"And why is a living human being able to enter this nether world?"

"It's really the first time I've seen it. Otherwise, how could I attack you when I saw you at the beginning? I thought you had these abilities, but you may not be so powerful. I just hold such a This kind of mentality, it’s quite a fluke, if you think that if you are a human being in film and television, and you are still alive and come here, how capable are you?”

After Yang Xuan heard these words, he also felt that it really made him a little unimaginable. It seems normal that Blue Ghost and the others would have such thoughts.

After all, how much ability does a living human being have to enter this nether world? And to be able to see this nether world, unless someone else sent him in with the ability activated.

Otherwise, it is impossible for Yang Xuan to appear, and the blue ghost is right to think so. It seems that his mind is quicker and his analysis is more correct.

Yang Xuan is not such an identity, although he doesn't know which direction he came from, but once Yang Xuan's writing ability is activated, after all, Yang Xuan will enter another world, the nether world in front of him.

Yang Xuan also understood in his heart that at the moment he felt that there were some situations that appeared, which made him feel inexplicable, and Yang Xuan didn't want to be so entangled at all.

He knew in his heart that he didn't want to be so troubled, but he felt that what the blue ghost said made sense. It seemed that he had finally figured it out. Once he realized this truth, he wouldn't need to be obsessed with it anymore. Otherwise, Yang Xuan didn't know how to deal with it. What about him?

Because Yang Xuan didn't want to kill people when he came to this nether world, but if there was danger approaching, if he really didn't listen to advice, Yang Xuan would take action, he wanted to protect himself.

The blue ghost stood in the air and didn't dare to move at the moment. He just spoke with his mouth. After all, he was tightly bound by the reflective rope, how could he break free-this reflective rope.

Let him see Yang Xuan just feel that he is not so evil, he will definitely let him go if he is so kind.

Otherwise, if he manipulated the reflective rope and wiped himself out right now, how could he wait until now and explain so much to himself?

At this moment, the blue ghost understood in his heart. It seems that Yang Xuan's power is boundless. He also felt that there was no way, he said to Yang Xuan.

····Ask for flowers 0·

"I thought your power might have been given to you by someone else, but you might not be able to control it, so you wanted to launch an attack, but I made a mistake, so don't blame me, because we all live in this netherworld. , and when you see the abilities in others, you want them.”


"Especially these souls who have just come to this nether world, any creature is like this and will be bullied, so some of them can live and slowly recover, and some of them can't live and are about to die. It’s here, it’s actually not so cruel, because this is the rule here.”

"If we don't do this, we will also be wiped out by the strong. It is such a cycle that we are forced to do, so don't be as knowledgeable as me. Since you haven't killed me until now, and The reflective rope just tied me up, it didn't get any tighter." 1.

Chapter 1355 Dying Struggle

Yang Xuan stood on the ground and looked at the blue ghost in the air. He was already completely confused by his reflective rope, but the blue ghost was not stupid, he couldn't fight now.

After all, this reflective rope has such power. The more you struggle, the tighter the reflective rope becomes, and the other party may die in the reflective rope. Yang Xuan feels that the blue ghost is smarter, and he no longer struggles with "607". , and know that mistakes can be corrected.

In addition to these remarks, Yang Xuan felt that his comprehension was quite high, and every creature that entered this nether world was innocent, and they were desperate.

Regardless of whether it is evil or good, they will become like this after they come to this nether world, and they will all adapt to life in this nether world.

Only by continuously absorbing each other's abilities can they survive, otherwise they will die. Yang Xuan knows the laws of this nether world. Looking at the blue ghost, he also feels that what he said at the moment is not wrong.

The blue ghost looked at Yang Xuan and just felt quite helpless. After all, it was impossible for them to obtain some abilities at this moment, and the Yang Xuan in front of them was powerful.

He hoped that he was in the nether world, and it seemed that something was going on, otherwise, what was he doing in such a horrible place? The blue ghost felt that he couldn't imagine it, so they were hanging in the air at the moment.

They were tied so tightly by the reflective rope that they couldn't move, and they also knew that Yang Xuan didn't intend to hurt them, otherwise they wouldn't even have the chance to speak at this moment.

The blue ghost knew in his heart that all this was really terrible. He didn't expect Yang Xuan to be so powerful, which really surprised him, he said to Yang Xuan.

"As long as we don't struggle and don't use spells, I won't be hurt, which proves that you are a good person, otherwise, how could you do this, so I know it in my heart, but what should I do with all this? I really don't know how to decide, and I'm not sincere."

"This is the rule of the nether world. What do you want me to do? I want to become stronger. To protect myself, I must constantly absorb the vitality of others, but I will not be so cruel to absorb all the vitality of the other party and let the other party For those who die here, we will all save a little vitality for the other party, as long as we can support him to survive..."

"Actually, we have such rules here. That's what I do. At this moment, I also feel that there is nothing I can do. If you want to fight or kill, you can do what you want. I won't have any complaints, because I have to blame for everything. Yes, how can I complain about being wronged again?"

Blue Phantom really thinks so. Everything is due to self-importance and greed. Therefore, knowing that the other party is strong, but still wanting to obtain the other party's ability, it is really too presumptuous. It must be looking for some wishful thinking.

So at this moment, he knew in his heart that 0.1 and Yang Xuan had already said that, if Yang Xuan wanted to deal with him, and if they had any complaints, he just felt that it was up to him to deal with some situations, and the blue ghost also knew it in his heart.

After all, I don’t quite understand all of this. If he didn’t want to get more abilities, it would make him feel that he was just operating normally. If it were someone else, he would also want to get some when he met Yang Xuan with such high abilities.

Chapter 1356 Powerless

So every creature in their netherworld would do the same. At this moment, the blue ghost also felt that the reflective rope did not attack anymore, and he would no longer struggle.

He has already understood the reflective rope, and struggling no longer has any effect, it will only make himself more and more uncomfortable, and it will become tighter and tighter. At that time, he will die. Hope everything can be resolved.

The blue ghost kept looking at Yang Xuan, he just thought what should he do, why didn't the other party speak, did he really not want to let him go?

The blue ghost has already explained, so I don't know why Yang Xuan came to this nether world22? Since he came to this nether world, he should know the rules of this nether world, and this place is like this, which is a kind of cycle law.

Nothing has changed, every place has its own rules, and the blue ghost has survived to this day only by his own ability, otherwise, he would have already died at the hands of others.

He knew in his heart that if he hadn't had this ability back then, how could he be safe and sound like now, but if something happened, he didn't want to encounter too many situations like him, and he didn't want to find too many dangers.

But he didn't know how to decide the matter in front of him, let alone that he was helpless, but sometimes when things happened, he also hoped that everything would go on as normal.

He really didn't want to make too many changes, of course he didn't want to die, but if the other party didn't want to let him go, the blue ghost couldn't do anything, it was impossible to change so much.

After hearing these words, Yang Xuan understood him in his heart, and he finally understood. He understood that he also knew that what he did was wrong, but Yang Xuan also suddenly felt that everyone in this nether world is not Is it like this?

Is everyone in this state? How could it be possible for them to feel so much? How could they have appeared otherwise? So now Yang Xuan also understands them.

It is such a law of life, such a way of life, so they are already used to it in this netherworld, Yang Xuan said to the blue ghost.

"Since you can think clearly, I also know in my heart that all of this is not your fault. After all, I understand this situation. If you don't have the ability in this nether world, you will probably be swallowed by others. Even if you can If you are alive, it looks particularly thin."

"And it seems that you have no ability, and there is no difference between being alive and walking dead, but you can't kill innocent people indiscriminately, right? Are you creatures like this in this nether world? Is it always this law? In fact, I Knowing why this place is in this state."

"It's not that I haven't heard of it. This Nether World is such an evil place. There is no way. You will encounter such a situation when you come here, so I won't care so much about you at this moment. I don't think it is necessary. , and if you can figure it out, it’s a good thing to understand, why should I bother so much.”

After the blue ghost heard what Yang Xuan said, he suddenly felt what to do. What did the other party mean by saying that? .

Chapter 1357 Killing Innocents Indiscriminately

He felt that what he did was killing innocent people indiscriminately? He doesn't know if it's true, anyway, all the situations here are like this, and everyone is like this, so how could it be just him in this state.

Whether it's a living thing or not, it's an appointment with human ghosts. Anyway, everyone will hurt each other when they come to this nether world. Whoever has the strongest ability will get some skills.

And the other party is such a weak blue ghost, and he is used to this state. If Yang Xuan could understand, he would not suffer so much. After all, how could this nether world change all of a sudden.

The reason why this place is called the Nether World is that it is such a dark and evil place, so the blue ghost also knows this. It was like this when he came to this Nether World, and it was such a law of life.

It is impossible for him to change so much. He can only protect himself by making himself stronger. He knows it in his heart, so he has been looking for some targets in the house.

Yang Xuan looked at the blue ghost and just felt that if such a situation happened, how could he not have any worries in his heart? Yang Xuan just felt that if some problems happened, he also hoped that everything would go smoothly.

How could Yang Xuan not understand it? He just thought that if these problems could really be changed, wouldn't that be a good thing? But he also clearly seems to want to change the situation in this nether world.

It's also unlikely, Yang Xuan didn't have the mood, let alone the time, he came to this nether world just looking for something, and this nether world has normal obstacles.

Then Yang Xuan also understands that reincarnation to another world is always dangerous, Yang Xuan has already gotten used to it, he is just ready to take precautions at any time, he will not let himself encounter danger, that's what Yang Xuan thinks.

At this moment, looking at all this, he also felt quite helpless in his heart. She wanted to help the creatures here, but Yang Xuan didn't need to do this, and he couldn't reach such a limit.

It is impossible for King You here to do such a thing, why would Yang Xuan do such a thing, he thought he didn't think so much, he said to the blue ghost.

"I just think that if some things happen, it is impossible for you to obtain my ability, but you are free to do what you want to do when you come here. In fact, I also understand in my heart that sometimes I don't want to do things. So much, so today my sister let you go, you don't have to die here'."

"¨¨And you look like this, I don't want to kill you, there is no need, because if I kill you, then the other victories here will still be in this state, do I want to kill all the creatures here? I came here It’s not like this, so it’s really a waste of my ability, if this (Wang De’s) place really has such a law of life.”

"Everyone also wants to come here, so I can only continue. Why should I change all this, so if you have the ability, you need to work hard. Sometimes this world is so cruel, and this netherworld is actually the reason. Then I Why bother so much?"

By saying that, Yang Xuan has already let him go, so Yang Xuan has already taken back the reflective rope at this moment.

Chapter 1358 Doomed

The blue ghost has landed slowly in the air and stood on the ground. He is still in good condition at the moment, and Yang Xuan doesn't want to hurt them, they are floating in the air at the moment.

The blue ghost is just a ghostly body floating in the air, and it doesn't look so frightened. At this moment, he is like a puff of green smoke on the ground.

Since Yang Xuan had already let the blue ghost go, he knew in his heart that he came to this nether world not to be an enemy, nor did he want to hurt any living beings.

No matter how they live is their own business, Yang Xuan also feels that this nether world is not his domain, so Yang Xuan doesn't need to interfere so much.

If it is really because of his powerful ability that he changed all of this, Yang Xuan is also afraid that all of this will be changed by 610, and it will be out of control by then.

Yang Xuan didn't want to make a big mistake for himself, so let's swim around in this Nether World. If someone really comes here to manage it one day, all of this will be resolved.

Then maybe there won't be such a cyclical pattern in this place. Everyone hurt each other and gained some abilities, so I think it's okay.

So at this moment, he also knew in his heart that he wouldn't worry so much. He just felt that if some problems happened, it was unexpected that he hoped that everything would go smoothly. How could he have other thoughts?

But if these problems really arise, Yang Xuan doesn't want to have too many worries, and he also hopes that he can leave this netherworld safe and sound.

But Yang Xuan didn't know when to leave here, and he didn't receive the signal. After all, he had just entered this nether world, so how could he leave immediately, when he didn't get any gains.

Yang Xuan also knew in his heart that it was impossible for him to leave here, and he couldn't do it if he wanted to. After all, there was no channel and no signal of reincarnation.

Yang Xuan couldn't reach such a level at all, so he could only wait until he could say, just came here, Yang Xuan just started, what is the situation in this place.

Yang Xuan didn't know (ccab) too clearly, let's see if there is anything he wants, and inquire slowly, Yang Xuan doesn't want to be in such a hurry, so let's be at ease when it comes.

The blue ghost really didn't expect Yang Xuan to let him down. At this moment, the reflective rope on his body disappeared, and the blue ghost was always floating on the ground.

The action he made at this moment was to kowtow to Yang Xuan. After all, he was a blue ghost with scattered wisps. He could only do this at this moment, he said to Yang Xuan.

"This is how I appreciate you. After all, I am overestimated. I want to take your way and absorb your ability, so I just let you off me. I am really willing to be a cow or a horse." , but I know in my heart that you don't need me at all, so you let me go."

"I don't know how to express my affection, I don't know how to express my feelings, so I can only kneel down to you at this moment, after all, my life is yours, without you, I would really die here right now Now, with my ability, it's really wishful thinking."

"Obviously feeling your strength, I feel so greedy and want to get some abilities, but at this moment it is really a bit too sad.".

Chapter 1359

"I didn't expect that if I didn't get your ability, I would almost die in your hands. If you weren't careless, you would have wondered if this is the law in our nether world. How could you let it go?"

After Yang Xuan heard what the blue ghost said, he knew in his heart that it seemed that the blue ghost had already made a decision, so since he felt grateful.

Yang Xuan felt that there was no need to be grateful, Yang Xuan just followed the rules of this nether world, and Yang Xuan didn't want to destroy everything here, if he really destroyed everything here because of his own whim.

Yang Xuan also felt that sometimes he might not be able to go out in this world, so how could Yang Xuan not understand? After all, he was reincarnated and came to this nether world, is it true for Yang Xuan?

But it was true for them, at this moment Yang Xuan knew in his heart that he could only let the flow develop naturally. After all, he came here looking for something.

Yang Xuan has no idea in his heart, how could he not be in a hurry, but if something happens, it will take some time for Yang Xuan to deal with it normally, after all, he has just entered the Netherworld, and he doesn't know much about himself .

However, Yang Xuan has already understood the way of survival here, absorbing each other's abilities, whoever is more capable can get some abilities to survive, that's how it is, this evil region is just so terrifying.

There was really no way, so Yang Xuan understood in his heart that he would not change so much at this moment, and he would not intentionally want to change so much.

Yang Xuan didn't think it was necessary, all of this was an instinctive way of this netherworld, so why did he change it? He didn't have the qualifications, and Yang Xuan didn't want to do it either.

The blue ghost looked at Yang Xuan and just spoke directly, so he knew in his heart that no matter what the blue ghost did, he felt that it was all for his own ability and for himself to survive.

So he said this to Yang Xuan, just hoping that he could understand that even if he let himself go, the blue ghost would still absorb some spiritual power, otherwise he would not be able to survive.

····Ask for flowers 0·

The blue ghost also knew in his heart that there was really no way around such a problem, so he also felt helpless at the moment, anyway, he had spoken directly to Yang Xuan, if he regretted wanting to destroy himself right now.

The blue ghost has no complaints or regrets and will not have any complaints. He feels that it is impossible to live to the end. I am afraid that one day he will meet a strong person in this direction. Maybe the other party is not so kind and will destroy himself. possible.


The blue ghost felt that it would be better to die at the hands of Yang Xuan, so the blue ghost thought so, he said to Yang Xuan.

"But on the premise that you let me go, have you ever thought that maybe if I meet some weak people, I will absorb their abilities. This is such a law, otherwise I will not be able to survive. So what should I do What should I do? If I don't do this, I won't be able to survive in this netherworld."

"I can't get through the next difficulty, so this is a cycle. I don't want to do this, but I have to. There is really no way." 1.

Chapter 1360 Protect Yourself

The blue ghost looked at Yang Xuan, how could he have no idea, they have no freedom after coming to this nether world, and they are all oppressed by others.

If they don't absorb some spiritual power, how can they make themselves stronger, and how can they protect their continued life in this nether world.

After these creatures came here, the "610 Office" really had no choice, so at this moment, the blue ghost saw Yang Xuan's ability is so powerful, so he had such an idea.

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