Yue Qiushui understood the purpose of Yang Xuan's coming here, but under the current situation, these elves knew that after leaving this fairy flower world, they really didn't know where to go, just like Yang Xuan.

They feel a little scared to go to another world through reincarnation, they don't have that much courage at all, how could they not be worried, so Yue Qiushui also understands the problem that is thinking now.

Chapter 1682 Like-minded

He didn't know what Yang Xuan was thinking, so when he came here, did he really bring people like them and want to reincarnate through a world like this?

But if they can do this, they also feel very happy, but if they want to do it voluntarily, if they don't want to go, then these elves dare not go.

When he just thought Yang Xuan was like this, did he really come to this fairy flower world for such a thing? Is it really the person who brought them here, and will be reincarnated after meeting the conditions?

Yue Qiushui felt a little afraid to imagine, so he was a little baffled, but he also understood this matter in his heart. If this was the case, then it seemed rather special.

Yue Qiushui also knew that his age was suitable, but he didn't think too much, he just felt that he was slowly getting to know the things he had just met with Yang Xuan.

After all, he doesn't want to leave Lingxianhuajie now. He lives in this small red wooden house every day, free and happy, and going up the mountain to collect herbs is what he wants to do most, and he can also hunt at the same time.

Every day is relatively fulfilling, and they are so down-to-earth that they don't want to think about other problems at all, so Yue Qiushui and the others never think too much about the things Yang Xuan said.

But the creatures here are rather weird, some people would think of leaving here, anyway, Yue Qiushui didn't want to do that.

Yang Xuan was thinking in his heart at this moment, if Yue Qiushui thinks this way now, then he seems to be very calm, at this moment he has opened the door.

Yang Xuan followed him in. The yard was very clean. There were a lot of vegetables, flowers and plants, and a tree.

Yang Xuan and Yue Qiushui were already sitting in the yard, and they didn't enter the red cabin at this moment. Yang Xuan felt strange looking at all this, what Yue Qiushui said just now seemed quite calm.

Doesn't he want to follow him through the government to continue the transition? Yang Xuan also felt that some people hoped for a new change in themselves, and also hoped that their life would undergo some changes, and it was impossible to stay the same as before.

But Yue Qiushui also seemed very calm when he heard this matter, as if he had no other thoughts, so Yang Xuan also felt that it was up to Yue Qiushui to decide on this situation.

It is impossible for Yang Xuan to force him at this moment. He knows in his heart that if the True Reincarnation Tower is really opened, then these elves will leave here voluntarily to reincarnate. If they don't like it, how can Yang Xuan force it? He looked at Yue Qiushui and said again.

"¨It's the best choice for you to live in such a place, so you people don't seem to have any ideas, and you don't want to go to other worlds to experience such a process, so I I think it's very interesting, have you lived in one place for so long?".

(Nonuo's) "No matter how beautiful the environment is, isn't it boring? Why don't you want to go to other places to experience such things? Feel what it's like in other places."

"After all, the outside world is colorful, and it is also a place that everyone wants to explore, so I know in my heart that I just look at you at a young age, maybe I don't have this plan."

After Yang Xuan said these words at this moment, he knew these things clearly in his heart.

Chapter 1683 Nonsense

He didn't have any worries about anything at the moment, after all, he also understood that Yue Qiushui didn't answer at this moment.

Yang Xuan also clearly told him how wonderful the romantic world is, hoping that they can lead to that kind of reincarnation and go to other worlds, wouldn't it be good?

They will return to their own world after reincarnation, so there will be no change, so Yang Xuan thinks why should they refuse, this matter seems relatively normal, but I just think that if the situation arises.

He also doesn't want to have too many worries, and he doesn't want too many changes, so everything has a new decision, and he is thinking in his heart, if things can really be changed 990 times, what will he do? I don't want to be like that again.

There are too many situations happening, so if some problems can really be changed, he certainly hopes that there will be new decisions on the problems.

After Yue Qiushui poured a glass of water for Yang Xuan, he sat down and looked at him. He just thought that there must be something wrong with him now that he came to the Fairy Flower Realm, and Yue Qiushui also understood.

Through a kind of reincarnation and through the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower, one can change one's destiny and one's life, Yue Qiushui really doesn't want to do this anymore, he also felt (ccab) miraculous when he heard what Yang Xuan said.

The outside world is so miraculous and full of dreams, and how could Yue Qiushui not know it? He knew it in his heart, but he felt that if the situation really happened, he would understand it, so how could he worry about other things.

Yue Qiushui could hear Yang Xuan's words clearly, but he felt a little scared to let him leave the Immortal Flower Realm, after all, he had lived here for so long.

There are many friends here, if you leave here, everything will be an unfamiliar environment, Yue Qiushui doesn't want to experience this at all, he understands it now, besides, he is very happy living in this red cabin every day.

Why do you have to enter another world? Since they are all in the same world, the colors are different and there are other situations, but it is no different from this fairy flower world.

"Looking at the young age, I think a lot. If this kind of thing is really like this, then it depends on how you decide. Anyway, I have told you now that I have no other purpose in coming here. Besides When I passed by the red cabin just now, I thought it was very beautiful, very beautiful."

"I just wanted to come here to see who lives here. I didn't expect that since you saw that young man living here, and you made the place so tidy, it looked extraordinarily refreshing and clean. I just thought You elves have lived here long."

"Maybe there is another idea, but I don't think about it so much, it all goes with the flow, besides, I just told you, just now I was sitting at your door suddenly, it seemed impolite, But I am not interested, if it is here, I want to take a look, and I have already said what should be said."

Yue Qiushui looked at Yang Xuan and knew in his heart that since he said that, he just hoped that he could change his mind, but Yue Qiushui also felt that it was nothing, and Yang Xuan came here and wanted to get to know everyone.

Chapter 1684 Changing Fate

It is normal for Yue Qiushui to want to change everyone's fate. He just thinks that everyone has their own ideas, and they all have different moods.

So Yue Qiushui also understands these things now, so for him, he is unwilling to leave the fairy flower world, no matter what he does, what others say.

It is also impossible for him to leave this fairy flower world with others, even if he has a partner, he will not do so, because he lives here every day and feels that he is in another world.

He hadn't experienced it at all, even if he could come back alive, Yue Qiushui felt that he didn't want to try such a danger, why would he want to experience such a thing? He didn't feel so calm that he was already very content with the Lingxianhuajie as his home.

Going to other places is not what I want at all, so Yue Qiushui has already thought so in his heart, and looking at some people, he will secretly run out of this fairy flower world to go to other places, but Yue Qiushui Never had such an idea.

They won't do this either, because as long as they live in this spirit fairy flower world, it is impossible for them to leave here.

If there is no order, they will probably be punished if they leave here, and Yue Qiushui will not do this. Once he leaves the fairy flower world, he may never come back.

But Yang Xuan felt that it didn't matter anymore, no matter who had such an idea, he would say so, if these people didn't have such an idea, if they didn't want to leave this fairy flower~world and leave this home.

Then Yang Xuan won't think about other things anymore, just hope that they can know the purpose of his coming this time, so that they don't have any regrets, because every time they reincarnate into this world - there is only one chance.

If this opportunity is missed, then there will really be nothing in the future, so Yang Xuan also knows that if they really want to say that, it can completely satisfy their purpose.

If they don't want to do it, then Yang Xuan can't insist on taking them away, because Yang Xuan doesn't think it's necessary, everything is voluntary, he doesn't care about this ability, and he doesn't care about increasing these reincarnation values.

Yang Xuan can get a lot of changes through his own abilities, and there is no problem with upgrading. It is completely possible to change one's own destiny.

····Ask for flowers 0·

Yang Xuan didn't know what to say. Although Yue Qiushui's expression looked calm at the moment, his situation always made him feel a little helpless.

Yang Xuan also understood that the reason why he didn't speak and didn't answer his own question directly proved that he didn't want to leave this fairy flower world at all, and Yang Xuan couldn't force it.


"I just think you are in a good state now, but are you picking wild vegetables with this bamboo basket on your back? The vegetables grown in this garden are also quite beautiful, and your own flowers are also so beautiful. Thinking that the scenery of the entire fairy flower world is different."

"Besides, it's also the first time I've come here and I think it's quite strange, so I'm happy to be able to come here through the Tower of Reincarnation, but once the Tower of Reincarnation is opened, I will leave here. I also met a few people just now. Personally, they are all elves here, and they are all very enthusiastic, so I am very happy to meet these good friends here." 1.

Chapter 1685 Reluctant

"I just think about leaving here by myself one day, and I may have a lot of reluctance, but this is my task and my responsibility, and I have to do it."

Yue Qiushui understood that Yang Xuan used such a method to travel to other worlds non-stop.

He was able to achieve such a result, and once the real soul reincarnation tower appeared, he would be able to walk freely in the real "nine nine three" soul reincarnation tower.

Go to every world, so whichever world the True Reincarnation Tower brings him, he will find what he wants in that world, find some goals, and bring some people to reincarnate. Yue Qiushui is now finally understand these principles.

He just thinks that some things really look amazing, but if there are some things, how can he not understand the situation behind them? Once there is any problem, he also knows that he should not think too much at all.

There is no need to worry so much, so Yue Qiushui just thinks that if he wants to leave here, he doesn't need to be told by others. Naturally, they will find a way.

Yue Qiushui also didn't want to leave. Anyway, he knew what Yang Xuan said, although it was tempting, but he didn't want to do it, and he didn't intend to.

He is still free in the fairy flower world, without any danger, living a relatively stable life, and quite happy, so how could he not understand the situation behind these things?

Yang Xuan is such a frank person, he doesn't want to hide his point of view at all, after all, after he came here, this spirit fairy flower world is a different kind of world.

Then Yang Xuan didn't want to hide his truth in front of them. He likes to come here for a purpose, and through the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower, he can take them to reincarnate, improve his abilities, improve these abilities, and let himself upgrade with one click.

Yang Xuan also felt that his abilities would reach a very high level when the level was full, and he still felt very happy, but if he wanted to reach such a level now.

Then it is necessary to constantly bring these people to reincarnate and make a new change to improve all of this, so Yang Xuan knows in his heart that once he gets these praises, he can make himself even more powerful. The target Yang Xuan wants...

"So if you people here want to follow me out of the Immortal Flower Realm, I can do it all in other worlds.

And reincarnation can change one's destiny, and then experience a different world is also very good, but it depends on you have this idea, I know it in my heart. "

"Many of you don't think so at all, because you don't know what the outside world is like, and you also feel afraid of special fears. You have lived in this fairy flower world for a long time, and you don't want to change your destiny, but entering There is nothing to be afraid of in other worlds."

"Even if there is some danger in 0.1, then your life is over, and you will return to your own world, no matter how long you have been away."

After Yang Xuan said these words at this moment, he looked at Yue Qiushui and felt that the expression on his face was no longer as worried as it was just now.

After all, Yang Xuan spoke directly, let him measure the standard by himself.

Chapter 1686 Not to be Feared

If he wants to change his fate like this, he can do it, if he doesn't want to.

It is also impossible for Yang Xuan to say those words again, because there is no such meaning anymore. After all, Yang Xuan came to this fairy flower world, always wanting to change things here and their fate.

If these elves can meet the conditions, it is also the best decision to reincarnate through the True Soul Reincarnation Tower. Besides, they cannot be trapped in the reincarnation world without getting out.

Once their lives are over, they will immediately return to their own world, and the time is only one day, Yang Xuan also knows.

It's just that Yue Qiushui is quite comfortable living in the red cabin every day. I don't know if he can change his mind after hearing what he said.

Yue Qiushui didn't know what Yang Xuan meant by saying that, but he knew in his heart that the people here had lived for so long.

They are already used to life here, and I'm afraid they may not be able to change all of this, and they don't want to leave this fairy flower world, but it doesn't prove that other people want to leave here.

So Yue Qiushui was not very clear about this situation, but he felt that he didn't want to follow Yang Xuan to leave here through the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower, nor did he want to reincarnate.

Because every world is the same, he doesn't want to experience such a process, he feels very happy to be able to live in this fairy flower world, and he doesn't want to have other worries at all.

So he knew in his heart that if these things happened, how could he not know the situation behind them.

If the matter could really be solved, he would naturally think of other problems, so he knew in his heart that he saw Yang Xuan shaking his head helplessly and said.

"I also understand what you just said. After all, if you can reincarnate in such a situation, then everyone is different and everyone has their own ideas, so now I don't think so much, I just think It always surprises me that some things can happen."

"I don't know why sometimes I feel that everything is like a dream and it doesn't really happen, but now I have become an elf, with such an identity, I don't even know when I became such an identity, but If things can really happen, I won't think about those boring things anymore."

"Because I think it really doesn't make any sense, and I know it well for me. I added all of this to the Lingxianhuajie list in my mind, so it is impossible for me to go to other places. I also feel that there is no meaning in 993, and it may make me even more boring after I go there.”

Yang Xuan also understood the situation after hearing what Yue Qiushui said. If it really didn't make any sense to him, how could he not know the situation behind it?

He just felt that if the matter really happened, he still hoped that everything could be resolved, so Yang Xuan came to this fairy flower world because he hoped that the people here would think of this.

Do you reincarnate through such a situation? But Yang Xuan also understands that if he can change these things, he may think of other things in his mind, and he may deal with other problems.

Chapter 1687

But these things may not be as simple as before, he understands in his heart, if such a situation can lead these people into the Tower of Reincarnation.

Yang Xuan may feel that he has gained a lot, but now that Yue Qiushui has such an idea, he doesn't want to do it, and he also finds it quite boring, so what about other people, do they think the same way?

But Yang Xuan believed in his heart that among so many people living in this spirit fairy flower world, there will always be someone who meets such a standard and meets the conditions of this true spirit reincarnation tower.

Yang Xuan just felt that there was no need to think too much about some things, and his heart was relatively calm, as if he hadn't gained much from coming to the fairy flower world this time.

Even if he comes back empty-handed, he doesn't care, after all he has figured out these things, how could I make myself so troubled, and Yang Xuan also understands some things.

There is no need to worry so much, his mood is relatively stable, and he will not make himself feel so boring because of such things.

So I like to think in my heart that all of this will develop naturally, and anyone in this fairy flower world voluntarily meets the conditions to leave this fairy flower world with me and go to another world to reincarnate.

Yang Xuan will help them, but if they don't want to go to Yang Xuan, they won't leave any regrets, let alone force him. He knows in his heart, how could he have such an idea.

When Yue Qiushui saw Yang Xuan, he just felt that he didn't speak, but now the situation was clear, and Yue Qiushui didn't know why he came here.

Anyway, it doesn't matter, Yue Qiushui also feels quite calm in his heart, and there is no big deal, but he feels that every place is the same.

Besides, every corner of this fairy flower world is in the same state, Yue Qiushui doesn't know what changes have been made, and he doesn't want to make other changes.

It's just that if the situation is stable now, he doesn't want to run around, let alone reincarnate, and wants to restart his future and start a new life, so he has no such plan yet.

He just felt that everyone had different ideas, and it was their right to do what they wanted, Yue Qiushui would not choose that way.

"The situation is the same in every world, so why bother to be so greedy? Living in this place of my own is quite good, and this Lingxianhuajie is really good. So, I understand in my heart that I will not After thinking about it so much, although I don't want to reincarnate through this True Reincarnation Tower'. "

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