"It's okay, since I've already withdrawn this time, I'll stay with Tian Zidan today, so I'll leave."

They turned and left the place.

The elder stood up and said, "This Feng family is deceiving people too much."

"That's right, they begged to marry Ye Qingxuan back then, and now they come here to voluntarily withdraw the engagement."

"You really don't take us seriously?"

The Ye family stood up and said with a soft sigh, "Maybe we will do the same."

"After all, Feng Feixue 337's current cultivation has reached the eighth level of Body Tempering, and he is considered to be the most outstanding among these children."

The heavy snow has not stopped for the past two days.

Tomorrow is the time for the big families to compete.

Ye Qingxuan's attack technique has already been practiced, and he kept practicing in his room. He knew that he had been practicing for two years. Others started practicing at the age of ten, but he did not create his own at the age of twelve. artifact.

But his speed is really fast enough, the time tempered body has already reached the seventh level in one night, completely surpassing Ye Qingfeng.

But no one knows that he is already at the seventh level of Body Tempering, and they all think he is just a beginner.

Chapter 1222 The annual family competition

Ye Yun said, "You idiot, why did you agree to him so readily?"

Ye Qingxuan turned his head and saw that it was him. Shouldn't you be leaving at this time?

"Come on, come on, I'm going there right now? Don't you go to see the excitement without you this time?"

"What catches your eyes?"

"Go and have a look, anyway, you'll be fine if you stay at home."

"If I appear in that place, won't I become the laughing stock of everyone?"

"Then it's up to you. Whether you go or not is your own business. I'll go first."

Xiaofeng is not afraid of people making jokes, he didn't want to watch the fun, but after thinking about it, it would be good to go and see, but he wanted to see how outstanding Feng Feixue's performance was?

It was able to make his face show such an arrogance, but he was only twelve years old, so arrogant at such a young age.

Ye Qingxuan went with them, and the snow in the sky never stopped along the way. Everyone wore a cloak, and Ye Qingxuan was no exception.

His white cloak completely covered him, if he wasn't someone familiar, he wouldn't be able to recognize Ye Qingxuan at all.

When they came here, the four major families had already gathered.

The four major families naturally exchanged pleasantries. When Ye Qingxuan saw that Feng Feixue, he was standing next to the head of the family, still looking proud like you.

Yun'er turned her head and saw Ye Qingxuan and said, "Didn't you say you won't come? You won't be afraid of being laughed at."

"I thought about it again. If I don't come to see how you, little girl, make a fool of myself, I feel uncomfortable."



This competition has already started, the snow under it doesn't seem to be that big, and the light snowflakes are falling from the sky, and those people who are the top of the ring are holding their own spiritual weapons to fight on it.

This posture is quite graceful, and Ye Qingxuan is leaning against a big tree next to him. It seems that all these things have nothing to do with him. Generally speaking, his master also said that this time he is not allowed to go up to the competition, and I know it is because The reason why he has no cultivation base is not because he looks down on him.

After waiting for a long time, Ye Qingxuan finally saw that Feng Feixue was fighting him with Ye Qingfeng from the Ye Family!

Now look at him as the only one who is the best match for him, so he looks at Ye Qingfeng with different eyes, Ye Qingxuan can tell it at a glance.

Ye Qingxuan calmly said to his body, "This person will change his mind when he grows up, he is no longer a child, when you were young, he was just a playmate."

I saw that the moment he showed his spiritual weapon was a whip.

He is quite powerful, the spiritual weapon he created is actually a nine-turn spiritual whip, it seems that this Feng Feixue is really extraordinary.

He was on par with the Ye family's children in strength, and he was the one who won in the end, still in that haughty manner. The moment he walked on, two servant girls walked up to him and put on the cloak for him.

Ye Qingfeng is the most powerful person in the Ye family, he was defeated by that guy, not to mention the other two (good Zhao) big families, no one is a match for this named Feng Feixue.

Ye Qingxuan said, "¨It's boring, it's really boring, it's better to stay at Ye's house."

Ye Qingxuan left here, and he was the one who left by himself. On the way to Ye's house, he suddenly felt someone following him.

Thinking who was playing a prank, turned around and saw a man in black with his face covered, Ye Qingxuan had been reincarnated many times, this kind of situation is usually an opportunity to assassinate him.

Chapter 1223 Dantian is destroyed

He started running as soon as he could. He is only at the tempered body level now, so how could he be the opponent of this person in front of him.

He could sense that this person's spiritual power was very strong.

Ye Qingxuan shouted loudly while running, "What are you chasing me for?"

"Ask knowingly, and I will let you die to understand that I am here to kill you."

In the next second, that guy's sword really stabbed Ye Qingxuan in the abdomen, Ye Qingxuan was shocked instantly, he just turned around and came here, no way, he's getting his lunch now.

He withdrew his sword, at that moment the man in black left the place without looking back, thinking that his sword must have broken Ye Qing's 340 Xuan's dantian, even if he didn't die, he would be a waste.

Ye Qingxuan was thinking that he didn't find who he offended in all the memories? Why did this guy want to abolish himself?

Seeing that his abdomen was bleeding profusely, he was really worried. Could it be that he will not be able to complete the reincarnation task this time?

But at this moment, the pendant on his neck glowed red, and all the energy was injected into Ye Qingxuan's body, Ye Qingxuan didn't even notice it.

This energy was repairing his dantian, Ye Qingxuan stood up and found that he was fine, but the blood on (ccab) was still there, and the wound was also there.

At this time, the members of the Ye family also rushed towards this side. When they found Ye Qingxuan, they saw the white snow, and the ground was stained red with blood. It was obvious that Ye Qingxuan was injured, and there was blood on his abdomen.

Ye Liuyun immediately walked over, looked at Ye Qingxuan and said, "Your dantian."

Ye Qingxuan fainted immediately, in fact he was faking it.

When these people brought Ye Qingxuan back, they put him on the bed.

Ye Liuyun said who was going to destroy Ye Qingxuan's dantian, he was the least outstanding disciple of the Ye family, no one would do that.

Ye Qingxuan's father said, "Looking at this position, it is undoubtedly the dantian. Why is this child so pitiful? It's okay to be a late enlightenment. Unexpectedly, the dantian was shattered just now."

They all nodded helplessly, turned around and left, but Ye Yun was a little sad. He finally turned on the tempering body to practice. What people didn't expect was that this happened again. Ruthless Yunyun thinks it can't be someone else, it must be done by the Feng family.

But this is just his own idea.

Although Ye Yun was a little worried, he still left. He was afraid that Ye Qingxuan would find out that his dantian had been destroyed when he woke up, so he would do something stupid.

All the people left, but they didn't see that the wound on Ye Qingxuan's abdomen had healed, and there was no trace at all, and his dantian recovered.

Ye Qingxuan was about to change into the clothes he was wearing, but there were still blood stains all over them, why did all these people leave, and no one cared about him.

But when the servants came in, they saw Ye Qingxuan stood up and had already changed his clothes. They said, "Master, are your wounds alright?"

Ye Qingxuan said, "It's okay, it's just a skin injury, I don't need you, you all step back."

They didn't even dare to breathe and retreated outside the door. One person said to the other, "Master, has he lost his mind and gone crazy? His dantian has been destroyed. He actually said it was just a skin trauma."

"Is it because he can't bear such a blow?"

Chapter 1224 Inheritance of Bloodline

Ye Qingxuan took a breath and sensed the energy of his dantian. He found that this dantian was not destroyed, but became stronger. What's going on?

Ye Qingxuan felt that something was beating on his neck, and Ye Qingxuancai found out that there was still a pendant on his neck at this moment. Could it be that this pendant has some special plot like the last reincarnation?

A reincarnation is indeed different, because he reincarnated when he reincarnated in, he didn't say what the task here is.

Ye Qingxuan touched the pendant with his hand, he wanted to see how to activate the pendant.

In the next second, he went in with a huff. Of course, he didn't go in with his whole body, but his consciousness.

"You finally have the ability to come in."

Ye Qingxuan looked at the person in front of him, he was not an old man who looked very young, but in fact he was indeed an old man, he just kept his appearance.

"It was you who helped me recover Dan~Tian."

"If it weren't for me, your dantian would have been damaged long ago. Now I not only help you restore your dantian, but also your talent is stronger than before, and your dantian is stronger than before."

"You have a destiny with this pendant, and it is the only thing your mother left you."

As soon as Ye Qingxuan heard this sentence, he knew that his mother's identity was not simple.

Your ability to enter here means that your bloodline is about to awaken, and you will awaken the bloodline of your mother clan.

Ye Qingxuan thought to himself, there is such a good thing, not only strengthened his dantian, but also inherited the strengthened blood, it seems that his mother and concubine are really not simple, but why did he appear here again, could it be that something happened to the mother clan .

"You're pretty smart."

"No, you actually know what I'm thinking."

"Your blood has already dripped on this pendant, or do you think you can activate this pendant? It is precisely because that guy assassinated you that your blood splashed on this pendant, so the pendant was activated. saved your life."

Ye Qingxuan said, "So I have to thank that guy."

"It depends on what you think."

"Then what exactly is my bloodline activated?

Why do I have no sense? "

The person who was talking to him pointed a powerful energy into Ye Qingxuan's body, and this energy spread in Ye Qingxuan's mind in an instant, and a powerful memory appeared in his mind.

····Ask for flowers 0·

The words that were written one after another radiated light, and they were all remembered by him in the next second after passing in front of him, "What is this?"

"Open the blood of the **** king."

"Successfully opened the blood of the God King."


After the sound ended, Ye Qingxuan instantly felt a powerful energy in his body, brushed the energy, and after it spread in the pendant, Ye Qingxuan returned to his original appearance, he didn't feel any difference .

The person in front of him said to Ye Qingxuan, "My name is Wuya, and after the fall of a powerful member of your mother clan, my spiritual consciousness was entrusted here."

"I am the only one who has the blood of the God King. Your mother and concubine took this pendant for the purpose of inheriting the blood of the God King. She did not hesitate to commit herself to become a concubine in this family with your father."

"Although in the end he was still depressed because of family affairs, although he is no longer here, but with you here, I believe you can inherit the blood of the God King." One.

Chapter 1225 The Relationship Between Bloodline Inheritance and Mother Clan

"He is hiding here in this place, and the enemy will never find him in this capacity."

I didn't expect the identity of this master to be so strange, but if he didn't arrive here, it would not be so easy for him to inherit the blood.

Ye Qingxuan said, "Then how can I inherit the bloodline?"

Wu Ya looked at him and said, "I've already done all of this. Don't you feel the difference in your body?"

Ye Qingxuan felt that his body was indeed different, and there seemed to be a dark spiritual power that could be seen through the surface of his skin.

The reincarnation tower made a sound, "Ding! Congratulations to the host who has found the reincarnation mission this time. Entering this reincarnation world, possessing the blood of the **** king, and reaching the strongest state of the blood of the **** king, can complete the reincarnation mission this time."

"Ye Qingxuan didn't expect that this reincarnation mission just appeared."

Now that the blood of the **** king has entered his body, wouldn't it be enough to inspire the blood of the **** king?

He glanced at Wu Ya who was standing in front of him and said, "Do I have the power of blood now?"

"You just have the bloodline of the **** king, but you don't have the power of the bloodline of the **** king. You are too weak now, but you are only tempering your body. How can you use the power of the bloodline?"

"Well, it seems that I entered here today, that is, you tell me that you exist in this pendant."

The next day Ye Qingxuan walked outside, and everyone looked at him with sympathetic expressions. This guy's dantian was injured, and he didn't just rest in the room honestly, what did he run out for?

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