Lingqiuzi didn't give him bait either, so how could Yang Xuan be hooked? He entered this Nether River by himself.

Chapter 1384 Overreaching

He felt that Ling Qiuzi's words really made him feel a little confused, but Yang Xuan didn't quite understand what it meant, but since the other party said so, Yang Xuan didn't care, and didn't care so much at all.

He just felt that although Lingqiuzi was a ghost, he still looked quite normal after his death. Yang Xuan didn't think there was anything to be afraid of, because everyone would have this day.

But Yang Xuan also knew that since he entered this world, he had been reincarnated, and Yang Xuan didn't care about it anymore. He would not be so entangled in such a world after coming to such a world through the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower.

He just thought that everything should go with the flow, and he didn't want to change it at first. When all this came to a reincarnated world, Yang Xuan opened up a new world.

It is enough to find what he wants, Yang Xuan will not think too much about other things, he will not let himself have so many troubles, and it is not necessary.

Yang Xuan pondered in his heart, if something happened, he really didn't need to think too much, Yang Xuan also came to this Nether River, and he didn't want to leave here right now.

Because he entered every place looking for something, and there are many such places in this Nether World, Yang Xuan came to this Nether River first, and it is impossible for him to leave here right away.

Because he had to find such things, otherwise, it would be a waste of time to come here. Yang Xuan didn't want to get nothing by transferring money to the world, so finding something is the most important thing for him.

Lingqiuzi was indifferent, he just felt that Yang Xuan didn't show any expression after hearing these words, and he also looked so calm, watching him fishing by his side.

And Lingqiuzi also unintentionally felt that Yang Xuan was really special and he had many abilities, but what was his purpose for coming here.

Lingqiuzi just felt that sometimes it seemed to be faster, but Lingqiuzi also had a lot of doubts in his heart. After all, Yang Xuan in front of him looked different, so Lingqiuzi would understand.

After all, why did Yang Xuan come here? Lingqiuzi just felt that there were no precious treasures by the Nether River.

····Ask for flowers 0·

Yang Xuan is so powerful, does he still want to find some treasures? This is unlikely, Lingqiuzi said to Yang Xuan.

"But there are some differences in coming here. This place is not what you want to come to, unless you come here after you die, but you are alive and a human being, and you have already appeared in this netherworld. It's just not explainable at all, I don't understand it at all."


"Anyway, I don't think you came here so purely. Otherwise, how could you have entered this nether world? With your identity and your current situation, it is impossible to come here, so why? You know it in your heart when you come here, but I don’t know it anyway.”

"But it doesn't matter. I never want so much again. No matter what bad purpose you have when you come here, then I won't feel a little afraid, because at my age, I really have today and no tomorrow. After death, I came to this nether world, and I feel that it is a kind of change." 1.

Chapter 1385

Yang Xuan sat by the Nether River and watched Lingqiuzi fishing. He just felt that what Lingqiuzi said meant that he understood his abilities and identity.

Yang Xuan did enter the Nether River alive, how could Yang Xuan be a ghost? I think it's ridiculous, Lingqiuzi seems to know everything, so if you want to lie to him, it's not so easy to "six two three".

Yang Xuan just felt that he didn't want to deceive anyone. He was a living human being here. For Yang Xuan, he didn't know how many terrifying places there were in this Nether World, but at this moment he had come to the Nether River. up.

Yang Xuan won't leave here right away, after hearing what Lingqiuzi said, he knew in his heart that the other party also felt that he was a little mysterious, but Yang Xuan didn't want to explain too much.

He just didn't want to destroy everything about him, besides, the water surface in the Nether River looked extremely dark and terrifying, there were no fish in this place, and Lingqiuzi had been fishing all the time, so why Yang Xuan couldn't figure it out.

Does Lingqiuzi just think that Yang Xuan looks like he is going to stay here and not leave? Anyway, Lingqiuzi didn't think it mattered anymore. This place is huge, so he didn't feel scary.

He can choose freely. Lingqiuzi thinks that there is no need to interfere so much. He just thinks that the person in front of him looks powerful. He is really a human being, and he must have something to do when he comes to the Nether River.

Anyway, since Yang Xuan had no other ideas, Lingqiuzi felt that he should not worry about it too much. Anyway, he is not an evil monster, and he must have his own mission after coming here.

Lingqiuzi didn't want to ponder so much, he just felt that some things were beyond his consideration, of course he knew it clearly in his heart, and he also understood this issue at this moment, Lingqiuzi said to Yang Xuan.

"Even if you haven't reincarnated, it's pretty good to be able to live freely in this Nether River, so let's spend the rest of your life in peace. As for how long I can live, I don't think so much at all, because I am already a dead person, how could I let myself be so entangled..."

"You are a living human being who came into this nether world, because all the creatures that appear in this nether world understand clearly that they never came here alive, but you are something else. I can't explain it, I just think that if you insist on making trouble here, I really have nothing to do with you."

"After all, if I want to attack you, I'm not your opponent at all. Why should I hit a stone with a pebble? I don't need to hurt myself. Although you don't look so evil, after all, I don't know you very well. It's better to be cautious, so I don't want to tell you so much, and you don't want to disturb me fishing."

Lingqiuzi just thinks that Yang Xuan can be more self-conscious. Since he doesn't want to leave this aspect, he can do it at his own convenience and don't bother himself fishing.

Lingqiuzi doesn't care if there are fish in the Nether River or not, anyway, he is just killing time at the moment, it doesn't matter whether he fishes or not, the important thing is that he has something to do, otherwise, the souls and elves in the Nether River , they are also not interesting.

Chapter 1386 Fearless

Lingqiuzi talked with them here every day. After Yang Xuan came here, these holy spirits were in the Nether River. At this moment, there were only a few brave ones floating on it, and the others had already sunk into the water.

Lingqiuzi knew in his heart that they were afraid of Yang Xuan, otherwise how could they hide? At this moment, Lingqiuzi also understands these things, it seems that Yang Xuan is very capable.

And these holy spirits have already felt such pressure, that's why they hid and didn't dare to come out. Lingqiuzi also knew in his heart that no matter who this Yang Xuan is, even if he doesn't harm others, he is so powerful at the moment , With so many abilities on his body, then 22 these creatures will also feel daunting.

After Yang Xuan heard these words, he was not angry. He felt that he didn't care what Lingqiuzi said. If Lingqiuzi asked him to leave, how could he leave.

Anyway, Yang Xuan just feels that he doesn't want to leave here at the moment. The Nether Riverside is very interesting, just like Yang Xuan, who looks particularly scary in the dark water, how could he be afraid?

He just felt that these creatures were hiding and didn't want to see him? Will they feel scared? Anyway, Yang Xuan didn't think too much about it, he just felt that this place looked rather special.

Then every place in this nether world is quite weird, and Yang Xuan who came here first on the Nether River also found it quite strange. Lingqiuzi fished, even if there were no fish, he would still do it.

It seems that he is just for entertainment, otherwise, there is nothing to do here every day, and it is really boring. Yang Xuan can understand all this in his heart, so he also knows why Lingqiuzi did this Yes, suddenly understood, he said to Lingqiuzi.

"You old man is really interesting, so it doesn't matter if I am here, are you fishing for you? Is it not good for someone to talk to you? Or is the Holy Spirit here usually talking to you? I watched They all hid one by one, do they feel afraid of me at all?"

"But I won't hurt them. They don't need to be so afraid. I came here just out of curiosity, so I've heard of the Nether Riverside before, but I didn't expect the Nether Riverside to be in this place. I feel my heart trembling, it seems that the creatures here are quite terrifying."

"But they are afraid of me, am I really that scary, so I am scarier than they think, it really makes me a little confused, so you don't have to keep me away like this, I am Coming here will not destroy your life, nor will it disturb your environment like 623."

"I just came here invisibly, so you don't have to ask me about all this. I don't know how to explain it. After all, I have already appeared here. I don't have too many thoughts in my heart at the moment. I just feel that all this It really looks weird, how could I know so much."

After hearing what Yang Xuan said, Ling Qiuzi also suddenly felt what he meant by saying that. Doesn't he know how he came here? In this case, how could Lingqiuzi believe it? What is the identity of this Yang Xuan, Lingqiuzi doesn't know.

Chapter 1387 Shivering

But Yang Xuan's ability is so powerful, it is easy for him to come to the Nether River, how could he not know how he got here? He came to this nether world through another channel through this spell.

So what was Yang Xuan thinking in his heart? Why do you say that? He felt that there was no need to hide the truth, but he felt that the young man in front of him was powerful.

Moreover, the spells are particularly high, and they are not the creatures here at all. They are the only ones who can resist. Even the biggest strong here, it is impossible for Yang Xuan to resist.

Lingqiuzi also understood in his heart, otherwise he wouldn't be able to do this right now, Lingqiuzi was just afraid that Yang Xuan would really destroy everything here.

At that time, they will really become lonely ghosts, there is no place to take them, they can only wander around, and one day they will disappear.

Lingqiuzi didn't want to see such a tragic ending, so how could he not understand in his heart, how could Lingqiuzi not worry about all this?

Yang Xuan looked at his side face carefully, and felt that his expression looked rather nervous. Could it be that they were really afraid of him? Yang Xuan felt that everything here was so normal, how could he lightly destroy it?

Yang Xuan also knew in his heart that it was impossible for him to do this, but he just felt that if some situations happened, it would always make him feel a little unbelievable, so Yang Xuan also felt that this Nether World was really more expensive.

So now he has entered the Nether River again, every place looks so terrified, but Yang Xuan is not afraid, but everyone is afraid of him, how could Yang Xuan not see it?

Of these creatures living in this Nether River, only a few of them are bold enough to float on it at the moment, and the rest of these creatures have already entered the bottom of the Nether River.

They were very timid, and they were afraid that Yang Xuan would hurt them, so they wiped them all out. Yang Xuan felt that they were really capable of self-protection.

But if Yang Xuan wanted to destroy them, they would enter the Nether River, and it was impossible to get rid of this fate, but Yang Xuan didn't want to do that, he said to Lingqiuzi.

"And I just know that when I come to this Nether River, it is impossible for me to change so much. One day I will leave here naturally, and it is impossible for me to make everything here so bad, and you can be normal Life, don't care about me at all, I don't have to think about me'."

"¨So I know you well in my heart, so I am so afraid, because I am worried that I will destroy your environment, and then you evil creatures will have nowhere to go, and you will be homeless, and I am afraid that you will be killed. Those who are sent into **** are even more terrifying than this netherworld."

After hearing what Yang Xuan said (Wang Liaohao), Ling Qiuzi suddenly felt that he hoped that everyone would be at ease, and that everyone would change their attitude towards him.

And Lingqiuzi just thinks that Lingqiuzi, just thinks that Yang Xuan came to this Nether River, what does he want to do? And there are many places in this netherworld.

He can go to other places, why must he be in this Nether River? This place just has such a body of water and nothing else.

Chapter 1388 Powerless

Does Yang Xuan really like this place? Lingqiuzi thought it was quite strange, but he felt that Yang Xuan couldn't figure out what he was thinking, but it was fine for him to say that every now and then, he would not harm the creatures here, did he just come here to play.

Lingqiuzi thought it was incredible. If he really came here to play, why did he come to this place? This place is so evil and looks so scary.

It's not that he should come here at all, does he think it's boring to stay in the human world, does he insist on coming to this nether world as a guest? It really made me feel weird, how could Lingqiuzi not have any worries at this moment?

I just think that since Yang Xuan said that, it proves that he will not harm his own creatures, otherwise, 627 would not need to explain so much, and what does he mean by explaining so much?

Yang Xuan looked at them, but felt that Lingqiuzi seemed to behave differently, and some creatures on the water, they seemed to be floating there non-stop, they must be elves.

Yang Xuan thought it was pretty good, even though they came here, they all seemed to be evil, but did Yang Xuan think so, there are also kind people among them, and they also have their own way of life here.

How else could they survive? So Yang Xuan also confirmed all of this in his heart, but he didn't have too many worries in his heart, but if such a problem arises, Yang Xuan would of course understand it in his heart.

He just felt that if some things really changed, he still hoped that there would not be too many risks, and hoped that all of this could be resolved smoothly. If there were other changes, he would think about other issues at that time.

So Yang Xuan just made it clear to them, telling them not to be so afraid, he is not a monster, and he did not come here to exterminate the creatures here.

Why should they be so afraid? Yang Xuan said so, hoping they could become more courageous, Yang Xuan said to him.

"So how can I not understand your difficulties in my heart, and you don't have to worry so much, all of this is impossible (ccab), how could I do this? Although you are some evil souls, There are also wild ghosts, but you also have your own ideas, and you have to do so."

"If there is another choice, how can I come to this nether world after you are dead? I have already been reincarnated, but if you want to do this, I will help you too. I don’t have this idea anymore, it’s completely possible to want to reincarnate, and reincarnation is also possible.”

Yang Xuan regretted saying this, after all, he also felt that he came to this nether world through another world.

Did he destroy everything here? Moreover, the creatures here were supposed to take care of themselves. If Yang Xuan really helped them reincarnate, would it destroy some situations?

At that time, there will be some consequences. Yang Xuan feels that he is united and thinks so, and feels that all the creatures here should leave here.

But once you leave, this nether world will no longer exist, Yang Xuan feels that it doesn't matter if he says that, Lingqiuzi won't believe it.

Chapter 1389 Worry about the Future

Yang Xuan didn't have so many anymore at all, and he knew in his heart that Lingqiuzi didn't seem to believe what he said all the time, Yang Xuan thought it was a good thing, and took what he said just now as a joke.

Then Yang Xuan should treat himself as a big talk, otherwise, if Lingqiuzi believed Yang Xuan, he wouldn't know what to do.

At this moment, Yang Xuan didn't have any order or signal, so how could he easily send all his souls to ~Reincarnation World.

So Yang Xuan said, even if he has this ability, he can't do this. It seems that he is too abrupt and shouldn't say such a thing. Speaking of it, I can understand it with effort. Sometimes I speak without restraint, what? Time can change, and Yang Xuan also feels the evil spirit here.

There are still some souls, some ghosts, which are not things that I can handle. Yang Xuan stopped talking at this moment, quietly watching Lingqiuzi fishing, and watching some rippling elves floating on the water. with.

The rest had already entered the bottom of the water, and I was particularly afraid that Yang Xuan could feel such an atmosphere. So he also knew in his heart that no matter what, sometimes all this happened.

Yang Xuan has already come here, it is impossible to change so much, so Yang Xuan does not want to change so much, everything will develop naturally, he believes that one day he will naturally leave this netherworld, and when the task it's over.

Yang Xuan will leave here, so when it will end, Yang Xuan is not sure, just look for it slowly, there will always be a way out.

When Lingqiuzi saw Yang Xuan, did he think he was confused? He really surprised himself when he said that, how could he believe it.

If it is really possible to take them to reincarnate, Lingqiuzi thinks that all the holy spirits in this nether world will go with Yang Xuan. How does Lingqiuzi think this is possible?

Isn't the young man in front of him a little wishful thinking? Lingqiuzi wouldn't believe it at all, so he was fishing quietly at the moment because he felt that the Yang Xuan in front of him looked really interesting.

····Ask for flowers 0·

Lingqiuzi suddenly didn't feel so disgusted with him. After all, he was powerful, and he wouldn't hurt his own creatures. Lingqiuzi didn't worry anymore, and said to Yang Xuan.

"Young man, please don't be so rampant, okay? Even if you have this ability, it is impossible for you to have the final say on everything here, and if these creatures just want to follow you, how can they get rid of this situation? What about fate, so they don't want to live anymore."


"So don't belittle yourself easily here, so what should you do? Since you have come to this netherworld and you don't know how you got here, then you can figure out what you want to do. Since you won't hurt us, I'm here to thank you, and thank you for them."

"Otherwise, these holy spirits in the Nether Riverside are already scared and overwhelmed when you see them, and they have already entered the water to hide, just because they are afraid that you will hurt them, because they are afraid that you will destroy everything about yourself, otherwise , How could they be so quiet at the moment." 1.

Chapter 1390 Arrogance

After Yang Xuan heard Lingqiuzi's words, he laughed out loud, but felt that he was really talking big, these Lingqiuzi didn't believe it, and Yang Xuan thought it was good to save himself from having to explain himself.

So at this moment, he felt that what he said just now really shouldn't be said, and the creatures here belong to the nether world, how could Yang Xuan personally bring their reincarnations? "six two seven"

Yang Xuan suddenly let go of the stone in his heart. It turned out that he said some arrogant words. Since Lingqiuzi didn't believe it, Yang Xuan felt that it would save some trouble, so he just let himself talk nonsense.

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