"I have just reached this realm, and there is still a long way to go from you, Master."

Chapter 1187

"It will be a matter of time before your talent emerges from the blue. It seems that a peerless genius will appear in all the families."

After Ye Qingxuan left Tianshu, he returned to his room, and he still didn't come to the space in his pendant idle.

"You are clearly about to break through to the Great True Spirit, why did you tell your master that you have only broken through to the Kun Martial Realm?"

The person who spoke was the real Yuhua.

"Don't I want to go to the highest mountain and see the rumored Qin Hao?"

Ye Qingxuan closed his eyes, Panxi was inside the pendant, and he found that the spiritual power in the pendant would change as the master's physical strength recovered.

His master, Master Yuhua, just nodded in satisfaction and disappeared in an instant.

Daoist Yuhua has a touch of divine consciousness. If he is in a better state here, the sharpness in this pendant will be very abundant, which is much more abundant than his spiritual power outside the Tianmen, so practicing here will get twice the result with half the effort.

Zixuan said, "This time we are confronting the people of Tianmen at the foot of Tianmen, and they will definitely find a way to expel us here'."

"You all think that this situation will make this matter bigger. My father and king will come here soon, and then we will attack the gate of heaven in one fell swoop."

"Palace Master, the forces of other sects have been dismantled by us one by one, and their news has been intercepted by us. Now the people in Tianmen don't know about it."

"Well done, the purpose of this time is to prevent them from gathering together to deal with us."

"The disciples of Tianmen Supreme are all disciples of the family. The four major families are very prestigious on this continent. If we attack Tianmen, will they help?"

"Let's not say that they are a hundred and eight thousand miles away from here, and it's already too late to get here."

"And my father is over there now. He may stir up disputes among the major families, and then they won't have the leisure to help Tianmen."

"The palace lord is famous."

Look at the woman in front of her, she is wearing purple clothes all over her body, her long black and shiny hair is **** in a bun, and her eyes are half-up and half-covered with a sinister look on her face.

He really deserves to be the Lord of the Demon Palace.

I saw him wave his hand, and a black eagle landed on his wrist. He seemed to say something in his ear, and the black eagle flew away instantly.

The black eagle flew to the top of Tianshan Mountain, landed on a huge tree, and looked around. When the night was quiet, he quietly flew into the black tower.

Hei Diao has a strong spiritual power precisely because of this spiritual power, he directly penetrated into this enchantment, and the enchantment instantly closed to the top. He flew into the black tower, flew in directly from a window, and that The window was so small that only his body could pass through the spear.

The devil emperor who was closing his eyes there suddenly opened his eyes.

A look that seemed to shoot someone was revealed.

(OK Zhao) The black eagle fell on his chain.

He just did it a few times, then flew out and disappeared, only to see a smile on the corner of the Devil Emperor's mouth, and then his eyes closed again.

Ye Qingxuan was practicing in the pendant and never came out. His body was lying on the bed in his room.

The head of the enchantment can naturally detect the change, but he thinks it is the sound of birds and beasts hitting, which is normal, because this thing happens often.

Chapter 1188 Entering the Astrolabe

A large amount of spiritual power was sucked into Ye Qingxuan's body, and his dantian was full of spiritual power, which began to change, and it seemed that there was a tendency to break through.

Daoist Yuhua appeared here again, and he nodded in satisfaction. He saw that Ye Qingxuan was about to break through to the Great True Spirit, and this disciple made him so proud.

Such a talented disciple Tianmen also attaches great importance to him.

The moment Ye Qingxuan opened his eyes, his own body lying on the bed glowed faintly. He had already broken through the Great True Spirit, and the meridians in his body had undergone earth-shaking changes. The strongest bloodline.

Ye Qingxuan instantly felt that his body was filled with 310 energy and his consciousness returned to his body, and he sat up immediately.

He walked outside, it was still late at night, the sky outside was very bright, and it was half moon now.

Turning around and continuing to look, he looked towards the peak, and he was really curious about it.

Ye Qingxuan quietly flew up directly, if he has broken through the Great True Spirit, he can naturally do it.

No one noticed that Ye Qingxuan had fallen to the highest peak, and there were indeed guards at this place.

Ye Qingxuan broke through the great true spirit, the two people in front of him didn't have such powerful energy at all, and Ye Qingxuan came here quietly, the two of them didn't notice it at all.

Ye Qingxuan was the only person who could tell the entire mountain peak from these two people. It seemed that the person locked up in this room must be Qin Hao.

He threw a stone forward, and the two people flew there in an instant.

The cultivation of these two people hadn't broken through to the Great True Spirit, so they couldn't feel the existence of Ye Qingxuan. Ye Qingxuan took advantage of the two people to go there to check the situation, so he went in directly.

This is a large hall, and in the middle of the hall, there is a huge alchemy furnace.

Alone seems to have been unused for a long time, the hall has been cleaned spotlessly, and there is a barrier in front of this Alone.

Ye Qingxuan walked around the barrier and looked back. He saw someone sitting cross-legged on a bed (ccab). The person sat there with his eyes closed, his hair partly tied up, and he was dressed in white.

Ye Qingxuan opened the curtain and leaned closer. This guy didn't seem to respond. Ye Qingxuan even shook his hand in front of his eyes, but there was still no response.

He probed his breath with his hand, but there was no response.

"Is this the legendary Qin Hao? How did he become like this?"

"Could it be that he is long gone, this is just a body that has been seated."

Looking at her figure, it should undoubtedly be Qin Hao. The temperament on his face is ordinary, which no one has ever had.

Ye Qingxuan found a red spot between his forehead.

He touched it lightly with his fingers, and instantly felt severe pain spread between his fingers.

But he didn't cry out, but when he looked in front of him again, the person in front of him disappeared, and he actually entered a world of stars, where the sky was full of stars, and what he stepped on was actually a Astrolabe.

"How did I get into the astrolabe? What's going on here?"

At this time, he saw a person flying over from there. This person was none other than the person who was sitting there just now. He was suspended in mid-air.

Said, "You are a disciple of Tianmen, which family do you come from?".

Chapter 1189 Astrolabe Meets Qin Hao's Spiritual Consciousness

"Ye Qingxuan from Xiajiuyou Ye Family, are you Qin Hao?"

"Hehehe! You can reach here, which means that you have broken through the Great True Spirit. It is really good that such a young disciple has such a cultivation level. It seems that you have opened the strongest bloodline of Jiuyou, disciple of Jiuyou. .”

"It is indeed the opening of the strongest blood of Jiuyou."

"I'm who you want to see.-"

Ye Qingxuan said, "Are you really Qin Hao? The one who imprisoned the devil emperor in the black tower."

"That's right."

"But how did you become like this?"

"My strength is comparable to that of the devil emperor. In order to imprison him here, I have already spent my whole life's cultivation."

Ye Qingxuan said, "But I don't think he's doing well other than being imprisoned?"

"So you've already been to the Black Tower."

"Hey! Sorry, I was just curious, but when I saw him, he wanted me to see how you look."

"You really are a unique disciple."

"Being able to enter the black tower is also considered your ability, and ordinary disciples can't enter if they want to enter."

"I have been observing this astrolabe formation for a long time, and the originally inconspicuous Jiuyou suddenly became very bright. It seems that it is also because of you."

"Then are you alive or dead?"

Qin Hao said, "The me you see now is just a touch of consciousness. My body has already been painting while sitting there, and I will never wake up again."

"Unless there is a top alchemist in this world who uses the power of iceberg snow lotus to inject into my body and activate my blood, otherwise I will stay in the astrolabe forever, and the gas will not match."

"Is it that simple?"

Qin Hao frowned and said, "Do you think this is a simple matter?"

"If I can help you, but I don't know where the iceberg snow lotus you mentioned is."

"So you are still a pharmacist."

"Or not just a pharmacist, and the level of refining medicine has reached the level you said. I don't need to supplement my spiritual power as a top pharmacist. I can already rotate my spiritual power."

"Hahaha! I said why the Jiuyou stars are so bright. It turns out that Jiuyou has replaced other families and become the brightest star."

····Ask for flowers 0·

Ye Qingxuan said, "I'm not interested in those, but I know one thing, if you exist with your cultivation base, I don't think the Demon Shaman Palace can do anything it wants to do."

"In addition to the radiance of the Jiuyou stars, it is true that the stars in their Demon Sha Palace are also faintly shining."

"So, you can sense changes in all families and forces through the art of the stars."


"Yes, I can indeed do it, but with my current ability, I can no longer tell them what I know. It is our fate that you can come here."

"I can help you wake up!"

"Do you know that you have broken the rules of Tianmen when you come here?"

"Hey, I know you can't help me out, but I have my own way."

"Okay, wait for me."

I saw Qin Hao wave his hand.

It actually blocked all the stars around it.

He swished into Ye Qingxuan's mind.

"I hope you can find a way to help yourself out, I will guide you to find that iceberg snow lotus." 1.

Chapter 1190 Out of Danger

That Qin Hao disappeared in an instant, and now Ye Qingxuan has to figure out how to get out safely?

After rolling his eyes a few times, the ghost idea came.

"Ah! Where is this?"

The guards guarding the door rushed in immediately when they heard someone shouting, but saw a disciple from the door sitting there, as if he didn't know anything.

"How did you get in from "310"? When did you get here?"

Ye Qingxuan said, "I'm wronged, I really don't know where this is, how could I come here? I'm obviously sleeping in the room."

The two of them glanced at each other, walked towards the back of the barrier, and found that Qin Hao's body was still there, and then flew down with Ye Qingxuan to the middle mountain peak, where they saw their leader.

The head of the sect saw these two guards coming with Ye Qingxuan, what is going on?

It seems that Ye Qingxuan's current cultivation base can't climb the mountain above, how could he have these two guards escorting him.

"Master, we saw this disciple in Qin Hao's room."

Ye Qingxuan said, "Sect Master Mingjian, this disciple's cultivation level is not going to improve at all. The disciple just fell asleep and ran there for some reason. Otherwise, I wouldn't have yelled."

The palm prints are clear in his heart, Ye Qingxuan's cultivation is indeed not going up, but who brought him up? Could it be someone from Mosha Palace?

"I know you don't have that ability, and your current cultivation base can't improve at all. Who did this?"

"When did that person go in? Neither of us noticed it at all."

"Didn't something strange happen?"

"One thing is that we heard a strange sound, and then followed the sound and walked over, but found nothing. When we went back to the door to help, we heard his yelling."

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