····Ask for flowers 0·

He has never encountered such a situation. After all, he has never encountered any danger since he came to guard all this outside the Disha Palace, so no creature dares to approach it half a step.

But today a human came, unexpectedly so courageous, and he wouldn't listen to any persuasion, how could the Black Wind Messenger not be worried.


This is about his own destiny, and the Black Wind Messenger doesn't want to be joking, he thinks how Yang Xuan in front of him wants to decide, how can the Black Wind Messenger know in his heart, but he also feels that the situation is always changing, right? , he said to Yang Xuan.

"In any case, if the current situation really happens, I just hope that some people can become calmer. I really don't want anything to happen again. We just want to live well. After all, we can live in this nether world. Life was meant to be a change.”

"And now we have come to this Disha palace again, how can we be unhappy when looking at this Disha palace for the sake of the master?" 1.

Chapter 1475 Helpless

"But all of this was destroyed by you, because there have never been any abnormal problems here, but you came here suddenly, and all the balance here has been changed."

After Yang Xuan heard these words, he suddenly felt a little helpless, because he felt that since he didn't want to hurt the creatures here, all of this suddenly changed.

Yang Xuan also came to this nether world on "July 20", and felt that these were all different situations, but the Disha palace in front of him was a bit special.

Yang Xuan always wants to go in and see if there is anything he wants, otherwise, Yang Xuan always feels uneasy in his heart, and all this has already happened.

How could Yang Xuan go back so easily? After coming here, even Yang Xuan, who was reincarnated into a world by himself, is also aware of these problems at this moment.

It was not something he could change at all, no matter what happened before him was real or unreal, Yang Xuan had to accept it all.

When he saw Yang Xuan, he just thought, what exactly is he thinking at this moment? Don't you really want to leave here? Besides, this earth evil palace is not something he can enter at all, and it is impossible for the black wind messenger to let him in at this moment.

If you let him in, it will be impossible to find him to live on. He knows what kind of person the master is in his heart, how could he not understand?

So he wouldn't do this easily at this moment, unless he didn't want to live, the Black Wind Messenger would do it, otherwise he would die here.

He wanted to resist Yang Xuan. He just felt that the Yang Xuan in front of him was not so evil. He hadn't broken in yet. It seemed that he was trying to find a way.

Anyway, the Black Wind Messenger thinks that he is like this, and there is no precious treasure in this Disha Palace, so why does he insist on going in? Besides, the Black Wind Messenger still feels that Yang Xuan's identity does not know what it is.

It is different for a person to be able to enter this nether world alive, so what exactly does he want to do? Why are you so persistent?

The Black Wind Messenger is really helpless at this moment, but he doesn't want himself to just give up like this, he still has to talk about it carefully, hoping that the other party can understand and hope that Yang Xuan can retreat despite difficulties...

How could the Black Wind Messenger not be in a hurry? He just felt that Yang Xuan in front of him was not something he could resist at all, but it was impossible for them to let the other party enter this earth evil palace.

After all, they knew in their hearts that if this happened, they would surely die, the Black Wind Messenger said to Yang Xuan.

"So all of this has changed so much. Now that you say that, how do you want us to treat all this, so if you want to stop your footsteps, you can't do that at all."

"Our ability can't reach such a limit, so we know it in our hearts. We just feel that if some problems really happen, how can I not know the reasons for these things? I advise you to leave here, if It’s really for our sake 0.1, so don’t enter the Disha Palace.”

The Black Wind Messenger has made it so clear that if he really doesn't want to kill innocent people or harm living beings, he should not enter the Disha Palace again.

Otherwise, the Black Wind Messenger and the others don't know what to do, because they don't have this ability, and they can't stop it.

Chapter 1476

How could he not be clear in his heart, he just felt that if such a problem arises, they would understand it, and would be able to know the situation even more, but he just felt that if some problem occurred, they really don't want to have too many worries .

If there were other situations, how could Yang Xuan not be in a hurry at that time, but he just felt that if such a problem really happened, they also hoped that all the problems could be solved.

I really don't want any situation to happen again. After all, once something happens, the Black Wind Messenger and the others simply don't have the ability to fight against it. They also know the seriousness of these things.

I just feel that if some 22 things happen, they don't want to have too many dangers. I hope Yang Xuan can think clearly about all this, and if he doesn't want to harm them, he has to leave here.

So don't break into it anymore, besides, there are many places in this nether world, Yang Xuan can go there, but he really doesn't want to do this in this evil palace.

Because the master was inside, how could the Black Wind Messenger not be in a hurry, and how could he not be thinking about it?

Yang Xuan just felt that he had heard such words for too long, but what should he do? Yang Xuan just felt that it would be a pity to leave this Disha Palace.

But if this is done, the Black Wind Messenger and the others will definitely die. Yang Xuan has studied it many times in his heart, so he is standing near the Disha Palace at this moment and has not approached.

I just feel that although the Black Wind Messenger and the others seem to be some creatures and are relatively evil, after all, he has his own ideas, abilities, and tasks.

How could Yang Xuan not know? Just thinking how to deal with such a situation, Yang Xuan had no idea for a while.

Moreover, Yang Xuan knew in his heart that when he came here, he didn't want to kill innocent people indiscriminately, and he didn't want to destroy everything here. He just felt that everything would be different after coming to this nether world. He had been around here for a long time.

And there are quite a lot of things to see. At this moment, he came to the Disha Palace, so how could Yang Xuan not go in? He just thought that we should talk about this situation later, he said to the black wind messenger.

"When you say that, I understand it in my heart, and I understand it too, but don't say that in such a situation. I won't make it difficult for you right now. Even if I want to enter this Disha Palace, it is impossible to pass through this gate. If you go in, you can rest assured that all this has nothing to do with you."

"So it's not that you don't see it as unimportant at all, but that I have my own abilities. I think it would be too easy for 720 to enter this Disha palace. I'm telling you this, I just hope you can understand, so other I don't think so much about things anymore, and you don't have to worry so much, let alone be so afraid."

"It's impossible for you to die here, and it's impossible for me to let you have such a thing. I can't let you have such a situation because I am curious and want to enter this earth evil palace, so you don't have to stop me. I will definitely enter this Disha palace, and in this case, I just greeted you in advance."

After the Black Wind Messenger and the others heard what Yang Xuan said, they looked at each other.

Chapter 1477 In vain

He also felt that he really couldn't imagine that the other party said that because he didn't want to leave this Disha Palace. It seemed that everything they said just now was in vain. They felt that they really couldn't imagine Yang Xuan in front of them.

He has already said so directly, he can't change easily at all, and he doesn't want to enter through this gate, he has other ways, and the black wind messenger also knows in his heart that if Yang Xuan transforms, he can enter through this earth evil palace too It's easy, how could they be able to resist?

The Black Wind Messenger also saw very clearly at this moment, but he didn't know what to do. If Yang Xuan really entered the Disha Palace through other channels to find them, he would not be punished, because the person in front of him was so powerful.

The Black Wind Messenger and the others couldn't resist each other's abilities, and they couldn't trap them. How could his footsteps have changed so much? Black Windbringers feel that their masters are evil despite their appearance.

But it's also reasonable, if they can't stop the opponent's actions, and Yang Xuan enters the earth evil palace through other means, the black wind messenger feels that they will live well, and the master can't punish them.

This Yang Xuan said so, just hoping that they can understand that such a problem is not difficult for him at all. If Yang Xuan wants to enter this earth evil palace, and then allow things, how could he be thinking about other problems?

He just felt that if such a situation really happened, he would understand it in his heart, but he felt that if the problem in front of him really happened, he would also know it in his heart.

I just feel that if this situation is really changing, then it depends on how I identify it, so it is enough for Yang Xuan to understand this matter at this moment.

He felt that such a problem was really something he could imagine, and Yang Xuan didn't know what was wrong with this Disha palace. Is the master here really so powerful?

Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to create such a place here, and there are still a few creatures waiting at the door, the more Yang Xuan thought about it, the more miraculous he felt.

So he had to find out, if he didn't enter this Disha palace today, wouldn't Yang Xuan come to this netherworld for nothing?

He won't let himself leave any regrets like this, because he understands in his heart and understands this situation, but he just feels that if some situations arise, he has already seen them very thoroughly.

He also understood such things, but felt that if some problems really happened, how could he not know the reasons for these situations? If Yang Xuan also thinks this way, let's see how he decides.

He said to the black wind messenger.

"¨But after I entered this Disha palace, I have nothing to do with you, and it's not your fault at all, so as long as you are clear about these things (Zhao Le's), how can we Maybe I don’t understand it, I just think that if such a situation arises.”

"We also understand the cause of this kind of problem in our hearts. How could I not know it? I just feel that if some things really happen, I also hope that all problems can be solved. I don't want too many problems to happen at all. because it always looks more complicated now.".

Chapter 1478 Unreasonable

"I think it's good if you can report this situation to your master. If you can't report it, then forget it. I don't want to force it. This Earth Demon Palace is not threatening or difficult to me. , if I want to enter this Disha palace, how can you resist such an easy thing?"

The Black Wind Messenger also felt that Yang Xuan said that it seemed that he had already made up his mind, and it was impossible for him to change. The Black Wind Messenger thought in his heart that the master had never made such a request.

I never thought that one day when someone came to this Disha palace, they would report it, because the master didn't have such a special explanation, how could they do this?

The Black Wind Messenger felt that the only thing they were doing was blocking it, and it was impossible for 723 to do so, so they knew it in their hearts, they just felt this situation.

If so, how could his psychological understanding not know the reasons for these situations? The Black Wind Messenger still felt that he really couldn't imagine it. Yang Xuan's words proved that he had already made a decision.

It is impossible for him to leave this Earth Sha palace. No matter what method he uses, he will definitely enter those Earth Sha palaces. He will not harm everyone, but he will also have this idea.

At this moment, the Black Wind Messenger also felt that Yang Xuan had already made up his mind, and they might be powerless to stop this, and it was impossible for them to enter this Earth Demon Palace to inform the master.

Because the master is practicing, if they disturb him, they may be locked up even if they don't die. How could the black wind messenger do this himself?

Yang Xuan looked at the black wind messenger and felt that no matter what, the situation in front of him was already in front of him, and he couldn't easily make such a decision.

But he can't easily hurt the black wind messenger, but at the same time, he can't leave here easily, Yang Xuan is already ready.

It was also impossible for Yang Xuan to change his mind easily. He thought in his heart that the situation in front of him was always rather special. There must be something in this Earth Sha Palace. Yang Xuan had to enter this Earth Sha Palace.

The reason why he had been with the black wind (ccab) messenger for so long was that he hoped to enter the Disha Palace through normal channels, because Yang Xuan felt that no matter how he entered the Disha Palace, the owner here must have noticed something.

At that time, Yang Xuan and him still have to meet, it would be better to pass a formal notification, then Yang Xuan thinks that if this is the case, he can enter through the gate in a legitimate way.

He didn't have to enter the Disha Palace through other channels like a thief, Yang Xuan felt that he really didn't want to do this.

But if the things in front of him happen, he still understands that if the other party disagrees, Yang Xuan can only do this, he said to the black wind messenger.

"So discuss it with yourselves. If you can do this, then I'll wait. If not, forget it. I'll just walk around here, so it's like I didn't come here. As for me How you got into this Disha palace has nothing to do with you."

"You just need to figure this out. Besides, I never thought of hurting you. I came to this nether world, and I came here after going through some changes.".

Chapter 1479 Unbelievable

"As for how I came here to tell you, you may not be able to believe it, and you may not be able to understand these principles, so I also think there is no need to talk about such things."

The Black Wind Messenger just felt that Yang Xuan in front of him actually said that. It seemed that he had to enter the Disha Palace. It was impossible. The Black Wind Messenger was also thinking about what to do. What about notification?

But without notification, if Yang Xuan entered this Disha palace through other channels, wouldn't the master not be able to find out? I will definitely find out, the Black Wind Messenger feels that it is really unimaginable at this moment, and also feels ~ a little unbelievable.

The Yang Xuan in front of him has already made up his mind. What is his purpose in coming to this nether world is not clear at this moment, but he is not a bad person either.

He didn't have any malice, he wouldn't hurt everyone, and the Black Wind Messenger was also thinking about not hurting everyone, but no one knew how to decide what to do, and the Black Wind Messenger knew it at this moment.

He just felt that if some situation arises, how could he not understand it in his heart? Faced with such a situation, he also hopes that everything can be resolved satisfactorily, and he really doesn't want too many problems to arise again.

Then the black wind messenger was also thinking in his heart, the Yang Xuan in front of him always made him feel a little confused, why did he insist on entering this earth evil palace?

There is no precious treasure here, and the Black Wind Messenger will still have to confirm him later. After all, Yang Xuan is not so stubborn now, and there is still a chance for him to enter the Disha Palace without other channels.

Yang Xuan looked at the Black Wind Envoy, but felt that the two of them in front of him seemed really helpless, but it was impossible for Yang Xuan to think so much, and he didn't want to hurt them.

But Yang Xuan had to break into this earth evil palace, because he spoke so directly, but he felt that he no longer had so many.

If it wasn't for the consideration of their safety, how could Yang Xuan talk so much nonsense to them, he had already entered this Earth Sha palace, but Yang Xuan didn't want to let himself come to this nether world.

····Ask for flowers 0·

Bring any difficulties to these creatures, feel that they are innocent, no matter how evil they are, this is a matter of this nether world, and there is no need to participate in it, he said to the black wind messenger.

"After all, if these problems arise, it will make me feel a little incredible. You don't need to know so much. You think I am unreasonable, or you think I can understand you. Anyway, I don't have so many problems anymore. , the important thing is that no matter what I do, I don’t want to hurt you.”


"This is already very kind. Anyway, you evil souls live here. I think it's your business. I don't think so much about other things."

"Because of all this, I don't want to change anything at all, because this nether world is always special, this place is like this, how could I expect to change so much, I just want to take a good walk here , don’t let yourself run around in vain.”

After Yang Xuan said these words, he looked at the situation of the Disha Palace, and it was very special.

Chapter 1480

The gate of the Disha palace is resplendent and magnificent, even though it is black, but the golden light is shining at this moment, how could Yang Xuan not be attracted? He just felt that the two fellows, the Black Wind Messenger in front of him, looked rather stubborn.

Shouldn't they be able to report? But Yang Xuan felt that the expressions on their faces were rather helpless, and it seemed that they didn't dare to do this either.

"seven twenty seven"

But Yang Xuan knew in his heart that it was impossible for him to give up this opportunity easily, because Yang Xuan thought it was too miraculous that the earth evil palace appeared.

There is still such a place in this nether world, and this world also looks quite strange. Yang Xuan came here because he entered this world after reincarnation.

He is also aware of all this, but he feels that some problems are not as complicated as he thought.

Yang Xuan has already made his words so clear, don't they understand the Black Wind Messenger? Yang Xuan just felt that it was impossible for him to change this situation.

Since he has already come to this nether world through reincarnation, he will make a career here after all. Anyway, Yang Xuan feels that his career is to find what he wants in this nether world.

He might leave after gaining some abilities. He doesn't know when he will leave, but since he has already come, Yang Xuan will not think about the outside world at all.

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