Because after entering this nether world and living here every day, they will be infected invisibly. After entering this nether world, the blue ghosts are just ordinary ghosts.

But now they have all become evil, because if they don't do this, they will not be wiped out by others, and they are not fools.

How could they watch others **** their 600 vitality, they might as well become stronger to protect themselves, so only the more evil people can survive in this nether world, this is the rule of the nether world.

It is a situation in the nether world that no one can change. The blue ghost also knows that it was the same way when they were in the world before. Those cowardly people, they were also bullied, didn't they?

This is really a truth. What changes? It’s just that all of this is in the nether world in front of the eyes of the human world. They are two different places. But this law cannot be changed, and it will never be destroyed. And it's the same everywhere, the weak will be bullied.

After the blue ghost entered this nether world, he changed a lot, and he wouldn't allow himself to be in this situation all the time, so at this moment he knew in his heart even more.

After Yang Xuan heard what the blue ghost said, he also felt that what he said was reasonable, and it was also to let himself understand the change, but Yang Xuan also believed it.

If it was someone else, maybe they would do this, and give all their abilities to the blue ghosts in order to survive, but he would not do this anymore. What is his identity?

How could his abilities be easily taken away by others? Yang Xuan knew it in his heart, but he felt that if some situations arise, Yang Xuan will not (ccab) make these things appear too complicated, he just wants to solve the problem simply.

Moreover, Yang Xuan had already decided this matter in his heart. After coming to this nether world, he knew this place well, and Yang Xuan also understood their state.

Yang Xuan could understand what they said, but he just hoped that everything would go on as normal, but Yang Xuan would not listen to them, this nonsense, Yang Xuan is not an ordinary person, he said to the blue ghost.

"Don't talk nonsense to me, I will never let you go, so you just stay here, and if you want to hurt me, it is impossible for me to obediently give you all my abilities, It's even more impossible, you are really delusional."

"Do you think that you can impress me by saying this? Can you make me agree? No matter what, I can't easily believe what you said. You obviously failed and you are not my opponent. How dare you use such words to express your intentions?" To gain momentum, I changed my decision, how could I possibly do that."

"So don't talk about these boring things here anymore, no matter what the laws of this nether world are, it has nothing to do with me.".

Chapter 1349

"But whoever wants to absorb my abilities is simply impossible unless the other party doesn't want to live. The reason why I didn't let you die here."

After the blue ghost heard what Yang Xuan said, his eyes were full of helplessness at this moment, but he just felt that the person in front of him, his expressions and movements, were really unbelievable and looked so powerful.

The blue ghost originally said that what he said had no effect on him. It seemed that he was really oversatisfied. The other party was powerful, so he would not listen to what he said, and what he said was meaningless.

The blue ghost knew in his heart that he was really lucky to be alive at this moment, how could the blue ghost not want to live?

He just felt that Yang Xuan had some boundless power and wanted to get some, but he didn't expect that the other party would tie him up since he was so powerful.

The blue ghost couldn't compete for Yang Xuan's binding at this moment, and the rope was so strong that it couldn't be shaken at all. The blue ghost was tied here motionless at this moment.

Hanging in the air, it looks extremely ridiculous, and the blue ghost also understands, if this is the case, it seems that there is no need to make unnecessary struggles.

After all, it is impossible for him to compete with Yang Xuan in his ability, he can only use words to persuade Yang Xuan, otherwise the blue ghost has no other ability.

After Yang Xuan saw the blue ghost, he felt that it was really unbelievable. He didn't expect that every creature in this netherworld was really so greedy, and their desires were quite high.

Regardless of whether they can defeat the opponent or not, they will attack first, without looking at how much ability they have, whether they can be the opponent of the opponent, and start attacking.

It is really a change that Yang Xuan did not hurt him at the moment, how could Yang Xuan kill him, there is really no need to kill him, it will only make his hands stained with these evil blood.

There is no need for Yang Xuan to do this, he did not come here to kill people, but just the beginning of the task of entering this nether world, and Yang Xuan knew it well.

In this case, he should look for some invisible power, and once such a situation occurs, Yang Xuan certainly understands that his situation is relatively stable.

····Ask for flowers 0·

Besides, to Yang Xuan, any world is the same, but its nature is different, just like this Nether world is so evil, but coming to other worlds is another kind of scenery, and Yang Xuan knows it well.

He just felt that some situations were in front of him, and Yang Xuan really didn't want to make any changes.

Besides, this is the law of the nether world, and it is normal for the blue ghosts to do this. Yang Xuan didn't want to break this rule at all, he said to the blue ghost.


"Because I also know that the law of the nether world is like this, so there is nothing wrong with you doing this. This is a cyclical law of the nether world. If you don't do this, you will also be wiped out by others. How could I I care about you like you, so I didn't hurt you."

"All the creatures here are in this state. I can't come here and kill them all. I just need to protect myself. If you want me to take the initiative to give you these spiritual powers, I can't do it at all. Do you think you want to stop saying that you have tens of thousands of creatures here so hateful." 1.

Chapter 1350 Wishful thinking

The blue ghost was tightly bound by Yang Xuan and hung in the air. At this moment, its body was emitting a blue light, which was extremely dazzling, and it looked extraordinarily beautiful in the dark.

But he was a little terrified at the moment, and Yang Xuan seemed to be very capable when he said this, he could even say such things, it seemed that he really wouldn't go anywhere?

And if he can really wipe out all the creatures in "603", then his ability is really too strong. At this moment, the blue ghost also feels that it seems that he has made a wrong calculation.

Moreover, this target was not chosen correctly. Blue Phantom also felt a little unbelievable to choose such an opponent. He originally thought that the opponent was powerful.

As long as you get a little ability, then you can gain a foothold in this nether world, and you won't be bullied by others often, but you almost lost your life.

The blue ghost felt rather helpless at the moment. He looked at Yang Xuan in front of him, a little at a loss. He was **** by Yang Xuan and floated in the air, and the reflective rope on his body was very powerful.

The blue ghost couldn't break free, so he could only choose to stop. He looked at Yang Xuan and was really shocked after hearing these words.

Seeing all this, how could Yang Xuan have so many more, after all, he has already turned around and entered his nether world, Yang Xuan didn't go back at all, the blue ghost in front of him didn't pose any danger to him.

Yang Xuan hung him in the air, hoping that he would understand and stop being overwhelmed. It is really a dream come true to want to obtain the ability of oneself.

If Yang Xuan hadn't already beaten him to death because they lived here, how could he keep him.

Yang Xuan said to him.

"Even if there are more living beings, it doesn't matter. Anyway, there will be more than the holy spirits you mentioned in this nether world, but I don't care if their collective power wants to fight me, let alone you, Pluto Could it be that he has this ability? It’s just that he unified the netherworld first.”

"You have to listen to his arrangements, but he has indulged you so much, so we have made this Nether World a special mess, but this Nether World itself is a place full of evil, and it is normal for you to do so, so I don't want to care about so much, and I don't want to be entangled so much..."

"But if you think about it, I just let it go like this, and you still gave you the power of your body. Are you dreaming in broad daylight? Or is it that this ghost world of yours is always night, and you have never woken up from your dream? , Wake up quickly, it is a kind of luck that you are alive and talking to me at this moment."

After the blue ghost heard what Yang Xuan said, did he think he was really dreaming? No matter how it is possible for Yang Xuan to say that.

After all, the blue ghost felt a strong force just now, and felt that once he got a little bit of this power, he might improve his spell by 0.1 a lot, so he was rather greedy.

So how could these blue ghosts not be greedy? At this moment, he looked at Yang Xuan, but felt that the power in Yang Xuan's body was unknown, anyway, it was endless.

Moreover, the reflective rope on the blue ghost is also extremely powerful. If he wants to break free, it is impossible for him to stop struggling at this moment.

Chapter 1351

Because he felt that the more he struggled, the tighter the reflective rope became, which made him breathless. He just felt that if he felt inferior enough, he would continue to struggle with spells.

I'm afraid the reflective rope will strangle him to death. The blue ghost also understands this truth, and he is not a fool. He can only hang in the air at this moment, motionless.

If he resists again, his life may be lost. The blue ghost also feels that the person in front of him is too powerful, too powerful, and he really cannot be underestimated. He is not something he can resist. It seems that he is blind. It's really a dream.

The blue ghost felt that if he could see through this layer, he wouldn't have launched an attack just now, and he also felt that even if he launched an attack, the other party didn't want to hurt him, and he felt relatively lucky in his heart.

If it were the creatures here, I am afraid that the blue ghost would have already been devoured by others, so how could it be possible to talk to the other party alive like this, the blue ghost knew all this in his heart.

How could he not understand it? The more he thought about it, the more he felt a little unbelievable. In his mind, he knew all of this, but he just felt that if some problems appeared, he still hoped that everything could be handled normally.

He also doesn't want too many risks. He also understands all of this. How could he not understand the danger behind it? He just feels that if some problems really happen, he also hopes that these things can be completely resolved. Really Just don't have too many surprises.

Don't take too many risks, so the blue ghost also understands, just think to see what Yang Xuan has to say.

Anyway, the blue ghost didn't answer at this moment, and felt a little scary. After all, the opponent's power was too strong, and it was really too difficult to get a little power.

Yang Xuan saw that the blue ghost was quite smart at the moment. He no longer struggled and swayed from side to side. If he continued to struggle, he might be strangled to death by the reflective rope.

Yang Xuan actually took out the reflective rope to tie him here, and it is impossible for him to break free, unless Yang Xuan retracts the reflective rope, he can be freed, otherwise, he will be tied here forever.

If he couldn't die then, he would have no freedom, and Yang Xuan knew all of this, but Yang Xuan didn't want to do this, he just felt that this situation seemed more complicated.

Then if the blue ghost really continues to be obsessed with obsession, he will not be alive, Yang Xuan said to him.

"I've let you go. The reflective rope that binds you will be untied after a certain period of time. You don't have to be afraid. I don't need to hurt you, because you are not worth my shot. I am now I do this to hope that you can understand that my ability is indeed powerful."

"But it's not what you can get, so stop thinking about these boring things, let alone be so greedy. Greedy thoughts can be placed on others and on me, and it doesn't work at all. Let me tell you that, It has made my position clear.”

When Yang Xuan said this, he hoped that he could understand that some things were not something he could imagine, nor could he change, so he should not be so stubborn and greedy all the time.

Chapter 1352 Control Everything

But Yang Xuan knew in his heart that every creature living in this nether world is like this, if they are not greedy, they will not be able to survive.

It will also be eliminated by the opponent. Some of them become very weak after being absorbed by the other party. If they are lucky, they can still survive.

If you are not lucky, you will lose it slowly, so Yang Xuan can still control all this, otherwise how could he be so anxious?

He just felt that all these things seemed to be really special, so Yang Xuan also understood all of this, but he just felt that if some problems appeared, he knew it all in his heart, so how could he not know the reason.

It's just that if some problems really happen, he also hopes that they can be solved properly, so that there are really not too many risks.

So Yang Xuan also knew that he really felt quite helpless, but he also understood that he just felt that some problems were in front of him, and Yang Xuan really didn't want to be too cruel.

After all, he didn't even know his own purpose when he came to this nether world, so Yang Xuan should look for it slowly, because this nether world always has what he wants.

But the blue ghosts in front of Yang Xuan didn't want to get their abilities. Yang Xuan was already so powerful, and no one could fight him, so why bother to do that? Yang Xuan understood all this in his heart at the moment.

He just felt that when some situations arise, he also understands in his heart that there is no need to worry so much at all, and he can still see very clearly in the face of such situations.

He just felt that if some things really changed so much, he also hoped that everything could be resolved smoothly, and he really didn't want any more risks.

So Yang Xuan didn't want any other changes. He just hoped that some new decisions would be made afterwards, so he hoped that all of this would make new progress. If there were other changes, then Yang Xuan I also hope that everything will be stable.

After the blue ghost heard what Yang Xuan said, he stood in the air and couldn't get down at all. He didn't know what to do, he said to Yang Xuan.

"It's really because I have blind eyes and offended you, so I apologize to you at this moment. I really didn't expect that you are just a human being so powerful, and your power is indeed endless. I should have done it when I launched the attack. Thinking about it, your power is so powerful, I want to get some'."

"¨But it is because of your strength that it is impossible to be easily obtained by others. I really have no brains. No wonder my companions usually scold me for not having a brain. Now I am clear. I know that you are so stupid. You have a strong aura, and I want to get these things from you."

"It's really a bit self-defeating. It seems (Wang's good) that I am really tired of work, so if you want to deal with me, you can just figure it out. At this moment, I understand in my heart that even though I am A soul living in this netherworld, but I also understand in my heart that you, a human being, are stronger."

After Yang Xuan heard what the blue ghost said, he also felt that what he said was reasonable, and they were in this state, so of course Yang Xuan understood all this, what should be done in this place.

Chapter 1353 Powerless

Yang Xuan is also powerless, he may decide slowly, Yang Xuan has just come to this nether world, how could he calm this place all of a sudden.

Because here is such a rule, and since Blue Ghost admitted his mistake, he is no longer as stubborn as before, how could Yang Xuan hurt him?

If you really want to hurt him, Yang Xuan's reflective rope will find its power, and he will be exhausted directly in the reflective rope. How can Yang Xuan let him have a chance to speak?

It's just that Yang Xuan didn't want to say that. After coming to the nether world, everything seems to be special, and it's all out of necessity.

How could Yang Xuan let himself do this? He just felt that if something happened today, he could solve it and deal with these people, so he didn't have to worry so much.

And Yang Xuan also understands that there is no need to worry so much about all of this, as long as he can find what he wants in this nether world, maybe he will leave here.

Yang Xuan also knew that once he was reincarnated (ccab), he couldn't choose, let alone decide when he would leave this nether world.

But he can live freely in this netherworld, get what he wants, get a lot of abilities, and at the same time be able to be really dangerous.

How could the blue ghost not be afraid when looking at Yang Xuan? After all, he knew that Yang Xuan looked so powerful, and if he hadn't felt a force at the beginning, how could he have floated here?

How could it be possible to see Yang Xuan? The blue ghost also felt that no matter what the other party's identity was, and he was indeed wrong, thinking that he was sent by the world to do things.

Just thinking that he is not that powerful, just thinking about getting some of his abilities, is really too self-sufficient, too lucky, and the blue ghost is also a person who thinks it is too difficult, and there is really no good end.

He also knew in his heart, if he didn't have such an idea, why would he encounter such an accident? So at this moment, Yang Xuan didn't destroy it, it was considered kindness to him.

The blue ghost knew in his heart, so he should stop being obsessed with his obsession, let alone confront Yang Xuan. At this moment, he had no chance, nor any ability, and he was just dying in vain.

The blue ghost is also a way of hoping to pass Xiang, maybe it can be relieved, as long as it can escape this stage.

The reflective rope is really powerful, the big one wants to break free from the reflective rope, unless he himself is dead, otherwise he will never be able to do it.

The blue ghost looked at Yang Xuan and felt that no matter what these things happened, he mainly explained it clearly, he said to Yang Xuan.

"But I also think it's a bit strange. I can't figure it out. You are just a human being, and you came to this nether world alive. It looks really weird. Could it be that some emperor in the world sent you here to deal with things, otherwise If so, how could you appear in this netherworld?"

"Every creature that appears in this nether world comes here after death. They all have different identities, but everyone's nature is the same, but you are different. You seem really special, so What did you do in this netherworld?".

Chapter 1354 Surprise

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