Because the flying speed of the True Soul Reincarnation Tower is quite fast now, how many times faster than Yang Xuan's own flying, but Qian Yizihua can't feel this.

He felt that with Yang Xuan coming to the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower, his mission would be accomplished, and everything would be stable when he entered the Spirit Fairy Flower Realm. At that time, would the breath disappear? Qian Yizihua actually had many questions in his mind, but he didn't ask them.

Qian Yizihua just felt that there were too many questions, and if Yang Xuan might not know, it would be too embarrassing not to be able to answer his own question.

He thought in his heart that he should stop asking so many questions about some things, and stop being curious about everything, insisting on knowing these things.

So Qian Yizihua knew in his heart, he told himself to follow Yang Xuan steadily, and they would naturally give him the Spirit Fairy Flower Realm so they could go back, and Qian Yizihua could return to his homeland.

He felt that anyway, the mission this time was to pick up Yang Xuan back through the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower, why should he think so much about other things, Qian Yizihua knew in his heart that his heart was relatively calm.

Yang Xuan was looking at the scenery outside the window, so it was always pitch black like this. Although the True Rebirth Tower is transparent now, he couldn't see the scenery outside, it was all pitch black.

Yang Xuan knew in his heart that they couldn't see these situations clearly because they couldn't see the highest level at the moment. Yang Xuan knew in his heart that he wouldn't worry so much.

····Ask for flowers 0·

He just felt that what Qian Yizihua and the others were thinking was right, and it was the first time they felt such a situation in the True Reincarnation Tower.

But they can live freely in the fairy flower world, this is also the best choice for them, Yang Xuan also understands all this in his heart, he said to Qian Yizihua.

"You just live in the fairy flower world, so to you, the fairy flower world is everything to you. Once you leave the fairy flower world, how can it be safe? There are so many disputes outside, if you don't have the ability How can it be possible to resist these dangers? You people are still smarter and not so greedy."

"Once you leave the fairy flower world, it may not be what you think. Naturally, there will be some disputes and dangers in the flower world. It's better to live quietly in the fairy flower world."

"This is the best way out for you. No wonder your place is isolated from the world. You don't want to be disturbed by others, you just don't want to have any disputes with the outside world. This is the best choice for you." One.

Chapter 1570 Xanadu

Of course Qian Yizihua understood in her heart that they lived freely and isolated from the world in the spirit fairy flower world, never encountered any danger, this time Qian Yizihua also felt that it was quite special.

He was able to enter the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower and welcome Yang Xuan back to the Spirit Fairy Flower Realm. What kind of decision is this? Who sent him the task? Qian Yizihua had been guessing "840" in her heart.

When flying over the True Soul Reincarnation Tower this way, he already felt some differences, but he didn't know who the other party was. Only when he saw Yang Xuan enter the True Soul Reincarnation Tower did he know that he had received This person is him.

But Qian Yizihua didn't understand what his identity was, why he could freely shuttle and reincarnate in the True Soul Reincarnation Tower? The more I think about these things, the more confused I feel, and Qian Yizihua is also a little anxious at the moment.

It was pitch black outside the Reincarnation Tower, where did they come to at this moment? Qian Yizihua didn't know when he would be able to reach the fairy flower world. Although he was a little anxious, he saw Yang Xuan's heart was relatively calm, because Yang Xuan was a master, so he didn't have to worry so much.

When Yang Xuan thought of this, he was flying forward with Qian Yizihua in the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower. Yang Xuan didn't know when he would reach the fairy flower world, but he was not in a hurry.

He and I have nothing to worry about, because these things have been stabilized, so how could Yang Xuan think too much? He just thinks that the fairy flower world is such a beautiful place.

Yang Xuan would not refuse, and besides, he didn't have the qualifications to refuse. The True Soul Reincarnation Tower has already been opened, and Yang Xuan has already entered the True Soul Reincarnation Tower.

How could he have the opportunity to change so much? Yang Xuan didn't worry about so many things in his heart anymore. He just felt that everything could be settled peacefully, and he really didn't need to think too much about the problem.

Yang Xuan still saw all this very clearly, how could he make himself have so many troubles again?

No matter what kind of place the Lingxian Flower World is, Yang Xuan wouldn't care so much, all this is really special to him, he said to Qian Yizihua...

"After all, I often go to the outside world, and each world is different. I have been to any supernatural world, any ghost world, and some horrible and beautiful things, but I still stay in my own place. It's more comfortable, but I can't help it."

"Every time the Tower of Reincarnation is opened, I will naturally enter the Tower of Reincarnation and be taken into another world, so sometimes I have no choice but I am used to it. After all, every time I enter another world through the Tower of Reincarnation, I can get what I want, which is also a kind of change."

Yang Xuan didn't know why he 0.1 said so much, he just felt that Qian Yizihua was relatively honest, and since he was from the fairy flower world, how could he lie?

Yang Xuan has already smelled the faint fragrance on his body, it is a natural fragrance, Yang Xuan felt that it really made him feel very comfortable, and this time he entered the spirit fairy flower world, Yang Xuan felt that it was quite special , so he was a little impatient.

Chapter 1571 Can't Wait

But the Tower of Resurrection is still flying in the air, when will he be discharged? Yang Xuan was not too clear about it, but he also told himself not to worry, these things were already in front of him no matter what.

Yang Xuan needs to go through this kind of reincarnation to be able to keep breaking through and achieve the achievement he wants, how could Yang Xuan refuse so easily?

He looked at all the things in front of him, and he had nothing to worry about at all. Besides, if these things happened, how could he not understand the situation behind them.

Moreover, the fairy flower world is such a place, and Yang Xuan also feels that each world is different.

But Lingxianhuajie is one of the most beautiful places in the world. The colorful and colorful colors really make Yang Xuan, who feels a little excited now, can't wait.

But the fairy flower world was still flying, Yang Xuan continued to sit and chat with Qian Yizihua inside, and he told himself not to be too anxious, and his mood became calmer.

How could Yang Xuan worry about other things? He just felt that if these problems really appeared, he still hoped that everything would have a happy ending.

Because after each reincarnation, Yang Xuan gets different things, and different abilities are also a new change for him, so how could Yang Xuan not know this situation in his heart?

He just thinks that if the situation is stable, he doesn't want to have any worries anymore. He just hopes that all of this can be resolved reasonably, so how could he be thinking about other problems?

When Qian Yizihua saw Yang Xuan, he just felt that what he said was reasonable, and since he understood everything, it really made him feel wonderful, Qian Yizihua didn't know how exciting the outside world was. .

But after hearing what Yang Xuan said, he suddenly felt that the outside world was so wonderful. Qian Yizihua also thought it was amazing. If this was the case, then it seemed really interesting, but to him.

He has never experienced such a world, but he has only lived in the spirit fairy flower world until now. If it wasn't for the opening of the real soul reincarnation tower this time, he would be brought to the real soul reincarnation tower.

How could he meet Yang Xuan, and how could he feel the state of this other world.

But he felt that he didn't see such a wonderful world like Yang Xuan said, but only saw some dark states, Qian Yizihua didn't know much about it, so he said to Yang Xuan.

"After hearing what you said, I felt that it was really wonderful. It turns out that the outside world is really beautiful. 843 But the beautiful world is also full of evil forces. I understand it in my heart, and I also understand it. These elves who live in the fairy flower world like us will not change so much easily."

"Because we feel that only in the fairy flower world can we be safe and live freely, so we can't easily leave the fairy flower world without regulations. I don't know why I came here this time. This is in the True Reincarnation Tower, so I don't know if everyone knows that I have left the fairy flower world."

"I haven't seen me these two days, are you in a hurry? I don't know how long I've been away."

Chapter 1572 Speed ​​up

"Anyway, when I appeared in the Reincarnation Tower, I flew forward. The Reincarnation Tower was opened. You will know all this when you enter the Reincarnation Tower. Otherwise, I just heard a voice telling I'm going to meet someone, and that's yours."

After Yang Xuan heard these words, he already knew about these things, but he and Qian Yizihua also felt bored in the True Reincarnation Tower, so they chatted faster.

Yang Xuan felt that the speed of the True Reincarnation Tower was faster than before, so is it really going to reach the fairy flower world? Yang Xuan felt a little excited in his heart.

Because he felt that the fairy flower world that Qian Yizihua was talking about was so beautiful, so Yang Xuan had to arrive at the fairy flower world as soon as possible to see all of this.

Because this time his goal is the fairy flower world, after reincarnating and entering the fairy flower world, Yang Xuan feels that he should reconsider all this no matter what.

He just felt that there was no need to worry so much, his heart was still relatively flat, how could he be thinking about other things, Yang Xuan felt that there was really no need for this, as long as he could get some abilities.

As long as he can keep reincarnating, Yang Xuan will become very powerful. He just thinks that the purpose is not important. What is important is that he can get some changes. This is what Yang Xuan wants to see the most.

He also understood these principles in his heart, so he didn't have to worry so much. The Spirit Fairy Flower Realm was almost here, and Yang Xuan was still looking forward to it.

Qian Yizihua is not bad seeing Yang Xuan, why does he look so young and so handsome, and has such ability? Qian Yizihua still thinks that such a big spirit fairy flower world, this time there is one more Can Yang Xuan's become more interesting? Because they have lived in the fairy flower world for so long.

No creature from the outside world has ever entered the Spiritual Flower Realm, this time Yang Xuan was the first to enter the Spiritual Flower Realm, how could Qian Yizihua have no idea in his heart.

I just think that we can talk about it after entering the spirit fairy flower world. It is really unnecessary to think too much at such a time. Qian Yizihua also understands in his heart, how could he not understand in such a situation.

I just feel that the matter is already in front of me, so let's deal with it properly. I really don't want too many troubles to arise. Yang Xuan also understands this truth in his heart.

Qian Yizihua doesn't have to worry too much about what will happen, because only after entering the spirit fairy flower world can he know all of this, Qian Yizihua said to Yang Xuan again.

"¨So now I understand this situation. I don't have too many worries in my heart. I just feel that the outside world is so beautiful, but it is not the other party that us elves can live with. We are still down-to-earth. Life in the fairy flower world is better, because this is our home, and it is our place forever'. "

"No (Qian Zhao) is in danger. We have long been accustomed to this way of life, and we will not change so much at all, so we don't want to think about it so much."

"We should be almost there now. I feel a smell has appeared, which is the smell of our Spiritual Flower Realm, because I think this True Reincarnation Tower will enter the Spiritual Flower Realm if we fly forward for a while. It's really amazing, but you don't need to worry, you will arrive at the Lingxian Flower Realm soon.".

Chapter 1573 Keep Your Distance

Qian Yizihua really felt this way, because he had already smelled the scent of their fairy flower world. Although their fairy flower world has an enchantment, the smell of this flower is still so fragrant.

Unable to hide this smell, they still floated out from the fairy flower world. Although they are some distance away from the fairy flower world at the moment, smelling this smell proves that they are getting closer.

I'm about to enter the Spirit Fairy Flower Realm, and the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower will start. Qian Yizihua feels too excited now. I just think that if such a problem arises, he knows in his heart that he should not Too many questions to think about.

Don't worry too much, just think that if the situation really arises, how could he not know the importance of these things? If it really could be changed again, Qian Yizihua didn't want too many problems to happen.

I also hope that all of this can be carried out smoothly. Yang Xuan is not an evil person, so he can enter the fairy flower world. Otherwise, how could this mission be arranged like this.

Yang Xuan just felt a little strange, does Qian Yizihua seem to understand everything? It was quite clear, and when Yang Xuan heard these words, he smelled it carefully.

I really feel that there is a scent of flowers floating (ccab) over. Is it really going to enter the fairy flower world? Yang Xuan also felt happy in his heart.

Facing such a situation in front of him, how could Yang Xuan and others not understand it? He just felt that if the situation really happened, he really didn't want too many problems to arise.

There really isn't much need for it, I just feel that if the problem in front of him can really be dealt with, how can he worry about other things?

Well, Yang Xuan is quite familiar with all these things, and he also feels a little excited and anticipating at the same time, so he just wants to see what kind of scenery the fairy flower world is like as soon as possible.

Is it really what people say it is? Yang Xuan was somewhat fanciful about all this, and at the same time full of dreams, Yang Xuan couldn't describe his feelings at the moment, he said to Qian Yizihua.

"It turned out to be like this. Now I understand. At the beginning, I still felt a little mysterious in my heart. This fairy flower world is really like what you said, so it is really a fairyland on earth, so I don't need to think about it at all." In this case, I have understood the situation of perception, if this is the case."

"Then, is it that we are about to enter the Lingxian Flower Realm? Thinking about it, I still feel very happy in my heart. After all, if such a situation really occurs, how can I not know such a problem in my heart? I just feel that If some things really change, then it depends on what you think."

"After all, there will always be a reasonable solution to things. We really don't need to think too much. After all, once the True Reincarnation Tower is opened, who can enter the True Reincarnation Tower is unknown. I didn't know that there would be someone here this time, but it was you, an elf from the fairy flower world."

Qian Yizihua sat in the Reincarnation Tower, he kept looking at Yang Xuan, he just felt that he knew a lot of things when chatting with Yang Xuan.

Chapter 1574 is different

He felt as if he really went to the outside world for a tour, Qian Yizihua's limited feelings, because he felt that Yang Xuan seemed to know everything and he understood everything, which really made him feel a little unbelievable.

How could Qian Yizihua not be aware of such a situation, he just thought that Yang Xuan looked so amazing, that he looked different.

If it is really possible to become his friend, then Qian Yizihua also knows in his heart that no one will bully him if he enters the fairy flower world.

Qian Yizihua just thought about it, usually no one bullied him in Lingxianhuajie, even if his ability was not very strong, but this time he didn't know why his ability was not strong enough.

But it happened that this task was to meet Yang Xuan, and he even sent himself here, but who took the picture? Qian Yizihua didn't know, but he just thought that if this was the case, then he didn't have to worry so much. Anyway, Yang Xuan in front of him is a man full of justice. Man, he is so powerful and powerful.

Then it was Qian Yizihua whom I was particularly yearning for, and I also thought it was really amazing, so looking at Yang Xuan in front of me, I felt very happy that he liked to bloom, he was really a master.

Yang Xuan was very happy in his heart, after all, he got to know Qian Yi Zi Hua in the True Soul Reincarnation Pagoda, Yang Xuan still felt quite at ease in his heart, Qian Yi Zi Hua was a silly and simple person.

Then Yang Xuan felt that they were from the spirit fairy flower world, so they looked like they were not in a hurry. Yang Xuan felt that it was really good. The route to go is to go to Lingxianhuajie.

Yang Xuan also understands, so he doesn't have any worries in his heart, he just thinks that all of this should go with the flow, these things will naturally be resolved after arriving at the Fairy Flower Realm, and he will also know whether the Fairy Flower Realm is what the outside world says it is, - so mysterious.

At the same time, it is full of beautiful scenery, it is the most beautiful world in the world, Yang Xuan still feels a little anxious at this moment, he also knows all this in his heart, he said well to Qian Yizihua.

"I feel a little unbelievable in my heart, but these things are facts. If it happens, then there are too many unnecessary things. Never worry about so many troubles in your heart, then let it all go with the flow, and Deal with any situation you encounter, and solve any problem you encounter.”

····Ask for flowers 0·

"It's enough to resist any danger. In fact, every place is like this. This time, I can enter the fairy flower world and feel such a different world. It is also something that makes me happy. See It is relatively small for you to live in this fairy flower world, as long as there is no danger.


"It's the same wherever you live, so why bother to be obsessed with the outside world? In fact, there is nothing good about the outside world, and there is nothing to yearn for. You just need to know it in your heart. All this is relatively peaceful, because Some things are not that simple."

After Yang Xuan said this, his heart was still relatively calm. Seeing that everything in front of him became more and more mysterious, then the fairy flower world is not far away.

He knew in his heart that all this was really close at hand, so there was no need to worry, Yang Xuan was finally about to see the so-called most beautiful world.

Chapter 1575 Landing Slowly

Although Yang Xuan could smell the smell of flowers, he still hadn't entered the Fairy Flower Realm. He is now in the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower, and the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower is still flying normally, slowly feeling this situation up.

Then it felt like the real soul reincarnation tower was flying slower and slower, as if it was landing. When Yang Xuan felt such a shaking, the real soul reincarnation tower had already stopped "eight five seven".

And the moment Yang Xuan was about to stop at the Reincarnation Tower, he closed his eyes, but when he opened his eyes, the Reincarnation Tower disappeared, and he and Qian Yizihua sat on the grass at this moment , there is a piece of green grass in front of you

Yang Xuan looked up at such a beautiful scenery, and there was a lake. There was no blue sky here, and the white clouds were just a blue sky.

It is really such a scene, the flowers and trees on both sides really seem to have been embellished by magic, so magical and so beautiful.

Yang Xuan was really stunned. At this moment, he suddenly felt that although the Reincarnation Tower had disappeared, the person beside him had also disappeared.

Yang Xuan continued to walk forward, he just felt that since he had already come to the fairy flower world, Yang Xuan didn't care about anything, what was there in this fairy flower world.

Yang Xuan has to look for it carefully, because the scenery here is really beautiful. Could it be that the person has disappeared after he finished here?

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