"I will do my best, but what I want to tell you is that my current ability is the top lawyer Yin and the top formation mage. Although these two cannot deal with the devil emperor, if my cultivation is reaching a certain level , it’s best to break through the final Divine Spirit Realm and reach the grand slam, right?”

"When you reach the Grand Slam, you are already invincible, but by then, I am afraid that everything has already happened, although I know that your talent is very good, and in a short period of time, you can make yourself break through the big truth. spirit."

"I've never seen it before, but the people from the Devil's Palace will definitely make a move recently, and they are bound to win. With my ability, I can't stop it, let alone other people."

····Ask for flowers 0·

"As my top array mage and top music lawyer, I can't repel them."

"The people in Mosha Palace also have this, so although you are very powerful, they also have their power."

"Then I really can't do anything. It seems that those people must rescue the Devil Emperor from the black tower."


"Once the devil emperor comes out of the tower, he will destroy the Tianmen first, and then all the families will rule the whole world. By then, the whole world will become dark."

Ye Qingxuan also called that guy his friend, he is so evil.

"Then let's see what happens then."

Qin Hao nodded.

"Did anything happen on the way back this time?"

"That Zixuan from Mosha Palace suddenly came to kill me and silence me. So many disciples chose me. I think this matter is strange."

"You mean to say that there are traitors in Tianmen."

Ye Qingxuan said, "That's my guess, but I don't know if it's true or not." 1.

Chapter 1210 Suspected of a traitor

"Whether you have done something or not, you have to be more cautious and make it better. I will mention this matter to the head, and I believe he knows it well."

Ye Qingxuan said, "Originally, I didn't think about this matter, but this time when I went back to the family to tell the family about this matter, I ran into Zi Xuan from Mosha Palace on the way back."

"He actually knew my "330" position, and this time he came here to take my life. If no one told me, how could he have found me so accurately."

"It's all speculation on my part."

Ye Qingxuan's guess is really correct, there is indeed a traitor, and the traitor is none other than Yu Huatian.

Some people would guess that this traitor is Yuhuatian, after all, Yuhuatian is a new disciple, if there is really a traitor, he should also be an old man from Tianmen.

When Qin Hao came to the head of Tianmen, he saw that the head never had to salute.

He just nodded lightly, and then said to the head of Tianmen, "I suspect that there are traitors in Tianmen. Of course, this is just my suspicion. I told you that I want you to be careful."

"I think so too. After all, there was a time when the barrier at the black tower was opened by a formation, but there is no disciple of Tianmen who can set up this formation."

"This incident is absolutely impossible to be done by Wu Shan."

Qin Hao nodded and said, "Then you should check it out, don't startle the snake."

"Don't worry, I know what's going on, how are you?"

"If he is really released this time, I'm afraid there's nothing I can do. I can only do my best."

"Are you going to..."

"That's right!"

The head of Tianshan took another look at Qin Hao. He didn't expect him to sacrifice so much for Tianshan.

Qin Hao turned around and left this place. He knew that Qin Hao told him that there might be traitors in Tianmen, but it was actually for the good of Tiananmen. Although he didn't believe it, it might be true.

He will definitely pay attention to this matter.

When Qin Hao returned to his palace again, Ye Qingxuan was sitting there practicing.

He sat beside the stream and remained motionless. At this moment, his divine stone had already entered the pendant on his neck, and the pendant emitted a faint light.

If you didn't pay attention deliberately, you would never find that the pendant on his neck was covered by his first level....

Qin Hao just glanced at it lightly, then turned around and entered the room, because he also needs to practice now.

I can't go back to my heyday, but even that's okay, just be as good as you can.

Ye Qingxuan has already arrived at the big forest, he is always in the pendant, naturally he is talking to his master.

When Master Yuhua saw Ye Qingxuan, he said, "Zixuan deliberately came here to kill you, there must be a mole in Tiananmen, but the most likely person is none other than Yuhuatian."

"Why is the master so sure?"

"Except that he wants your life, there is no one else. Every time you approach him, I can sense a trace of magic 0.1 energy in his body."

"You mean that he has fallen into the devil's way."

"He hasn't completely fallen into the devil's way. Once he does, he will be discovered immediately."

"Zixuan deliberately rushed over to kill me because of Yuhuatian. Could it be that they have reached some consensus?"

"It must be so."

"But there is no evidence now."

Chapter 1211 Last visit

"Actually, I thought so too, but it's a pity that there is no evidence."

"This matter will come to light sooner or later. If he continues to degenerate like this, his demonic energy will become heavier and heavier. When it shows up, can the head of the Tianmen sect not find out? Once discovered, then he will His cultivation base will be abolished, no matter how high his talent is."

"Maybe it's because he was always standing at the top and looking down, and suddenly he was overtaken by me. He was very unconvinced and he became like this. Then he became what he is today because of me."

"What does it have to do with you? It's impossible in this world. He is the one with the highest talent."

"It can only be said that this Yuhuatian, his mind is too narrow."

After Ye Qingxuan finished talking to his master, his consciousness returned to his body in an instant. He glanced at the door behind him and knew that Qin Hao had returned.

In the dead of night, he left the mountain and walked towards the black tower. His figure had just left here, and Qin Hao appeared in the next second. He looked at Ye Qingxuan's figure and saw him walking towards the black tower. Over there, he knew he had seen that guy.

Knowing that the person who broke in with the formation must be Ye Qingxuan, but he didn't say it because he knew that the traitor was not Ye Qingxuan.

Ye Qingxuan entered the black tower, the devil emperor sensed Ye Qingxuan's arrival, turned around with a smile on his face and said, "Stinky boy, you are here again this time to see if I brought me something to eat?"

Ye Qingxuan said lightly, "You are really the only devil emperor in this world."

"Why do you dare to believe it until now?"

"Maybe this is the last time I will see you, and this is my snack for you."

"Why do you say that?"

"You should know the blade of flame."

The Demon Emperor said, "Of course I know, it is the spiritual weapon of my demon clan."

"Now that Mosha Palace has obtained the Flame Blade, it will rescue you soon, and you and I will become enemies."

"So it's this swordsman, it's nothing, you can join our Mosha Palace, it doesn't matter if you have devilish energy or not."

"One thing I don't understand. Your cultivation base is so high, why do you want to kill innocent people indiscriminately?"

"Hahaha! There is nothing innocent. Anyone I kill deserves to die. In this world where martial arts are the most important thing, as long as you have the supreme ability, you can dominate the whole world. Why are you so informal.

Sometimes Ye Qingxuan thinks about it, the devil emperor is quite clear, but it's a pity, he still can't agree with his thoughts.

"Differences do not conspire with each other. Maybe you stay here if you don't go out in this life. We will be friends forever. Once you step out of this black tower, you and I will become enemies."

"Well, I won't force you either."

Ye Qingxuan turned around and left, the Devil Emperor kept shaking his head, he could tell that 330 Ye Qingxuan was a peerless genius.

It's a pity, he doesn't belong to the disciple of the demon clan, even if he doesn't have a trace of demon energy in him, as long as he is willing to join the Mosha Palace, he absolutely agrees, and he can make him a person under one person and above ten thousand people.

He didn't expect that Mozun to handle things quite neatly, he has already got the blade of flames so quickly, it seems that he will definitely come to save him in a short time, otherwise that brat wouldn't have said so.

Of course he was happy. Looking at the iron chains in his hands, he had already hated them. These thousand-year-old black irons were really extraordinary. If it wasn't for the flaming blade, he might be trapped in this spiritual weapon forever. here.

Chapter 1212 The Most Powerful Formation

The Demon Lord was really ready to attack. Now that he had obtained the Blazing Blade, he had such a plan. He ordered all the people from the Demon Palace to attack the Tianmen.

Ye Qingxuan also knew that his reincarnation mission in this world might be completed soon, he didn't expect that the speed of progress would be so fast.

On a dark night, Mosha Palace was ready to go out, and it was still a cloudy day.

They took advantage of Tianmen's unpreparedness to launch a sneak attack, and their purpose was to create opportunities for Lie Yanblade and the Troll Tower to rescue the Devil Emperor.

Zixuan led everyone from Mosha Palace to attack Tianmen. After the disciples of Tianmen were awakened, all the disciples flew from the sky with their swords and landed on the ground, holding their own weapons.

Qin Hao's eyes suddenly opened, and he said, "What should be hidden is still impossible to hide, and it is finally here."

Ye Qingxuan also flew towards this side, while Qin Hao stood there waiting.

With the presence of Zixuan, these people are not the opponents of Tianmen at all. Lei Zhentian has sneaked into the black tower at this moment. He entered the black tower, holding a blazing blade, ready to cut off the millennium black iron.

The headmaster also saw the scene over there, and immediately ordered his disciples to set up the formation, and all the formation disciples flew there, including Ye Qingxuan, who formed a huge formation with his hands in seals, and the other disciples did the same.

They injected their own formations into the strongest formation, don't think about the strongest formation among them, it must be Ye Qingxuan.

However, Wu Shan also appeared at this time, and he also combined his hands into the most powerful formation here. In fact, Ye Qingxuan did not show his greatest ability.

At the moment when all the thousand-year-old black iron in the hands of the devil emperor was cut off, he felt extremely relaxed.

All of a sudden, all the devilish energy in the black tower was withdrawn into his body.

The subordinates welcome the Devil Emperor.

"Well, you did a good job'."

When they came towards the outside, the enchantment was too easy for the Devil Emperor. He just waved his hand, and the enchantment shattered and disappeared. When they came out, they saw the powerful formation outside.

It's just that Wu Shan's formation couldn't stop the Devil Emperor at all. Ye Qingxuan had exerted his most powerful ability at this moment, and a formation even stronger than Wu Shan's seal formation fell here.

This made Yu Huatian frowned. The most powerful formation mage, everyone in Tianmen was shocked, including the head of the sect. Even Qin Hao did not expect that Ye Qingxuan was already the most powerful formation mage.

Qin Hao was extremely surprised. If he said, "¨¨If Ye Qingxuan's cultivation level is higher, wouldn't his most powerful formation be even more powerful."

"Stinky boy, you really have two tricks."

Seeing that he took the blazing blade, this knife was originally his spiritual weapon. If the blazing blade could not be used at that time, how could he be trapped here.

He raised the flaming blade and slashed at the formation in front of him, but this is the formation set up by the most powerful formation mage, so it can't be destroyed with just a single blow.

But Ye Qingxuan's (good) fierceness really can't support it, after all his cultivation base has only reached the Great True Spirit, and the Demon Emperor in front of him is already on the edge of the Divine Spirit Realm.

Qin Hao flew here in an instant from the spiritual weapon that Qin Hao taught him from the highest mountain peak. The sword he was stepping on was called Gemini Sword Sword Qi Purple. This sword is very beautiful, it is thin and sharp, and His helpers are also very delicate.

After Qin Hao landed, he said to the Devil Emperor who was trapped in the formation in front of him, "Long time no see.".

Chapter 1213 The Devil Emperor Breaks the Formation

"You're still alive, I thought you were long gone."

"Hahaha! You are living a good life, why am I not here?"

Ye Qingxuan is now the strongest formation master, his formation is indeed very powerful, the only difference is that his spiritual power is not enough, the reason why his spiritual power is not strong enough.

It's because he has just broken through to the Great True Spirit. If his realm has reached the Divine Spirit Realm, then this formation can absolutely control the person in front of him.

Yu Huatian's eyes were filled with the atmosphere. Although he was also forming an formation there, it seemed that he still wanted to destroy his formation. He suddenly had a bad idea.

He actually injected a trace of demonic energy into the formation. He thought that what he injected was spiritual power, but it was a pity that what 333 injected was the evil energy that Nesi had just produced.

Who is the Devil Emperor? How could he not know that there was demon energy intervening?

"Hahaha! It's a pity that this formation can't trap me."

Qin Hao saw the flaw, there was actually a disciple with devilish energy in his body, he walked towards this trace of devilish energy, and immediately saw Yuhuatian, his brows frowned.

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