When Yang Xuan saw the bloodthirsty black monster, he just felt that this guy was a little shaken. Yang Xuan really didn't want to hurt him. No matter what, no matter where the bloodthirsty black monster came from, they were innocent.

It is already the coolest torture for them to come to this nether world. They hurt each other here, but they are also normal. In order to make a living here, they can only do this.

So Yang Xuan was able to understand that it was not easy for them, and Yang Xuan didn't want to change something about himself when he came to this dark (ccab) world, that's why Yang Xuan was so kind.

Because the bloodthirsty black monsters can't hurt themselves, they want to get their own abilities, so there is no suspense. Yang Xuan can understand their feelings.

If it was me, I would really become such a kind of soul one day, and I would come to this nether world and want to get more abilities one day.

If you really break out and leave this netherworld, will you have a chance to be reincarnated? But Yang Xuan felt that such a situation didn't seem so easy, and he just hoped that he could understand.

After all, Yang Xuan's purple halo is so powerful, it is impossible for him to resist himself, Yang Xuan said to him.

"Do you want to wait until I beat this infinite fire dragon back before you can give up all this? By the time I do this, you won't have any power to fight back. You need half of your remaining abilities to fight back." No, haven't you thought about this? You are too stupid."

"Listen to my words quickly, take it back and you still have a chance to live.".

Chapter 1409 Suicide

"Otherwise, if all your abilities are gone, and I won't destroy you, do you think it's interesting to live here with this body?"

"If you look like this, don't struggle any more. Why are you so stubborn? Do you really want to die? I really don't know how serious this matter is? You don't have any ability to fight back like this. It’s like hitting a stone with an egg, and I can’t understand it even if I tell you, it really makes me feel angry.”

Yang Xuan's words are really too direct, he has never been so patient as today~.

Yang Xuan didn't know why he said these words so thoroughly, maybe he felt that the eyes of the bloodthirsty black monster were full of - helplessness.

His eyes were also full of longing, although it seemed that he was making himself angry, but Yang Xuan knew that he had already made up his mind.

Since he has appeared in this respect, any life will feel the attack when he sees Yang Xuan, because Yang Xuan's body power is boundless.

This kind of divine power is what many creatures want to obtain. How could they not be greedy and how could they not have any desires, so this is also normal.

How could Yang Xuan care so much about them, and how could he care so much? He knew all of this in his heart, but he felt that some situations always made him feel a little unbelievable.

It would be a good thing if it really changed so much. Yang Xuan also hoped that one day this netherworld would cease to exist, and all living beings would be able to reincarnate into another world and have a chance to reincarnate.

But right now they also made many mistakes while they were alive and were brought into this nether world. Maybe they have no chance to reincarnate, and they will stay here until the end. Yang Xuan suddenly felt quite sympathetic to them.

The appearance of the bloodthirsty black monster made Yang Xuan feel really helpless. This guy seemed to have countless eyes, and he was also thinking about the problem.

So he wanted to give up struggling, but he didn't dare to do so, because he was afraid that he would be fooling him. Yang Xuan felt that he didn't know that Yang Xuan's purple halo was so powerful.

Then if you want to hurt him, it's easy, how can you wait until now, how can you talk to him so much nonsense.

So Yang Xuan knew clearly that he wanted to let go of the bloodthirsty black monster, but he just felt that this guy really couldn't believe what he said.

····Ask for flowers 0·

So I have been guessing and doubting all the time, but Yang Xuan doesn't know how to make a decision, since he looks so helpless.

Yang Xuan is also aware that he is helpless, because he has no one to trust in this nether world, no one to turn to, he is like this.

After the bloodthirsty black monster heard Yang Xuan's words, he kept thinking in his heart. He didn't know what to do. After all, there had never been anyone like Yang Xuan in this netherworld.


A living person has entered this nether world, and he is so powerful and powerful, which really makes him feel very exciting, so he also felt the emergence of this divine power, and stopped Yang Xuan.

He wanted to gain some abilities from him, but the bloodthirsty black monsters would not easily destroy each other. At the beginning, he said that he ate Yang Xuan to his stomach, but it just made him feel afraid and gave up struggling.

The bloodthirsty black goblin didn't need much effort, but he didn't expect that the other party was not only not afraid, but launched his power, and his purple halo was endless. The bloodthirsty black goblin only felt that once the purple halo spread light, he It's really irresistible.

Chapter 1410 Keep Spreading

Yang Xuan thought of a lot of things at this moment, after all, he came here, and the creatures here have different ideas, they are all relatively evil.

They absorb each other's abilities in this nether world, so they can survive. Yang Xuan also thinks that if this is the case, don't destroy everything here.

It’s just that the bloodthirsty black monster blames him for being overwhelmed by “six four three”, so he still resists himself. At this moment, his infinite fire dragon is still attacking, and Yang Xuan has already used the purple light circle to resist all this.

It's just that the bloodthirsty black devil blames why he hasn't taken it back? Could it be that he really let himself smash all the abilities in him?

Otherwise, he would have survived. Yang Xuan didn't think it was so cruel. No matter what the status of the bloodthirsty black monsters were, they lived helplessly in this nether world.

They are some souls who came here after they died, and Yang Xuan why bother with them so much.

No matter how evil they are, it is impossible for them to cause any danger to Yang Xuan, and Yang Xuan knows all of this.

It is because Yang Xuan's circle of light is not expanding that the bloodthirsty black monster can live until now, he said to Yang Xuan.

"I understand what I just said, but how can I trust you? You asked me to take it back first. Why don't you take back the purple halo yourself? If I take it back, I won't have any resistance , once my Promise Fire Dragon disappears, I'm afraid that once the light of this purple halo is emitted to me."

"How could I have a chance of being alive? I might as well be beaten to death by you at this moment, so I think these words sound a little credible, but how can I believe it? I just feel that in this Every creature in the nether world is relatively evil."

"But they won't destroy each other, they just absorb the opponent's ability, they will save the last trace of vitality of the opponent and slowly recover, so in this nether world, even if they are absorbed, all Then his vitality will gradually increase."

Yang Xuan only realized after hearing what the bloodthirsty black monster said. It turned out that he had such a concern. It seems that this guy is not too stupid. He wants to take the initiative to take back the purple halo...

It is impossible for Yang Xuan to make a choice so easily at this moment, because he knows in his heart that Yang Xuan's purple halo is infinitely powerful.

The bloodthirsty black monster doesn't want to take back the infinite fire dragon at the moment, so it seems that the two of them are sticking here. Since Yang Xuan doesn't want to hurt him, he also feels really helpless.

I don't want to pester him for so long, but the bloodthirsty black monster doesn't want to give up. Yang Xuan also feels powerless. Let's see what happens. Yang Xuan also feels that every creature here is relatively innocent.

No matter how evil they are, it is impossible for Yang Xuan to attack easily by 0.1.

How could the bloodthirsty black monster do this, because he felt that if the infinite fire dragon took it back, he would have no resistance at that time.

If the other party really attacked the bloodthirsty black goblin, he would have no chance of surviving, so he knew in his heart how could he not be clear about it, but he just felt that it would be better to wait for such a situation.

Chapter 1411

Because he felt that although Yang Xuan was powerful and not that evil, the bloodthirsty black monster had to be more careful. After all, his fate was in the opponent's hands, even though the bloodthirsty black monster attacked on its own initiative.

But he also knows that the opponent is powerful, and he is not able to resist at all, if the bloodthirsty black monster does not have the infinite fire dragon.

I'm afraid he has already died in the opponent's hands at this moment. Anyway, the bloodthirsty black monster can't stop easily. Once he stops, he really doesn't have any ability to resist 22.

The bloodthirsty black monster can see clearly at this moment. Besides, the young man in front of him is a living human being. How did he come to this netherworld? This place is full of dead souls, how could there be living humans entering here.

The more the bloodthirsty black monster thought about it, the worse it felt, and it was also unbelievable. At the same time, the other party was so powerful, and the bloodthirsty black monster had lived in this netherworld for so long.

I have never seen a human being as powerful as Yang Xuan, and he is so powerful while alive. If he becomes a soul after death, wouldn't he be even stronger?

The bloodthirsty black monster didn't dare to imagine the situation or the problem at this moment. After all, he knew that if it wasn't for the infinite fire dragon, he might not be able to resist the opponent's attack.

The bloodthirsty black monster has already died here, but there are not so many bloodthirsty black monsters anymore, but he still wants to live, he only has some souls left, and he doesn't want to live like this in this netherworld died.

Yang Xuan carefully looked at the bloodthirsty black monster, but felt that this guy really seemed to be quite stubborn. Yang Xuan had already told him, why didn't he understand?

The bloodthirsty black monster didn't know why Yang Xuan was indifferent. He didn't react after hearing what he said, and his purple halo was so powerful that he didn't take it back at all.

The bloodthirsty black monster also felt that there was nothing he could do about it. Since the other party didn't want to take back the purple halo, how could I change all of this.

The bloodthirsty black goblin knew it in his heart, but he felt that it would be unbelievable for him if this happened. How could he not understand these things in his heart.

He just felt that if there were some problems, he of course hoped that everything would go smoothly, and he didn't want to be wiped out by the opponent just like this. The bloodthirsty black monster also felt that it was really cruel, he said to Yang Xuan.

"There is some evil aura here, so we are becoming more and more evil, but everyone knows that the rules here will not be too excessive, but you are an outsider, and it seems that it is really relatively strange to come to this nether world. Special, how could we trust you so easily."

"You asked me to take back this infinite fire dragon, how could I do it myself? Once the infinite fire dragon is taken back, I have no protection ability, and your purple halo is still so powerful, how can I change it."

The bloodthirsty black monster spoke very directly, he couldn't easily take back the infinite fire dragon, because the infinite fire dragon could protect him from being hurt by Yang Xuan's purple halo.

If the Infinity Fire Dragon disappears in an instant, is the bloodthirsty black monster also afraid of being hurt? Otherwise, how could he be so stubborn at the moment? .

Chapter 1412 Nothing to do

The bloodthirsty black monster just felt that if he really couldn't escape this list today, he would definitely die, but he also knew it in his heart.

It would be very easy to die, but he didn't want to die so quickly, he didn't live enough, after all, even though he came to this Netherworld and lived for a while, this place is still relatively quiet.

It is not easy for these creatures to enter the nether world. With such a decision, they feel happy to have such a safe haven. Although this place is so evil, they plunder each other's abilities.

But it will also leave the last bit of vitality for the other party, and they can recover slowly. This is not a problem, so the bloodthirsty black monster also understands in his heart, he told Yang Xuan so.

I just feel that it was Yang Xuan who broke into this nether world to destroy their original plan, and it is normal for the bloodthirsty black monster to absorb his abilities at this moment.

The bloodthirsty black monster just felt that he had done nothing wrong, why did the other party seem to be entangled? If he retracted the purple halo, then the bloodthirsty black monster would naturally retract his infinite fire dragon, why didn't the other party do this?

He just let himself do this, he felt it was unfair, this nether world is their homeland, Yang Xuan broke into here, why does he still look so arrogant?

The bloodthirsty black monster just felt that he was really helpless, but he also knew in his heart that no matter what, these things could not be easily changed.

The bloodthirsty black goblin also understands these things, but he thinks that some problems seem simple, but they are really complicated to do. How could he not understand these things, and once there is any change.

He still hopes that all of this can be resolved satisfactorily, and he doesn't want to have too many risks at all, so the bloodthirsty black devil blames him for not wanting to die.

He still wanted to live a good life, so he was talking to Yang Xuan about this matter, and he didn't want to die like this.

After Yang Xuan heard what the bloodthirsty black monster said, he looked at him carefully. The bloodthirsty black monster's infinite fire dragon was still exerting its power.

Yang Xuan's purple halo is still fighting, so how long will they persist.

The bloodthirsty black monster just hoped that Yang Xuan could take back the purple halo, wouldn't all of this end smoothly? But in this case, Yang Xuan would not do this.

How could Yang Xuan listen to his arrangement? This guy is just a monster. Although he entered this nether world after his death, it seems that his ability is not small.

But Yang Xuan just felt that in such a situation, it was up to him to decide, so the bloodthirsty black monster knew in his heart that he would not change all of this easily at this moment, but he would not easily decide on all of this either.

It's just (Wang is good) that if some things happen, then Yang Xuan of course hopes that everything can go smoothly, he said to the bloodthirsty black monster.

"¨Don't overestimate yourself, you guy. How can you manipulate me with your ability? So right now, you can only take the initiative to take back this infinite fire dragon to end all this, unless you want to If you want to die, then you insist on it, I have nothing else to say at all'.".

Chapter 1413

"After all, I have persuaded you and told you the seriousness of this matter. If you are still stubborn like this, I don't think it makes any sense. After all, you know all this in your heart, but you are still persisting. , then I feel that I am talking about other topics, and there is nothing I can do."

"I just think that you look really special like this. I have already spared you and won't hurt you. Why are you still so stubborn? Do you really want to die?"

After hearing what Yang Xuan said, the bloodthirsty black monster was really powerless. He was just trying to protect himself, so at the very beginning, he knew in his heart that he was really overwhelmed.

If it is really possible to know that Yang Xuan is so powerful, how could the bloodthirsty black monster attack? How could he do that? He just felt that there was boundless power in the other party.

But if you want to gain some power, you can do it, but you didn't expect that the other party is really such a strong person, and you can't resist it at all.

So the bloodthirsty black monster knew in his heart at this moment that it would be too late to regret. After all, he had already faced such a situation, and there was nothing he could do.

So he knew in his heart that if something really happened (ccab), how could he hope that all of this would have such a result.

When Yang Xuan saw the bloodthirsty black monster, he just felt that this guy was still attacking. His Promise Fire Dragon never retracted, and the magic was still resisting his own purple halo.

Yang Xuan felt that this guy was really stubborn. If it wasn't because he was the voice here, he would have been cut to death in one fell swoop, so how could he have waited until now?

Besides, Yang Xuan knew this situation in his heart, if it really happened, then he still hoped that everything would go smoothly, and he really didn't want too many accidents to happen.

Then Yang Xuan also felt that all the balance in this netherworld was not wanted to be destroyed, because he felt that if everything was destroyed here, he might not be able to escape safely.

He felt that he turned around and came to this netherworld, and Yang Xuan wouldn't think so much about other things. He felt that it would be better to let everything take its course, so he wouldn't interfere too much.

But I didn't expect that in this nether world, every brother is so evil, they all want the power of Yang Xuan, there is no way, who made Yang Xuan so powerful.

So at this moment, Yang Xuan also understood in his heart that if the bloodthirsty black monster wanted to die early, Yang Xuan had nothing to do.

Yang Xuan's eyes were full of anger at this moment, looking at the bloodthirsty black monster, he said to him.

"If you really want to die, I will fulfill you. If it is not because you are evil in this place in this netherworld, you would not be able to live until now. It is because all the creatures here are like this, I will not let you die." There are so many Promise Fire Dragons, how could I possibly hurt you guys."

"Because I don't think it's necessary anymore. In the current situation, some of the issues here are not what I want to decide. I don't want to change this place at all. How you want to live is your business, so why should I Interference?".

Chapter 1414 Overwhelmed

"The reason why I resisted you just now is that you understand in your heart that your Promise Fire Dragon directly launched its power and wanted to attack me. How could I not resist? Do you think I am a weak person?"

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