Even the owner here has never seen Yang Xuan, how could it be like going back, besides, in this nether world, every place is evil, who lives here in front of him? Why does it look so powerful, there are still a few creatures guarding it outside.

But Yang Xuan didn't want to think about this matter in his heart, he didn't understand the rules of the earth evil palace, but he knew the rules of the nether world, but he didn't have to abide by them.

It's just that (ccab) doesn't want to hurt his own creatures, otherwise Yang Xuan wouldn't be as quiet as he is now, with such a proud expression on his face, he said to the black wind messenger.

"Because I have encountered many situations just now. The creatures here are really weird. I understand the rules of their lives. They will absorb the abilities of others and make themselves stronger in the future, but they don't It’s easy to hurt others.”

"I understand this situation, but they have no effect on me at all, and it doesn't make any sense to me to change all this, so what do you think in your heart?"

"Think about it for yourself, I just think that I understand the things in front of me very well. I don't want to make too many changes in all of this, and it is impossible for me to make too many changes in all of this. If such a situation occurs, it just depends on how you think about it, and it really doesn’t make any sense to think too much.”

Yang Xuan just hoped that the Black Wind Messenger could understand that no resistance would stop Yang Xuan and let him leave here, so Yang Xuan wanted to enter the Disha Palace like a palm of the hand.

Chapter 1469

He just communicated with the Black Wind Messenger in advance, he didn't want to let himself go too far with this matter, but Yang Xuan also understood that if the other party was obsessed with obsession, he would stop him.

Then Yang Xuan is another matter, he just thinks that if he wants to deal with the situation in front of him, it will not be difficult for him at all, no matter what the Black Wind Messenger does.

The combination of their abilities to radically eradicate the resistance is a little timely. Yang Xuan wants to wipe them out in a matter of minutes, so how can it be possible to deal with them?

At this moment, he said so much, didn't he hope that the Black Wind Messenger and the others could report it? Who is the owner of this Disha palace? Yang Xuan mainly knew that he had already come here today, so he couldn't easily retreat-.

Yang Xuan just hopes that these things can be carried out steadily, and he doesn't want to make things too complicated. Otherwise, Yang Xuan would not be able to say these things at this moment, because Yang Xuan feels that when he comes to this nether world, every place It is quite special.

He knew in his heart that he didn't want to change himself so much at all. The situation in front of him had all appeared now, and Yang Xuan also felt that after turning around and entering another world, how could there be any other changes.

He just felt that if the problems in front of him had already happened, he just hoped that everything would go smoothly, if something else really happened.

At that time, you can make your own decision, and the black wind envoy in front of you doesn't seem to be unreasonable, but Yang Xuan doesn't want to deal with them so much, tell them so much, they are still obsessed with it, and don't want to embarrass them them.

But he had to enter the Disha Palace, Yang Xuan couldn't change his mind, otherwise, wouldn't everything he said be in vain? Maybe there is something I want in this Disha palace.

Then he saw that Yang Xuan was shocked after hearing these words. Yang Xuan seemed like he just didn't want to leave here, and the black wind messenger said to him helplessly.

"I really don't know what to say. After all, after listening to your words, I also feel that what I am doing is meaningless. It seems worthless to you, because you don't want to leave here at all. , you insist on entering my Disha Palace today, it is impossible for us to hear it too."

····Ask for flowers 0·

"But what should we do with all this? If we launch an attack to resist you at this moment, you will have no fear at all, and you won't care about our own abilities at all. I'm afraid it will be very easy for us to die in your hands, and You didn't do that."


How could Yang Xuan care so much after hearing these words? So at this moment, the Black Wind Messenger just wants to understand. Yang Xuan also thinks that he still thinks he is quite smart.

If he wants to resist himself at this moment, he doesn't have this ability at all, then they will be futile. Yang Xuan just thinks that if they realize it, they will obediently step aside and leave a way for him. Yang Xuan can enter this evil palace.

Otherwise, if they want to fight against themselves today, they will have no chance of winning at all, otherwise they will be given their status in this nether world.

They have already launched an attack, so Yang Xuan knew in his heart that it seems that the Black Wind Messenger and the others are not stupid, but they are smarter ones.

Chapter 1470 Find out

The Black Wind Messenger and the others didn't want to die in vain, but they didn't want to let Yang Xuan enter the Disha Palace. How could Yang Xuan not know about their embarrassment at the moment?

However, Yang Xuan couldn't change the current situation. The Earth Demon Palace had already appeared, and Yang Xuan wanted to find out after all.

How could everyone not know about this situation? He also felt that "July 13" was really pathetic, but when some things happened, he knew it in his heart, and he didn't want to make too many changes at all, so he also felt in his heart. clear.

He just felt that if some things really happened, he didn't want other problems to happen in the middle, so the black wind messenger didn't know why Yang Xuan came to this nether world.

This place also looks rather scary. This young man is just a human being. He will come to the nether world today. How could the black wind messenger not be surprised?

He just thinks what is Yang Xuan's identity, and that a human being can survive, this nether world is really unheard of, after all they have been talking in this nether world for so long.

This place will not have such a situation, these are some dead souls, how could such people appear? How could the Black Wind Messenger not have any thoughts in his heart?

The Black Wind Messenger just chose Yang Xuan to come to this netherworld, it was really too sudden, and why did he have to enter the Disha Palace?

This Disha palace is the place where the master cultivates, they are waiting at the door, and they don't want others to disturb all this, but does the black wind messenger feel that Yang Xuan has already figured it out?

Is he really that stubborn? He didn't want to kill people casually, but he didn't want to leave this Disha Palace at the moment, what should he do, if that's the case, the Black Wind Messenger didn't know how to make a decision.

Because their mission is to guard the outside, and will not let anyone enter the Disha Palace, otherwise they will surely die, and the Black Wind Messenger does not dare to take this risk, he said looking at Yang Xuan.

"You don't want to kill innocent people indiscriminately, but what you do is obviously killing innocent people indiscriminately. If we can't let you in, we must change all this. If you usually do this, we feel quite helpless in our hearts. But if this happens, how can we not know the importance of this matter..."

"But there are some issues that we don't want to change if they do happen, but it always seems like such a complicated situation."

"If it's really a change, we don't want to have any other worries from it, but how to decide these things depends on your own ability, but what do you really want, do you have to enter my nether world? ? So we don’t know how to decide all this.”

The Black Wind Messenger could tell that if Yang Xuan did this, wouldn't 0.1 put himself in danger? So he knew in his heart that if Yang Xuan really didn't want to leave the Disha Palace, what would he do if he broke into the Disha Palace again?

How could the Black Wind Messenger survive? Because of the problem that the master explained, they must think about it and deal with the matter that the master explained, if it is really impossible to do such a thing.

Chapter 1471 End Mission

They didn't want to accept such a task in the first place. After all, they agreed when they chose to enter the Earth Sha Palace for their master. The Black Wind Messenger felt that only by being by his master's side could he live in peace.

There are many evil creatures in this nether world. They are all relatively powerful black wind messengers. They don't want to be absorbed by others. Only in this earth evil palace can they get a piece of peace.

He can go home safely after getting a guarantee. The Black Wind Messenger also thinks that this task is cost-effective. Why not do it, he knows it in his heart.

He just thinks that since the situation has changed, he doesn't want any problems to arise, and hopes that all of this can be resolved smoothly.

twenty two

The Black Wind Messenger didn't know what Yang Xuan was thinking, how could the Black Wind Messenger have guessed it?

He just felt that now Yang Xuan didn't want to leave the Disha Palace at all, he didn't want to leave at all, so what's the point of him insisting on entering the Disha Palace?

There is really nothing in this Disha Palace, does the Black Wind Messenger think that Yang Xuan is just out of curiosity? After all, the Earth Sha Palace is the best place in this netherworld.

Otherwise, how could the master choose to be here, but the black wind messenger also knew in his heart that the master would not allow anyone to approach at all, and the black wind messenger was no exception.

They will usually be waiting at the door, without the master's order, he will not easily go in, but they always have some special treatment, but the Yang Xuan in front of him is different, he is just a human being, and he has come to this netherworld .

Now that he appeared in the Earth Sha Palace again, the Black Wind Messenger didn't know how to deal with it, but he also felt that he had launched an attack at this moment, and it was of no use to Yang Xuan, and it was impossible for the Black Wind Messenger to make unnecessary sacrifices up.

When Yang Xuan saw the black wind messenger, how could he not understand in his heart, he just felt that it was impossible for him to change easily in such a situation, and he also understood it in his heart.

I just feel that if some problems happen, then the Black Wind Messenger also understands these truths, but I just feel that if these things really have new changes.

He also didn't want any new changes, and the Black Wind Messenger was also thinking in his heart, if such a situation really happened, then Yang Xuan would also solve everything, so he didn't have to worry so much at all.

Then how could it be possible that Yang Xuan didn't understand in his heart, he just felt that if some situations really occurred, he hoped that all the problems could be solved properly, and he also hoped that no other problems would happen. I also understand, said to the black wind messenger.

717 "I can understand what you said in my heart, but I don't know what's going on in this Disha palace. I'm definitely going to go in, but I won't make things difficult for you. How can I not understand these things in my heart? I just don’t think I’m in such a hurry with the situation at hand.”

"Who is your master? I am becoming more and more curious. It seems that he has a lot of ostentation, and his ability is also quite great. Otherwise, why other creatures do not have such a place, but he is able to do it here?" It’s in Disha’s palace, so I also think it’s a bit mysterious.”

"I really feel that I have to explore this matter."

Chapter 1472 Flexible use

"So you don't have to feel embarrassed, let alone feel like I killed innocent people indiscriminately. After all, I didn't do it. How could I want to do it? If I really want to kill people, I don't need to tangle with you There is no need to discuss this issue with you, it has already been done."

After Heifeng Envoy heard what Yang Xuan said, he just felt that the more he thought about it, the more strange he became. What exactly does this person in front of him want to do.

So what does he mean at this moment? He didn't want to kill people, but at the moment everything he did was killing people. The Black Wind Messenger also felt that there was nothing he could do. After all, he felt that Yang Xuan in front of him was too powerful.

If the Black Wind Messenger and the others want to resist, or if they want to take Yang Xuan away, it is simply impossible for him to stay away from this earth evil palace, and they are more aware of this truth now.

If Yang Xuan didn't want to leave here, there was no way they could do anything, and the Black Wind Messenger knew in his heart that it was really futile.

So how could he not know about such a problem at this moment, feeling that the situation in front of him has really changed, and they don't want too many problems to arise again.

The Black Wind Messenger also understood, but felt that if there were really too many concerns about some things, it would also make him feel a little unbelievable.

The Black Wind Messenger was also pondering in his heart, it seemed that Yang Xuan had already made up his mind about these things, and it was difficult to change, how he wanted to treat the creatures here, what was the point of him entering this Disha Palace?

Why does he have to be so persistent? He really couldn't figure it out when he got it here, because he felt that if it really didn't work, he should think of other ways, and he couldn't be so deadlocked.

Yang Xuan just felt that the Black Wind Messenger looked a little scared, but how could Yang Xuan easily make a move, and how could he possibly hurt them.

If Yang Xuan wants to say this, it is impossible to wait until now, the attack has already been discovered, Yang Xuan feels that it is impossible for him to do this, these creatures in this nether world, they are quite pitiful.

Although some of them are more evil, some are more innocent. After they die, they are forced to enter this netherworld. How could Yang Xuan change his decision so easily? He said to the black wind messenger.

"After all, I know in my heart that as long as I want to do something, no one can stop me, but at this moment I know in my heart that I will not do it easily, and I don't want to make my ability stronger. At the same time let myself hurt my own creatures, because in this nether world, I understand it.". "

"They are all like this, including you, they all absorb each other. I understand this situation in my heart. After all, I feel that I don't want to enter the Disha Palace through you. I (Zhao Dezhao) naturally have a reason With his own ability, if he wants to enter the Disha Palace, he will not be able to promote it, so I will not embarrass you."

"In order to prevent you from being punished, I won't do this right now, so you don't have to worry about it so much. If it really doesn't work, then you can continue to report. I think your master will always accept it all. , even if he disagrees, he must have something to say, so how could it be possible for you to be so helpless outside?".

Chapter 1473 Unstoppable

Yang Xuan has never been in this state like today, he just thinks that if the things in front of him really happened, how could he not know the importance of these situations.

But in his mind, he also understood, so how could he not know the reasons for these situations? But he was also thinking about it in his heart.

If there is really any change, then think of another way, because he thinks it is normal to enter this Disha palace, and Yang Xuan must know who the owner is here, because he feels that the black wind messenger is blocking him again.

Yang Xuan felt that it was mysterious again, so he had to find out, because since he turned around and entered which world, basically he had to make his own decision, so it was impossible to let others manipulate 717.

So everything here can't be harmful to each other. He just felt that if he really died here, then Yang Xuan would return to his own world in an instant, and all this would be over. If he couldn't die, he would We must live well.

Waiting until the time when he can finally leave here, he can return to his own world, and Yang Xuan doesn't have to think too much about it, so he is insisting at this moment.

He doesn't let himself have too many worries, but he just feels that since some situations are in front of him, he just hopes (ccab) that these things can be dealt with reasonably, and he really doesn't want any more disturbances.

After all, Yang Xuan was also aware of these problems in his heart, and felt that some things really had too many changes, and he didn't want to have any troubles in it.

Because Yang Xuan felt that after entering another world and turning around, these things would be different, no matter if it was true or false.

Yang Xuan didn't even need to follow the procedure to walk, otherwise, if something happened, he might be trapped in this other world and come out.

When the Black Wind Messenger saw Yang Xuan, he really felt a little baffled. Is this what Yang Xuan said? Did he really think so much? The Black Wind Messenger also knew it in his heart.

If he insisted on entering this Disha Palace, the Black Wind Messenger and the others would definitely be punished, so how could they escape such danger? No matter what Yang Xuan did, he put them in danger.

The Black Wind Messenger was also clear in his heart, so he asked Yang Xuan to leave here, otherwise, how could all this change? He said to Yang Xuan.

"You really think it's strange, since you don't want to hurt me? But you do this, how do you let us deal with it? How do you let us solve it? My master has already said that it is impossible for everyone If you have entered this Earth Sha Palace half a step, you are already close to this Earth Sha Palace, and you are about to break into it soon."

"Even though you didn't do this, you have already made up your mind, and it is impossible to change it. Now you also want to enter the Disha Palace, so how can I persuade you, you can't leave, how can we stop your footsteps? So when you entered the Disha Palace, it was because our abilities were not strong enough."

"How can we survive? You are hurting us. What's the difference? You keep saying that it won't hurt, and you broke everything here again. How do you let us decide.".

Chapter 1474 Powerless

"I really feel a little powerless, after all, I understand this situation in my heart."

After Yang Xuan heard these words, he also felt confused. Could it be that what he did was wrong? So what does he think of it like this?

Yang Xuan suddenly felt that all this had changed from his plan, but did he think that he was too kind? Should I change my attitude towards my heart? Yang Xuan really didn't want to hurt them.

After all, the creatures here are quite innocent, they will never be able to get out if they are trapped in this place, so how could Yang Xuan hurt them again?

If they died in his hands, even if they had no chance to reincarnate, it would be impossible for them to leave here, so Yang Xuan felt that they were forced to enter this nether world.

But at the moment, if Yang Xuanzhen did this, he would feel a little sorry, and Yang Xuan really didn't want to change too much.

But for the current matter, Yang Xuan wanted to enter the Disha Palace, so could he be hurting them by doing so? I like to suddenly feel that it is really unbelievable. Originally, Yang Xuan didn't want to get so entangled.

But these things just happened in this situation, which made him feel a little helpless. Seeing that the Black Wind Messenger hadn't spoken yet, Yang Xuan just felt that what this guy said made sense, but it was impossible for Yang Xuan to listen.

The Black Wind Messenger looked at Yang Xuan and thought about the boy in front of him. Not only did he look young and handsome, but he was also very capable.

He can break into this nether world alone, which proves that his spells are extremely powerful, so how could they be able to resist these creatures? The Black Wind Messenger also knew in his heart at this moment that he would not let himself die in vain.

If Yang Xuan was really injured, then what is the difference between dying at the hands of the master? The Black Wind Messenger also knew it in his heart. It seems that all this needs to be carefully thought out, how to deal with this matter.

If it is handled well, he can survive. If it is not handled properly, he may not have a chance to survive. The Black Wind Messenger also understands in his heart that it is really special.

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