So if they have more holy spirits, maybe this place will maintain balance, but how can they understand all this, Yang Xuan himself feels that these things are simply not something they can handle.

It is time to discuss with the leader here, Yang Xuan has not seen these situations, nor has he seen this person, but he has just come to this nether world not long ago.

You have to look for it slowly, Yang Xuan is not in a hurry, just feel that every place you encounter, these creatures, they are all like this, they all want to absorb the power of Yang Xuan, because there is a particularly powerful force in Yang Xuan .

It is the most vitality on Yang Xuan, so Yang Xuan is so powerful, how could his vitality not attract people? These evil creatures are naturally insatiable.

After hearing Yang Xuan's words, the bloodthirsty black monster froze in place. He just felt that what the young man in front of him said was reasonable, but if he didn't do it, other people would do it too. .

The bloodthirsty black monster also felt that if the opponent really wanted to hurt him, why didn't he attack him? What did he mean?

The bloodthirsty black monster is also aware that the other party has been threatened by him. He still looks so calm, and he is not angry yet. The bloodthirsty black monster finds it incredible, he said to Yang Xuan.

"Since young people know everything, they should know that the creatures in this place are like this when they come to this nether world. I am doing this now out of normal instinct, so no matter what you think, you are Angry or angry, or it doesn't matter at all, that's all I can do'."

"¨After all, I don't do this, other beings will. I think you have been in this nether world for a while, but you must have encountered some situations, so you are in this state. How can I change it now? ? I met a strong man like you (King's), even though I may not be able to beat you, I also want to give it a try."

"After all, the purple halo on your body is infinitely powerful, and the vitality on your body also makes people feel really amazing. As long as you have a little ambition, how could you not want to get these things on you? So when I said just now that I wanted to eat your flesh and swallow you whole, I also meant it from the bottom of my heart, and I really wanted to do this.”.

Chapter 1403 Arrogance

After Yang Xuan heard these words, he also felt that the bloodthirsty black monster was really obsessed. What he said proved that he wanted to fight against himself to the end.

How else could he have said that? Yang Xuan also felt that this bloodthirsty black monster was really confused, if he was given a chance to retreat, why was he still so stubborn?

Yang Xuan also felt that although the bloodthirsty black monster had such an identity, he was also a monster when he was alive, but now that he entered this nether world, it was also a change, but he didn't expect him to be so stupid.

It seems that when he died, he was also killed by his own stupidity. Anyway, Yang Xuan felt that all this looked really weird, and the bloodthirsty black devil blamed him for being like this.

His fire dragon has been resisted by his 640 purple aperture, and he is still trying to attack, still not giving up. Yang Xuan felt that it would be impossible for him to touch him all at once, and he didn't have the ability.

He also couldn't do this, so Yang Xuan knew in his heart why the bloodthirsty black monsters still look so confused, it seems that these monsters just don't have brains.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for them to die in the human world, so how could they come to this nether world?

The bloodthirsty black monster looked at Yang Xuan, but felt that Yang Xuan's purple halo was infinitely powerful, and his (ccab) fire dragon was also exerting its power here, and it was impossible for his head to withdraw easily under this situation.

He felt that if he quit, how could the other party let him go? The bloodthirsty black monster also thought what to do? He just felt that if he really quit at this moment.

At that time, there will be no chance to survive, so it's better to fight again. If it can be changed, it may be a good thing, but he feels that the opponent's power is infinite, and he cannot resist it at all.

It seems that he must die, and the bloodthirsty black monster felt that since he must die, he should explain everything clearly, and let himself live with dignity at the last moment, so he did not take back his fire dragon.

He was still in the purple circle of light that he initiated with Yang Xuan. On the premise that he felt helpless against the bloodthirsty black monster looking at Yang Xuan, he would not change it easily.

He thinks that if such a situation arises, he doesn't want to just give up. Such a good opportunity, he knows all this in his heart, he said to Yang Xuan.

"Once I succeed, I'm afraid I will become the overlord of this nether world, and I can agree to everything here. At that time, everyone will be used by me. Isn't it good? If it is a person, everyone With such ambition, let alone us beings, how could it be possible that we have no ambition?"

"If I don't have ambition, this nether world will already be dead in the future. If I don't absorb other people's vitality, I will have been sucked dry by others and died here. I have this kind of poison in my body. Once they absorb this poison from me, they will also become very powerful."

"Not only will they not be harmed, but it will strengthen their spells. I have the ability to protect myself, so no matter what you think, I must do the same. Right now, your purple halo is endless, and I know that these flames of mine There is also the highly poisonous flying out, which has no effect on you.".

Chapter 1404 Indecision

Yang Xuan felt that the bloodthirsty black monster was really confused, wasn't it stupid? He actually said that, does it seem that he really doesn't want to live?

So Yang Xuan knew in his heart that if he didn't want to live, he really had to continue to be persistent. Yang Xuan didn't have any worries about destroying a soul here.

Yang Xuan didn't care about anything, if he wanted to do this, every life in the netherworld would not be able to survive, and it would be impossible for them to resist his attack.

Yang Xuan also understood in his heart, but he just felt that such a situation would make him feel a little unbelievable. How could he be uncertain in his heart, but if these problems really happened, he still hoped that the things he said could be done as soon as possible. solved.

He really didn't want to take too many risks, and he didn't have any worries. Yang Xuan felt that if the bloodthirsty black monster was really obsessed, let's talk about it later, anyway, he couldn't hurt himself.

Yang Xuan's purple circle of light has already exerted its powerful power, no matter what spell the bloodthirsty black monster uses, it is impossible for him not to be able to get into the center of the purple circle of light.

It is also impossible for Yang Xuan to be harmed, so why should he be in such a hurry, let's see what other abilities the bloodthirsty black monster has, let's use them all.

The bloodthirsty black monster didn't know what happened to him today, he was very stubborn anyway, he just thought he was going to die anyway, why did he have to quit? Why do I want to go back with this ~fire dragon?

The purple halo of Yang Xuan in front of him was extremely powerful, but the bloodthirsty black monster still felt that if this was the case, it would be as if this immorality had dignity, and he would die in the hands of a master.

The bloodthirsty black monster felt that he deserved his death. After all, he was dead and suffocated when he was alive, but after he died at this moment, if he was wiped out by Yang Xuan again, he would really want the original **** to be destroyed. Dead here.

He just didn't have any chance to enter another world, so he just disappeared in this netherworld. Since then, the additional issuances have been wiped out, and the bloodthirsty black goblin knew it in his heart, but he just didn't want to give up this opportunity.

He also knew in his heart that once he gave up this opportunity, he was also afraid that Yang Xuanwai's attack would be a dead end? The bloodthirsty black monster saw it very clearly.

····Ask for flowers 0·

Otherwise, he wouldn't be so stubborn at the moment, let's see what Yang Xuan does, so the bloodthirsty black monster is also testing the opponent, he said to Yang Xuan.

"But I also have to do this, because if this situation happens now, I know in my heart that it's just that the fire dragon is useless to you, but my ability has not yet been brought into play, how can I give up in my heart, so you If you really want to destroy me, you can figure it out."


"So don't hesitate, otherwise I won't be able to stop. After all, we are all passionate creatures. It's normal to hurt each other and want to get more abilities. Otherwise, we won't be able to survive. We rely on this Instinct to survive."

"Otherwise, how can we gain a foothold, and how can we get all of this? I just think that if some situations arise, then it is not something you can choose at all, because we have such identities, and we came to this netherworld. They hurt each other here." 1.

Chapter 1405 Endless

Yang Xuan's purple halo launched infinite power in the air, so this small purple halo spread forward little by little, and looked particularly powerful. The entire nether world was completely dark, and it was already illuminated by the purple halo. It's shining brightly.

The purple light kept spinning in the air, which was extraordinarily bright, but after hearing the bloodthirsty black monster say "six forty", Yang Xuan also felt really helpless.

This bloodthirsty black monster really looks like a fool. How did he die in his last life? Why does she still seem so stubborn after coming to this netherworld?

Yang Xuan asked him to take the fire dragon back because he wanted to bite him, not want to hurt him, because Yang Xuan knew in his heart that every life in this nether world lived like this, so how could Yang Xuan care so much about them?

The bloodthirsty black monster just felt that he didn't want to give up. After all, if the situation in front of him happened, he would really have no chance if he gave up. He knew all this in his heart.

No matter what the other party said, the bloodthirsty black monster didn't want to change his decision easily, and he didn't take back his infinite fire dragon, after all, he knew it in his heart.

Once his infinite fire dragon is withdrawn, he may make him happier. He can only use the infinite fire dragon to resist the opponent's purple halo, because he feels that the opponent's purple halo is infinitely powerful, but he can still upgrade in a row.

The bloodthirsty black goblin thinks that if this is the case, let's see how to make a decision. He just thinks that if he stops, he may die faster, and the bloodthirsty black goblin also understands in his heart.

After all, it's normal for him to do this. This is the Nether World, so every creature is so evil, so it's not a big deal to do it yourself, and it's not a special way, it's all normal. Said.

"Because everyone has this kind of thinking, if you are not cruel, others will be cruel to you, how can I easily miss such a good opportunity, so don't waste time, your purple halo is already You have exerted your power, but your power is still endless, and there are many more."

"But I won't be afraid. The big deal is death. Originally, we are just dead souls. It doesn't matter if we enter this nether world. One more day is one day. I die here now, and I feel nothing. Unfortunately, there is nothing to regret, what should be done has already been done..."

"I have lived in this nether world for so long, and I have nothing else to ask for. I just feel that it is a good thing if I can continue to live. If I meet a strong person and be wiped out by others, I can only accept my fate."

The bloodthirsty black monster said this, but he just hoped that Yang Xuan could understand that he would rather die by Yang Xuan's hands than he would not believe that he would die by the hands of creatures in this nether world.

After all, he knew in his heart that after coming to this nether world, he really didn't meet too many opponents, so 0.1 he was just absorbing other vitality.

But when he met Yang Xuan, he just felt that the other party's ability was powerful, and a divine power in him was particularly powerful.

If you can get a little bit, the bloodthirsty black goblin will do a lot of things in this netherworld, and you don't need to look for opponents everywhere to absorb some spiritual power, which will reduce some pressure.

Chapter 1406 Infinite Power

That's what the bloodthirsty black monster thought, otherwise he wouldn't be doing it right now. He just felt that since the other party said that, it seemed that he didn't intend to hurt himself, but the purple halo on his body was extremely powerful.

As long as a little bit of light hits him, the bloodthirsty black monster will probably shatter. He knows it in his heart, but the fact that the other party didn't do this proves that he is not so vicious or evil.

He has a chance now, but the bloodthirsty black monster wants to give up his attack at this moment, and wants to take back the infinite fire dragon, which seems impossible.

Because once the infinite fire dragon is taken back, the bloodthirsty black monster feels that he will receive 22 damage, and his ability will be reduced to half. Hasn't he practiced in this netherworld for so many years in vain?

And he knew in his heart that the opponent's purple halo could absorb his own ability, so he could only use this infinite fire dragon to fight him.

At this moment, there is no way to take back the Promise Fire Dragon, so he can only fight hard and let him die in the opponent's hands. The bloodthirsty black monster also feels that his death is well deserved. He really thinks so, after all, he has lived for so long.

He felt that he would not be around for a long time. Anyway, he lived alone in this nether world. Sooner or later, he would follow this path. It was the same reason. He really didn't have too many worries.

He just thinks that if God can give him a chance, he is willing to live, but if God insists on letting him die at the hands of the opponent today, the bloodthirsty black monster will also recognize it.

After Yang Xuan heard what the bloodthirsty black monster said, he also thought why this guy was so stubborn, why couldn't he become more mellow? Do you have to resist like this? Does he really not want to live?

Or he was just looking for a chance to die and wanted to die by his own hands. Yang Xuan suddenly had this idea, but Yang Xuan couldn't retract his purple halo at this moment, but Yang Xuan didn't hurt him either.

It's just enough to keep the bloodthirsty black monster's infinite fire dragon out without causing any harm to him. Yang Xuan won't think about other things so much for the time being.

He wants to persuade the bloodthirsty black monsters, but he feels that every life here is quite innocent and pitiful. Yang Xuan just wants to give them a chance, because this is the nether world, and Yang Xuan does not want to destroy the life here. Regulation.

He said to the bloodthirsty black monster.

"You, an evil monster, are really stubborn. Do you really want to die? You did it on purpose, and you are provoking me on purpose, right? Not only did you not take it back, but instead Getting stronger and stronger, do you 640 really think you can fight against me?"

"You know it's not my opponent who wants to do this. Are you really asking for your own death? Or have you lived enough? This netherworld is where you live in the forest. Don't you like this place? So don't Don’t be obsessed anymore, don’t worry, take this infinite fire dragon back.”

"Even if your ability is half left, I can't hurt you. You can figure it out yourself. If I want to hurt you, you won't have a chance to talk to me. How can you stand here well?" ? Don’t look at your infinite fire dragon’s power, but do you think you can move me a little bit.”.

Chapter 1407 A Divine Power

After the bloodthirsty black monster heard what Yang Xuan said, he kept thinking about what to do, so he knew in his heart that Yang Xuan really didn't want to hurt him.

Otherwise, the bloodthirsty black monster really wouldn't be able to live until now, but he knew exactly how to make a decision at this moment, and he also felt that there was really no way out. Why is this person in front of him so powerful?

Why did he come to this netherworld? How could such a powerful character appear? The divine power in him is truly endless.

The bloodthirsty black monster felt that it was absorbed by his divine power at the beginning, otherwise, how could he appear, he just felt that some situations would always make him feel a little inexplicable.

He still understands all of this, but he just thinks that if some things really happened, how could he not know the danger of these things?

But he really didn't know how to make a decision, because he was also aware of this opportunity. If he didn't have another chance, he wouldn't be able to live like this.

Otherwise, how could it be possible to be obsessed with it? He is not a fool, and he does not want to die in vain, but when there is no chance, he might as well fight hard.

When Yang Xuan saw the bloodthirsty black monster, he just felt that this guy was really stubborn. He had never seen a monster and had already let him go. Let him stop and let him live a good life. Could it be that he disagreed? ?

Why is he always like this? Could it be that he has some endless difficulties, Yang Xuan feels that he already has such an identity in this nether world, so there is nothing he has to do.

Then Yang Xuan also felt quite helpless in his heart, such a situation made him feel a little unbelievable, so Yang Xuan also understood, but felt that if some situations happened, how could he not be clear?

Besides, every monster and every creature in this nether world is in this state, and they all came here after they died.

Yang Xuan doesn't care so much at all, what is their identity, what is their origin, Yang Xuan will not study so much, because they are all living beings.

There is simply no such situation as before, and it is impossible for them to return to their own world.

Yang Xuan said to the bloodthirsty black monster.

"¨If there is such a change, then why are you trying so hard to resist me like this moment? I don't think you really need to do this. You can tell me what difficulties you have. Don't feel that you It's a monster, maybe I will join hands and wipe you out'."

"I didn't do that. I came from the outside world. I entered this nether world. I also have things to do. I didn't intend to harm any life here."

"Even if they (the king's) are evil, they have nothing to do with me, as long as they don't hurt me, as long as they can obediently guard the rules here, I won't care so much about other things. But why are you so stubborn, I have already told you so clearly, why don't you understand?"

After hearing these words, the bloodthirsty black goblin felt that he really had a chance to live. The other party has already said the words so consciously, shouldn't he give up?

Chapter 1408 Overreaching

The bloodthirsty black monster also felt that he should stop struggling? If this opportunity is really missed, then there is no chance of survival, the bloodthirsty black monster is thinking very clearly in his heart.

Although he is not afraid of death, he is also a little afraid, because if he dies again in this nether world, he will have no chance, and he will not be able to live anymore, even if there is a trace of soul left. .

How could the bloodthirsty black goblin not understand these questions? He is clear, but does he think what the other party said is credible? If it is really believable.

If the bloodthirsty black monster thinks that there is a chance, if it is not credible, the bloodthirsty black monster has no chance at this moment. He always has to choose a path, and he still feels helpless. Why does the opponent 643 seem so powerful?

The power in him was endless. The bloodthirsty black goblin originally wanted to get a little bit, but he didn't get any at this moment. Instead, he lost half of his ability. The bloodthirsty black goblin felt that the gain outweighed the loss.

But the things at this moment have already happened, he really has no chance to change, these have already had such a result for him, how can he have the opportunity to change again.

So the bloodthirsty black monster didn't know how to make a decision. He was really helpless. He had never encountered such a situation. Since he came to this nether world, everything went relatively smoothly.

He had never encountered a person as powerful as Yang Xuan, and the bloodthirsty black monster also felt that if he wasn't so powerful, how could he want to obtain his abilities, and how could he do so.

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