Ye Qingxuan was thinking that that person must not want many people to bother him, otherwise he wouldn't be living in seclusion here, so he told a lie.

"Let's go, let's go back quickly, or the master will wait anxiously."

All Jiuyou disciples left this place.

Back to the inn.

Seeing that they all came back, Tianshu's hanging heart finally relaxed, and he himself has almost recovered. Who said that this internal injury won't heal in a while, but he has no problem with flying now.

Chapter 1184 Fortune Teller Bai Yan

"Let's end our experience this time. It will end half a month earlier. I will bring you out next time if I have a chance. I am worried that it will be dangerous for you to stay here for a while. Now that the collection of the Tianlu has been completed, we now Just go back to Tianmen."

Ye Qingxuan and the others also knew that the master was thinking of them. In this case, they all flew with Tianshu Yujian and returned to Tianmen at an extremely fast speed.

The other disciples of the family have not returned yet. After all, the training time this time is one month, and only Tianshu and the others have returned, which shocked the master a little.

Wuchen said, "Why did you come back so soon, you were injured, what happened?"

"I met people from the Demon Sha Palace when I took them to practice."

"I got into a fight with Zixuan, I didn't expect him to have such a cultivation level at such a young age."

"So you were injured by him?"

"The two of us were knocked back at the same time. I don't know if he was injured or not, but I endured it. I was afraid that he would return. I resisted the fact that I was injured. So after half a month It's time to bring them back~"

"That place belongs to me at the foot of Tianmen. I never imagined that people from Mosha Palace would set foot here."

"I didn't expect to meet them in this place either."

"I'm afraid they want to attract the attention of those inside the black tower."

"Then what should we do?"

"Don't worry, they don't have that kind of strength yet. There is no one from the Demon Sha Palace at the foot of my Tianmen."

I saw that the moment he used his own internal cause, everyone in Tianmen could hear him. He ordered the four elders to expel people from Mosha Palace at the foot of Tiananmen.

Bai looked at Changwen's profound cultivation, which really made him envious. After today, he knew that his cultivation was still weak. The woman was obviously about the same age as him, and this cultivation could reach the Great True Spirit. It is necessary to break through the Great True Spirit.

Back in his room, he forcefully laid his consciousness back and entered into his pendant.

Ye Qingxuan said, "I have encountered enough things in this trip. The first thing is that I know that my cultivation is far from enough. The second thing is that I am very curious about the identity of the old man."

····Ask for flowers 0·

The real person Yuhua's figure appeared in front of Ye Qingxuan in a blink of an eye, the whole space was his, so he could appear and disappear at any time.

"That man's cultivation is very high. I think he is the long-lost fortune teller."

Ye Qingxuan said, "There seems to be no fortuneteller, he is the only one James has disappeared for many years, and will appear here."


"That's right, it's true that no one knows how to divination anymore. He can predict the future, but it takes a lot of her spiritual power. Every time he budgets, he will almost collapse. It's also to avoid unnecessary troubles, so he disappeared. For a long time no one knew where he was."

"I think everyone in the world thinks he's dead. After all, it's not just a hundred years since it disappeared."

"I think he's a pretty good guy."

"Your boy is quite smart. You didn't tell him where he is. If you told him, he would definitely not be there."

Ye Qingxuan said, "That's because I knew that he lived in seclusion in time, so I naturally don't like others to harass him. I broke in unintentionally." 1.

Chapter 1185 The Mad Emperor


Ye Qingxuan said, "Does this divination technique really consume so much spiritual power?"

"Of course, it takes a lot of spiritual power to know what will happen in the future, and if the spiritual power is not enough, accidents are easy to happen."

Ye Qingxuan nodded.

His master, Tianshu, has already told the master all the things along the way.

The master said, "Is there something wrong with your Kizuna "307"?"

"It's okay, I just suffered some minor internal injuries, and I've almost recovered now."

"Then you should take a good rest for a few days and adjust your breathing well. As for those disciples, let them concentrate on their cultivation."

"Yes! Head."

Tianshu naturally needs to rest for a period of time. Although he can still use his spiritual power to fly with his sword, he cannot use his powerful spiritual power to fight with the opponent. Once this happens, his injury will immediately disappear. Aggravated, so he had to rest to recover from his internal injuries.

Ye Qingxuan was thinking about who that person named Qin Hao was, and how powerful he was. He turned his gaze to the highest mountain peak, and the houses floating on the mountain peak were places that no one had ever been to.

Tianshu said that Qin Hao also had disciples, but since he was injured, he has never been out of the test, and he has never accepted disciples again.

Although No. 7 is not the head of the sect here, his ability is very powerful, and even the supreme head of the Tianmen is far behind.

The other disciples are all concentrating on cultivation, and Ye Qingxuan is no exception. He wants to break through his own realm, and wants to reach the realm he wants.

The disciples of Jiuyoumen have been free to move around here, and it has been about half a month, and other disciples have come back one after another.

When they saw that Jiuyou's disciples had already returned.

"Your speed is really fast enough. You came back before us. It's less than a month's experience."

"How is our speed here? It's only half a month of experience."

"I only practiced for half a month, why is that?"

Minglang didn't expect that they had only practiced for half a month. When he saw the Heavenly Book, he walked over there and said, "What's going on?"

"Meet a little blogger, guess who you met?"

"Who is it?"

"Zi Xuan."

"Isn't that the Palace Master of Demon Sha Palace?"

"That's right!"

"Then are you okay..."

"I'm fine, I just suffered some internal injuries, don't you think I've recovered?"

"It's just at the foot of Tianmen, how could we meet him?"

"So I'm afraid they are attacking the black tower, that guy's attention."

"You mean, do they still want to kill Tianmen?"

"That's not good either."

And Ye Qingxuan, a boring guy, actually ran to the black tower again.

He had just entered the black tower, and suddenly the weather in this place changed. The sky that was originally extremely clear became cloudy, and streaks of lightning fell from the sky.

The black lightning struck the entire mountain.

The head looked at the situation on the 0.1 side. In this situation, it was usually the guy trapped there who wanted to break free.

"Just because he wants to get rid of the shackles of the thousand-year-old black iron, it is simply a dream."

The lightning kept falling down around the black tower, and even penetrated into the black tower. The black tower was no ordinary tower, and it was full of powerful energy.

Ye Qingxuan did not expect to suddenly become like this.

What a surprise! .

Chapter 1186 Controlling Anger

Walking up layer by layer of this black tower, as soon as he reached this space, he saw the guy in front of him going crazy.

The devil emperor turned his back to Ye Qingxuan, and he kept raising his hands upwards, a powerful black spiritual power erupted from his body.

Seeing his crazy appearance, he wanted to break free from the iron chains. Ye Qingxuan knew that this was the thousand-year-old black iron, and he couldn't get rid of it. Even the walls of the tower's dense space were made of thousand-year-old black iron, so He wanted to break free, but that was impossible.

"Senior, there is no way you can escape if you do this. This is simply a waste of your spiritual power."

Hearing the sound of someone talking, he turned around instantly to be Ye Qingxuan, and when he saw him, he was startled.

The furious Devil Emperor's eyes were red.

Grinning his teeth, he looked terrified. Knowing Ye Qingxuan's voice and seeing Ye Qingxuan's figure, he seemed to have gradually regained his will.

He began to restrain himself and stopped the riot, and the sky that was covered with dark clouds, lightning and thunder just now also changed.

Some black clouds gradually faded away, the black lightning also dissipated, and the black spiritual power around the black tower disappeared instantly, and everything returned to calm.

The head of Tianmen said, "He will be quiet after he has tossed enough."

Ye Qingxuan is already familiar with the way, so he has not been discovered this time when he came in.

"It's you again, brat, why are you here again?"

"Anyway, you helped me last time, so we can be considered friends."

"Hahaha! You don't have to be afraid to call your friends friends with the Devil Emperor. Those who stick to the door will tear you to pieces."

"If you don't tell me, who will know?"

"You brat is really different."

Ye Qingxuan brought over a food box and said, "This is what I brought you to eat, you won't be able to eat anything here, right?"

"You don't have something to ask me, do you?"

"What can I do?"

"Are you so kind to come and see me?"

"Why, if you suspect that this food is poisonous, then it's up to you, eat it or not."

"Hahaha! There is no place in this world that I, the Devil Emperor, can fear."

"I don't have the ability to see the person you mentioned now, but when I have the ability in the future, I will definitely see his brilliance."

"Enjoy it slowly, I will take my leave first, I am afraid that I will be discovered if I stay here for a long time."

Ye Qingxuan quietly left here.

When he was walking on the gravel path, he saw Ye Shiwen.

"Where did you go? Our master Tianshu has recovered, I can't find you anywhere."

Ye Qingxuan's current cultivation base has reached Kunwu Realm, and he and the Great True Spirit are still on the edge.

As long as he can break through the Great True Spirit, he can go to the highest mountain peak.

Ye Qingxuan also came to Master Tianshu and said, "Have you recovered?"

"I'm fine." 307

"Where would you go if you disappeared without a trace?"

"I just took a nap in a tree."

"Lazy again."


"However, your kid's talent is indeed good. Among the disciples of these families above Tianmen, you can be regarded as extremely outstanding."

"Actually, I'm not lazy anymore, and I've been practicing diligently recently."

"What realm did you break through to?"

"We have reached Kunwu Realm."

"Hahaha! They have all reached the Kunwu Realm."

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