He immediately hit Yu Huatian's shoulder with a wave of his hand and pushed him out, even if it was too late.

The trace of magic energy has been injected into the formation, and Ye Qingxuan also sensed the inner thread of magic energy. He also knows that it is the injection of Yuhua (ccab) heaven. At this moment, the head of Tianmen has also found out, but now they have no time to talk to each other. Feather days.

I saw that the devil emperor gathered his spiritual power and broke through Ye Qingxuan's formation in an instant. Qin Hao had no choice but to inject his spiritual power into Ye Qingxuan's body. Now looking at this powerful The formation can't hold it anymore, is he really going to do this?

The Devil Emperor said to Ye Qingxuan, "You will be the most powerful formation mage, which really shocked me."

"It's a pity, your cultivation is not enough, it's just that of a great true spirit."

When the devil emperor said that Ye Qingxuan was a great true spirit, the headmen and elders on Tianshan Mountain were all shocked. When did this disciple break through to the great true spirit? Could it be because of Qin Hao? Really capable.

They all nodded incessantly, it was really great to be able to become Qin Hao's disciple, and the speed at which their cultivation base improved by leaps and bounds must have been too fast.

How did they know that Ye Qingxuan's cultivation level had already reached the Great True Spirit long before Qin Hao became his teacher, and his top-level array master and top-level sound lawyer were all achieved by himself using one-click full level.

This formation didn't stop him, Ye Qingxuan knew it was because of his cultivation, and then he summoned his own Shadow Streamer.

Ye Qingxuan just played the piano, and so did his master Meng Zui, the sound of their piano made the people in Mosha Palace feel like they had splitting headaches, including Zixuan, who couldn't bear it.

The Devil Emperor waved his own flaming blade towards the front, and at this time the head of the Tianmen also came to meet him. Unfortunately, he was not the Devil Emperor's opponent at all, and he was hit by the palm with just two moves, and a mouthful of blood spewed out.

And it will be Qin Hao who greets him. Qin Hao grabbed the head of the sect with a palm, and after stabilizing him on the ground, he ate his own spiritual weapon and confronted the flaming blade.

His spiritual power exploded, and he could see that the territory of the Devil Emperor and Qin Hao was really strong enough.

Ye Qingxuan knows that the current Qin Hao is not the opponent of the Devil Emperor, because he has not yet recovered to the peak period, and it seems that he is about to reach the peak in this world.

Chapter 1214 Breaking through the Divine Spirit Realm

Mengzui did not expect that Ye Qingxuan's music palace had surpassed himself.

But Qin Hao could tell at a glance that he was not only a top alchemist, but also a top formation master, and now even his rhythm technique had reached the peak, he was really a rare genius.

He still doesn't know that Ye Qingxuan is still a top craftsman. If these people in Tianmen know, they will be even more shocked. Now Ye Qingxuan has given them too much surprise.

As for Yu Huatian standing in the corner, he watched Ye Qingxuan display all his abilities here, but he was powerless now.

The palm that Yu Huatian was hit just now had already caused him internal injuries. He didn't expect Qin Hao to hit him. In fact, he didn't notice his devilish energy.

He didn't know exactly why.

Nobody pays attention to him now, he's in that corner.

If it wasn't for the Devil Emperor's action, the sound of the zither would have killed the people in the Demon Sha Palace long ago, and it was precisely because of the Devil Emperor's move to block the two zithers that they were instantly knocked over by him~.

Ye Qingxuan didn't expect him to be so-powerful.

The most powerful thing is the flaming blade in his hand. His master Yuhua Daoist once told Ye Qingxuan that only if his cultivation base is higher than the opponent's, can he overwhelm the opponent's skills. But Flame Blade, he naturally has a powerful fire element-energy.

The duel between Qin Hao and the Devil Emperor is obviously at a disadvantage, because he is no longer the original him. The elders and the head of the sect immediately gathered their energy and charged forward when Qin Hao came back. The palm hit Ye Qingxuan's body.

Injecting all of his spiritual power into Ye Qingxuan's body, Ye Qingxuan had already prepared it long ago, because Qin Hao told him before that if this day really came true, he would do this, so Ye Qingxuan can only accept it now, He can't reject it, once he rejects the entire Tianmen, he will be swallowed by the Devil Emperor.

When Yu Huatian saw this scene, he really couldn't understand why Qin Hao imparted spiritual power to Ye Qingxuan's deep wound. The more he thought about it, the stronger the demon energy in his body became, and finally both eyes turned black, and the whole person was crushed. The magic energy was swallowed up.

He still has his own thinking, at this moment his hands clenched into fists and his veins bulged. His master Minglang was shocked when he saw this scene, Yu Huatian actually fell into the magic way.

····Ask for flowers 0·

Ming Lang flew over in an instant, and when Yu Huatian was unprepared, he slapped him unconscious with a palm.

He was forced to do so, if he was allowed to go down, he would not be able to be rescued, anyway, Yuhuatian was also his disciple.


The elders and heads of Tianmen supported the powerful spiritual power of the devil emperor, and the people of Mosha Palace were handed over to Wu Shan and the others to deal with them.

Ye Qingxuan inhaled Qin Hao's sharpness into his body, and saw that he began to change instantly, breaking through from the Great True Spirit Realm to the Primordial Spirit Realm, and from the Primordial Spirit Realm to the Divine Spirit Realm, which is the last stage, which is the grand slam.

As long as the grand slam is achieved, Ye Qingxuan has completed the task of the True Spirit Pagoda.

Master Yuhua didn't expect that the result would be like this, Qin Hao would inject all his spiritual power into Ye Qingxuan's body.

Of course, the soul in this Ye Qingxuan's body is not here, the previous Ye Qingxuan is still in this body, and he can see everything that this Ye Qingxuan is showing now.

Chapter 1215 Breaking Through the Grand Slam

After Qin Hao imparted all his skills to Ye Qingxuan, his hair instantly turned white.

Ye Qingxuan could support him and said, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, I'll leave the rest to you."

"Well, let's see mine next."

He helped Qin Hao over there to sit down first, and then rushed up directly with the Bing Ning sword in his hand. The devil emperor is simply too "three-three-three" powerful, and the master and the four elders combined are not his opponents. , they were all injured, thinking that this time the catastrophe of Tianmen was coming.

But they didn't expect that when Ye Qingxuan rushed up, their eyes were all focused on Ye Qingxuan.

Tianshu said, "I knew he was so talented, so he must have a different mission of his own."

The head of Tianmen did not expect Ye Qingxuan to burst out with such a powerful force all of a sudden, how could this be possible?

This kind of power is at least at the Divine Spirit Realm.

The moment he saw Qin Hao, he understood.

It turned out that it was Qin Hao who passed all his skills to Ye Qingxuan, but there was no way out of it.

The devil emperor saw that the person in front of him was Ye Qingxuan, and his energy suddenly became so great.

He looked forward again and saw Qin Hao with white hair. He knew that it was Qin Hao who passed his skills to Ye Qingxuan.

He said, "It seems that you are really right."

Ye Qingxuan said, if you don't do these things, maybe Tianmen and Mosha Palace can coexist peacefully, but what you are doing now really makes me unable to understand.

"Then you are wrong, this is impossible."

Different fire energy collides with ice energy. Daoist Chloride once told Ye Qingxuan that if his cultivation base is greater than the energy that counteracts it, he will be suppressed far away.

The whole body of the two people in the two heavens of ice and fire, waiting for the powerful energy to collide together, one is fiery red and the other is ice color.

The Demon Emperor's cultivation has also reached the Divine Spirit Realm. His cultivation is about the same as Ye Qingxuan's, but it's a pity that he is not as powerful as Ye Qingxuan. Ye Qingxuan is not only a top formation master but also a top voice lawyer.

Ye Shiwen and the others were dumbfounded as they watched over there.

Ye Qi said, "How long has it been? We have only been in Tianmen for more than a year, and Ye Qingxuan has already reached the Divine Spirit Realm..."

"Am I dreaming?"

Ye Shiwen next to him pinched him directly, causing him to groan in pain.

"Do you think this is a dream?"

"It's true, it's not a dream, isn't our Jiuyou amazing?"

"Do you still need to think about it?"

I am so happy, not only the disciples of the Ye family are happy, but all the disciples are also happy.

The most displeased thing is that Yu Huatian, a disciple of the Yu Clan, was originally the pride of their clan and opened the blood of the Yu Clan, but now he turned into that dead face and was knocked out there, with his hands and feet tied up.

Except for the Devil Emperor, the other Human Heaven Sects are not in their eyes.

Disciples who stick to the door can deal with them, plus there are so many masters 0.1.

The Devil Emperor originally thought that he could defeat Ye Qingxuan's own flame blade, but it was very powerful.

What he never imagined was that Ye Qingxuan's ability should not be underestimated. He has just obtained great strength and can play freely.

During Ye Qingxuan's battle with the Devil Emperor, he reached the Grand Slam from the Divine Spirit Realm, but in an instant, a pair of ice wings grew out of his back.

Chapter 1216 Completing the Reincarnation Task

After Jiuyou's strongest bloodline reaches the grand slam, it will grow a pair of wings. Because of its soldier Ji's skills, these wings also belong to him of the ice system.

Now that he has reached the realm of the Ice Emperor, he doesn't pay attention to his monster group at all.

It flew out with a whoosh, and it evolved at this time, also because the master became stronger, and the dumpling turned into a huge ice crystal phoenix behind him.

Looking at my own monster, I smiled instantly. I thought you were just a dumpling, but I didn't expect you to be so powerful.

Using the powerful ice-type 22 energy of the Bingning sword, coupled with the ice-type energy of the dumpling, the two energies radiated towards the devil emperor together. Moder, holding his own flame blade, swung his sword and sent out a strong flame When confronting this ice energy, he was instantly frozen.

Even the flame blade in his hand was extinguished, and the fiery red color faded into a black rusty appearance.

The remaining energy hit the Devil Emperor's chest and was instantly sent flying.

The devil emperor didn't expect that he would be defeated by this brat. The first time he saw him, he was only in the realm of a great true spirit. Now he has reached the grand slam, which is really fast enough.

Ye Qingxuan has become the highest realm here, and he has completed the task of Reincarnation Tower.

After eliminating the Demon Emperor, the entire Demon Sha Palace collapsed automatically.

Lei Zhentian and He Zixuan are not in danger at all. The most powerful one is the Devil Emperor, because his cultivation base has reached the Divine Spirit Realm, and now his soul has been completely destroyed, and it is impossible to be reborn, and he is not that powerful The pharmacist in the world helped him to be reborn, even if he had a little bit of consciousness, he couldn't do anything.

With Ye Qingxuan's current ability, he doesn't need to stay in Tianmen at all, he can go back to Jiuyou directly, but before returning to Jiuyou, he still has to do a few things. The first thing is to help Qin Hao.

He refined a very special elixir, after which he could return to his original state, but his cultivation could never reach that state.

Qin Hao's white hair turned black again. He did not expect the top alchemist to be so powerful. Of course, Ye Qingxuan did not know this method. This method is the jade flower in the pendant. A real person taught him.

Ye Qingxuan wanted to help Reverend Yuhua, Reverend Yuhua said, "No need, I already knew that you are not from here, it seems that you are leaving."

"I knew, Master, that you are not an ordinary person. I didn't expect you to have noticed it long ago, but the deity of this body is still here. After I leave, he should be able to inherit my energy."

"He can only inherit your cultivation, not other abilities."

Ye Qingxuan finished his last thing and left this world. The 333 deity in this body became the current owner of this body. He has also changed. The previous foolish look is really no different from Ye Qingxuan, except for two There is a big gap between individual abilities.

His consciousness also came to the pendant, and he said to Master Yuhua, "Do you think he will come back?"

"I don't know about it, but wouldn't it be better if he didn't come back? Although you didn't inherit his other abilities, you have already taken the most powerful cultivation base. Who else in the whole world can do this?" can surpass you."

"I just don't think I would be where I am today without him, and to be honest I kind of miss him when I share a body.

Chapter 1217 Reincarnation to Chongwu Continent

He used to be a dandy, but after being in the same body as Ye Qingxuan's soul, he has also undergone earth-shaking changes during this period of time. He did not expect that he, who has always been mediocre, would reach such a state.

As for the Yuhuatian of Yuzhu, his skills were naturally ignited by the abolished powerful blood and dissipated. The Yu clan still refused to let it go. Ye Qingxuan saved his life, Ye Qingxuan is the most advanced alchemist, it's useless, the current Ye Qingxuan doesn't know how to make alchemy at all.

Patriarch Jiuyou said, "It's not that I don't help you, I really can't do anything. You also know that in this world where martial arts is the most important thing, who can imagine what a master thinks?"

"I've already mentioned this matter, but he didn't pay attention to it at all, let's just give up."

This Ye Qingxuan here, he is now respected everywhere he goes, including Ye Shiwen and Ye Qi who used to be crazy with him, and they no longer dare to call him Ye Qingxuan, and call him the Holy One in Jiuyou.

Some people also call him the Ice Emperor!

Ye Qingxuan returned to the True Spirit Pagoda, preparing for the next reincarnation. He didn't know where he would be reincarnated this time.

"Congratulations on completing the reincarnation mission'."

"Enter the next reincarnation world."

Ye Qingxuan disappeared in place with a whoosh. All the rewards obtained through the reincarnation card are in his space, and only he knows the space of being alone.

The place he came to was currently under heavy snowfall, and the snowflakes fluttered down from the sky.

Apparently the year has come to an end.

The Ye Family in the Demon City, they are one of the four great families in the Chongwu Continent.

When it comes to the annual competition of the four major families, they are preparing a month in advance. All the families are like this, including the children of the Ye family. They are very diligent at this time, and they are all practicing their martial arts.

The other disciples were all practicing their martial arts in the front yard, and only one was tinkling in the back yard.

Yes, he was beating a piece of iron.

He didn't know what was going on with this piece of iron. He repeatedly tempered it back and forth, and hammered it back and forth, but it didn't break it.

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