After all, Yang Xuan knew in his heart that these creatures here were all relatively evil, and they had all committed some crimes, otherwise they would not have come here.

Then Yang Xuan was indeed a bit abrupt, and he couldn't easily lead them to reincarnate, so Yang Xuan understood all this in his heart, and it seemed that he had to be cautious in what he said in the future.

Lingqiuzi just felt helpless when he saw Yang Xuan. Since he had this ability, they had a lot of thoughts in their hearts. Besides, Lingqiuzi also felt that Yang Xuan didn't care what he said.

How could they believe it, how could Yang Xuan take them away, how could this nether world enter another reincarnation world? Is this simply not possible?

Lingqiuzi also understood in his heart that Yang Xuan, a young man, had the ability, but he didn't have to do it, but he couldn't do it, and everything by the Nether River was not something he could easily change, Lingqiuzi thought. clear.

It's just that everything on the Nether River is relatively normal. The elves floating here are more courageous, and they usually make waves.

But Lingqiuzi wouldn't care so much about them. At this moment, Lingqiuzi just felt that the peace here had been destroyed by Yang Xuan. Does this young man really want to stay here? Besides, the Nether Riverside is so terrifying.

And every place in this nether world is so evil, does he really want to continue to flow here? Lingqiuzi just wanted him to leave here, he said to Yang Xuan again.

"The elves floating above are usually more courageous, so they are not afraid of death. They will only appear here at this moment. Otherwise, the Nether River in front of you will return to calm and nothing. If you really don't want to see With such a result, then leave here, there are many places in this nether world where you can find what you want..."

"But I think that no matter how you come here, you must be looking for something. Don't think too much about other things. Besides, if you just said that you want to reincarnate with all the creatures here, you should not do it. You can reach that limit."

"But everyone can't do that. It's still relatively quiet here. Although the sun will never see the sun here, and it will never become normal, everyone is used to it."

Lingqiuzi was still fishing at 0.1. He looked at Yang Xuan but felt that the young man sitting next to him hadn't changed at all, and he didn't seem to want to leave here.

Is this Nether Riverside really that good? And what did he want to do in this Nether River, Lingqiuzi felt quite helpless.

After all, if such a situation arises, Lingqiuzi doesn't want too many changes, and hopes that everything will be calm.

Chapter 1391

He just felt that when some things happened, he always thought of some way to solve them, and he didn't want to have too many risks at all, so Lingqiuzi also understood, how could he not understand all this?

Moreover, Lingqiuzi didn't want to know so much what Yang Xuan wanted to do when he came here, because the voices here were all evil, and he wasn't afraid of adding another Yang Xuan.

But he is a human being after all, and he entered into the heart of Lingqiuzi, who lives by the Nether River, where all these things are relatively weird, so how could he not be aware of all this?

The more I think about it, the worse it gets, but this Yang Xuan doesn't look that evil, so Lingqiuzi doesn't have to worry about this much, but he doesn't need to stay by the Nether River any longer.

Otherwise, the creatures here would hide under the water and dare not come out, wouldn't they lose their freedom? Lingqiuzi just wanted Yang Xuan to leave, but he also felt that Yang Xuan didn't have this idea at all and wanted to leave here.

What is he trying to do? And there are many places in this nether world, so can't he go to other places? Is there anything precious to him by the Nether River? Lingqiuzi has stayed here for so long, and he has never felt that there is anything precious in this place.

After Yang Xuan heard what Lingqiuzi said, he didn't take it seriously at all, and he didn't care so much. No matter what Lingqiuzi said, it was impossible for Yang Xuan to leave the Nether River at this moment.

Because he just came to this place beside the Nether River, Yang Xuan didn't know if he had something he wanted, after all, he had passed such a situation, Yang Xuan also understood, and once the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower was opened.

Yang Xuan has already come to this Nether world, and it is impossible to leave so easily. Yang Xuan really did not expect to come to this Nether River again at this moment, and it really changed a lot for him.

Yang Xuan would not change his decision easily, so he felt that whether what Lingqiuzi said was true or false, Yang Xuan would not care so much.

It is impossible for him to easily change his way of doing things, and Yang Xuan feels that everything here is quite miraculous, he said to Lingqiuzi.

"Don't be so angry, old man. Besides, is it necessary? I won't destroy everything about you by staying by the Nether River. I won't bother you when you catch your fish. Isn't it okay? So you just Don't be so stubborn, and if I really don't want to leave, what can you do?"

"I'm not bullying you either, I just think it's really unnecessary to do this in this situation 627, so I understand what you want, you want some peace along the Nether River, but I didn't destroy it, and I just now I have already said, I will not harm every creature in this Nether River."

"Besides, after entering this nether world, I don't want to hurt any living beings, because I have met several, I have met a ghost in white clothes, I have met a few blue elves, and some ghosts, I have seen them all. But I didn't intend to wipe them out, I already let them go, I don't think it's necessary."

Lingqiuzi almost fainted when he heard Yang Xuan's words, this young man is really stubborn.

Chapter 1392 Invulnerable

And he stubbornly made himself helpless, made himself unable to face his words, made him feel that the other party didn't want to leave here no matter what, and if Lingqiuzi also felt that he didn't want to leave, then forget it.

Lingqiuzi was just talking, how could he insist on forcing him to leave here, so that he could understand in his heart, besides, Yang Xuan's ability is so powerful, how could he have a fight with him.

Lingqiuzi wouldn't do this, so he understood all this clearly in his heart, and he was able to think through such a situation more thoroughly, and Lingqiuzi didn't want to take too many risks anymore.

It's just that Yang Xuan won't hurt any living beings, so there's no need to worry, he's already said that, since Lingqiuzi also believes what he said, why worry so much.

So at this moment, he knew in his heart even more that Yang Xuan was not a villain, no matter what he came to this Nether River for.

But since he won't harm living beings, he doesn't have to worry so much, he doesn't have any worries, so Lingqiuzi also understands in his heart, so why worry.

Lingqiuzi also told himself in his heart not to be angry, but he was really not angry, it just looked angry on the surface, and he just wanted to show Yang Xuan.

This young man is really stubborn, Lingqiuzi doesn't dare to change his mind at all, so let him do whatever he wants, Lingqiuzi just thinks that the Nether River is so big.

If he wants to survive here, he can do it, but how can he survive in one place like this?

Seeing Lingqiuzi's angry look, Yang Xuan just thought that he was really angry, and he obviously couldn't resist his own ability and couldn't possibly fight with him.

It was even more impossible for him to get away from the Nether River, so why would he be angry there, so Yang Xuan felt that Lingqiuzi's disguise was quite similar, but Yang Xuan didn't have too many worries in his heart.

I just think that if all these situations arise, he will take care of everything, and there is no need to worry so much at all. How could Yang Xuan not understand it? I just think that some situations seem simple when they arise.

Some situations seem quite complicated when they arise, so Yang Xuan will naturally understand all of them. He just thinks that if some problems change, he certainly hopes that everything can go smoothly, and there will be no more situations. .

Yang Xuan chuckled, looked at Lingqiuzi and said to him.

"¨The situation in the Netherworld is even more the same, how can I destroy it? Because in this Netherworld, every place is evil, and every creature is so vicious, maybe there are some good ones too. , whether it is good or bad, I can't do it, because this is the law of the netherworld'. "

"This is their ability to survive. If I do this (by king Zhao), won't I destroy everything here? At that time, the entire Netherworld will be wiped out, and it will evaporate here. I understand, so you didn't say that I understand in my heart that you don't need to worry so much, so can this Nether River leave here."

"It is impossible to control all of this at all. You clearly know that I am powerful, and it is impossible to be manipulated by anything. Why do you still say that?".

Chapter 1393 Confident

"I'm not fighting for your face, because I don't want to leave here. If I just entered this Nether River and left like this, wouldn't it be empty-handed?"

After Yang Xuan finished speaking, looking at the expression on Lingqiuzi's face, he was no longer as angry as before. It seemed that he didn't need to pretend any more. Yang Xuan felt that even if they didn't know each other, they came here Nether Riverside already knew each other.

What else could be pretended, Yang Xuan knew in his heart that even though Lingqiuzi was a dead soul, he was not so evil anymore.

He is more kind when he is old, otherwise, how could he live with these ghost souls in the Nether River? How could it be possible to indulge them here? Background Although Lingqiuzi is old. 630

But after practicing here for so long, he has the ability. If he wants to drive away these evil elves in the Nether River, there is no problem, but he did not do so, which proves that he is very kind.

He couldn't bear to let these homeless creatures leave the Nether River, and he didn't want to destroy everything by himself. That's why Lingqiuzi said that, otherwise he wouldn't do it.

Let Ling Qiuzi see Yang Xuan, and feel that there is nothing to worry about. If this young man doesn't want to leave this Nether River, maybe it's a good thing.

If (ccab) he really didn't want to hurt his own creatures, and if he was in this place at the same time, then all the creatures would have a guarantee, wouldn't they know Yang Xuan.

Becoming friends with Yang Xuan, if this is a good thing, maybe one day they can really reincarnate with Yang Xuan, Ling Qiuzi also thinks that Yang Xuan has this ability, but they won't do it right now.

It is impossible for them to use it to do this. After all, this situation is breaking the rules, so they don't want to break the rules, so let's go according to their own plans.

Lingqiuzi felt that once all this was changed, he was also afraid that one day this nether world would cease to exist, and they would not even have a place to live. Wouldn't they really become lonely ghosts? Lingqiuzi said to Yang Xuan.

"Young man, my name is Lingqiuzi, and I'll let you know. Anyway, I've lived here for so long, and I'm really helpless. Since you're so stubborn, it's up to you if you don't want to leave this Nether Riverside. , anyway, I can't stop your actions, and I can't fight you."

"It's time for me to fight against you. I'm an old bone. How can I not beat you when I fight against you, so I can only give up, but this Nether Riverside is just some creatures, and you won't destroy it." All of this, because every place in this nether world looks like this."

"You can do whatever you want, and I don't want to stop you. After all, if you don't have any malicious intentions, you can just be so direct. Why am I rejected thousands of miles away?"

After Yang Xuan heard these words, he was very happy. He finally agreed. It seems that his name is also very nice. Yang Xuan also felt that Ling Qiuzi must have been very kind and kind when he was in the world.

Otherwise, if he entered this nether world, it would be impossible for him to be so kind as he is at this moment and be able to take these creatures to do whatever he wants by this nether river.

Chapter 1394 Do whatever you want

So they are a different kind of world by the Nether River, even though they all belong to the Nether World, they still have their own world, Yang Xuan thinks it is very good.

After all, they are such identities, and it is really good to be able to find the Nether Riverside. This Nether Riverside is very famous. Once they inhabit here, once they turn around from here, reincarnation is also very good.

But Yang Xuan also understands all of this. It may not be so simple for them to want to reincarnate and leave here, so here are some creatures who have made mistakes.

Then Yang Xuan just felt that he didn't want to think so much. Lingqiuzi would not be so stubborn with him, and he would not let himself leave this Nether River. Very helpless.

Lingqiuzi looked at Yang Xuan's happy look, and felt that he was really like a child at the moment. What's so good about this Nether River, it's dark, and the black sea water keeps rolling.

The waves lapping on the water looked extremely scary, but the young man in front of him still seemed to like this place, so Lingqiuzi thought he was narcissistic. At this moment, Lingqiuzi would not have too many worries in his heart. Said.

"You can live here as long as you want, because this Nether Riverside is also part of the Nether World, so if you think this place is boring, you can go to other places, but have you thought about this place?" I don't know what I want."

"But I've lived here for so long, and I don't feel how mysterious this place is, and there are any precious things, but maybe my ability, I'm strong, I can't discover all this, but if your ability is strong, you can If you find out about all of this, you can do whatever you want, anyway, I won't stop you anymore."

Yang Xuan and Lingqiuzi are considered to be familiar with each other, so they have reached an agreement at this moment, and as long as Yang Xuan doesn't hurt his own creatures, it's fine.

Lingqiuzi also knew his name, it seemed that this young man had some abilities, otherwise he would not have entered the Nether River alive.

And Lingqiuzi didn't think so much anymore, let's continue with his own life, Yang Xuan also felt at this moment that after he had been searching for a while in this Nether River, he also felt that there was nothing in this place.

····Ask for flowers 0·

And isn't the thing he was looking for on the bank of the Nether River? Yang Xuan felt that if it really wasn't there, there was no need for him to stay, even though he was reluctant to let the creatures here get along with them for a long time.


But Yang Xuan also had to leave here, after all he didn't belong here, and Lingqiuzi looked so kind, like a parent, Yang Xuan really had a lot of worries, but at this moment, these worries were all dispelled.

There must be a decisive decision. After leaving here, I will go to other places. Yang Xuan also understands all this, and he also understands all this in his heart at this moment, and Lingqiuzi can't live here forever.

Because they belong here and Yang Xuan doesn't belong here, at this moment he also understands in his heart, it seems that it is time to end.

It is indeed time to leave, after all, Yang Xuan has searched for so long, and there is really nothing to gain, so there is no need to waste this time, and Yang Xuan is also clear about all this.

Chapter 1395 A ray of light

Right now, he doesn't have the ability to take these creatures out of here, and Yang Xuan can't do this either, otherwise, it will destroy the rules of heaven and the whole law.

At that time, the human world will also be destroyed, and the entire Nether River will also be destroyed, which will affect the development of the entire Nether world. Yang Xuan can't go his own way like this, and now he bids farewell to Lingqiuzi and leaves here.

Yang "Six Thirty" Xuan continued to walk forward. After all, he felt that this place was always so weird, and after he came here through the reincarnation of the true spirit, Yang Xuan had no chance to choose at all.

The moment he opened his eyes, he had already come to this evil place. At this moment, Yang Xuan felt helpless in his heart. Let's continue to look for what he wanted. Yang Xuan carefully searched for a ray of light in the darkness.

But there is no such thing at all. After all, this is a nether world. How could there be light? The other side is originally a dark place, an extremely terrifying place, a place of extreme darkness and coldness.

Yang Xuan walked forward along this ray of light at the moment, but he felt strange, how could this ray of light appear in front of him? How could there be a ray of light here?

The more Yang Xuan thought about it, the more he felt a little weird. At this moment, he also felt that every place in this netherworld was relatively evil, and this place was extremely dark.

Then it is impossible for a ray of light to appear at all, Yang Xuan felt that it was really unbelievable, he continued to search forward, thinking in his heart while walking.

"It's really weird. Every place in this nether world looks evil. This is a location in the nether world. Why did a ray of light suddenly appear? This place is originally dark, and There is no light at all, and it is impossible to shine here."

"Why does this ray of light seem to have some light passing through, does it prove that there is a passage in this place? But it is not possible, it is still artificial, is there another creature in front? But I don't think so much Alright, let's talk about it later."

"After all, you can only know what's going on after you go to check it yourself. Otherwise, it's all guesswork. Seeing such a scene, and seeing this weird ray of light appearing, it's always looming. It's really scary. It's okay. I am powerful, otherwise, if I come to this Nether World, every place is so evil, wouldn't I be scared to death early?"

As Yang Xuan approached slowly, he pondered in his heart, but felt that the current situation seemed really weird, what might he not understand in his heart...

He just felt that if such a situation happened, Yang Xuan, who was quite surprised in his heart, really did not expect that every place in this nether world would look relatively evil, so this ray of light appeared right now.

What exactly does this represent 0.1? Is there a passage in front? Yang Xuan thinks that if there is a passage, how can he leave this nether world by himself?

Yang Xuan felt that it was impossible at all. When the True Reincarnation Tower appeared, Yang Xuan would be able to leave this nether world, otherwise he would not be able to leave here through any ability.

Yang Xuan was sure in his heart, but felt that all this seemed rather strange.

Chapter 1396 Extraordinary

Then it is all dark here, there is no light at all, but the True Reincarnation Tower in front of me has not been opened, so why does this ray of light appear?

What exactly does it mean? Yang Xuan approached him slowly, but he felt that he should be more careful. Although he was capable, he was also afraid of what might happen.

Although Yang Xuan was a little worried in his heart, he would not be afraid. He just felt that it was good to approach the problem slowly and cautiously. Otherwise, if something unexpected happened, Yang Xuan would be able to deal with it. ah.

Because he has already activated the spell and is ready to attack at any time. After all, Yang Xuan knows in his heart that every place in the netherworld of 22 is relatively evil, and every creature is very evil.

But they are like this, so Yang Xuan has to be more cautious, he is slowly approaching now, the light is getting closer and closer, Yang Xuan looks at the situation ahead, the more he feels that he can only think of these things when he comes here Things come up.

To make himself feel surprised, he also understood in his heart, but he felt that since some problems happened, they had to be solved. No matter what was in this nether world, Yang Xuan would probably be able to leave here alive.

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