in this fairy flower world. I want to walk around. I don't want to come here for nothing like 007. This place is full of fairy spirit, and it's also me. It's the most beautiful place I've ever seen, and I don't want to leave any regrets, so this is one of my thoughts."

"You don't have too many ideas, so once someone around you wants to reincarnate through the True Reincarnation Tower, if you meet the conditions, you will wait for me here, and you will come here before I leave. So there are a few of you here who I have already told them about their origins, and they will also inform the friends nearby, so everyone can volunteer.”

Of course Yang Xuan knew the reasons for these things to exist, and he also knew what these situations looked like, so he explained it to them.

Chapter 1707 Willingly

And I hope Yue Qiushui can convey to his partner Yang Xuan, so he can't tell them one by one, because he doesn't have much time and everyone willingly enters the True Soul Reincarnation Tower, as long as there is a chance to reincarnate.

Yang Xuan would not think so much about other things in his heart, nor would he worry so much, because he also understood this situation, but only felt that if the problem really appeared.

He still knows how it is possible for him not to know the situation behind these things, and Yang Xuan will also study many things and deal with many dangers.

Whether or not anyone in the Immortal Flower Realm followed him to the True Spirit Reincarnation Pagoda, Yang Xuan had no plan, he didn't know, he was just talking.

He thought in his heart that no matter what, the situation was already in front of him, how could he not know the risks behind it, once the situation stabilized, Yang Xuan would make a new plan.

When this fairy flower world will leave here, Yang Xuan doesn't know what the final outcome will be like at this moment, and how many people can leave here with him, how could Yang Xuan predict all this in advance.

After hearing Yang Xuan's words, Yue Qiushui really felt at ease.

He didn't have any ideas at all, and Yang Xuan seemed so kind and innocent, he came to the Fairy Flower Realm, and he has already told everyone what the situation is like.

He has already told him what he said, so they all understand in their hearts, and Yue Qiushui is also thinking, so this matter depends on how Yang Xuan decides, because he is leaving here.

He still has to walk around in this fairy flower world, and Yue Qiushui also knows that Yang Xuan is so powerful and capable, he doesn't need to accompany him at all, since he wants to do something, he can do it, He wouldn't hurt his own humans anyway.

Yue Qiushui is not worried anymore, they have lived here for so long, and it is not easy for them to become adults.

So some people might want to leave this spirit fairy flower world to see the boundless world through other means, just when Yang Xuan came, the opportunity followed, they just chose.

"Brother Yang, I understand what you say. It seems that you have already thought about everything, but I know in my heart that what you said is really quite tempting, and this True Reincarnation Tower is really quite amazing. I only have this one chance, because I also understand that once you leave this fairy flower world, I'm afraid you won't show up again."

"¨So just now you have said that I am more sure, but I won't think too much, because you also know that my conditions are not met, but the partners around me, if they have such thoughts, I will They will be notified, I will tell them everything, to reassure them, to not be afraid."

"Because they (Zhao's) want to see the outside world, they can only stay here through the True Reincarnation Tower now, otherwise they will have no chance to leave this fairy flower world. Once they leave this fairy flower If they enter another world, they will not be able to come back if they die, but it is different from you."

After Yang Xuan sat in the pavilion and heard what the teacher said, his heart was very peaceful, because it was the same in any world Yang Xuan went to.

Chapter 1708 Worried

Yue Qiushui also understood his purpose, and knew that everything he said was true, and he had no doubts, so this matter would be easy to handle.

Yang Xuan also felt that if he wanted to get a one-click upgrade, more abilities, and a full-level ability, it seemed that a change was really needed.

If it is true that there are not too many changes, and there are not many reincarnators entering the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower to reincarnate, how could Yang Xuan obtain so many abilities, and how could he obtain these things?

What he wants is actually quite simple, and it will bring an unexpected harvest to everyone, and at the same time, he can gain more, so why not do it? Yang Xuan will not hurt them.

Now that Yue Qiushui understands, there is no need to worry about the future. Yang Xuan just waits for the news. Before he leaves, 007 will definitely bring some people out of here.

Because Yang Xuan felt that this space was relatively hidden, so they lived here for a long time, and this opportunity came when they always wanted to see the outside world, and Yang Xuan knew all about it.

When Yue Qiushui saw Yang Xuan, he just felt that the situation had stabilized, and he already understood his origin, so he no longer doubted it. At the beginning, Yue Qiushui didn't dare to think too much.

Because their fairy flower world has always been relatively normal and safe, and there have never been any accidents. They feel very scared when a stranger comes suddenly.

It turned out that Yang Xuan's identity was such that he came here through the True Reincarnation Pagoda. It was really amazing, and Yue Qiushui didn't think too much about it, because he knew the meaning of the True Reincarnation Pagoda.

Now that he knows what Yang Xuan did when he came here, he will no longer be as suspicious as before, because he didn't know much about it before, and he always felt very confused, and he didn't know about the Tower of Reincarnation. What is it.

Geng (ccac) didn't know how to reincarnate, and what would happen in the future, but now he knows what the result will look like, so he won't be as worried as he was at the beginning.

Anyway, Yue Qiushui will not reincarnate, but his partners may have such thoughts, he wants his partners to know Yang Xuan's origin, let them choose what to do, Yue Qiushui is just conveying the news.

"Once you reincarnate through this True Spirit Reincarnation Tower, once your life is over, you will return to the Lingxian Flower Realm again. What a good opportunity this is, it is really rare, but let's see what he thinks Well, because the partners around them have such thoughts, but if such a thing really happens."

"They may not have the guts, and they may not be able to say what they usually say. At that time, they will feel scared, so I suddenly feel that it is such a situation. Once there is any problem, it is up to them. How do you decide, anyway, I will convey your mind."

"Let them know your background, so you don't have to worry about it, and if you want to go to other places, you can go. I know in my heart that you still have a lot of things to do. Coming to this fairy flower world, it is indeed Rather special, our place is also a paradise, a space isolated from the world, so no one has ever come here."

This fairy flower world is so hidden, how could someone come here? .

Chapter 1709 Justify Yourself

If Yang Xuan didn't say that he passed through the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower, he would never have thought that there really is such a flower world in this world, so beautiful and so beautiful.

This place may not belong to the world, nor does it belong to the sky. It is another space. Yang Xuan just feels that the situation is already like this, and he really won't think too much about it.

He has always regarded these things as very ordinary, how could he be thinking about those boring questions? Yang Xuan thought about these things in his heart, and it was really incredible to think about it.

And he also likes this kind of way of life, reincarnate non-stop through the Reincarnation Tower, see many worlds, help many people, and at the same time gain a lot of abilities, the more I think about it, the more excited I feel.

Yang Xuan's ability has already reached a very powerful level, he is no longer as cowardly and incompetent as before, it is really not what it used to be, Yang Xuan is very happy.

While helping others, he can gain more abilities. This kind of thing is really worthy of his own continuous breakthrough, and he will not change himself.

Yue Qiushui has never been so happy as today, and he has never talked so much with people like today, and Yang Xuan is a strange face, who has entered the fairy flower world.

Yue Qiushui seemed to have become friends with him, so Yue Qiushui was very happy at the moment, and felt more excited when he kept looking at him, and poured him another cup of tea, but felt that Yang Xuan liked drinking tea very much.

Yue Qiushui is here to entertain the guests. After all, Yue Qiushui knows that once Yang Xuan leaves this spirit fairy flower world one day, they will be separated forever, and there will be no chance to meet again. Yue Qiushui has other ideas , I just feel that this opportunity is not easy.

It is really a special honor to meet a friend like Yang Xuan, because Yang Xuan's impression is different, so at this moment he also knows it in his heart.

Yue Qiushui was also pondering these questions in his heart, if it really happened, it would depend on how Yang Xuan decided, anyway, this is how the fairy flower world is, there are many elves in this place.

They wanted to use other methods to go to other worlds to have a look, and it happened that Yang Xuan came, and all this happened logically. If they could meet the conditions, they would enter the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower and reincarnate, following Yang Xuan. You don't have to worry about Xuan.

····Ask for flowers 0··

"Since you can appear here, it proves that you can do things that others cannot do. I am very envious and happy at the moment. I hope I don't have to worry about your problems or doubt your identity, and I don't have to worry about you. , this bad guy belongs to harm us.”


"I don't have any thoughts anymore, and I won't be so scared. At the beginning, when I saw you coming, I also felt a little scared, because you have a strange identity and a strange face. How can I Maybe not to worry? Now I don't have to think about it anymore."

Yang Xuan felt happy after hearing these words, Yue Qiushui could understand, he also knew the purpose of coming, and the reason for everything he did, it seemed that he didn't have to worry so much.

Yang Xuan also knew that if Yue Qiushui was here to contact him about these matters, he would not worry so much in his heart, and he would not have to think about this matter anymore.

Chapter 1710 Seizing the Opportunity

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