The real Yuhua in the pendant said, "This monster is not suitable, you take his magic core and leave as soon as possible."

It's the same as what master Qin Hao said, it seems that this monster is really not suitable for him.

His master Yuhua Zhenren knew that Qin Hao was in his mind, but Qin Hao didn't know the existence of the person inside the pendant.

Ye Qingxuan violently released his Heavenly Thunder Profound Soul, using his powerful thunder and lightning power and his cultivation of the Great True Spirit, Qin Hao was still a little shocked when his cultivation burst out, even though he knew Ye Qingxuan could break into it. His dormitory, that proves that his cultivation base has reached the Great True Spirit.

····Ask for flowers 0·

When he saw Ye Qingxuan showing the realm of the Great True Spirit, he was still a little shocked that such a talented disciple was really a blessing to his Heavenly Sect, and even more so to the Jiuyou family.


Although the level of the monster was high, it was still not Ye Qingxuan's opponent, and Ye Qingxuan took it down and took his magic core.

On the other side, Yuhuatian has already used his ability to make a contract with that monster.

This monster is called Leiyun Leopard, and it is extremely rare, otherwise Yuhuatian would not have thought of contracting him.

Yu Huatian was very proud, he didn't believe that Ye Qingxuan could contract a monster more powerful than him.

Seeing Ye Qingxuan going to the place ahead, he also walked towards the front, and found some colorful feathers on the ground, it seems that Ye Qingxuan met the colorful longevity contract and killed him.

He knew that the task this time was not only to contract monsters, but also to get the magic core one.

Chapter 1195 Fell to the bottom of the cliff

He didn't know that Ye Qingxuan's cultivation was much higher than his.

He thought that the strength of the two people was comparable, so he followed Ye Qingxuan quietly, if he could get rid of Ye Qingxuan here, wouldn't he become the best disciple of all the families? Then he is still the proud Yuhuatian from before, and no one will talk behind his back.

He clearly watched Ye Qingxuan walking towards "317" ahead, but suddenly disappeared, where did this person go?

He ran over to check, but still did not see Ye Qingxuan, how could this be possible?

The meeting disappeared under his nose, and he chased forward for a certain distance. He thought it should be nearby, and he would not go too far. Maybe Ye Qingxuan found his trace and hid on purpose. .

Yu Huatian thought for a while, he flew up a big tree and looked around, but he still didn't find Ye Qingxuan.

As for Ye Qingxuan, he was walking, and suddenly fell down. He didn't know how far he had slid down, and finally fell to the bottom. It was so dark that he couldn't see anything clearly.

He knew that he had fallen into a hole, and he groped forward cautiously. There was no light here, and he could see that his feet seemed a little slippery.

The sound of running water he heard showed that the hole was not without an exit.

Ye Qingxuan said, "If I'm trapped here, then you won't be able to get out. If not, I don't have anyone to refine the elixir for you."

Qin Hao's divine stone was sitting cross-legged in Ye Qingxuan's mind. He didn't even have needles in his eyes, and then said lightly, "I don't care anymore, I'm not a living person in the first place."

"Well then, it depends on my fate. If I can go out, I can go out. If I can't, I can stay here."

Who knew that Qin Hao stopped talking, so calm, not afraid at all.

After Ye Qingxuan walked for a certain distance, he found that there seemed to be light ahead, and the sound of running water became louder and louder. It seemed that there was an exit ahead. Since he could see the light, it meant that there must be an exit ahead.

He fell down so deep from above, and came out from this place again, this must be the bottom of a cliff, otherwise, where did he fall?

As I walked forward, the light became more and more obvious. I finally saw the sound of running water in front of me. It turned out to be a waterfall...

Below the waterfall is a pool of water, the waterfall is constantly flowing downwards, but the pool of water only has such a large area but does not overflow, which makes Ye Qingxuan feel very shocked.

"What's the situation? Why is it like this?"

Qin Hao could also see the scene in front of him, he knew that there must be something strange in this pool of water.

But he didn't say anything, this was something Ye Qingxuan was going to face, and he solved it naturally.

I wanted to go over and check for a second, but the pool of water instantly condensed into ice, the waterfall that flew down became a glacier, and even a stretched drop of water turned into ice particles.

Ye Qingxuan lightly touched the ice surface with his hand, and it exploded instantly.

Something fluffy like a ball flew out of it, and hit Ye Qingxuan on the head with a bang.

He also flew to the chick so hard that he didn't even notice that there was another person here, so the two of them collided with each other, and stars appeared above their heads.

I can still see it clearly, it is a white thing like a snow ball, what kind of thing is this, with a pair of wings behind it.

Chapter 1196 Take the initiative to make a contract with Ye Qingxuan

Ye Qingxuan grabbed him and said, "What are you? Why are you hitting my head?"

The babbling didn't know what to say, and Ye Qingxuan couldn't understand, he threw him forward and threw him on the ground, the guy rolled over and squatted for a few times before stopping, his head was dizzy again.

There is really a cliff on the side of Bobai Vientiane, it seems that he guessed it right, and he can only meet and fly up.

He just wanted to summon his Bingning Sword.

That round thing flew over, he was suspended in the air and looked at Ye Qingxuan.

Suddenly he rushed over, bit Ye Qingxuan's finger, Ye Qingxuan swung it back and forth, and threw that guy out again.

"It hurts!"

At the moment when the bitten blood on his finger was about to drip, the guy's dizziness hadn't ended yet, he rolled over to catch the drop of blood, and the blood dripped on that chubby body.

It disappeared in an instant, and a contracted beast appeared in Ye Qingxuan's body.

"No way, what are you? How did you become my contract beast?"

Xia Ke is finished, this contracted beast that can be contracted once, but his contracted beast looks like this, how can it have any combat power.

Ye Qingxuan was really speechless, why was he so unlucky, he contracted this guy after falling from the top, if he summoned him this time, wouldn't it make people laugh to death?

But Qin Hao knew that this kid was a blessing in disguise. This is the legendary ice-type beast. Although he is not that powerful yet, he is very lucky to have this monster Ye Qingxuan, but this ice-type beast He seemed to like that Ye Qingxuan took the initiative to make a contract with him.

Ye Qingxuan's master didn't speak all the time, probably because Qin Hao was in Ye Qingxuan's mind, and Ye Qingxuan didn't reveal the news, his master didn't speak, and he didn't ask again.

Ye Qingxuan summoned Bing Ningjian to meet Feifei and rushed directly to the cliff. At this time, Yu Huatian, who was hiding there, saw Ye Qingxuan's figure, "It turned out that it fell, why did I say it disappeared?"

Yu Huatian revealed himself, walked towards this side, and said, "This training is about to end, you guys have harvested a few magic cores."

Ye Qingxuan said, "Just one, didn't you see it too?"

"Hmph! I wish you good luck, then I'll go first."

Originally, he wanted to follow Ye Qingxuan when he saw him duel with high-level monsters, and take the opportunity to sabotage, but he didn't expect that Ye Qingxuan only received one magic core. He really wanted to see him in embarrassment, so he decided to give up.

What the Tianmen people didn't expect was that they thought they had forced that Lei Zhentian back.

However, Lei Zhentian attacked the black tower of Tianmen again. This time he seemed to bring some magic weapon, a powerful magic weapon with a kind of formation condensed in it, and he used this formation 317 to sneak into the black tower.

"How to untie the thousand-year-old black iron of the Devil Emperor, as long as you tell me, I will think of all ways."

"Only with the blade of flame can the millennium black iron be chopped off."

"The subordinates know that the subordinates retreated first. I think the head of the sect that day has already rushed over here."


Lei Zhentian disappeared with his magic weapon.

The head of Tianmen said, "Obviously someone broke into this place, how could there be no trace?"

"Shall we go in and take a look?"

The headmaster waved his hand and walked into the enchantment. He entered the black tower and saw the devil emperor still sitting there without moving.

Chapter 1197

"It's best not to play any tricks. If someone enters here, do you think I won't know? No matter who comes here, they can't cut open the millennium black iron."

The devil emperor ignored him and said nothing, turned around and disappeared into the tower, and appeared outside the barrier in the next second.

"There is nothing unusual inside. The disciples we have experienced this time will be back soon, right?"

"Yes, the head."

"I hope that the major families will send more excellent disciples this time. Now we can see that apart from Ye Qingxuan of Jiuyou who has the powerful blood of Jiuyou, he is the Yuhuatian of the Yu clan."

"What does the master mean?"

"I know that Ye Qingxuan, the strongest bloodline of Jiuyou this time, is very talented. I heard that he has cultivated all the cultivation bases once, and everything is very good."

"That's right it's him."

"Jiuyou's disciples this time are really outstanding. I am very satisfied. If the two of them can reach the cultivation level I want after three years, they can stay here."

"The head of the sect wants to find someone to inherit Qin Hao's mantle."

"His physical body has already painted, and his disciples have gone their separate ways. I still want to find an heir for him."

When Yu Huatian left here, Ye Qingxuan said, "This guy is really annoying. I didn't expect him to follow me. Didn't he always look for me here?"

He saw a signal in the sky, and all the disciples gathered towards the signal position. It seemed that this training was coming to an end, and he hadn't done anything yet, only received a magic core from a colorful beast.

When he was walking back, he encountered another powerful monster, which turned out to be an eighth-level monster, Chilian Beast!

"Would you like to be so lucky? I was about to leave here, and I ran into another eighth-level monster."

The spiritual power of Ye Qingxuan's Great True Spirit exploded instantly and the spiritual weapon in his hand appeared.

"Let's work together to take down this guy."

After the Bing Ningjian flashed twice, he and Ye Qingxuan went forward to clean up the Chilian Beast. The eighth-order monster was indeed powerful, and the huge tail swung towards Ye Qingxuan.

After signing the contract, he will have the ability of this monster, and will transform into an illusory form behind him, and he will have the energy of this monster when confronting others.

Whether it is a plant remembering a monster or an animal, remembering a monster as long as it has powerful energy will be inherited by them, and what Ye Qingxuan inherits is this fat white dumpling.

I don't know what he is, anyway, this monster is not very good.

Facing the eighth-level monster Chilian Beast in front of you, he is indeed very powerful, but he is so cruel. Once this guy makes a contract, he can easily control your mind, so no one would like to contract Chilian Beast.

Ye Qingxuan could only use his most powerful energy to kill him, the real spirit, how could he not be able to deal with this guy.

The powerful ice energy spread again, coupled with Ye Qingxuan's (good Zhao) Thunder Soul, the guy Frozen Wanli exploded instantly, and an eighth-level magic core fell into Ye Qingxuan's hands.

Ye Qingxuan said, "¨¨ you're done."

Running forward at a very fast speed.

The file flew in front of him in an instant, and he almost forgot that he could still fly with a sword? He jumped up and stood on the ship, and flew forward with a whoosh. When Ye Qingxuan arrived here, everyone had already arrived, and he was the only one left.

Chapter 1198 Nine Nethers Win

Tianshu said, "Everyone is here, let's go back to Tianmen now."

Ye Shiwen said, "Why are you so slow? The other families have already left, and we are the only ones left."

"You don't know that when I was rushing towards this direction, I was stopped by a red beast."

"That's an eighth-order monster."

"Aren't you kidding, how can you be his opponent with the eighth-level monster, and the red beast is very evil."

"Anyway, I've already taken it down, and the magic core is in my hands."

"Hmph! You seem to be a different person all of a sudden. What kind of cultivation is it? You can even defeat Bajie monsters. Do you have any secrets from us?"

Ye Qingxuan said, "Who doesn't have a 317 secret, don't you?"

"That's right."

"Hurry up, pig head, I won't be able to keep up for a while."

Ye Shiwen and Ye Qingxuan quickly followed the team in front. After they left here, everyone flew with their swords from the sky to Tianmen.

Look at the disciples who are flying Yujian in the distance, they are really magnificent, people from other families have already arrived at Tianmen, only the Jiuyou family was the last one to arrive here, they landed smoothly with their master, put away themselves spirit weapon.

"This time the experience is over, every disciple has his own harvest, let's see which family wins."

I saw a person standing in front of the Jiuyou family holding a plate. Every family has such a person, and each disciple sent up the magic core he received.

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