He is also the one who has broken through the fastest at this age. It can also be said that he has already broken through Tiangang at the age of thirteen.

There are still two years, if the other disciples can't break through Tiangang, they will be sent to the outer courtyard to go west.

They walked forward cautiously in this jungle, and if they were not careful, they were divided into groups of six or seven by a group of Ye family disciples, and they continued to move forward, without noticing those behind them. People go away from them.

Chapter 1233 Take Down the Stone Tiger Beast

Next to Ye Qingxuan is Ye Yun.

They carefully searched for them ahead, knowing that the monsters here are very smart and have a particularly sensitive hearing. These people are all cultivated. The sound is hidden.

Ye Qingxuan suddenly squatted down, and the people behind him also squatted down. Through the grass in front of them, they could see a stone tiger coming out of it. He was walking in front of him carelessly. Discovered the existence of Ye Qingxuan and the others.

This stone tiger beast is very powerful. If it can be taken down to obtain its magic core, it will be really good for Ye Qingxuan and the others. He looked back and saw only a few of them left. It's gone.

Ye Qingxuan said, "Did the others get separated from us?"

Only then did they realize that other people were not behind them, and there were only a few of them left here.

Ye Yun said, "Let's give up, this guy is very powerful, just because we are not his opponent."

"It's a pity if I finally find him and give up."

Ye Qingxuan rushed up immediately, and revealed that his weapon was the sword (ccab) he made himself. It seems that his spiritual power is not particularly strong now.

The spiritual power of the weapons in the hands of other people is much better than the weapons in his hands, and they are all made by themselves, but the spiritual weapons tempered by others are deeper.

A few of them surrounded the stone tiger beast.

The stone tiger beast was very angry when it saw someone, it stretched its two front paws forward, and squatted on the ground.

A ferocious expression appeared on his face, his mouthful of fangs were exposed, and he let out a howling sound of a monster.

He rushed towards these people with great speed.

Ye Qingxuan said, "It's really fierce."

They rushed around and didn't know who caught whom.

These disciples had already climbed the tree, and saw that the stone tiger beast was very fierce, hitting the big tree in front of it one after another.

Ye Qingxuan looked at them and said, "Do you want to be in such a mess?"

"Why doesn't this guy attack you?"

Ye Qingxuan leaped onto his back, and slapped his forehead vigorously with his palm, which angered the stone tiger beast, but Ye Qingxuan's slap made him choked up, followed by another Palm followed by another palm.

At this time, the disciples standing on the tree also jumped down. When this guy was a little dizzy, they directly used their skills to destroy the stone tiger beast in front of them.

The stone tiger exploded its magic core at the moment of the explosion, and its body fell all over the ground like stones one by one.

Ye Yun said, "Have you already broken through Tiangang?"

Ye Qingxuan nodded and said, "That's right, I just broke through the Tiangang."

The other disciples of the Ye family looked at Ye Qingxuan with envious expressions. He changed from a waste to a genius, and now he has broken through the sky.

"You guy's cultivation speed is simply too shocking."

"It's just that the sword in your hand is really not very good. You tempered it yourself."

Ye Qingxuan said, "Wait until I find suitable materials for him."

They put away the magic core and continued to walk forward.

And the other disciples also harvested the monster core, but the monster they encountered was not as powerful as the stone tiger beast.

Chapter 1234 Jin Jiamang's Weakness

Ye Yun said, "With the magic core of this monster, we should be the one who recovered the highest one."

"Where did those people go, I don't know when they separated from us."

A few people in the square were discussing here, and they heard shouts in front of them.

It turned out that they were being chased by a huge python. The level of this python was quite high, and none of these disciples were his opponents.

It was Jin Jiamang whose level was higher, no wonder these guys were sent around.

"Hahaha! Ye Hai is simply too funny."

Ye Hai and the others seem to have seen Ye Qingxuan and the others run towards this side immediately, this guy is really annoying, isn't this a trap for them too?

Ye Qingxuan said, "You can't run away from this guy, and he can climb trees. The only way is to directly attack and take down this guy in front of you."

The golden-armored boa constrictor in front of him looked like he was covered with golden armor, and there was a sharp-pointed horn on his head.

Ordinary spiritual weapons can't be cut at all, which is why Jin Jiamang is so powerful - the reason.

Ye Qingxuan did not expect such a powerful shell.

Ye Qingxuan said, this guy must have his weaknesses, you attack all his parts together, including the head, body and tail, so that you can find out his weaknesses.

The weak point of his tongue is at the seven-inch position, but this guy has a thick golden armor at the seven-inch position.

It is impossible to pierce it with ordinary spiritual weapons, and Ye Qingxuan is the one with the highest cultivation level here, and he does not have that ability when he reaches Tiangang, and the spiritual weapon in his hand is not much better than scrap iron.

Now they want to escape, the only way is to find the weakness of this monster.

Ye Qingxuan stabbed at his eyes with a sword, only to see that his eyelids flickered and blocked Ye Qingxuan's attack in an instant, even the eyelids were covered with golden armor.

Ye Qingxuan said, "What the **** is this guy?"

His whole body is covered in golden armor, so where can he find his weakness?

However, Ye Qingxuan found a problem, that is, there was no golden armor outside the sharp horn on his head.

With a smile on his face, he slashed at the head of the golden armored snake with a sword.

Sure enough, the boa constrictor began to protect his horns.

The normal horn is the sharpest place, but this guy's horn is the weakest place.

····Ask for flowers 0·

Ye Qingxuan said, "I found his weakness, it's on the horn on his head, the horn that you collectively attacked him."

This guy whipped his huge tail forward in order to cover his horns.

Ye Qingxuan took this opportunity to cut off his horn with a single sword, and Jin Jiamang instantly fell to the ground and exploded his magic core.


Ye Yun said, "Ye Hai, what the **** are you doing to provoke this Jin Jiamang?"

"We haven't seen this guy yet. If we knew he was there, we wouldn't have walked in that direction."

"Why did you lead it to our side?"

"Hey! More people are more powerful, why don't we just deal with him?"

They hurriedly searched for other magic cores, and the time was running out. So far, they had obtained a magic core of Jin Jiamang and a magic core of Stone Tiger Beast.

They also got a lot of other small monsters, and those small magic cores couldn't match the magic cores of these two big monsters.

Ye Yun said, "If Ye Qingxuan hadn't been here this time, we would have suffered a lot." 1.

Chapter 1235 Ouyang Tian is looking for trouble

Ye Qingxuan and the others collected the magic cores of those ordinary monsters here at an extremely fast speed.

The time was almost up, and there was only one stick of incense left. They ran towards the outside quickly and had to get back there before the stick of incense was burned.

Ye Qingxuan ran forward, then turned his head and said, "Hurry up, the time is almost up, disciples who come back after the time is up, the "three four three" magic core does not count."

Ye Qingxuan is Tiangang's cultivation base, so his speed is naturally faster than theirs, and his kung fu has reached the full level.

When Ye Qingxuan arrived here quickly, there was still more time, and then those disciples returned one by one, and when the last disciple came back, the time for a stick of incense had just arrived.

Seeing their speed, Ye Liuyun said well, this year you all can arrive here within the stipulated time, let's see what you get.

All the disciples handed over the magic cores they had obtained.

The moment Ye Qingxuan and the others handed over the magic box, Ye Liuyun was shocked. There were actually two magic cores of high-level monsters in it.

He nodded in satisfaction and said, "That's right, it's really different after breaking through Tiangang. If you meet these two high-level monsters with your strength, I'm afraid you won't be able to bear it."

"Okay, you all performed very well today, and you can move freely in the next time."

It's really great, you don't have to stay in Ye's house to continue practicing, it's not bad to be able to walk around, Ye Qingxuan hasn't gone out to take a good walk since coming here.

He put on clean clothes and walked on the street.

It's quite busy in front of Ye's house.

He was walking forward but met Ouyang Tian, ​​he didn't pay attention to this guy at all when he came out, they knew each other, Ye Qingxuan didn't remember this memory at all.

Ouyang Tian was accompanied by a few people, who seemed to be disciples of their Ouyang family.

"Who am I? Isn't this the trash from the Ye family? You have successfully tempered your body, and you still have time to hang out."

After he finished saying this, the followers around him gloated, looking at Ye Qingxuan in front of him, their faces were full of ridicule.

Ye Qingxuan is only here alone, without any other Ye family members, this Ouyang Tian took this opportunity to humiliate him...

Ye Qingxuan picked his ears with his fingers, "Why is there a mad dog barking here, I really hate it."

"You dare to call me a mad dog, I think you are impatient."

Ye Qingxuan said lightly, "It's really funny, I just said that there is a mad dog barking, and you admit that you are a mad dog, what does this have to do with me?"

"You are just a waste from the Ye family, what is there to be proud of? Today I will let you taste what is called the ability of quenching the body."

"I think it's better to forget it. He hasn't even achieved body tempering for this trash. If you make a move, you still have to beat him until he vomits blood."

"Forget it. I'll give you a chance. If you dare to crawl under my crotch, I'll spare you 0.1."

Ye Qingxuan felt that this guy in front of him was really funny, his dignified Ye family disciple crawled under his Ouyang family disciple's crotch, wouldn't it make people laugh if it spread, even if he was a waste, he wouldn't do that.

"Bah! I didn't expect that you are not only a mad dog, but also a shameless mad dog."

As soon as these words came out of Ouyang Tian's eyes, his expression changed instantly.

Chapter 1236 Non-stop mocking

He didn't have anything to say, and he just took a shot to see that his cultivation base was at the sixth level of body tempering.

He punched Ye Qingxuan with one punch.

Who knew that Ye Qingxuan's dodging speed was very fast, and he dodged this guy's attack with just a slight retreat.

"You brat can still dodge. Today I will teach you a good, trashy Ye family."

As soon as he stretched out his hand, the aura in his hand instantly appeared in his hand. It is conceivable that the spiritual weapon in his hand already possesses powerful spiritual power.

There was a mocking look on his face. In their impression, Ye Qingxuan was still that iron-clad boy, and his own spirit weapon hadn't been tempered yet, so he hadn't reached the tempered body either.

They guys still don't know that Ye Qingxuan is now a genius of the Ye family, and his cultivation has already reached Tiangang, so he doesn't pay attention to these few disciples of the Ouyang family in front of him at all.

The few people next to him talked and said, "If Ouyang Tian makes a move, the waste of the Ye family will be in trouble."

"Shouldn't we hold him back? If we really hurt the trash of the Ye family and offend the Ye family, wouldn't that be too good?"

"It's just this waste Ye family who doesn't care about him. This is a world where martial arts is the most important thing. Guys without cultivation are not as good as pigs and dogs here."

"Anyway, he is also the son of the head of the Ye family, and he is of the direct bloodline."

"I heard that the patriarch of the Ye family never asked him."

"It's no wonder who would take care of such a waste, even the direct blood can't stay in the inner court."

"He is already thirteen years old this year, and he has not succeeded in tempering his body. It is impossible to reach Tiangang before the age of fifteen."

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