Yang Xuan felt more at ease when he heard these words, because he felt that he had seen the fairy flower world this time, and he really didn't want to return empty-handed.

It would be a good choice if more elves could be collected to enter the True Soul Reincarnation Tower for reincarnation. Yang Xuan also felt that it would depend on their experiences.

Because Yang Xuan has already said that he will not force or do other struggles, because as long as they meet the conditions, they can fulfill their dreams.

To fulfill their wishes, they can reincarnate and enter another world to start a new life, then this life will be changed.

Chapter 1699 Eligible

After everything was over, it would be no problem to return to the Spirit Fairy Flower Realm. Yang Xuan knew it in his heart, and his heart was relatively peaceful.

He never worried about these things, but thought that if these problems really appeared, how could he not know the situation behind them?

Yang Xuan's heart is still relatively calm, and he also understands that what Yue Qiushui said at this moment is to comfort himself.

Then Yang Xuan didn't think too much, if someone is willing to do this, he will help everyone, if they don't like to do it, Yang Xuan will not force it.

Yue Qiushui understood Yang Xuan in his heart, he seemed to have some thoughts at the moment, but Yue Qiushui didn't know what the elves here were thinking.

Whether they are willing to follow Yang Xuan into my True Reincarnation Tower to start a new life, Yue Qiushui doesn't quite understand.

But he also felt that even if he met the conditions, it was impossible for him to leave the fairy flower world, and Yue Qiushui had already taken root here.

How could you want to leave here? Although he has no family or many concerns, he has many friends.

He has lived here for so long, and is used to everything here. Yue Qiushui, who will never leave here, also knows what he thinks, but the other elves have said it before.

I don't know what the outside world is like, I always feel that the outside world is more magical, and I want to go to other worlds to check it out.

It just so happens that Yang Xuan came here, and he can help everyone enter other worlds to reincarnate, isn't that great?

Yue Qiushui is also clear, just looking at Yang Xuan, he is really different, and his ability to reach such a level proves that he is very powerful.

If this is the case, how could Yue Qiushui worry so much, he just thinks that if Yang Xuan has this ability now, he wants to do it.

This is completely possible, so how could he not understand this situation? He just thinks that if the problem really arises, he also hopes that everything can be resolved normally.

Don't worry about other things at all, so Yue Qiushui sees such problems very thoroughly.

····Ask for flowers 0··

I just thought it was really good for Yang Xuan to have such power to reach such a level, and said to him.

"You don't need to worry, there are still many things and situations in our Spirit Fairy Flower World, you should slowly understand, because this place is really a special place, a fairyland isolated from the world. "

"So I think it's good to live here. Other worlds may be different and newer, but I think Lingxianhuajie is the best. Maybe it's because I've lived for a long time, and I've already lost my life." I am used to all this, but my thoughts do not represent the thoughts of the elves here, they naturally have their own thoughts."


"But what I say is just my own opinion, and I don't know what other people think. These elves living in this fairy flower world, they live carefree every day, and they can achieve their own goals. To this extent, but there are still many people who want to become very powerful, or want to know what other worlds are like."

After hearing what Yue Qiushui said at this moment, Yang Xuan felt that the analysis made more sense.

Chapter 1700

All that Yue Qiushui said at this moment really represented his thoughts.

He doesn't understand the thoughts of other elves at the moment, and Yue Qiushui can't make a conclusion, so since he has come to this spirit fairy flower world.

Yue Qiushui wants to live a good life. After all, this opportunity is not easy, and not everyone can come here in this fairy flower world.

His "Zero Zero Three" have more demands in this place now, and Yue Qiushui is also clear that if they really made a mistake in this place, they probably won't be kicked out.

He just felt that Yang Xuan must have his own ideas when he came to the fairy flower world with such an ability, so he wanted to find some reincarnated people in this fairy flower world so that you can enter other worlds.

Yue Qiushui thought it was actually quite miraculous, but he didn't think so, he just lived in this fairy flower world for so long, and he didn't want to go anywhere.

After all, this is his homeland, and he is used to living like this, but has Yang Xuan gained anything from this so far?

When will his Reincarnation Tower be able to pick him up? Then he was able to bring these people into the world of reincarnation. Anyway, Yue Qiushui didn't quite understand it, but he just thought it was quite miraculous.

When I think about it, I find it a bit unbelievable, because every place is different, and every world is almost the same, but the scenery is different.

Yang Xuan really wasn't in a hurry, he had already thought about everything, even if he came here to experience a different state of life, let's be happy with the situation.

How could Yang Xuan be entangled in these problems? He just felt that the situation here was really complicated.

This fairy flower world is also quite beautiful. If these elves don't have too many ideas and are not so greedy, they won't be willing to leave here.

Yue Qiushui looked at Yang Xuan, he had really thought about all of this, because he knew in his heart that as long as he could live in this fairy flower world, he would be very content.

How could he think of going to other places, Yue Qiushui really thinks the same way, he just feels that he lives freely in this fairy flower world.

It was the day he wanted to live the most, and besides, his age was no longer suitable for entering other worlds, and he could no longer reincarnate...

Because in this world of reincarnation, there are conditions, and when the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower is opened, it is also capable.

Yang Xuan only needs to be able to do this, and Yue Qiushui won't have any other thoughts.

"They are not willing to live here. I also understand such things until the end. I just think that if some problems really happen, it depends on how everyone thinks about these problems. If it is really possible to solve them in such a way If it reaches this level, it will be a new change for him.”

"Anyway, if the Reincarnation Tower is opened, it would be great if there are elves willing to leave here with you? You are so kind and simple, and you are not a bad person. They can enter a new world to experience this 0.2 The way of life is also a particularly good choice, but everyone has his own aspirations."

"I don't know if they think like me. I'm just discussing this issue with you, but I don't quite understand the specific situation, because every elf has his own ideas."

Yue Qiushui saw Yang Xuan at this moment and wondered what his plan was.

Chapter 1701 No Desires No Desires

And now that these circumstances were in front of him, it was impossible for Yue Qiushui to follow him and leave here because Yue Qiushui didn't meet the conditions.

Even if it fits, it is impossible for him to enter other worlds, and he does not want to be reincarnated in the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower Yue Qiushui knew it in his heart.

Then Yang Xuan has to look for other targets, besides, there are many people in this fairy flower world.

Then if he wants to find such a person to appear, it should be that some Yue Qiushui has already spoken so directly.

Because he knew in his heart that when he usually played with his friends, some of them felt that the spirit fairy flower world was boring, and if they stayed for a long time, they felt that no matter how beautiful the scenery was, they felt enough.

22 So they want to go to the outside world for a walk, but without an order, they have no ability to open the passage to the fairy flower world.

They can't leave here, so they have been living here, but Yang Xuan came here, if everyone meets the conditions, there will be many people who are willing to reincarnate with Yang Xuan in the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower.

Yue Qiushui should guide Yang Xuan's thinking, and at the same time, he knew these problems in his heart, but he felt that the matter was in front of him, and it depended on how the people here chose.

After Yang Xuan heard what Yue Qiushui said, he also thought about it. What he said was reasonable, because the current situation is already in front of him, and everyone has their own abilities.

Everyone has their own ideas, and these elves who practice in this spirit fairy flower world, they all have their own ideas, so some people think a lot.

Some people are relatively simple, Yue Qiushui's thinking is relatively simple, he does not want to see those wonderful worlds.

Just wanting to live peacefully in this spirit fairy flower world is enough, that's why he is so calm, it seems that he has no desires and no struggles.

As for those who have some ideas, they want to experience other worlds and feel a different situation. In this case, some changes are needed, so Yang Xuan also understands this situation.

It's just that it's really not a big deal if things happen. Yang Xuan came to this fairy flower world, and everything went with the flow. He never had too many worries, he said when he saw Yue Qiushui.

"I understand what you said, and I also understand, but don't think too much, I just tell you my background, let you know what I think at the moment, and let you know my previous What is the purpose, in this case, it will be more enjoyable for us to chat together."

"Because I don't want to hide my situation. I came to the fairy flower world. Some people already know my origin. 003 So everyone is passing the news to each other. If they really have this situation, In the past two days, I will go to an important place of yours, where people are relatively dense."

"So there may be a lot of people in that place. I'm learning about the situation, so I'm not in a hurry for the time being, because I just appeared in this fairy flower world, and I can't leave here so soon. I also know what you think, so you Even if you want to do this, you are no longer eligible.”

Yue Qiushui saw Yang Xuan while sitting in the pavilion, what he said was correct, then this is the situation now, everyone has already understood and understood these principles.

Chapter 1702 Full of Confidence

As long as he meets Yang Xuan, everyone already knows his origin and what he wants to do, so what kind of thing is this True Reincarnation Tower.

They hadn't seen it before, but they felt very miraculous when they heard Yang Xuan say that. Yue Qiushui also thought about it in his heart. It seems that there is really no need to think too much about such a situation.

So he is also aware of these things at this moment, how could he not know the situation behind them, if some things can be handled normally.

It also made me feel a little unimaginable, Yue Qiushui never thought that someone would come here one day, and wanted to take everyone into another world through me to reincarnate.

It's really amazing to think about it, because things like this are quite surprising to them now. They haven't heard of this thing, and they think it's quite amazing.

But Yue Qiushui and the others believed that Yang Xuan would be fine. As long as they achieved their desired results and realized his dream in this way, their dream would really be fulfilled, and there would be no need for such a problem.

Yang Xuan is very happy today, after all, after entering his fairy flower world, he feels that the people here are more kind.

So he hasn't encountered some evil guys yet, although he encountered some situations at the entrance of a cave at the beginning.

But Yang Xuan felt that it didn't matter anymore, and that person himself was not from the Fairy Flower Realm, he came from the outside world and was taken in by the people here.

So it was impossible for Yang Xuan to refuse this matter. He just felt that if the situation had already arisen, he would not let himself be so timid. Yang Xuan just explained his origin to them clearly.

Yang Xuan hoped that they would know what the purpose of his visit was, so that Yang Xuan's shoes would be safe, at least for now they could choose by themselves.

As long as they meet the conditions, they will decide by themselves, so Yang Xuan feels quite relaxed, because he never publicizes such a thing, passing through the True Reincarnation Tower.

Although Yang Xuan can get a higher level and get a lot of abilities, but he feels that this is nothing to him and he will get a kind of powerful power himself.

Every time when the Tower of Reincarnation is opened, he likes to travel non-stop, and when he reincarnates in every world, he has already achieved a very powerful ability.

Or you don't need to go to the way to get what you want, but the True Reincarnation Tower is opened normally, Yang Xuan doesn't need to complete his task, he said to Yue Qiushui again.

"¨Besides, you live a relatively stable life in this spirit fairy flower world, and you don't have too many thoughts, and you are not so greedy, let alone have any desires, so it is impossible for such people to want to reincarnate, they just want some security. day, but some people they don't want to live some quiet life (good)'¨."

"So they have a lot of fantasies, and they are full of endless reveries. They want to go to other worlds to have a look, and want to leave this fairy flower world to see what the outside world looks like besides this fairy flower world. In this case, a situation will be formed, and the True Reincarnation Tower will activate its ability."

"As long as they meet the conditions, all of them can enter the fairy flower world for reincarnation, there is no problem.".

Chapter 1703

"Even if everyone living in this fairy flower world wants to enter the fairy flower world, as long as they meet the conditions, they can do it. After all, what I said proves that I have this ability."

After Yue Qiushui heard these words, he was very happy, because he felt that what Yang Xuan said was reasonable, and some people were really like this.

They are full of dreams and endless imaginations every day, thinking of going to other worlds to experience a different situation, they are more ambitious.

So what Yang Xuan said is correct, they are really greedy, if they come into contact with such a person, they would like to leave this fairy flower world in other ways, but they are still afraid of the danger outside.

So if they know about Yang Xuan's origin, there is no danger. There are many people in 003 who are willing to leave here with Yang Xuan.

Of course, Yue Qiushui was aware of these problems after entering the True Spirit Reincarnation Pagoda to reincarnate, but he just felt that Yang Xuan's words proved that he was doing whatever he wanted.

And he will not do some bad things, let alone force everyone to do anything, so there is no need to worry.

So Yue Qiushui also knew that his heart was relatively calm, and he would not be so worried when faced with such a situation, because Yang Xuan always made himself feel at ease.

Yue Qiu Shuixin (ccac) will not have any worries, after all he does not meet the conditions, if he meets the conditions, he himself is particularly easy to be satisfied for a day.

He just doesn't have those desires and hearts, no matter what the outside world looks like, Yue Qiushui is not tempted at all, he just thinks that the fairy flower world is the best place.

Because every world is the same, but the scenery is different, the people are different or the situations encountered are different, Yue Qiushui thinks that it is better to be in the fairy flower world, free and easy.

He can do whatever he wants every day, and no one can interfere with him, nor can he manage his affairs. What a good question he thinks this is.

So he thought in his heart, if it can be handled normally, there is really no need to worry so much.

How could Yue Qiushui not know the situation behind these things, so he knew these problems in his heart, but he felt that if some things were really in front of him, it was up to Yang Xuan to decide.

When Yang Xuan saw Yue Qiushui, he looked so happy, which made Yang Xuan happy in his heart, after all, what he was thinking was quite clear.

After hearing what he said, Yue Qiushui's eyes seemed to be full of light, and he was very attentive. He is still in good condition at the moment, Yang Xuan looked at him and said.

"But now my matter is normal, the transaction is an agreement, and I won't force it, because I think it's meaningless to force it. Since everyone knows this idea, then it's fine, and I don't want to force it. Because I don’t need to force anyone with my current abilities.”

"Because after entering the fairy flower world, they all have their own ideas. I have come to the fairy flower world at this moment, and I also think it's good here, but after living for a long time, I don't think it's interesting here. It’s boring and unremarkable, and it’s not like it was at the beginning, when you look at every place and feel special novelty.”.

Chapter 1704 Cranky

Of course Yue Qiushui understood what Yang Xuan said, and he was such a person, how could he ask everyone and how could he do this?

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