Chapter 1676 Unfathomable

But he also wondered in his heart, if there is really something valuable or some air in this place, why is it so quiet here?

If there really are, then it is possible for these masters to come to the room, so how could they be so calm like this moment?

Yang Xuan felt that the reason why it is so quiet here, without any disputes, is that there is nothing in this place, only some elves live.

Under such circumstances, they will never be harmed. This is the only reason why they chose this place. Yang Xuan just guessed in his heart.

But he didn't understand all of this at all, and he knew what was waiting for an answer, but he just felt that if these questions were in front of him, he didn't know how to deal with them.

"These things always have a new beginning, and there is always a new end, so if the situation here is that there is no gain, and there is no valuable thing, then leave here, True Reincarnation Tower It will eventually come out, do you want me to come back after my life in this place is over?"

"It doesn't seem possible. It doesn't make sense to think too much. Keep looking forward. Otherwise, I don't have any ideas when I come here now. Is there nothing I want in this place, but I can't make a trip in vain. , don’t think so much, just walk forward and see what’s in front of you.”

Yang Xuan didn't know why he had such an idea, but he knew in his heart that since he came to this room, he couldn't let himself return empty-handed.

He wondered in his mind that there was always something to be found, this room looked so magical, full of dreams, and then there wasn't even a single thing of value in this place.

It's good to get some mental methods and some abilities. Besides, he also understands that some things are not as simple as they were before.

There are always some situations that happen, and if you want to find something here, you must pay some hardships and costs, and it also requires a certain amount of endurance.

Yang Xuan also told himself not to think so much, and slowly searched forward, and found that every place in such a big place is different, and every place is magical.

After Yang Xuan walked all over here, he knew if there was anything he wanted. After all, there is no answer to all these now, and nothing happened.

And he knew in his heart that some things would always have new solutions, he murmured in his heart as he walked.

"However, this room is indeed beautiful. Since it is a flower world full of colorful colors, and every place in the colorful world looks like a fairy, it is really 987 beautiful. I don't want to ask too many questions. It will only annoy myself more, if there is nothing."

"Then just leave here when I go to open it. I think too much, what do you mean? If the elves here really meet the conditions and want to leave here with me to reincarnate through the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower, the same You will also get some upgrades and some energy, so why not do it?"

"There is also a new state that has opened up, so why bother to think about these boring questions? Once it comes, it will be at ease, and it will be fine if you figure it out, and there will be no pressure.".

Chapter 1677 Without a trace

Yang Xuan continued to walk forward. He never thought that one day he would come to this room. After entering here, he knew it in his heart.

It's just that if some situations really happen, he will not think too much about them if he understands all of them in his heart. The situation in front of him will always make him feel a little inexplicable.

Because when Yang Xuan came to this room, he felt a little surprised. He just felt that although this room looked like a magical place, it was very beautiful.

This is a lot of elves in the flower world, but Yang Xuan also understands such a peaceful world, but it looks even more magical.

But it's not very possible to get something, Yang Xuan just feels that he can get some ammunition and get some things he needs, so it's not a waste of time for him to come here.

He pondered in his heart what kind of harvest it was to take a closer look at the situation here, to see if there was any unexpected situation happening.

He was thinking about the problem in his heart. If it really could be reconsidered, he also understood all of this and knew in his heart that he would not worry too much about it.

Then Yang Xuan was also thinking about the situation, and Yang Xuan, who always made himself feel a little surprised, was always looking here, and he had come to a remote place at this moment.

Because he felt that this place was a bit special, Yang Xuan wanted to take a walk here. There was a very strange little red cabin in this place.

Moreover, the pointed red canopy Yang Xuan has never seen such a tiny building before. After Yang Xuan went to search for nothing, he came directly to the small red house near this small house. before.

Yang Xuan saw that the door was tightly closed, as if there was a small lock locked on it, but Yang Xuan didn't see it clearly, after all he was far away.

After slowly approaching, I saw carefully that there was a small fenced yard and a big yard, which was cleaned very cleanly, and the lock had been locked. It seemed that no one lived in this place or the owner had gone out.

"It's really strange that such a situation has appeared. Why does this red cabin look weird? Could it be that there are people living in it? But do the elves here really live their own lives? No? Are they together? The distance is relatively far, and the red cabin subway in front of me is very remote, and it’s just a river if you go any further.”.

"¨¨There is no other situation at all, and it looks desolate here, but the scenery is also good, it looks endless, these rice fields are green, the scenery in this room is different, and there are other places here Without these views, and these plants, this red cabin looks uninhabited."

"Do you want to go in and have a look? But the lock is already locked, so I just use (Nuo Qian Zhao) magic to open it, doesn't it look bad? I don't want to wait so much outside, if there are people, then I will be back, I just want to wait to see who lives here, this red cabin looks mysterious."

Yang Xuan was thinking about him in his heart, and now he was talking to himself, after thinking of this, he has now walked forward slowly, there is a stone stool at the door, he sits on the stool and looks at everything in front of him, Yang Xuan just takes a rest Bar.

Chapter 1678 Overwhelmed

After all, it's been so long since he's been walking here, so he always wants to see what's going on here, and the small yard is so clean.

This small red wooden house also looks so strange, Yang Xuan thinks that the people sitting here must be very strange too, let's see who it is here, and the more he looks at it, the more mysterious he feels.

Yang Xuan became clearer in his heart, but he just felt that if there was a problem, he would not think too much at all, and he was just wandering around in this room at this moment.

As long as he came here to travel, he would not have too many worries, and would not let himself become so sad, after all, Yang Xuan felt that it was meaningless.

If the situation could really be changed, he wouldn't worry about too many problems at all, there is always a way to solve things, which made him 990 feel happy in his heart.

When Yang Xuan was thinking about asking, suddenly a person came back from not far away and was covered by this bamboo basket, and the clothes he seemed to be wearing were really strange.

But Yang Xuan couldn't see the other party's face clearly, and when he approached slowly, he could realize that Yang Xuan was sitting here waiting, and the other party had slowly walked over.

Yang Xuan could see that this person was also a young boy, almost a few years younger than himself, and felt that the bamboo basket on his back seemed to be quite strong.

I made it up by myself, so the other party came over, could this be his home? Yang Xuan looked up at the young man and didn't speak, but felt that the other party's eyes were full of doubts.

The person carrying the bamboo basket, his name is Yue Qiushui, he lives in this small red wooden house, but he just thinks that this person is at the door, who is he?

Yue Qiushui also found it strange, so when he walked over, he looked at Yang Xuan in front of him and felt a little baffled. Is this person their partner? This person has never appeared before, Yue Qiushui said when he saw Yang Xuan.

"Who are you? Why do you live in front of my house? Why have I never seen you? You shouldn't be from our room, but how did you come here? My place is relatively remote. , usually only people live here (ccab).”

"But seeing you suddenly, I think it's really strange. It's strange for you to let me see him like this. He is definitely not from our place, but why did you come here? Our room is very strange. Few strangers come, only one stranger in all these years."

After hearing these words, Yang Xuan raised his head to look at this person, and carefully understood that if such a situation occurred, he would also understand it, but he just felt that if these issues were really worth considering, how could he not know?

But suddenly seeing everyone coming over, he must be the owner of this place, Yang Xuan thinks this young man is quite interesting, and it seems that he is also very interesting.

Yang Xuan also felt that no matter what, every elf living in this room made him feel very happy, and meeting them was also a kind of fate.

Yang Xuan will definitely make a lot of friends here this time, because this place is not an evil hell, nor is it so scary, it is full of kind people.

Yang Xuan also felt very happy, after passing the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower, he was able to enter such a reincarnation world.

Chapter 1679 Review Yourself

His heart was relatively calm, at this moment he looked at Yue Qiushui and wondered what the other party was thinking, did he feel that he was strange.

And at the same time, Yang Xuan felt that he was also quite strange. They all thought about such things. The two looked at each other and were sizing up each other.

Yang Xuan looked at him, after all, the other party has been honest, he lives here, so this may be such a magical home~garden he created, it is really good.

In this room, Yang Xuan felt that every place and every scene attracted him, otherwise, how could he be so anxious to take in the green scenery.

He wanted to take a look at every place. He didn't want to miss this opportunity. After all, he came to this room. Once he reincarnates and leaves, the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower will open. Yang Xuan has no chance to come back. He will bid farewell to this room forever. .

Yue Qiushui just thought Yang Xuan was weird, but he didn't know why he talked so much, Yue Qiushui was sitting on another stone stool at the moment.

The other party who was looking at the other party actually came to his door, he must be waiting for him to come back, what he wants to do, Yue Qiushui has already determined.

His aura is really not from here, and he is just a human coming to this room, Yue Qiushui is not so afraid, after all, he is the only one living in this red cabin.

Although he wasn't afraid, he didn't want any accidents to happen, and he didn't want anything to happen. He just thought that if such a problem really happened, how could he not know what he was thinking at the moment.

And he just felt that there was a person here before, and that person was quite weird, and he hid in one place by himself and never came out, and he didn't want to get in touch with others.

Yue Qiushui thought of this at this moment, is Yang Xuan also such a person? Does he want to live here for a long time? But the more Yue Qiushui thought about it, the more entangled he felt.

If such a situation occurs, what is the difference from the previous person? After that person came to this room, he lived alone and did not have any interaction with them at all.

"He is also quite weird. He lives in a remote place in this room, which is similar to me, but it is far away from me. When you look at me like this, do you think I am strange, too? This little red wooden house where I live is what I built."

····Ask for flowers 0·

"But what you are doing at this door is waiting for me? There is still something. You always look a little weird. After all, your dress, your clothes, and your appearance are not at all. The people in our room are not elves, you have very powerful abilities, who are you?"


After Yue Qiushui finished speaking these words, he saw that Yang Xuan just felt that such a situation had arisen.

Then it depends on what the other party thinks, he doesn't know the other party's name, but the red cabin is his, otherwise he wouldn't be able to say that.

Yue Qiushui was indeed a little surprised, what does it mean that this person appeared in front of him? Is he really the same as the previous person in this room?

Could it be that this place wants to continue, and it looks weird, and it doesn't seem to get along with everyone, why does such a person come here? one.

Chapter 1680

Yue Qiushui also felt that it was very miraculous. If they wanted to enter the spirit fairy flower world, it would not be easy or very strenuous, but since this person came here.

He also ran to his own place, what exactly did he want to do? Yue Qiushui also felt that he was struggling all the time, after saying these words, he looked at Yang Xuan.

I just wonder why the other party didn't answer, what is he "990" trying to do sitting at the door of this red cabin? Are you waiting for yourself to come back?

Yang Xuan looked at Yue Qiushui, and thought that he understood what he just said. This red wooden house is really beautiful, since he built it by himself.

It seems that a young age is quite capable, and being able to live in this fairy flower world is also quite capable. They take care of each other. Yang Xuan just feels a little worried in his heart. This situation makes him feel helpless .

Yang Xuan thinks it's amazing, Yue Qiushui seems to be quite comfortable living in this spirit fairy flower world, after all, Yang Xuan knows every elf living here.

They are really unrestrained, so they have nothing to do, nothing to worry about, and no disputes at the same time. No wonder they live here so comfortably now, and they don't want to leave this fairy flower world.

Yang Xuan knew in his heart that after this reincarnation, he had entered the spirit fairy flower world. Yang Xuan also understood this situation, but felt that they all had their own ideas.

If they meet the conditions, there is a chance for them to reincarnate with themselves through the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower, but they don't seem to want to go to Yang Xuan and don't force it.

But if he didn't meet anyone, he would have this idea, and he would tell everyone his background, let's see what they choose, because Yang Xuan can harvest more people.

Entering the world of reincarnation, Yang Xuan can activate super powers in this way, otherwise his powers are relatively weak, he said looking at Yue Qiushui.

"Brother, I came here unknowingly just now, but I think this red cabin is very interesting, and the red house looks very beautiful, I just thought this place must be beautiful , come out again, after coming to this fairy flower world, every place is beautiful...."

"Every place looks full of fantasy, I know it in my heart, so this place and this world are the best ones, but do you feel surprised when you look at me, I also feel that this place attracted me just now , I came over to take a look, but I didn't expect you to live here, are you really alone?"

"It's quite big here, and the yard is pretty clean. If you live alone, I think it's really unbelievable. You live here at a young age. Although this place is not dangerous, there is nothing dangerous about it. Human life is quite lonely, you don't have to be so afraid now, I'm not a bad person."

After hearing what Yang Xuan said, Yue Qiushui also understood 0.1. It seems that he just walked here casually, that's why he came here, and he told him just now.

There used to be a person living here in their place, but after being told about this person, he ran to a particularly remote place.

I have never had any contact with them, but this person looks weird and scary.

Chapter 1681 Full of Confidence

But the harm that never hurts them, they probably understand.

If this person didn't look so calm, it would be impossible to keep him in the fairy flower world, but Yue Qiushui also understood that Yang Xuan came here with his own decision.

Then if it is really possible to change through the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower, then maybe everyone wants to change, but Yue Qiushui doesn't think so. After all, he has lived in this fairy flower world for so long, and he has never had such a idea.

He never had such a goal, and he never thought that one day he would leave this fairy flower world to go to other places, so he lived in this red cabin every day.

Carrying 22's own basket on his back freely, picking medicinal materials every day, so he lives a very solid life. The outside world is not too beautiful, and Yue Qiushui doesn't want to go there.

He wasn't that timid, but he wasn't that big either. He just felt that there were too many disputes in the outside world. He heard people here also said that the outside world was full of dangers. It would be better to be more at ease in this fairy flower world.

Yang Xuan sat on the rock and kept looking at Yue Qiushui, and now he was also sitting on the rock, but Yang Xuan was thinking in his heart that if something happened, he really had no idea.

But he came to this spirit fairy flower world just to see the situation here, so after reincarnation, it is also the best decision for him to have such a change.

Yang Xuan pondered in his heart that he hadn't gained much in this fairy flower world until now, he met quite a lot of people, but he didn't find anything so far.

He also didn't find the mental method he wanted, he didn't find the treasure, and he didn't have any cheats. Yang Xuan also knew that if he could really get what he wanted, let's talk about it later.

If not, then consider yourself here to experience such an opportunity, and when the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower opens, Yang Xuan will leave here.

But whether there is such a situation as to whether it is possible to leave here? Yang Xuan doesn't know what the situation is, so how could he not be clear about this issue.

"I don't think you are as timid as you seem. If you are really scared, you can't approach slowly. After all, I am sitting at your door just to wait for the people here to come back, because Just now I looked at this red cabin, it was already locked, how could I break in by myself."

"I don't think this is very good. I just passed by here and wanted to have a look. I was waiting for the people here to come back. I didn't expect it to be such a young man, so you can tell me if you have any ideas. When I came here, I found such a small red 990 wooden house without knowing it, so I came to have a look.”

"Because every place in this fairy flower world is particularly magical, and every place makes me feel really special and wonderful. After all, such a world is rare."

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