Above the sky, after two terrifying auras appeared.

Not to mention the students.

Even the teachers who came to recruit students.

They all looked up at the first time.

Then he glanced at Yang Xuan unwillingly, and took a few steps back.

He no longer has any thoughts about letting Yang Xuan enter his school.

At this moment.

Yang Xuan also understood.

It's coming for him.

above the sky.

The first thing to appear was a huge floating warship.

The whole body of this battleship is golden yellow, exuding endless sacred pressure.

Its hull exudes endless dragon power.

This is to build a super battleship with a keel.

The battleship is covered with mysterious and powerful runes.

The moment I saw the battleship.

Yang Xuan's heart trembled, because there were two large characters written on the top of the battleship.


Immediately afterwards, the huge warship fired a golden light, which sank into Yang Xuan's body.

Then, a message appeared in his mind.


Independent from the states of the Commonwealth and not bound by the Commonwealth.

Even one of the superpowers above the Federation.

In the world of reincarnators.

The Federation commands the states.

Although the Federation also has immortals and gods sitting in town.

But above the skies of this world.

There are even more terrifying, vast and bright forces.

Heavenly Court, Taoist Palace, Pantheon, Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple, Endless Abyss, Ethereal Deathland...

In this world.

Because it is sitting on the reincarnation tower that travels through the heavens and worlds.

Let there be a large number of terrorist forces and transcendental forces in this world.

Those who are called transcendent forces.

There are no ordinary people in the system!

Basically all talents are outstanding, and there is no one genius in a million.

Once it appears, it will be taken away by those transcendent forces.

So under the accumulation of many years.

In front of those forces, the top leaders of the Federation also looked a little ridiculous.

Their laws have no meaning to those forces.

the existence of the Federation.

It is more like a mortal kingdom that breeds geniuses for those transcendent forces.

And the appearance of Yang Xuan.

Naturally, it attracted the attention of Heavenly Court.

Because of the Tower of Reincarnation.

The rating ranking of the initial world has been refreshed.

No. 1 person.

From the previous S rank, he directly became the SSS rank Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan can choose not to disclose his name.

But he didn't do that.

Because he wants to get into a good college.

It's just that he never thought that this world is much more terrifying than his previous cognition.

"I see!"

After Yang Xuan received the information, he knew the world.

It's more complicated than he imagined.

over the Federation.

There is also a huge force composed entirely of reincarnated people.

That is because he made his achievements public.

Therefore, the people of heaven came.

Under the command of Tianting, it has its own Tianting Academy.

This academy is a school under the influence of Heavenly Court.

Like other universities, they have Reincarnation Tower.

But most importantly, they have many reincarnation world coordinates that fit their system.

Named Tianting.

It can be seen that the goal of this force is to command the world.

"Yang Xuan! In the initial world, the evaluation of SSS level is perfect!"

"You are qualified to join the Heavenly Court!"


A loud noise suddenly appeared out of thin air.

Immediately afterwards, there was endless dazzling golden light.

The golden light even caused Yang Xuan to temporarily lose his vision.

With the power of the mind, it is impossible to perceive the surrounding situation for a while.

The dazzling golden light lasted for ten seconds.

After the golden light converged.

Only then did people in the entire city see a tall golden armored God of War.

At this moment, he was standing in the void.

Holding the imperial decree in his hand, he stared at Yang Xuan who was much smaller than him on the ground.

The moment I saw the Golden Armored God of War.

Yang Xuan's heart also trembled.

"The sixth rank, immortal and **** rank!"

In the main world of the reincarnation.

The first level is the entry level, that is, the acquired warrior, the monk of the Qi refining period, and the junior magician.

The second rank is innate warriors, foundation-building monks, and intermediate magicians.

The third rank is difficult for warriors to reach, unless they enter the Dao from martial arts and become Jindan warriors, but that can be regarded as a kind of monk, and the western profession corresponds to an advanced magician.

In the fourth rank, the East is the Primordial Spirit, and the West is the Dharma Sage.

As for the fifth level, the east corresponds to a half-immortal, and the west corresponds to a half-god.

A person who has reached this extreme is already very terrifying.

Even, people who have reached this extreme can be reincarnated as souls!

To the world of reincarnation.

Born with the power of the primordial spirit stage.

Like a fairy but not a human, like a **** and half a mortal.

This is the realm of half immortal and half god.

Once you become a half-immortal or a half-god.

You have the qualification to travel through the heavens and worlds with your real body.


Once that uncle of the Wang family really becomes a half-immortal.

Then you only need to let out the words to make people stare at Yang Xuan's reincarnation.

Then arrange people to reincarnate with Yang Xuan.

Whenever someone finds out that he and Yang Xuan have been reincarnated in the same world, they immediately burn the cross-boundary communication talisman and summon the great uncle of the Wang family to come over.

Then the other party will come directly.

Then imprison Yang Xuan's true spirit.

Kill it directly from the true spirit level, so that it cannot return to the main world.

This is the horror of the half-immortal and half-god.


Above the fifth level, there is a higher level.

That is the sixth rank.

Fairy, God! .

Chapter 53 Enrollment turmoil, the gods come in person!

The immortals and gods mentioned here.

It is the existence of real immortals, gods, demons, Buddhas, etc.

That is to completely complete the physical and spiritual upgrade.

It is if the line is the fairy body and the real body of the god.

If mortals would watch it, they would fall into madness, or be directly assimilated as a terrifying existence.

Every fairy and god.

Ordinary lower worlds can be easily destroyed.

If you don't become a god, you will become an ant.

And Tianting, the person who came to be responsible for the reception was actually a giant spirit god.

From this we can see how high the background of the heavenly court is.

"Yang Xuan, thank you for not accepting the order!"

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