They all have a lot of magic cores, they are all of the fifth-level and sixth-level feather clan, Yu Huatian got a seventh-level, and the magic core of the Jiuyou family is not a minority. Ye Qingxuan took his two magic cores. It was shocking that there was actually an eighth-level magic core, which could be seen at a glance, because the eighth-level magic core was even brighter.

The physical strength of the eighth-order magic core is very abundant, how could such a powerful magic core not be seen?

Yu Huatian frowned, didn't Ye Qingxuan say, "Did he only get one seven-color thin? How come there is an eighth-level magic core?"

The seventh-order magic core has already shocked the master, but he did not expect (ccab) that there is an eighth-order magic core belonging to Jiuyou, and it is the most talented disciple. The master nodded, he is really Happy.

"Not bad, really good."

The winner this time is the Jiuyou family.

All Jiuyou family disciples will enter the training tower and reward them with two days of training in the training tower.

Disciples of the Jiuyou family, don't mention how happy they are, who don't know how abundant the spiritual power is in the cultivation tower above the Tianmen.

The others were talking a lot, because they didn't expect that the disciples of the Jiuyou family could get the magic core of the eighth-level monster.

This is simply too shocking, not to mention that they did not meet, even if they met the eighth-order monster, they would not be his opponents.

Yu Huatian's hands clenched again and made a crunching sound.

The killing intent in his eyes grew stronger and stronger.

Ye Shiwen said, "Ye Qingxuan, you are really powerful. If it weren't for your eighth-level magic core, there would be nothing left in Jiuyou."

"It's also a coincidence. I didn't expect that I would meet him."

Ye Feng said, "Show you the monster I contracted."

Ye Feng used the spiritual power on his back, and a phantom of spiritual power appeared instantly, and a huge black eagle flapped its wings behind him. This is the spiritual beast he contracted, which is very beautiful.

Chapter 1199 Being Laughed at

Ye Shiwen said, "What a mighty monster, let me show you mine."

Ye Shiwen's monster plant is a monster like a vine, and the illusory figure spreading behind him can see how powerful this monster is.

Ye Qingxuan said, "Plant-type monsters are not bad. This kind of vine is quite powerful. When entangled, it becomes tighter and tighter, and it will release toxins."

"Show yours and let us see-"

It's really embarrassing, they can't let them see that their monster is just round.

So Ye Qingxuan didn't intend to show his monsters, he said, "I, I'm not as lucky as you, I don't have contracted monsters."

Ye Qi said, "Who would believe it? You must have contracted some more powerful monster, so you dare not show it to us, right?"

"No! Really not."

Ye Qingxuan did not admit that he had contracted a monster, but at this moment that monster appeared by itself, appearing behind him, and that phantom instantly made everyone else laugh out loud.

"What is this? This is the monster you contracted with."


Ye Qixiao's stomach hurts, this monster is too cute.

Ye Shiwen said, "Ye Qingxuan, are you kidding me? What is your contract? She's so round and cute."

"I don't know what he is. He came up and bit me, and he became like this."


"I think you don't have to fight this time in the monster beast competition. Why do you fight this guy like this?"

These people are all laughing here, except for the people from the Ye family, everyone else is like this.

Ye Qingxuan really didn't understand why he would come out by himself? It casually manifests its own form without its own summoning.

Ye Qingxuan strode away angrily.

He returned to his room and said angrily, "Aren't you my contracted beast? Why did you come out without my summoning?"

Qin Hao said, "I'm afraid it's because you don't recognize his existence, so he came out by himself."

If you don't say anything, I almost forgot about you. The iceberg snow lotus has been brought back, what else do you need?

"You need your powerful spiritual power, and you also need the blood in my body."

····Ask for flowers 0·

"Go to your palace again. If I go up, I will be discovered. How can I explain this time?"

"You don't need to come out this time, you can refine the elixir there, and feed it to me after refining it. Isn't that all right? You don't need to explain."

"What a hassle."


In the dead of night, Ye Qingxuan met Fei quietly, and flew to the nice palace, the two guards were still there, he had to find a way to lure them away, the last method has been used, this time How should he use it once?

After thinking about it for a while, he condensed the spiritual power of his great true spirit, and shot forward. The two of them thought that someone had invaded here, and immediately chased forward. Ye Qingxuan went in with a whoosh. , was not discovered by these two guys.

Qin Hao said, "There is a secret room behind that mural, you open that secret room first and hide for a while, and the two of them will come in and check right away."

Ye Qingxuan hurried over to open the secret room behind the manga and hid in. Sure enough, those two guys came back together again.

Chapter 1200 Refining Medicinal Pills

After the two people walked in, they walked towards the back of the barrier. The two of them checked carefully to make sure that there was indeed no one in the room and walked out. There were puzzled expressions on the faces of the two of them.

"It won't be the same as last time, will it?"

"That ray of spiritual power seems to be a master of a great true spirit."

"Then what should we do? We didn't find anyone, and there's nothing like "March 20" here. Anyway, we're just guarding this place, as long as there's nothing wrong here."

Ye Qingxuan came out from behind the painting.

He came to Qin Hao's body and squatted down, took out a finger and pricked a few drops of blood into the medicine bottle.

Then follow Qin Hao's instructions and enter the back of the painting again.

He walked along this secret room to the inside, there is really something hidden in it.

After entering here, I found that there are many precious medicinal materials hidden in this secret room.

According to Qin Hao, he just stopped in this secret room.

Ye Qingxuan walked to a shelf and looked at the herbs on the shelf.

With a shocked expression on his face, he said to Qin Hao, "This is too much herbal medicine, you are really amazing."

"Okay, let's refine it quickly."

"Ye Qingxuan took out the iceberg snow lotus, and took out the first drop of blood just now."

He began to help Qin Hao refine the elixir, using Qin Hao's first blood and the effect of Bingshan Xuelian, he proposed that the essence of Bingshan Xuelian was fused with Qin Hao's blood.

With Ye Qingxuan's level of refining medicine, Qin Hao could tell at a glance that he didn't lie to himself.

He is really a top alchemist, and this alchemy seems to be very proficient, this kind of thing should not be done once or twice.

Qin Hao didn't speak, his divine stone was waiting there quietly.

Time passed bit by bit, this stem is extremely difficult to refine, for a high-level alchemist, he has refined such a proficient step for so long.

It was very difficult for Ye Qingxuan to condense these two things together bit by bit with his own spiritual power.

It's not that Ye Qingxuan's spiritual power is not enough, but that the synthesis of this kind of elixir is very difficult, if there is a slight difference, then the synthesis will not be possible.

But Qin Hao's consciousness was not in a hurry at all, he sat there very steadily, he knew that it was his destiny to succeed...

The two guards have been walking here for so long, and there is still no movement. It seems that it was just a coincidence.

Soon Ye Qingxuan fused these two things together.

A blood-red pill was formed.

Ye Qingxuan put the pill into a white porcelain bottle.

Ye Qingxuan said, "It has been successful, what should I do next?"

"Put this elixir into the mouth of the gas and help it swallow it."

"Are you kidding me? I'll help you swallow this elixir."

"This is the only way now, do you have any other way?"

Ye Qingxuan thought about it for a while, and he was right, who else could do this besides him being able to make 0.1 pills for this body, he quietly walked out of this secret room, and the two guards were still guarding there.

Ye Qingxuan squatted down, opened Qin Hao's mouth and put the pill in, but it was just a body, how could he swallow it?

He raised Qin Hao's head, and pinched it with his hands.

Chapter 1201 Qin Hao wakes up

But the elixir was still stuck in his mouth, and he couldn't swallow it at all.

Ye Qingxuan poured a glass of water beside him, poured it into his mouth again, but he still couldn't swallow it, what should he do?

He said to Qin Hao, "Then I can only apologize."

Seeing Ye Qingxuan hit Qin Hao's chest with a palm, and then poured spiritual power into it, he forcefully sucked in the elixir that was stuck in his mouth.

The elixir entered Qin Hao's belly, and Ye Qingxuan was waiting there for the divine stone in his mind, which had already disappeared. He wondered if Qin Hao could wake up.

This guy really woke up, Ye Qingxuan first saw his eyes move slightly, Ye Qingxuan immediately stood up and looked again, the eyes that slowly opened were exactly the same as that divine sense, with the same expression and demeanor.

Ye Qingxuan said, "You are finally awake."

Qin Hao stood up, Ye Qingxuan looked at his figure and demeanor, he was really a handsome man.

The two guards were standing outside. They seemed to hear movement in the room, but there was still movement after listening carefully. The two of them opened the door and walked in.

When they saw Qin Hao, they squatted on the ground and clasped their fists.

"My lord, you are awake."


"You two go back first, go back and have a good rest, you don't have to stay here today."

"We haven't notified the head of this matter yet."

"No, I'll go to the head of the house myself."


The two guards left here.

Ye Qingxuan came out from behind the screen and said, "Then I can go back now, right?"

"Come with me."

Ye Qingxuan thought about what Qin Hao was going to do?

Since he asked himself to follow him, it's okay to go, anyway, Qin Hao will not harm himself.

Together with Qin Hao, he flew from the top mountain peak to the middle position, and arrived at the palace of the master.

The head of Tiantianmen was shocked the moment he saw Qin Hao.

"My lord, you are awake."

"I just woke up and came to inform you."

"It's really great that you can wake up, this is a great blessing for my Tianmen."

He looked at Ye Qingxuan behind Qin Hao, and asked, "At this time."

"He is a disciple of Jiuyou, and he is also the most outstanding disciple of this class. I decided to accept him as a disciple."

Ye Qingxuan wondered what the **** he was doing, and he didn't say he wanted to worship him as a teacher, so why did he make the decision himself?

But now it's hard for him to say anything, after all, the head of Tianmen is here, and he is the lord of Tianmen, how could he refuse him?

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