Yang Xuan felt that this was fine, anyway, he would not have any worries, since the other party had already returned to the fairy flower world, there was no possibility of any danger, so Yang Xuan felt at ease.

When Yang Xuan walked further, he came to a peach blossom forest. Yang Xuan felt that this place was so beautiful. He didn't expect to appear in such a place, so he passed the reincarnation through the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower.

Since he came to such a beautiful place, this was the first time, Yang Xuan looked at a man in blue clothes standing there in the peach blossom forest, this figure Yang Xuan was sure to be a man.

Yang Xuan walked up slowly and said.

"This brother has some offenses, so I'm still a little disturbed, but I just came to this fairy flower world, this is your home, I feel that the purple bamboo and peach blossom forest in front of me is so beautiful... .”

"I didn't expect there to be such a beautiful place here, so every place in this fairy flower world is so beautiful, every place is so magical, I just think this purple oleander flower forest makes me feel a little It’s unbelievable, the color and beauty have never been seen before.”

After Yang Xuan said this, he looked at the other party. He didn't know who the other party was, but he saw a back view, a man wearing blue clothes, and he was really handsome. This back view looked tall and mighty.

Yang Xuan didn't know what this person looked like, could it be different from his figure? Yang Xuan felt that if the other party was very ugly, it would be really 0.1 to be sorry, such a beautiful scenery.

Being in this purple bamboo peach blossom forest really makes people feel happy, as if they have forgotten the troubles of the world. I didn't expect to find such a beautiful purple bamboo peach blossom forest just after entering this fairy flower world.

How could Yang Xuan be unhappy in his heart? This purple bamboo and peach blossom forest is different. Yang Xuan has been exploring the beautiful places in the world, but he did not expect to come here through reincarnation.

Chapter 1576 Inexplicable

The more Yang Xuan thought about it, the more he felt a little miraculous, but he wouldn't be too anxious, after all, he came here, so how could Yang Xuan be so anxious if he was slowly searching for something, and slowly looking for something?

His heart is still relatively calm, but he just feels that if these situations arise, he doesn't want too many problems in the middle.

I hope that all of this can be resolved smoothly. In his mind, how could he not understand these things? He feels that if these problems really arise, of course he will understand these situations.

Yang Xuan didn't know why such a thing happened, but he also understood that since he came here, Yang Xuan didn't want to leave now, but he just felt that the purple bamboo and peach blossom forest was really a beautiful scenery.

So is every place so beautiful and so magical in this fairy flower world? Yang Xuan felt that this time he had made money and didn't have to go to that dark and evil place.

It is really amazing to come to this kind of place full of flower fragrance. The more Yang Xuan thought about it, the happier he became. After he looked at the Lan Yi boy in front of him and turned around, Yang Xuan carefully looked at the young man who was not very old. But his look.

Seeing that his back is so charming and handsome, Yang Xuan can see clearly that he hasn't let himself down. Could it be that all the elves in this spirit fairy flower world are so beautiful? The more Yang Xuan thought about it, the more he felt a little entangled.

But he felt that he was pretty good, but the clothes didn't match the scenery here, Yang Xuan thought he should change clothes? But he is not in a hurry, after all, he just came here.

The person who appeared in this purple bamboo and peach blossom forest, his name is Jiang Feng Yunze, he just thought that he was here admiring the beautiful peach blossoms, and suddenly someone came to him.

But he usually has a lot of partners, but today they all have something to do not come here.

Jiang Feng Yunze thought it was his friend who came, but the voice didn't sound like it, and then the other party spoke again, Jiang Feng Yunze felt strange when he saw Yang Xuan, and said to him.

"Who are you? Why did you appear here? Although this purple oleander flower forest is beautiful, I feel as if you are not from our fairy flower world, who are you? Why do you look a little strange? You I've never seen you in your clothes and what you look like, so where are you from?"

"Our spirit fairy flower world has never had other creatures come here. You are really special. You must not be an elf in our flower world. Who are you? You don't look like Wicked man, but how did you get in 857? I find it strange."

After Yang Xuan heard what the other party said, he looked at him carefully, and felt that his appearance was rather strange, so Yang Xuan also understood in his heart.

No matter how strange it was, the other party was always from the spirit fairy flower world. He was a normal elf, unlike Yang Xuan, but he came from the outside world, but Yang Xuan also felt that the other party asked so many questions, and he didn't know how to explain it.

I don't know if the other party can believe what I said, because why do I feel that everything about myself is incredible, and I can't look at myself with normal eyes, everything that happened to Yang Xuan is different.

Chapter 1577 Different Opinions

So it is a special situation to come to this spirit fairy flower world. Yang Xuan feels that being in this purple bamboo and peach blossom forest is also quite special, so every corner is quite magical to him.

Yang Xuan did feel this way, but he couldn't explain why he came here. Now that the True Soul Reincarnation Tower was opened, Yang Xuan was going to fly around in the True Soul Reincarnation Tower, and the self-healing True Soul Reincarnation Tower stopped.

Then which world will Yang Xuan land in? Now that he is in the fairy flower world, it seems impossible for him to leave in a short time. Yang Xuan is not in such a hurry.

It's just that the elves here seem to be kind, not evil. Yang Xuan doesn't want to hurt them, and at the same time, they don't want to be enemies with him. They all seem relatively plain.

Jiang Feng Yunze was also a little strange when he saw Yang Xuan, why didn't the other party answer? Didn't he just want to know who he is? So what made him feel that the answer was easy to solve was that he was the elf here.

Is there another answer? Jiang Feng Yunze just looked at Yang Xuan's appearance and felt a little unimaginable, because they really had never been a stranger here.

This Yang Xuan in front of him is the first one, how could Jiang Feng Yunze not have any idea, just think what is going on in this situation?

Why is there such a situation? Jiang Fengyunze didn't understand at all and couldn't be sure now, he just felt that if the situation was really like this, how could he not understand the situation behind it.

Jiang Fengyunze pondered in his heart, if these things could really be reconsidered, he would not want any danger to arise again.

These elves live in this fairy flower world, they are relatively comfortable, they must be safe, and they don't want to be disturbed by others.

But what exactly did Yang Xuan want to do here? Master Jiang Fengyun Ze felt that it was really inexplicable, he said to Yang Xuan again.

"Because I have been living here, I have never seen outsiders come here, and it is impossible to find out why you appear here like Lingxianhuajie? If it is convenient, can you tell me? If I ask you so I don’t think you seem weird, but what’s your name? My name is Jiang Feng Yunze, I also want to know who you are.”

"But when you come here, no matter who sees you, they will find it strange, because the elves we live here, everyone knows each other, and you are a strange face, so it will inevitably make everyone suspicious .”

Facing Yang Xuanjiang Feng Yunze in front of him, Feng Yunze was still pondering in his heart, no matter what, he has already come to this Fairy Flower Realm, it seems that his condition should be stabilized.

But he has this ability to enter the spirit fairy flower world, which is really amazing, because his spirit fairy flower (Qian Wang's) world is also very hidden, and this place has a powerful enchantment.

I'm afraid it may not be so easy to break through, but Jiang Fengyunze thought in his heart that no matter what, the person in front of him has already come here.

How could Jiang Fengyunze have no idea, he just thought that if a normal situation arises, he is still thinking about what to do, because this situation seems to be more complicated.

Chapter 1578 Changes

He doesn't know what the reason is now, so they want to protect the creatures here, protect their homeland, and they don't want to be disturbed by others in the fairy flower world.

Jiang Feng and Yunze are more comfortable living in this purple bamboo and peach blossom forest, so each of them has their own place, but all of this suddenly changed.

These people in front of him appeared, what is his purpose? Jiang Feng Yunze also felt a little unbelievable, and there were no precious treasures or special things in their place.

But the other party actually appeared here, there must be a purpose, Jiang Feng Yunze also felt that he was really entangled, but he was also a little scared in his heart.

Because he was afraid that others would disturb their lives and their homes. If everything here was destroyed, they would no longer be able to live in the fairy flower world. Where should they go?

So Jiang Feng Yunze knew in his heart that there were so many dangers outside, they didn't want to go at all, they just wanted to live freely in this fairy flower world, but since a stranger came, they always felt that the danger was approaching .

They will feel this way, and they don't know why they feel this way, anyway, they know this situation in their hearts, no matter what, if all the conditions are stable, it will make them feel a little incredible.

Jiang Feng Yunze also hoped that Yang Xuan would give this answer, who is he and why did he come here? So always figure it out and report back later.

Because Jiang Fengyunze felt that if he was not evil or he had no purpose, but how did he get in, the more Jiang Fengyunze thought about it, the more anxious he felt, and he couldn't find the answer, and he was very anxious.

After Yang Xuan heard these words, he also felt that since the other party asked such a question, it seemed that he was about to answer, because he felt that Jiang Fengyunze (ccab) looked so kind.

Every experience from this spirit fairy flower world is like this, at least I just feel that I broke into their field, otherwise he wouldn't be so worried.

He looks a little worried at the moment, is it because he is afraid that he will destroy everything here? Or do you feel like you're going to bring about a disaster?

Otherwise, why did Jiang Fengyunze have such an expression? Yang Xuan also felt strange in his heart, and said to him.

"My name is Yang Xuan, so you don't have to worry so much. I'm a human being, so why did I come to this fairy flower world? I'm actually a friend of yours. The two of us came together in the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower. You may not have heard of the True Resurrection Tower here, but it is a tool for turning to another world through another world."

"Because this tool is very magical, it is a magical baby, so I came here again through the Reincarnation Tower, his name, I don't know if you recognize him, his name is Qian Yizihua, he followed me all the time I got up and came to the spirit fairy flower world, because he said he came here to pick me up."

"Then I followed him in the Spiritual Reincarnation Tower and appeared in the Spiritual Flower Realm, but when I couldn't enter the Spiritual Flower Realm, the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower disappeared."

Jiang Feng Yunze felt quite strange after hearing what Yang Xuan said, why had he never heard of this person's name? .

Chapter 1579 Unbelievable

This person is not an elf from their spirit fairy flower world at all, but the other party said such things as if they were so compelling, but Jiang Feng Yunze had never heard of this matter, and he didn't know what the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower was.

How could Jiang Feng Yunze not be surprised? After all, in such a situation, he didn't know what the situation was, but there was no need for the other party to lie.

Since he has the ability to enter the Lingxian Flower Realm, there is no need for him to lie to himself. Jiang Fengyunze thinks that such a situation is really unbelievable, but who is this person he is talking about? ?

Why can she bring Yang Xuan all the way to the Fairy Flower Realm in the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower? What is the situation? The more Jiang Fengyunze thought about it, the more he felt that there was something unexplainable.

He looked at Yang Xuan with many questions in his mind, but he didn't interrupt Yang Xuan's words, and listened quietly, he just felt that he was thinking about-problems even now.

How could Yang Xuan not have any thoughts when he saw Jiang Feng Yunze, after all he felt that he was not lying, but Jiang Feng Yunze in front of him seemed to have an unusual look in his eyes.

Hasn't he heard of the name Qian Yizihua? Yang Xuanxiong himself had indeed followed him to the Spirit Fairy Flower Realm, and they chatted very speculatively in the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower.

So why does Yang Xuan think these things look weird? If Qian Yizihua is really not an elf here, then who is he? Why did he appear in the Tower of Reincarnation and brought himself here with him?

So Yang Xuan felt that even if he didn't appear, then he would be brought to the spirit fairy flower world by the real soul reincarnation tower after entering the real soul reincarnation tower.

But why did such a person appear, is it really because of the existence of this person, or he is not in this fairy flower world at all, the more Yang Xuan thought about it, the more strange he felt, and he felt that there was no answer in his heart, what should he do?

He also felt a little flustered in his heart, and didn't know how to make a decision, but if some things happened, how could he not understand these situations? He said to Jiang Feng Yunze.

"He also followed without a trace, I thought it was very strange, so I have a person here to explore, I think he is an elf here, he will not appear in any danger, and it is impossible to happen I don't have to worry about any accidents, it's such a simple thing."

····Ask for flowers 0·

"So I can't understand what's going on right now. I don't know where this person who has accumulated in the house with me has gone. All this is a bit strange to me, but I think he always has to follow Let me say hello, how could I leave without saying goodbye? But have you heard of this person's name?"


"Is he also an elf here? I also thought about it and found it very strange, so I searched slowly, and kept looking for him, but then I found this purple bamboo and peach blossom forest. Appeared, it's that simple, but you don't have to be afraid, I have no malicious intentions."

After all, Yang Xuan felt that what he said was true, and he must have spoken the truth.

Because chatting with Qian Yizihua along the way was very speculative, but after coming to this fairy flower world, I saw Jiang Fengyunze.

one of.

Chapter 1580 The Difference

Jiang Feng Yunze is the elf of this spirit fairy flower world, he didn't answer, did he hear what Yang Xuan said, Yang Xuan was also worried, after all, he always had a different feeling when he came to this spirit fairy flower world.

Because Yang Xuan also knows that every time he travels to a different place, and every time he reincarnates in a different world, Yang Xuan doesn't know why he entered the spirit fairy flower world this time.

This place was relatively hidden by Yang Xuan. Without the guidance of others, he would not have come here easily, but since the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower was opened.

Yang Xuan also understands that everything will definitely change. How could he not know about this situation? He just thinks that if something happens, he also understands the truth

After all, Yang Xuan felt such a situation in his heart.

If it really didn't appear, then how could it be possible, because Yang Xuan had already come here with someone in the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower.

So although the other party is gone now, he really feels that all this happened for real, and it is not an illusion produced by him at all, nor is it a dream, nor is it an unreal existence.

Yang Xuan also understands, so the more he thinks about it, the more he finds it unbelievable. What is the situation? So when he saw Jiang Feng Yunze, he just hoped to get an answer here, so is there such a person here?

Yang Xuan also felt a little baffled, after all, where did the person who followed him in the True Reincarnation Tower go? How could Yang Xuan have no other thoughts in his heart?

Jiang Feng Yunze has been wondering who this person is, he really has never heard of this name, and he doesn't know who this elf Yang Xuan is talking about is.

There is no one with such a name here, Jiang Fengyunze will not lie, he just thinks what is the problem now, he said to Yang Xuan.

"I was just thinking about what you said just now. No one in our Lingxianhua world really talks about this person, and I don't know who you mentioned this person. I really haven't heard of this name, so here Spirits of life, we all know each other, no matter how many creatures there are here, we are all friends...."

"Because we have lived here for so many years, how could we not know who is here, but I really don't know who the person you are talking about is, did you hear it wrong? Or the other party is not Calling this name, I just feel that with your IQ and ability, it is impossible to make a wrong judgment or hear it wrong."

"But how to explain all this? I also feel quite helpless in my heart, because for me, I don't understand what the situation is at all, and I don't know what the situation is."

After Yang Xuan heard what Jiang Fengyunze said, he was trying to figure out that Jiang Fengyunze didn't need to lie to himself. If he really didn't know this person at 0.1, he would definitely say so.

If he knew him, he couldn't deny it, so why did he understand it in his heart, it seems that all this is really weird, why didn't this person appear in this fairy flower world?

But why he disappeared after following him here, Yang Xuan thought and felt a little strange, so he didn't have any answer in his heart.

Chapter 1581 No Answer

But he is also eager to get answers, how could he not know these truths? It's just that if these situations arise, he still hopes that everything will go smoothly, and he really doesn't want to have too many worries.

Then Yang Xuan also understands these problems, but he just thinks that if the situation is really stable, then he will investigate the results by himself at that time, and now he is just inferring.

If this person is really not in the spirit fairy flower world, maybe he is a virtual one or someone else used a magic to create such a virtual character for himself?

But Yang Xuan felt that he couldn't feel it with his own ability? It's unlikely, but he also told himself not to worry about these things, and not to think so much 22.

When the other party appeared in the Tower of Rebirth, he was very peaceful, and he didn't look so evil, no matter what his identity was or what kind of character he was.

Yang Xuan didn't think there was any need to worry, and the other party didn't have any malicious intentions. Maybe he came from somewhere else, but how did he know so much?

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