Some of the Ye family's children pointed at him and said, "This time he is completely useless."

Ye Qingxuan didn't care about it at all, they went directly to the training site, this time it was Feng Feixue who had no relationship with their Ye family who stole the limelight.

Originally thought that Ye Qingfeng could become the best disciple among all the families, but he didn't expect it to be Feng Feixue from the Feng family!

When Ye Qingxuan appeared here, all the disciples looked at him, Ye Yuner walked over and said, "Hey! How is your dantian? Are you okay?"

"It's okay, I'm fine."

Ye Yun looked at Ye Qingxuan, he was worried that this guy was too sad, so he pretended to ignore it here...

"You'd better go back and rest."

"What the **** are you doing? I'm here to practice, why should I go back to rest?"

When Ye Liuyun saw Ye Qingxuan, he said, "Why are you here again? Why don't you take a good rest? Your dantian has been destroyed, and you will have no chance with martial arts from now on."

Ye Qingxuan looked at him and said, "Who said that my heads-up is good, and I have completely practiced the kung fu you taught me last time."

Even he thought that Ye Qingxuan's behavior was due to being too sad, but Ye Qingxuan really showed the introductory mentality that he handed over to Ye Qingxuan to the fullest.

He saw spiritual power in Ye Qingxuan, how could this be possible? How could 0.1 be self-healing when it was destroyed that day?

Ye Liuyun grabbed Ye Qingxuan's wrist, and then checked the position of his abdomen, only to find that there was no problem with the dantian, and the dantian seemed to be stronger than before.

A smile appeared on Ye Liuyun's face, "It seems that you are lucky."

"I have already completed the Ye family's elementary entry-level exercise you taught me, the Xuanyuan Qi Refining Art. How is it? Did you perform well?".

Chapter 1226 Feng Feixue's Thoughts

When Ye Liuyun announced that Ye Qingxuan could continue to practice, everyone was surprised.

"Then how is it possible? Isn't his dantian already broken? Can it still repair itself?"

"I saw with my own eyes yesterday that his dantian was broken."

Ye Yun had a smile on his face, he didn't say anything, he knew Ye Qingxuan would not be so miserable.

There are various exercises in Ye Qingxuan's pendant space, and it can be said that only those that he can't imagine are all the exercises of the mother clan.

Although the Ye family's exercises seem to be far behind those of his mother's family, Ye Qingxuan still needs to learn some of the Ye family's exercises.

In order not to be seen by other people 22.

Ye Liuyun said, "Then you can practice with them. I didn't expect that you are quite smart, and you have completely mastered the elementary exercises in such a short time."

They didn't know that Ye Qingxuan's tempered body had already reached the seventh level, and Ye Qingxuan was not allowed to make a move this time.

If Ye Qingxuan was really allowed to make a move, maybe that Feng Feixue had already been defeated by Ye Qingxuan, and their Ye family was the most powerful.

A few men in black at Feng's house were standing there, and they said, "That guy's dantian has been destroyed by us, he has absolutely no hope."

Feng Feixue said, "Isn't it a little too cruel to do this? We have already divorced, and he has already agreed, so why destroy his dantian?"

"What do you know, maybe he will influence you in the future. It's just right to abolish him at this time, so that he won't have any hope."

"He's already mediocre, and I think that's what's unnecessary."

"Grandpa knows that you are kind-hearted. No matter how you say it, you are also playmates who have played together since childhood."

"Aren't I still saving his life for you?"

"But if he flies away, his dantian might as well kill him."

"I didn't expect him to activate the ability to extract the body so late. If he was a genius, would grandpa agree to the two of us getting married?"

"Not necessarily, the possibility of this is very low."

"You will be the head of the Feng family in the future, so naturally you won't be so short-sighted. You must know your mission."

"I know Grandpa."

His grandfather turned and left, but Feng Feixue stood there, looking at the tree in front of him, recalling everything that happened with Ye Qingxuan when he was a child.

When I was young, I had a great time with Ye Qingxuan and every time they were together.

Gradually growing up, all of them have activated their own cultivation abilities, only Ye Qingxuan is still smashing iron every day.

He didn't know that a piece of black iron could be smashed casually a few times to form his own spiritual weapon.

However, Ye Qingxuan spent so long on it, no matter how stupid a guy is, it didn't take that long to create his own spiritual weapon.

Why did he smash it for so long?

Feng Feixue said to the front, "I'm sorry, I can only let you down. After all, the Feng family is the most important. Since your dantian is abolished, you can live a good life as an ordinary person."

After saying this, Feng Feixue turned around and never looked at the tree in front again, and returned to her room, with that cold look in her eyes again.

And Ye Qingxuan's ability was promoted very fast, his extraction ability quickly reached the ninth level and he could break through Tiangang immediately.

Ye Liuyun said, "Today all the disciples are going to test their dantians.".

Chapter 1227 The News Spreads

They all walked over there, all of them were full of hope for themselves, testing the innate ability of dantian, generally it was ordinary talent.

When he arrived at Ye Yun, his ability fluctuated a bit, and his talent was not bad.

They were shocked when they arrived at Ye Qingxuan, they had actually reached the best talent at the top level.

Ye Liuyun was shocked instantly, Ye Qingxuan's dantian was not destroyed, but became the strongest dantian.

It shocked all the disciples of the Ye family, including the patriarch of the Ye family.

The patriarch said, "Hasn't his dantian been destroyed?"

Ye Liuyun said, "His dantian has recovered by itself. This is the most powerful dantian's ability. Once it is damaged, it can repair itself. This shocked me. I didn't expect my Ye family to appear. Such a genius thought Ye Qingxuan at first. It's a waste, it can't even smash out its own spirit weapon."

Ye Qingxuan has turned from a waste into a genius who is full of stars.

All of a sudden, he was valued by the Ye family. It can also be said that all the children of the Ye family dare to talk about Ye Qingxuan now, and who dare to say that Ye Qingxuan is a waste.

Although it is said that he only started tempering his body when he was twelve years old, this kind of talent is invincible.

Ye Qingfeng, who has always been a genius of the Ye family, has great fluctuations in his dantian ability, but compared with Ye Qingxuan, he is really different, but he is also happy for Ye Qingxuan, after all, he is also a child of the Ye family.

Ye Yun said to Ye Qingxuan, "You have finally got rid of the title of trash, I don't think anyone will dare to talk about you now'."

Ye Qingxuan's father found Ye Qingxuan, Ye Yun turned around and left, the father and son must have something to say, usually the head of the family never pays much attention to Ye Qingxuan, this time he came to him on his own initiative, Ye Yun's face became more and more smiling thick.

"It seems that I usually ignore you. Don't blame me for being like this here. After all, this is a world where martial arts are respected. If you don't even have the minimum cultivation base, you can only rely on your own ability to rely on yourself .”

"I don't need to control you. If I control you, it will be tantamount to harming you. After all, after you walk out of the Ye family's inner courtyard, you will have no ability to survive. After all, you will be sent out of the Ye family's inner courtyard if you do not reach Tiangang before the age of fifteen. "

Ye Qingxuan said, "I know that my father also has good intentions, but now I don't have to be sent out of the Ye family's inner courtyard, and I will definitely break through the sky before I turn fifteen."

"Even if you don't break through the Tiangang, you don't need to go out now, just relying on the ability of your dantian, sooner or later you will be a peerless martial arts genius."

"¨By the way, how many levels have you reached in Body Tempering now?"

Ye Qingxuan said, "I just broke through the ninth level of body tempering."

"What? I heard it right, isn't the Body Tempering Nine Festivals going to break through Tiangang soon? Could it be that you will be able to break through Tiangang before you are twelve years old."

"At this time, the two-year-old is about to pass, and I don't know if I can break through."


"Good, good, good!"

Ye Qingxuan's father even said three nice words to (okay), turned around and left.

All of a sudden Ye Qingxuan became a man of influence in the entire Ye family, suddenly turned from a waste into a genius, isn't it a miracle, what is it?

What people didn't expect was that the news spread to Feng's family very quickly.

The head of the Feng family said, "How is this possible? How could he become a genius."

Feng Feixue didn't expect that he had just retired from his side, and that his family's side had already become a genius minister of the Ye family.

Chapter 1228

In order to find out the truth, they decided to visit the Ye family tomorrow.

The next day was another snowy day. It stopped snowing all day yesterday, and it started to fall again today. The snow was heavy, and the heavy snow like goose feathers kept falling down. At this moment, the Ye family family once again Greet the head of the Feng family.

"I heard that Ye Qingxuan was tested to be an excellent dantian, capable of self-healing."

"Thinking that his dantian was injured this time, the child is pitiful enough."

"Ah, don't worry, his dantian does have the ability to repair itself, and it has recovered now, and it is even stronger than before."

"I just heard that his 340 dantian was injured and felt that he was very pitiful. He couldn't practice at the beginning, but after finally being able to practice, his dantian was destroyed again. Now that he has recovered, it would be even better."

Feng Feixue stood there, Ye Yun passed by him, leaned beside him and said, "Regret it, it's a pity, some people just don't have that kind of conviction."

Without waiting for Feng Feixue to reply, she turned around and left.

"Since that's the case, I'm at ease."

"It's such a snowy day, since you're here, why don't you have a light meal here?"

The owner of the Feng family said, "Okay?"

During the banquet, Ye Qingxuan never looked at Feng Feixue at all, and he didn't even hesitate to cast a glance at him.

Lin Yun had a mocking expression on his face.

They left here after eating.

Lin Yun's grandfather said, "It seems that you shouldn't listen to this matter. I should kill him."

"Grandpa, I think it's better to forget it. Anyway, we have already called off this marriage."

"How can this work? His existence is your joke. Although he is extremely talented, I will never let him exist. Don't worry, grandpa will deal with him."

He knew what grandpa wanted to do, and he couldn't stop it even if he wanted to, so he could only let Ye Qingxuan ask for his own blessing.

No one dared to touch him in the Ye family, but if you want to walk out of the door of the Ye family, that's not necessarily the case (ccab).

The Ye family said, "Ye Qingxuan was just a mediocre disciple of the Ye family before, and the mediocre ones can't be more mediocre. It can also be said that he is a waste, but who wants to abolish his dantian?"

An elder said, "I'm also very curious. If they said that they beheaded the genius of our Ye family, there is a reason for that, but a useless firewood will also destroy the dantian. What is going on?"

"I suspect that this matter has nothing to do with the Feng family. They just quit the group, and someone wants to waste Ye Qingxuan's dantian."

"This incident makes people secretly find out who did it. If he makes a move this time, then next time, our Ye family is not easy to bully. Ye Qingxuan is now a talented disciple of the Ye family machine, and he must protect it. stand up."

"But who sent the news? Although the disciples of the Ye family know about it, they won't talk nonsense when they go out. I have already instructed them."

"If there is an inner ghost, then do a thorough investigation and find out this guy."

A Xiaosi next to him, after hearing this sentence, accidentally touched something next to him, and the Patriarch noticed it, and he slapped that side, and that Xiaosi was immediately thrown out .

It's frightening that they are talking here, and they dare to eavesdrop here, which means that he has a ghost.

Chapter 1229 The Lingering Figure

It turns out that the ghost is not a disciple of their family, but these servants. It seems that this guy must be the ghost of the Feng family.

I saw him attract him with a palm, and then said, "Who allowed you to eavesdrop here."

"The little Patriarch just happened to pass by here~ that's all."

"Do you really think my Ye family is a fool? You think I don't know that you are a spy of the Ye family."

"Whether you say you will stay here today."

This Xiao Si knew that he was doomed, he immediately bit the venom hidden between his teeth, and instantly vomited black blood.

The elder said, "It seems that he is really an inner ghost. I will thoroughly investigate these servants and try to remove all people who have no blood relationship with the Ye family from the outer court."

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