They are here, looking at Ouyang Tian in front of him, he has made several moves in a row, is he still unable to defeat this guy who has not been tempered?

I saw that Ye Qingxuan dodged his attack easily, how could this be possible?

Could it be that Ye Liuyun from the Ye family taught him some special skills that allowed him to avoid body-hardening level attacks?

This is very possible, after all, he is also the son of the patriarch.

He stabbed at Ye Qingxuan with his sword, but still couldn't hit Ye Qingxuan, which made him feel a little surprised, he couldn't even hit a trash at the sixth level of body tempering.

If this matter gets out, how will Ouyang Tian meet people?

He became more and more ruthless, the aura spread from his body, and after the awakening of his blood, he appeared in the form of a fox.

This is his awakened blood, this fox is also very powerful, with powerful energy spreading towards Ye Qingxuan.

Ye Qingxuan thinks this guy is really funny, even though he hasn't awakened his blood, it's because his current cultivation is not enough.

Soon he will be able to directly awaken the bloodline brought to him by his mother, which should be much more powerful than his current fox. The energy behind him has formed the form of a fox, possessing the powerful energy of this bloodline.

Ye Qingxuan knew that if he dodged like this again, he might not be able to bear it anymore. Immediately afterwards, he summoned his own spiritual weapon, which shocked the people in front of him. This guy had already tempered his body, no wonder he was able to dodge Ouyang Tian's attack.

Ouyang Tian said with a sneering smile on his face, "Yo Yo Yo, finally you can successfully extract it, even if it's like this, so what, within a short period of time, can you still break through to the sixth level?".

Chapter 1237 Ye Qingxuan Injured Ouyang Tian

"Hahaha! This waste from the Ye family is finally not waste, but such a low level of cultivation is still waste."

Faced with these guys' constant mockery of Ye Qingxuan, I really don't bother to pay attention to it. The sword in their hands erupted into its own spiritual weapon instantly, and it can be seen that he has not awakened any blood at all, so Ouyang Tian is very proud. His blood in animal form Awakening, that is quite talented.

Everyone has their own special spirit blood, some people are in the form of humans, some are in the form of plants, some are in the form of animals, and some are in the form of some monsters.

There are also people who don't have any form at all, but they also have awakened blood, but that kind of energy cannot form a form.

Each person can only awaken one spirit body bloodline.

Ouyang Tian thought that Ye Qingxuan in front of him could never be his opponent, but in the next second he was slapped in the face by himself.

The strength of Ye Qingxuan's Tiangang revealed its powerful spiritual power, and it instantly shattered the bloodline form that guy had just formed.

Turning back to Flame Slash, this is a skill he has just learned, and it has reached the full level. The powerful energy is like a flame, and it goes towards that guy overwhelmingly.

In an instant he was blown away, Ye Qingxuan put away his aura, then said the words "overestimate one's ability", turned around and left the place.

Ye Qingxuan didn't continue to embarrass these guys who taunted him at all. Those people were really shocked, and they didn't recover for a while. After they recovered, Ye Qingxuan had disappeared, and they ran away immediately. The past helped Ouyang Tian.

"Ouyang Tian, ​​how are you? Are you okay?".

Just as Ouyang Tian stood up, a mouthful of blood spurted out.

They immediately supported Ouyang Tian and sent him back to Ouyang's family. When the Ouyang family saw that their disciple was injured, they felt a little baffled. Who dared to hurt their disciple of Ouyang's family.

A few people hesitated and said nothing, and then said, "We just sent him back when we saw that he was injured. Let's leave."

Then he turned around and left this place, leaving Ouyang Tian himself there, and the Ouyang family people put him in a nearby house.

When the people of Ouyang's family knew about this, they immediately rushed over here to heal his wounds. He felt that he was almost recovered, so he asked what happened and who hurt you.

"It's Ye Qingxuan from the Ye Family."

"¨ Ye Qingxuan from the Ye family, isn't he a waste from the Ye family? He can beat you like this."

He was about to speak and coughed again.

"Don't worry, take your time and let's listen."

That guy is obviously a master, but he pretended to be a waste there. If I knew how powerful he was, I wouldn't be able to fight him.

"It would be too deceiving to have such a reason. Let's go to Ye's house now."

"Let's forget it, let's just forget it."

Ouyang Tian felt a little guilty, because (okay, Zhao) he was looking for trouble first, Ye Qingxuan didn't pay attention to him at all, if he wasn't looking for trouble, Ye Qingxuan wouldn't have shot him and hurt him.

"You trash, what are you afraid of, just lie down here and recuperate."

They came to Ye's house to ask questions, and rushed in angrily, ignoring the obstruction of the two people in front of the door.

When the disciples of the Ye family saw someone barging in, they immediately stopped them, and they said, "What do you Ouyang family mean by this?".

Chapter 1238

"You dare to trespass on my Ye family, you really don't care about our Ye family."

"You guys still have the nerve to say sarcastic remarks here, why don't you say that the children of your Ye family beat our Ouyang Tian to the point of injury?"

"how can that be possible?"

"Is there anything impossible? Ye Qingxuan of your Ye family is a waste on the surface, but he is actually a very talented guy, right? That's why he injured Ouyang Tian, ​​so he is good at playing tricks."

Ye Qingxuan is indeed very talented now, they all know this, but they don't know why he injured Ouyang Tian of the Ye family.

They had no way to make a conclusion, so they could only keep silent, and at this moment, the head of the sect was walking towards this side, and these few people were asking questions here.

They said that their 347's Ouyang Tian was beaten up, he was seriously injured, and now he can't walk on the ground, what happened.

Anyway, it was just talking here, so that the head of the Ye family didn't know what was going on, and why Ye Qingxuan beat Ouyang Tian of their Ouyang family like that.

"What you said are all one-sided words. If that's the case, then wait here and wait for Ye Qingxuan to come back."

Then wait here, and Ye Qingxuan came back leisurely outside, humming a little song, holding a straw stick in his mouth, and walked in through the gate of Ye's house swaggeringly.

Ye Qingxuan saw such a scene as soon as he entered the door, he was stunned for a moment, and then the memory flooded into his mind.

It turned out that these people were disciples of Ouyang's family, and it seemed that they had been specially recruited for their affairs.

One of them, Ye Qingxuan, remembered to be the master of the Ouyang family.

Ouyang Zhennan, the master of the Ouyang family, can be regarded as a person of dignity, otherwise the Ye family would not have come out to meet him in person.

You can be regarded as coming back, since you are back, then quickly admit your mistake to us.

Ye Qingxuan didn't expect that the people of Ouyang's family were all virtuous, seeing their unreasonable appearance, really felt impulsive.

Ye Qingxuan said lightly, "What's the situation? Why should I admit my mistake to your Ouyang family?"

"You beat Ouyang Tian seriously, shouldn't you (ccab) admit your mistake? It's cheap for you to admit your mistake, and you still want to stir up conflicts between the Ouyang family and the Ye family because of this matter."

"You guys from Ouyang's family are really funny. You stir up conflicts between Ye's family and Ouyang's family. What does that have to do with me?"

Ye Qingxuan's father took a look. He knew that his son was a waste, but he never provoked trouble. Even if he had talent now, he would not do such a thing.

"Then tell me what happened, and let this Ouyang Zhennan from the Ouyang family listen to it."

Ye Qingxuan nodded and said, "I was in a good mood. I went out for a stroll today, and I didn't see Ouyang Tian from your Ouyang family at all."

"He took the initiative to come up to greet me, and the first thing he said was, isn't this the waste of the Ye family?"

"Dare to ask who greets you like this, I have refrained from hitting him."

"I didn't expect him to sneer even harder. Could it be that he is putting Ye Family in his eyes? I taught him that he deserves it."

"This Ouyang Tian shot is very hot. Although it is true that I have not reached the tempered body before, I have already broken through Tiangang in a short time. I can't just tell others that I have broken through Tiangang."

Chapter 1239

"May I ask if there are any people in this world who casually talk about their own cultivation level after finishing their cultivation?"

Ouyang Zhennan was speechless when he was asked, and the head of the Ye family turned green when he heard this, and he said, "No matter how bad this Ye Qingxuan is, he is my son. You can't say that."

"You Ouyang's family are too deceitful, you don't take my Ye family seriously."

Ouyang Zhennan frowned, he rushed over without understanding what had happened, no wonder Ouyang Tian pulled them away before he came, telling them not to come.

Ouyang Zhennan's face was really ugly. He said, "It's all my fault that I came to Xingshi to inquire about the crime without knowing what happened. We will definitely deal with this matter properly. Sorry to bother you."

When he came, he had an expression of pleading guilty, but when he left, his face changed color.

The disciple of the Ye family said, "The Ouyang family must have gone too far. It was they who bullied our Ye family first and then came here to ask the teacher."

The Patriarch of the Ye family looked at his son, although he was born by a concubine, the concubine is no longer alive, and he rarely cares about this son, but now he looks promising, and sees how he will walk in the future He won't be bullied outside, he still nodded in satisfaction, and then said to Ye Qingxuan, "Good job, turn around and leave here."

Ye Qingfeng said, "This is what my Ye family's children look like, you are no longer a waste, and no one will laugh at our Ye family again."

Ye Qingxuan thought that something earth-shattering would happen, but he escaped so easily.

Ouyang Zhennan returned to the family and rushed directly to Ouyang Tian's room.

"You've made me lose face."

"You guys have nothing to provoke right and wrong. If you beat you like this, you can only swallow your anger, which makes me lose face too."

Ouyang Tian said lightly, "I have reminded you just now and forget it. Who knows that you have to go, and you can't blame me for that."

"If you had told the story clearly earlier, would this happen again? You will be fined for three months and not allowed to go out."

Now that he is injured, it is difficult to get out, so let's confine him, he can only keep his mouth shut, and Ouyang Zhennan will be even angrier if he says anything else.

····Ask for flowers 0·

Ouyang Zhennan walked away in a huff, really out of breath.

Ye Qingxuan ruthlessly won glory for the Ye family, this time their Ouyang family will never mock the Ye family again.

None of Zhang Zhang of the four great aristocratic families was in the same state as Ye Qingxuan before. Their disciples could temper their bodies at the age of ten, and Ye Qingxuan was the only one who could temper their bodies at the age of twelve, but the speed of progress was fast enough, because In just two or three months, it has reached Tiangang.


Ye Qingxuan remembered that their master Ye Liuyun had reminded him that his spirit weapon's spiritual power was too weak, so he had to improve the spiritual power of his own spirit weapon. "

Although he has reached Tiangang now, if he doesn't awaken his bloodline, his cultivation is still not as fast as other disciples, and he will stop after reaching a certain level, so the worry in the family now is when Ye Qingxuan will awaken his bloodline.

In fact, Ye Qingxuan already has a bloodline, but it hasn't been stimulated yet. He doesn't know what kind of form his bloodline is, whether it is a plant, animal or human form. Anyway, no matter what form it is, he wants to take a look.

Chapter 1240 Buried Hatred

The Ouyang family did not expect that a scumbag from the Ye family would turn into a genius. This is simply too heaven-defying.

This time they went to Ye's house and lost someone, I really don't know what to do, but he must avenge this revenge.

Maybe one day there will be a chance, he first wrote down this hatred silently.

Although this is indeed the fault of Ouyang's family, he still feels that Ye's family is really not giving face today.

Ye Qingxuan returned to his room with a face full of excitement. In the eyes of the Ye family, he is not only a genius of the Ye family, but also severely taught the Ouyang family a lesson.

This consciousness once again entered into his pendant.

He said to Wu Ya in the pendant, "How can I make this spiritual weapon a real spiritual weapon?"

"It's very simple, you just need to find a suitable spirit stone, and then continue to forge this spirit weapon, and you will achieve the effect you want."

"So simple."

"Is it easy? Although it sounds like the steps are a little simpler, it's not easy to find just this spirit stone."

"There is also this piece of spiritual weapon you chose, but I threw it to you back then. The reason why you failed to blow it up for so long is because of the particularity of this piece of black iron."

"Once it is forged into a spiritual weapon, it will exert its powerful energy. You will know it after you inject the spirit stone."

After listening to Wu Ya, Ye Qingxuan said, "You mean that it's your masterpiece that I have been called a waste for so many years."

"That's right, that's what it means."

"Do you know that I have the heart to kill you?"

"If I didn't have this piece of black iron, I would have already cultivated, right?"

"That's right, if it weren't for this piece of black iron, you would have already been tempered, and you are ten years old like them."

"You guys are really hateful, you have caused me to be called a waste for so many years."

"But I can also see that your willpower is firm? Even so, you never gave up, didn't you?"

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